This document contains notes from game design presentations and resources. It discusses topics like building conflict and challenge in games, different types of conflicts that can arise, techniques for differentiating enemies, using hit points and mana, and tips for platformer jumping mechanics. Links are provided to game design resources from the Game Developers Conference (GDC), websites, and YouTube videos discussing topics like magic tricks in game design, making enemies distinct, and GameMaker platformer development.
This document contains notes from game design presentations and resources. It discusses topics like building conflict and challenge in games, different types of conflicts that can arise, techniques for differentiating enemies, using hit points and mana, and tips for platformer jumping mechanics. Links are provided to game design resources from the Game Developers Conference (GDC), websites, and YouTube videos discussing topics like magic tricks in game design, making enemies distinct, and GameMaker platformer development.
最近 Y Combinator は「ハードテックスタートアップ」に注目しています。スタートアップシーンの将来を考えるとき、 Y Combinator の投資先はある種の先行指標になると思っているので、今回はハードテックスタートアップについて 2016 年現在の状況を簡単に解説しました。
是非 Sam Altman による MIT での講演 How to Start a Hard Tech Startup も合わせてご覧ください。
Pharmacy technician students practiced counting candy tablets quickly and accurately in a mock prescription exercise. The Criminal Justice program had a helicopter land on school grounds to demonstrate the role of the county's Special Operations Division. Occupational/Physical Therapy students learned foundations of movement. A Dental Careers teacher continued the tradition of having students make mouth guards for county athletes from different schools.