The dying poison dart frog is a slender, black frog with golden stripes and blue legs and feet. It lives in forests in Amazonia and the Guyanas. It eats ants and termites, and secretes toxic alkaloids from its skin that serve as a defense against predators and come in bright warning colors. The female lays small clutches of 2-10 eggs on leaves or the ground, and the tadpoles develop on the backs of the parents before metamorphosing over 8-12 weeks. While poisonous, these frogs are not currently threatened in the wild, though some species are vulnerable. Their toxins are also being studied for potential medical applications.
1. Partner violence occurs in various relationships and contexts beyond marriage. Common terms used to describe partner violence include battering, abuse, assault, and domestic violence.
2. Incidence rates of partner violence are high, with over 2 million victims in the US annually and millions of children witnessing or living with violence. Emerging approaches to address partner violence began in the 1970s.
3. There are many psychosocial and cultural factors that influence partner violence, as well as myths and realities surrounding victims. Leaving an abusive relationship can be dangerous for the victim. Intervention strategies focus on assessment, support, safety planning, and counseling.
The document discusses key aspects of providing culturally effective crisis intervention. It defines culture and identifies attributes of effective multicultural crisis intervention as knowledge of one's own biases, basic knowledge of other cultures, using culture-matched skills, and experience counseling different cultures. It also discusses worldviews, individualism vs collectivism, high- vs low-context communication, and obstacles to effective multicultural crisis intervention like language barriers, differing views of religion, and determining who receives services.
The dying poison dart frog is a slender, black frog with golden stripes and blue legs and feet. It lives in forests in Amazonia and the Guyanas. It eats ants and termites, and secretes toxic alkaloids from its skin that serve as a defense against predators and come in bright warning colors. The female lays small clutches of 2-10 eggs on leaves or the ground, and the tadpoles develop on the backs of the parents before metamorphosing over 8-12 weeks. While poisonous, these frogs are not currently threatened in the wild, though some species are vulnerable. Their toxins are also being studied for potential medical applications.
1. Partner violence occurs in various relationships and contexts beyond marriage. Common terms used to describe partner violence include battering, abuse, assault, and domestic violence.
2. Incidence rates of partner violence are high, with over 2 million victims in the US annually and millions of children witnessing or living with violence. Emerging approaches to address partner violence began in the 1970s.
3. There are many psychosocial and cultural factors that influence partner violence, as well as myths and realities surrounding victims. Leaving an abusive relationship can be dangerous for the victim. Intervention strategies focus on assessment, support, safety planning, and counseling.
The document discusses key aspects of providing culturally effective crisis intervention. It defines culture and identifies attributes of effective multicultural crisis intervention as knowledge of one's own biases, basic knowledge of other cultures, using culture-matched skills, and experience counseling different cultures. It also discusses worldviews, individualism vs collectivism, high- vs low-context communication, and obstacles to effective multicultural crisis intervention like language barriers, differing views of religion, and determining who receives services.
1) The document discusses several topics related to social cognition and aging, including social judgment processes, knowledge structures and beliefs, causal attributions, motivation and goals, stereotypes, personal control, and social competence.
2) Key points include that older adults are more influenced by negative information and weigh it more heavily in judgments compared to young adults. Processing limitations may also make older adults more vulnerable to biases.
3) Social beliefs and knowledge structures change with age, with some beliefs like the importance of marriage increasing with age. The social context can facilitate memory performance in older adults through collaboration.
The document discusses the history and development of disaster mental health from the 1960s to present day. It covers major events that shaped the field like Hurricane Katrina and 9/11, the creation of organizations like FEMA and the Red Cross' mental health programs. It also discusses concepts in disaster mental health response like psychological first aid, debriefing, and the need for multidisciplinary and integrated emergency management systems.
This document contains a list of usernames from various social media platforms. It includes over 20 unique usernames without any additional context about the individuals or accounts. The high-level purpose and content of the document is to share these usernames.
Celine Dion sings a Christmas song about reflecting on the past year and hoping for a good new year without fear. She sings of celebrating Christmas together for people of all backgrounds, and hopes everyone can have fun with loved ones both young and old. She concludes by wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
This document contains 10 photos taken around the University of Connecticut campus, including photos of the Homer Babbidge Library plaza, Wilbur Cross Building, Information Technologies Engineering Building, School of Business, Arjona Building, a classroom in Arjona, Harry A. Gampel Pavilion, a husky statue outside Gampel, South Campus, and the interior of Homer Babbidge Library. The photos were taken by Josh Clarke and provide views of various buildings and areas around UConn.
Free dhs ied search procedures workshop in washingtonDavid Jimenez
This document provides information about a free workshop on improvised explosive device (IED) search procedures hosted by the Marine Barracks Washington on June 26, 2013. There are approximately 200 seats remaining for the one-day workshop. It will cover IED awareness and prevention measures, and include practical exercises demonstrating specific search techniques. Participants are asked to email their registration information to the listed contact. The workshop is intended to improve participants' knowledge of IED threats and help enhance bombing prevention capabilities. It will review relevant national policies and explore IED components, effects, and search procedures.
This document summarizes preliminary findings from a doctoral thesis about the Muslim Brotherhood of North America. It traces the origins and ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt from its founding in 1927 through its repression under Nasser in the 1960s. It analyzes the key figures and theorists like Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb who helped develop the Brotherhood's ideology and administrative structures. It also examines how the Brotherhood established educational and student networks to spread its message and recruit new members both in Egypt and after many members went into exile following Nasser's crackdown.
This document discusses factors that can precipitate violence in institutions, including substance abuse, deinstitutionalization, mental illness, and gangs. It also examines the culpability of institutions, universities, staff, and legal liability. Various instruments for assessing violence potential are presented. Bases for violence include age, substance abuse, predisposition to violence, and psychological disturbances. The document concludes with strategies for intervention and considerations for managing violent geriatric clients.
This document discusses the impact of emerging technologies on various aspects of society like education, work, government, and entertainment within one generation. It highlights technologies like the internet, virtual reality, interactive media, voice recognition, quantum computing, and intelligent devices. It also discusses challenges like choosing the right technologies, examples of past technology failures, the growth of mobile learning and learner mobility. The key themes are the rapid pace of technological change, the importance of collaboration over individual learning, and avoiding assumptions about how learners will use new technologies.
The document discusses several research projects conducted by Becta, the British Educational Communication and Technology Agency, regarding the use of technology in education. Some of the projects included surveys of over 2,600 learners and 300 students regarding their use of Web 2.0 technologies both in and out of school. Another project explored using e-learning to re-engage youth not in education, employment or training. A third project studied the educational impact of giving students 1:1 access to mobile devices.
The document provides Chinese phrases for common expressions in Mandarin Chinese including stating one's age, saying what languages one can speak, saying what one likes to eat and drink, and asking what others are saying. It then gives examples of how to say equivalent phrases in English. It concludes with a 10 question multiple choice quiz to test understanding of the Chinese characters presented.