
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Genesis  an international product IT company. More than 1,500 professionals in five countries create
products for more than 400 million unique users each month. One of the largest partners of Facebook,
Google, Snapchat and Apple in Eastern Europe. The Genesis ecosystem consists of more than 20 companies
and an investment fund.
unique users every month
UAH aimed at helping the
Armed Forces from 02/24
Genesis Multi Channel Network is an official certified
YouTube partner. We have 10+ years of experience helping
content creators develop their media business.
We work with bloggers, show business stars, media, TV
channels and other content producers in Ukraine, CIS, Africa
and other parts of the world.
Our office is located in Kyiv.
Our team is made up of Ukrainians
who are doing everything possible
to restore the economic
sovereignty of our state.
Glory to Ukraine!
More than
partner channels
YouTube Gold
Creator Awards
experience in Asia, Africa and
More than
We help content creators to succeed
About me
Skilled IT project manager with 15+ years of experience on YouTube
With practical experience in video production, influencer
marketing and promo campaigns
And a super power of getting things done
Loving my family and pets
YouTube fan
is a cultural phenomena
Genesis MCN
YouTube is
a cultural
Our mission is to
give everyone a voice
and show them the world
YouTube is
a cultural
YouTube is
a cultural
Our mission is to
give brands a voice
and show them to the world
YouTube is
a cultural
is a business phenomena
users per month
2 000 000 000
Paid & Organic
Search & Discovery
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN Genesis
Brand Strategies
on YouTube
Genesis MCN
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN Genesis
Genesis MCN
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN Ge
17 min
80 000 paid views
APV = 41% = 7 min
26 607 free views
Genesis MCN
Olga Danneker (Genesis MCN).pptx
plan - 500K+ views
fact - 7M views +
positive perception
in comments
Genesis MCN
Media Consumption
Fun seekers
Passive viewers
Investigative learners
Active viewers
Canin UA
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN Genesis
Canin UA
ave # of views
before - 20 000
after - 100 000
before - 25 s
after - 3 min
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN Genesis MCN
1,16 M subs
300 M views
20% of website traffic
Olga Danneker (Genesis MCN).pptx
GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMCN GenesisMC
We offer
Calls, meetings, negotiations,
agreements. Technical, legal and
accounting nuances. Let's free up
your time for the more prioritized
We will help to improve your
content and make it even more
attractive to viewers.
We know more than 20 ways to monetize
videos. How many ways do you use? We
can guarantee that we will increase your
Any creator or channel is a
media brand that needs a
professional development. From
reputation to views on each
From strategy development to daily
support with all emerging issues. We
will secure your channels and help in
case of blocking the channel or video
and in any other unexpected
Consultations and protection
Content creation
Join us!
Youll like it :)
olha.danneker@gen.tech genesismcn.com
Olga Danneker
Head of Project Office
YouTube Channel

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