Okul Çağı Çocuklarında Beslenme Aybüke SubaşıoğluOkul Çağı çocuklarında beslenme yöntemi nasıl olmalı, hangi besin grupları tüketilmeli?
Okul öğrencileri için hazırlanmış sunum.
Nutrition In optimal Health (1).pptxsampath633862The document discusses nutrition and its importance for health. It defines key terms like health, nutrition, and dietary guidelines. It explains that a balanced diet obtained from the major food groups is essential for meeting nutritional needs and maintaining overall health and well-being. The major food groups include grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and proteins. Maintaining a balanced intake of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber through a varied diet is important for optimal health. Undernutrition, overnutrition or malnutrition can negatively impact health.
Principles of nutrition by nhi (Introduction to Nutrition)Sant AgarwalThe document outlines the agenda for a nutrition certification course conducted by Amway India. It covers topics like the food guide pyramid, macro and micronutrients, metabolism of foods, and qualitative and quantitative nutritional requirements. The course agenda spans over multiple days and includes sessions on digestion, the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems, vitamins, minerals, diet and diseases, and food science.
nutrition-and-osteoporosisMike BryanOsteoporosis presentation 2006 by Alice Henneman, MS, RD Linda Boeckner, PhD, RD University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension
okul öncesi dönemde beslenme Begümhan Ömeroğlu YelYeterli ve dengeli beslenme her yaşta önemli olan bir konudur. Okul öncesi dönemde çocuklara; gelişim geriliği ve vitamin- mineral yetersizliklerinin engellenmesi için beslenmenin temel ilkeleri anlatılmalıdır. Beslenme; kişinin vücudu için gerekli olan, büyüme ve gelişmesini sağlıklı bir şekilde devam ettirebilmesi için tüm besin gruplarını yeterli ve dengeli olarak tüketmesine denir. Besin grupları anlatılırken çocukların dikkatini çekecek resimler ve hikayelerle sevilmeyen besinlerin kahramanlıklarından bahsedilerek akıllarında kalıcı olması sağlanabilir.
Nutrition At Work: Fuel your team. Fuel your business. League Inc.Cars don’t run on empty. Neither do your employees. If you want to maximize your team’s output, you need to start with their input—what they’re putting in their bodies, that is.
League, along with Holistic Nutritionist Mandy King, present a look at nutrition at work and how to fuel your team and your business in our latest webinar. Learn:
- how to boost productivity and focus by bringing nutrition into the office
- which commonly catered meals are leaving your team sluggish and tired
- how to choose healthy office snacks—on a budget
- key ingredients for stocking your office kitchen
- how to create a healthier workplace culture by shifting from junk foods to super foods
Weight Loss StrategiesMichael Corsilles, ND, PA-CThis document provides information on various weight loss strategies and diets, including the body mass index (BMI) scale, hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, anti-inflammatory foods, and specific diets like Atkins, South Beach, and HCG. It discusses how the HCG diet works, allowing 500 calories per day supplemented by HCG injections for 40 days, with structured meal plans and a 6-week maintenance period after. Tips include staying hydrated, eating protein with every meal, and satisfying cravings with brain-healthy foods to support long-term weight management.
Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciencesAustin Publishing GroupAustin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of nutrition and food sciences
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dietitians, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical nutrition and nutritional disorders.
Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports and rapid communication on all the aspects of internal medicine.
Sehat Saat dan Setelah Puasa.pdfMuhammad Idham RahmanPembahasan :
1. Puasa dalam ilmu kedokteran
2. Dampak puasa terhadap kesehatan
3. Puasa Ramadhan dan Fisiologi tubuh
4. Strategi sehat selama puasa ramadhan
5. Masalah kesehatan pasca ramadhan dan pencegahan nya
Popular Weight Loss Diets PptCODSIndiaMany popular diets and weight loss regimens promote myths and fallacies. They often blame certain foods or hormones for weight control and promise quick results without evidence. Low carbohydrate diets can cause constipation, weakness and are not superior to conventional diets in the long run. High protein, low carbohydrate diets double fatty acid levels and lower endothelial cell numbers, increasing heart disease risk. No single diet fits everyone, and sustainable weight loss is best achieved through balanced nutrition, portion control, reduced calories and regular exercise rather than restrictive or elimination diets.
Gizi seimbangNisaAmelia6Gizi seimbang adalah keseimbangan zat gizi dalam jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tubuh, dengan mematuhi pedoman makan beragam, bergizi, berimbang dan halal serta menjaga berat badan ideal dan kebersihan diri. Makanan seimbang minimal mengandung sumber tenaga, pengatur, dan pembangun tubuh.
Healthy diet for working womenDivya SanglikarWorking woman has to do multi tasking. increased demands, responsibility etc may lead to imbalanced diet. Paying attention to diet helps in leading healthy life.
BALANCED DIETSAJINA K SA balanced diet contains a variety of nutrients that provide energy, build the body, and protect it. There are four main types of nutrients: carbohydrates and fats provide energy; proteins build the body; vitamins and minerals protect it. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals each have distinct roles in the body and distinct sources in food. Maintaining adequate intake of all nutrients through a varied diet is necessary for good health and physical function.
Diabetic diet mythsOther MotherThis document debunks common myths about the diabetic diet and provides guidance on healthy eating for diabetes management. It discusses that a diabetic diet is not separate from a healthy diet for all, and focuses on choosing carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. While foods like honey and rice can be included, portion size matters and substitutes should not have more calories than sugar. The guidelines emphasize eating a variety of nutritious foods while monitoring blood sugar levels.
What is the keto dietkevianthony1The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate eating plan that aims to bring about weight loss by causing your body to enter a state of fat-burning ketosis. Although it’s become popular during the past decade or so as a weight loss strategy, it was originally designed 100 years ago as a way to reduce seizures in people with epilepsy.
Exercise and healthy lifestyleMohammad Yunus, MD, FACPThis document discusses the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an Islamic perspective. It notes the epidemic of obesity and lack of exercise in modern society. The health consequences of obesity include increased risk of diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and certain cancers. The document outlines guidelines from organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine recommending 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise per week. It discusses how Islam encourages physical fitness through hadith about the Prophet encouraging sports. Maintaining good health is important for fulfilling religious obligations. Exercise should be done in moderation and without neglecting obligations or mixing between genders.
Gizi pada Olahraga Tenis LapanganIstikomah UmardaniTenis adalah olahraga endurance yang menuntut stamina dan daya tahan. Nutrisi yang tepat diperlukan untuk menyediakan energi secara efisien melalui sistem aerobik dan anaerobik. Pemain tenis perlu mengkonsumsi karbohidrat 55-70% dan protein 1,4-1,8 g/kg untuk menunjang kinerja dan pemulihan. Lemak hanya sekitar 25% untuk menyediakan energi jangka panjang.
Health Coaching: Find Your Inner Wellness WarriorLydia Wisz, NBC-HWC, National DPP Lifestyle Coach, RBTThis presentation is about health coaching and understanding the tools to create healthy lifestyle behaviors. One can learn about why health coaching is important. Further, one can understand what health coaching is designed to do and how it works best. This presentation also describes how the relationship of coach and client is meant to build motivation and social support.
Keto Diet Vs Intermittent Fasting.pptxRahulKotwal6Intermittent fasting is more flexible than keto when it comes to the types of food you can eat. This increases the pool of available vitamins and minerals obtainable from the diet.
Intermittent fasting can be modified for those who require or desire shorter fasts and is not mandatory to fast every day. Keto is all or nothing: you’re either in ketosis or not and keto requires strict daily adherence.
Carbohydrate and fat utilization during exercise 24 july 16Usman KhanCarbohydrates and fats provide energy through exercise, with carbohydrates being the preferred fuel for intense exercise. The type of fuel utilized depends on exercise intensity and duration. At low intensities, fat is the primary fuel from peripheral and intramuscular stores. At medium intensities, intramuscular triglycerides supplement fat. High intensities exceed fat utilization rates, requiring carbohydrates from glycogen and glucose. Very high intensities exceed aerobic capacity, relying on anaerobic carbohydrate breakdown. Fuel utilization shifts between fat and carbohydrate stores over different exercise phases and intensities.
373283273 materi-penyuluhan-kolesterol-pptHarisAlwafi1Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kolesterol, yaitu lemak yang beredar dalam darah yang dapat berasal dari tubuh maupun makanan. Ada dua jenis kolesterol, yaitu kolesterol jahat yang dapat menyebabkan penumpukan plak dalam pembuluh darah, dan kolesterol baik yang melindungi pembuluh darah. Kolesterol tinggi merupakan faktor risiko penyakit jantung, dan dapat dicegah dengan mengurangi asupan lemak dan meningkatkan serat
Weight Loss StrategiesMichael Corsilles, ND, PA-CThis document provides information on various weight loss strategies and diets, including the body mass index (BMI) scale, hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, anti-inflammatory foods, and specific diets like Atkins, South Beach, and HCG. It discusses how the HCG diet works, allowing 500 calories per day supplemented by HCG injections for 40 days, with structured meal plans and a 6-week maintenance period after. Tips include staying hydrated, eating protein with every meal, and satisfying cravings with brain-healthy foods to support long-term weight management.
Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciencesAustin Publishing GroupAustin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of nutrition and food sciences
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dietitians, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical nutrition and nutritional disorders.
Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports and rapid communication on all the aspects of internal medicine.
Sehat Saat dan Setelah Puasa.pdfMuhammad Idham RahmanPembahasan :
1. Puasa dalam ilmu kedokteran
2. Dampak puasa terhadap kesehatan
3. Puasa Ramadhan dan Fisiologi tubuh
4. Strategi sehat selama puasa ramadhan
5. Masalah kesehatan pasca ramadhan dan pencegahan nya
Popular Weight Loss Diets PptCODSIndiaMany popular diets and weight loss regimens promote myths and fallacies. They often blame certain foods or hormones for weight control and promise quick results without evidence. Low carbohydrate diets can cause constipation, weakness and are not superior to conventional diets in the long run. High protein, low carbohydrate diets double fatty acid levels and lower endothelial cell numbers, increasing heart disease risk. No single diet fits everyone, and sustainable weight loss is best achieved through balanced nutrition, portion control, reduced calories and regular exercise rather than restrictive or elimination diets.
Gizi seimbangNisaAmelia6Gizi seimbang adalah keseimbangan zat gizi dalam jenis dan jumlah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tubuh, dengan mematuhi pedoman makan beragam, bergizi, berimbang dan halal serta menjaga berat badan ideal dan kebersihan diri. Makanan seimbang minimal mengandung sumber tenaga, pengatur, dan pembangun tubuh.
Healthy diet for working womenDivya SanglikarWorking woman has to do multi tasking. increased demands, responsibility etc may lead to imbalanced diet. Paying attention to diet helps in leading healthy life.
BALANCED DIETSAJINA K SA balanced diet contains a variety of nutrients that provide energy, build the body, and protect it. There are four main types of nutrients: carbohydrates and fats provide energy; proteins build the body; vitamins and minerals protect it. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals each have distinct roles in the body and distinct sources in food. Maintaining adequate intake of all nutrients through a varied diet is necessary for good health and physical function.
Diabetic diet mythsOther MotherThis document debunks common myths about the diabetic diet and provides guidance on healthy eating for diabetes management. It discusses that a diabetic diet is not separate from a healthy diet for all, and focuses on choosing carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables and fruits. While foods like honey and rice can be included, portion size matters and substitutes should not have more calories than sugar. The guidelines emphasize eating a variety of nutritious foods while monitoring blood sugar levels.
What is the keto dietkevianthony1The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate eating plan that aims to bring about weight loss by causing your body to enter a state of fat-burning ketosis. Although it’s become popular during the past decade or so as a weight loss strategy, it was originally designed 100 years ago as a way to reduce seizures in people with epilepsy.
Exercise and healthy lifestyleMohammad Yunus, MD, FACPThis document discusses the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an Islamic perspective. It notes the epidemic of obesity and lack of exercise in modern society. The health consequences of obesity include increased risk of diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and certain cancers. The document outlines guidelines from organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine recommending 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise per week. It discusses how Islam encourages physical fitness through hadith about the Prophet encouraging sports. Maintaining good health is important for fulfilling religious obligations. Exercise should be done in moderation and without neglecting obligations or mixing between genders.
Gizi pada Olahraga Tenis LapanganIstikomah UmardaniTenis adalah olahraga endurance yang menuntut stamina dan daya tahan. Nutrisi yang tepat diperlukan untuk menyediakan energi secara efisien melalui sistem aerobik dan anaerobik. Pemain tenis perlu mengkonsumsi karbohidrat 55-70% dan protein 1,4-1,8 g/kg untuk menunjang kinerja dan pemulihan. Lemak hanya sekitar 25% untuk menyediakan energi jangka panjang.
Health Coaching: Find Your Inner Wellness WarriorLydia Wisz, NBC-HWC, National DPP Lifestyle Coach, RBTThis presentation is about health coaching and understanding the tools to create healthy lifestyle behaviors. One can learn about why health coaching is important. Further, one can understand what health coaching is designed to do and how it works best. This presentation also describes how the relationship of coach and client is meant to build motivation and social support.
Keto Diet Vs Intermittent Fasting.pptxRahulKotwal6Intermittent fasting is more flexible than keto when it comes to the types of food you can eat. This increases the pool of available vitamins and minerals obtainable from the diet.
Intermittent fasting can be modified for those who require or desire shorter fasts and is not mandatory to fast every day. Keto is all or nothing: you’re either in ketosis or not and keto requires strict daily adherence.
Carbohydrate and fat utilization during exercise 24 july 16Usman KhanCarbohydrates and fats provide energy through exercise, with carbohydrates being the preferred fuel for intense exercise. The type of fuel utilized depends on exercise intensity and duration. At low intensities, fat is the primary fuel from peripheral and intramuscular stores. At medium intensities, intramuscular triglycerides supplement fat. High intensities exceed fat utilization rates, requiring carbohydrates from glycogen and glucose. Very high intensities exceed aerobic capacity, relying on anaerobic carbohydrate breakdown. Fuel utilization shifts between fat and carbohydrate stores over different exercise phases and intensities.
373283273 materi-penyuluhan-kolesterol-pptHarisAlwafi1Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kolesterol, yaitu lemak yang beredar dalam darah yang dapat berasal dari tubuh maupun makanan. Ada dua jenis kolesterol, yaitu kolesterol jahat yang dapat menyebabkan penumpukan plak dalam pembuluh darah, dan kolesterol baik yang melindungi pembuluh darah. Kolesterol tinggi merupakan faktor risiko penyakit jantung, dan dapat dicegah dengan mengurangi asupan lemak dan meningkatkan serat
40 Gunde Saglikli 10 Kilo ZayiflamaTarik OzdolapMuayene parası ve diyetisyen parası vermeden ücretsiz doktor kontrolünde sağlıklı zayıfla !
40 günde 10 kilo ver
216-464 40 64
5. Beslenme;
Sağlığı korumak, geliştirmek ve yaşam kalitesini
yükseltmek için vücudun gereksinimi olan besin
öğelerini yeterli düzeyde ve uygun zamanlarda
almak için bilinçli yapılması gereken bir davranış
6. Yeterli ve Dengeli Beslenme Nedir?
Besin ögeleri vücudun
gereksinimleri düzeyinde
alınamadığında yeterli
enerji oluşmadığı ve vücut
dokuları yapılamadığından
“yetersiz beslenme”
durumu oluşur.
Sadece Kalori???
10. Diyet;
Zayıflamak, kilo almak, tedavi veya koruma
amacıyla tüketilecek besinlerin
çeşit & miktarlarının düzenlenmesi ve yeni bir
beslenme alışkanlığının oluşturulmasıdır.
Geçici değil Kalıcı olmalıdır.
11. Nasıl Bir Diyet Programı İzlenmelidir?
• Diyet kişiye özel ve mevcut yaşantısına uyumlu
• Besin ögelerinin diyetteki dağılımı dengeli
• Tüm besin grupları, sağlıklı bir kişinin
beslenme programında bulunmalıdır
• Diyetteki kaçamakların tüm sürecin sonu
olmadığı anlaşılmalıdır
23. •Alkali su
•20 kilo 1litre
•1 litre suya1/2 çay kaşığı karbonat pH 7.0
•Elma sirkesi-limon
•Sodyum ve su yüklemesi kalp krizi riskini artırır
24. Mide ph Asit
Hidroklorik asit (HCl)
•Kalsiyum ve demir emilimi
•Proteinlerin sindirilmesi
Alkali su tüketimi mide pH’sını
alkali yapar
Sindirilemeyen proteinler
vücut asiditesini daha da arttırır
25. • Saka su pH- 8.2
• Damla su pH- 7.97
• Erikli su pH-7.9
• Şeker su pH-7.8
• Lido su pH- 7.7
• Aytaç su pH- 7.57
• Hamidiye su pH- 6.64
• Özkaynak su pH-6.42
32. 7
5 3
Günlük enerjinin
%58'i ise ekmek
ve diğer tahıl
Günlük enerjinin
ortalama %44'ü
sadece ekmekten
sağlanmaktadır. Aynı zamanda önemli düzeyde
magnezyum, potasyum, niasin, B2
vitamini, folik asit ve B6 vitamini
Besin öğeleri
içeriği açısından
günlük diyetin
önemli bileşenidir.
Karbonhidrat, protein,
posa, demir, çinko, B1
vitamininin önemli bir
Kişi başına ekmek
tüketimi gittikçe
Ekmek Türk toplumunun
temel besin
Ekmek Neden Önemli Bir Besin
35. Atak Evresi = Saf Protein
(5-10 gün)
• Sınırsız saf protein
• 1,5 çorba kaşığı yulaf kepeği
• 1,5 litre su
• 20 dakika yürüyüş
36. Seyir Evresi = Protein + Sebze
• Dönüşümlü (1SP/1PS)
• Sınırsız saf protein +
serbest sebzeler
• 2 çorba kaşığı yulaf
• 1,5 litre su
• 30-60 dakika yürüyüş
• Patates, pirinç,
mısır, bezeye,
nohut, bakla,
mercimek, börülce
gibi nişastalı
• Avokado ve enginar
37. Güçlendirme Evresi
• Verilen her kilo için 10 gün uygulanır
• Sınırsız saf protein + serbest sebzeler
• 2 çorba kaşığı yulaf kepeği
• 25 dakika yürüyüş
• Haftada 1 gün saf protein (aynı gün)
• Haftada 2 porsiyon nişastalı gıda
• Günde 1 porsiyon meyve
• Günde 1 porsiyon peynir
• Günde 2 dilim tam tahıllı ekmek
• Haftada 2 kez ödül yemeği
38. Koruma Evresi
• Asansör kullanmayın
• 3 çorba kaşığı yulaf
• Protein perşembeleri
50. Diyetkolik.com Nedir?
İnsanlara sağlıklı beslenme ve fiziksel aktivite konularında ulaşılabilir
hizmetler sunarak, diyet ve egzersizin eğlenceli birer alışkanlık
olabileceğini gösteren interaktif bir platformdur.
51. 6 Önemli Fayda
Kullanıcıların özelliklerine
uygun ve uygulaması kolay
diyet planları önerir
Forma girmeyi sağlayacak
“kullanıcıya uygun” egzersiz
planları sunar
Uzman kadrosu ve arkadaş
ekleyebilme fonksiyonlarıyla
motivasyonu yüksek tutar
Sadece uzmanların görüş ve
bilgilerine yer verir
Web, iPhone, iPad ve Android
uygulamalarıyla mobildir
Sosyal medyanın “sürükleyici
gücü”nden faydalanır
52. Diyetkolik.com
kullanıcılarının “ihtiyaç
ve özelliklerine uygun"
ve uygulaması kolay
diyet planları hazırlar.
Aynı besin değerine
sahip alternatif menüler
ile diyeti tekdüzelikten
Diyet Planı
71. Raporlama Sistemi
Kullanıcıların veri girişleri doğrultusunda diyet süreciyle ilgili günlük ve haftalık geri
bildirimlerde bulunulur.
72. Egzersiz Planı
Forma girmeyi
kullanıcıya uygun, evde
ve sporda
egzersiz planları
oluşturur. Demolar ile
egzersizleri öğretir.
73. Evde Egzersiz
Kullanıcıların tercihine göre eve ya da spor salonuna uygun egzersizler önerir
Evde kolaylıkla bulunabilecek aletleri de kullanılarak, hareketin nasıl uygulanacağı gösterilir
74. Uzman Paylaşımları
Diyetkolik.com, sağlıklı
yaşam konusunda sadece
diyetisyen ve egzersiz
uzmanlarının görüş ve
paylaşımlarına yer verir.
75. Diyetkolik.tv
Diyetisyenlerin diyet ve beslenme konularında sık sorulan
soruları cevaplandığı maksimum 1 dakikalık videolara yer
76. Makaleler
Diyetisyen olduğu onaylanan kişilerin diyet ve sağlıklı yaşam konusundaki makaleleri
diyetkolik.com’da ve milliyet.com.tr’nin Kişisel Bakım kategorisi altında yer alan Beslenme
ve Diyet sekmesinde yayınlanır.
77. Mobil Kullanım
Web'den, iPhone, iPad ve
Android uygulamalarından
ulaşılabilir. Mobil hayatın
doğasına uygun kullanımı ile
hayatın içindedir.
78. Kullanıcılar diyetkolik.com’da;
Arkadaş ekleyebilir,
Diyetteki pişmanlıklarını Tüh
Be! diyerek İspik’leriyle
Uzmanlara ulaşabilme
kolaylığıyla doğru bilgiye
Motivasyon Kaynağı
79. Kalori Hesaplayan Tarifler
Sistem tarifin kalorisini hesaplar
Yemek tarifleri sekmesinde diğer
kullanıcılarla paylaşılır
Editor's Notes
#51: Insanlara sağlıklı beslenme ve fiziksel aktivite konusunda ulaşılabilir hizmetler sunarak, yaşam kalitesini arrtırmayı hedefleyen yeni bir platformdur.
#52: 6 önemli faydayı danışan için değil de sağlık bakanlığına yönelik yazsak? Bir de 6 önemli fayda hizmetlerin ücretlendirilmesinden önce olmalı sanki
Fiziksel aktiviteyi arttırmaya yönelik kişiye özel egzersiz planları sunar
Uzman ekip ve aynı amaca yönelen insanlarla sürekli iletişim sağlar
Mobil özelliği sayesinde farklı cihazlardan kolay ulaşım sağlar
#53: Sağlık konusunda eğitici ve harekete geçirici bir platform
#73: Sağlık konusunda eğitici ve harekete geçirici bir platform
#75: Sağlık konusunda eğitici ve harekete geçirici bir platform
#78: Sağlık konusunda eğitici ve harekete geçirici bir platform
#79: Sağlık konusunda eğitici ve harekete geçirici bir platform