Iskolareformok recepciója a magyar pedagógiában (1958-1965). A kelet-nyugati ...Lajos SomogyváriA megélénkülő kelet-nyugati kapcsolatok oktatás(politika)i vetülete 1958 és 1965 között.
Kéri Katalin: Interkulturális-összehasonlító kutatások Ambrus Attila JózsefA magyar neveléstudomány helyzete és tudományos irányzatai című szimpózium
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Kisterem 2013 október 18.
How the Computers Arrived in the Hungarian SchoolsLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the history of computerization in Hungarian education from the 1950s to the 1990s. It describes three main periods:
1) Early experiments and establishment from the 1950s to 1980s.
2) Computerization of schools in the 1980s with the introduction of school computer programs.
3) Implementing computer curricula in the 1990s as the field became more established. It explores the political, economic, and international contexts that influenced developments and debates around the role of computers in education.
Challenging timesLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses plans for a newly formed Standing Working Group (SWG) on the history of education from 2019-2024. It notes global trends of reduced coursework in the discipline and introduces challenges including the role of history of education in academia, curriculum issues, internationalization, and research/teaching standards. The SWG will explore the educational and social impacts of COVID-19 on schooling through research collaborations and working groups on related topics like online learning environments and changes to internationalization. The goal is to better understand continuity and change for the field in light of the pandemic.
Language of Competences: From 1965 to 2030Lajos SomogyváriThe document provides an overview of the historical context and evolution of the concept of competence from 1965 to 2030. It discusses how competence originated as a scientific term but was later adopted by political and economic actors to legitimize educational reforms and programs. Competence frameworks emerged in the 1990s and were codified in the 2006 European Union recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning. The document argues competence has been utilized by different stakeholders through history and speculates about its future role in education and society.
The Communist School Inside OutLajos SomogyváriThe document summarizes reports from Hungarian emigrants in the early 1950s about their experiences in schools under Communism. It discusses how emigrants provided perspectives on propaganda and ideology in the classroom, reactions from students and teachers, and examples of resistance like jokes mocking the official ideology found written on school bathroom walls. It also examines controls on Western culture through restrictions on activities like reading cowboy novels, dancing Western styles, and watching non-Soviet films.
The CIA archives and the History of EducationLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the CIA archives database and what it can reveal about the history of education. It introduces the CIA online reading room, which contains declassified documents from 1966 onward under the Freedom of Information Act. The sources in the archives related to education have largely been interpreted in the context of the Cold War and CIA covert actions. However, the document argues they could provide new insights into comparative education studies if analyzed from the viewpoint of what educational issues the CIA saw as important to record, rather than just as instruments of political influence. Closer examination of the documents is needed to understand what they can teach about different education systems during the Cold War era.
Marching on the Streets: Meanings of the May 1st Parades in the Communist Hun...Lajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the May 1st parades in communist Hungary and their purpose and meaning. It analyzes how the parades were used to structure public space and time for political propaganda and ideological indoctrination. Photographs from the 1950s are examined to show how the parades filled streets with organized masses, occupying space in a choreographed display of support for communist leaders and ideals. The document concludes that the parades created symbolic sites of socialist cultural memory through their multisensory experience, but that more analysis is needed to fully understand their lasting impacts and lessons.
Commemoration, Propaganda and Political Indoctrination: Celebrating 1th of Ma...Lajos SomogyváriThis document discusses how May Day celebrations in 1950s Hungary were used for communist propaganda and political indoctrination. The celebrations were tightly controlled by the communist party and held in Stalin Square. They involved mass mobilization of citizens, mandatory participation in parades and processions, and the promotion of communist ideology through propaganda images, symbols, and displays of political leaders. The goal was to extend the party's control over education and mobilize youth to build socialism under direct party control.
"Tudjuk, hogy a pedagógusok jelentős része még a burzsoá Magyarország neveltj...Lajos Somogyvári90 éve Szegeden - Jubileumi konferencia, 2018. november 16.
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Secondary Education: A Case Study about Class ...Lajos SomogyváriThis document provides an overview of a case study examining class categories in the secondary education system of socialist Hungary between 1953-1963. It outlines the research questions, hypotheses, sources, and theories used in the study. The key findings discussed are the doctrine and practice of using social categories to determine student admission. While categories were intended to correct social stratification, in practice they were applied flexibly at the local level based on personal views and connections. The study concludes the system exhibited aspects of both totalitarian repression and everyday adaptation through informal networks.
Hooligans, gangs and hippiesLajos SomogyváriThe document summarizes research on representations of youth in socialist Hungary during the 1960s. It analyzes how state media and journals constructed categories like "hooligans," "gangs," and "hippies" to portray and interpret nonconforming youth behavior. Through analyzing party records, articles, photos and drawings from the era, the research found these categories were used both to depict real criminal acts but also fashion trends or political stances in a moral panic. Interpretations often focused on influences like the West or avoiding work. Debates showed ambivalence over how to view emerging youth cultures and a desire to promote socialist ideals of collective work.
The Hungarian School Reform-Committee. Actors of the Educational Policy (1958...Lajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the Hungarian School Reform Committee formed between 1958-1960 to implement educational reforms inspired by Khrushchev. It analyzes the 64 committee members using prosopography - investigating their common background characteristics through biographies. Most members were male and in their 40s-50s, with political and educational experience before 1945. Over half were Communist party members. The analysis finds the committee represented different interest groups and a balance of political power and expertise.
Egy oktatási "reform" előkészítése: Politikai döntéshozatal Magyarországon 19...Lajos SomogyváriElőadásom az 1961. évi III. oktatási törvény előtörténetét, a korban reformként definiált átalakítások hátterét kívánja megvilágítani: a vizsgálat kezdő időpontját a Gyakorlati foglalkozások tantárgyának bevezetése jelenti (1958. február-március), lezárását pedig az Irányelvek megjelenése (1960. szeptember), mely a közélet előterébe helyezte a kérdést. A nyilvánosság által megismerhető dokumentumok egységes állásfoglalást tükröztek, a pártvezetés és az ideológia által markánsan meghatározott, kinyilatkoztatáshoz hasonló szövegek semmit sem árultak el a döntéshozatal folyamatáról. Célom a szereplők eltérő érveinek bemutatása, mely rejtve maradt a korban, az ellenőrzött és szimulált társadalmi vita ellenére is.
Working Education in the Socialist Bloc: A Comparative AnalysisLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses working education in the socialist bloc from the 1950s-1960s. It provides historical context of education reforms following destalinization. Major actors pushed for reforms including party leaders, economists, and education scientists. Reforms aimed to strengthen ties between school and life by increasing practical and vocational skills. New forms included time spent working in agriculture/industry. Curriculum revisions allocated more hours to mathematics, sciences, and vocational subjects while decreasing hours for humanities. Implementation varied by country and faced challenges in balancing academic and vocational education.
Az Iskolakultúra Tudós tanár programjaLajos SomogyváriSzakmai fórum - Kutatóműhelyek és a Tudós tanár program
Veszprém, 2015. május 12.
(TÁMOP 4.1.2.B)
Munkára nevelés a középiskolában: Az 5+1-es képzés beindítása a Tabi Állami Á...Lajos SomogyváriHorizontok és Dialógusok konferencia, Pécs, 2015. május 7.
How the Computers Arrived in the Hungarian SchoolsLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the history of computerization in Hungarian education from the 1950s to the 1990s. It describes three main periods:
1) Early experiments and establishment from the 1950s to 1980s.
2) Computerization of schools in the 1980s with the introduction of school computer programs.
3) Implementing computer curricula in the 1990s as the field became more established. It explores the political, economic, and international contexts that influenced developments and debates around the role of computers in education.
Challenging timesLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses plans for a newly formed Standing Working Group (SWG) on the history of education from 2019-2024. It notes global trends of reduced coursework in the discipline and introduces challenges including the role of history of education in academia, curriculum issues, internationalization, and research/teaching standards. The SWG will explore the educational and social impacts of COVID-19 on schooling through research collaborations and working groups on related topics like online learning environments and changes to internationalization. The goal is to better understand continuity and change for the field in light of the pandemic.
Language of Competences: From 1965 to 2030Lajos SomogyváriThe document provides an overview of the historical context and evolution of the concept of competence from 1965 to 2030. It discusses how competence originated as a scientific term but was later adopted by political and economic actors to legitimize educational reforms and programs. Competence frameworks emerged in the 1990s and were codified in the 2006 European Union recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning. The document argues competence has been utilized by different stakeholders through history and speculates about its future role in education and society.
The Communist School Inside OutLajos SomogyváriThe document summarizes reports from Hungarian emigrants in the early 1950s about their experiences in schools under Communism. It discusses how emigrants provided perspectives on propaganda and ideology in the classroom, reactions from students and teachers, and examples of resistance like jokes mocking the official ideology found written on school bathroom walls. It also examines controls on Western culture through restrictions on activities like reading cowboy novels, dancing Western styles, and watching non-Soviet films.
The CIA archives and the History of EducationLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the CIA archives database and what it can reveal about the history of education. It introduces the CIA online reading room, which contains declassified documents from 1966 onward under the Freedom of Information Act. The sources in the archives related to education have largely been interpreted in the context of the Cold War and CIA covert actions. However, the document argues they could provide new insights into comparative education studies if analyzed from the viewpoint of what educational issues the CIA saw as important to record, rather than just as instruments of political influence. Closer examination of the documents is needed to understand what they can teach about different education systems during the Cold War era.
Marching on the Streets: Meanings of the May 1st Parades in the Communist Hun...Lajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the May 1st parades in communist Hungary and their purpose and meaning. It analyzes how the parades were used to structure public space and time for political propaganda and ideological indoctrination. Photographs from the 1950s are examined to show how the parades filled streets with organized masses, occupying space in a choreographed display of support for communist leaders and ideals. The document concludes that the parades created symbolic sites of socialist cultural memory through their multisensory experience, but that more analysis is needed to fully understand their lasting impacts and lessons.
Commemoration, Propaganda and Political Indoctrination: Celebrating 1th of Ma...Lajos SomogyváriThis document discusses how May Day celebrations in 1950s Hungary were used for communist propaganda and political indoctrination. The celebrations were tightly controlled by the communist party and held in Stalin Square. They involved mass mobilization of citizens, mandatory participation in parades and processions, and the promotion of communist ideology through propaganda images, symbols, and displays of political leaders. The goal was to extend the party's control over education and mobilize youth to build socialism under direct party control.
"Tudjuk, hogy a pedagógusok jelentős része még a burzsoá Magyarország neveltj...Lajos Somogyvári90 éve Szegeden - Jubileumi konferencia, 2018. november 16.
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Secondary Education: A Case Study about Class ...Lajos SomogyváriThis document provides an overview of a case study examining class categories in the secondary education system of socialist Hungary between 1953-1963. It outlines the research questions, hypotheses, sources, and theories used in the study. The key findings discussed are the doctrine and practice of using social categories to determine student admission. While categories were intended to correct social stratification, in practice they were applied flexibly at the local level based on personal views and connections. The study concludes the system exhibited aspects of both totalitarian repression and everyday adaptation through informal networks.
Hooligans, gangs and hippiesLajos SomogyváriThe document summarizes research on representations of youth in socialist Hungary during the 1960s. It analyzes how state media and journals constructed categories like "hooligans," "gangs," and "hippies" to portray and interpret nonconforming youth behavior. Through analyzing party records, articles, photos and drawings from the era, the research found these categories were used both to depict real criminal acts but also fashion trends or political stances in a moral panic. Interpretations often focused on influences like the West or avoiding work. Debates showed ambivalence over how to view emerging youth cultures and a desire to promote socialist ideals of collective work.
The Hungarian School Reform-Committee. Actors of the Educational Policy (1958...Lajos SomogyváriThe document discusses the Hungarian School Reform Committee formed between 1958-1960 to implement educational reforms inspired by Khrushchev. It analyzes the 64 committee members using prosopography - investigating their common background characteristics through biographies. Most members were male and in their 40s-50s, with political and educational experience before 1945. Over half were Communist party members. The analysis finds the committee represented different interest groups and a balance of political power and expertise.
Egy oktatási "reform" előkészítése: Politikai döntéshozatal Magyarországon 19...Lajos SomogyváriElőadásom az 1961. évi III. oktatási törvény előtörténetét, a korban reformként definiált átalakítások hátterét kívánja megvilágítani: a vizsgálat kezdő időpontját a Gyakorlati foglalkozások tantárgyának bevezetése jelenti (1958. február-március), lezárását pedig az Irányelvek megjelenése (1960. szeptember), mely a közélet előterébe helyezte a kérdést. A nyilvánosság által megismerhető dokumentumok egységes állásfoglalást tükröztek, a pártvezetés és az ideológia által markánsan meghatározott, kinyilatkoztatáshoz hasonló szövegek semmit sem árultak el a döntéshozatal folyamatáról. Célom a szereplők eltérő érveinek bemutatása, mely rejtve maradt a korban, az ellenőrzött és szimulált társadalmi vita ellenére is.
Working Education in the Socialist Bloc: A Comparative AnalysisLajos SomogyváriThe document discusses working education in the socialist bloc from the 1950s-1960s. It provides historical context of education reforms following destalinization. Major actors pushed for reforms including party leaders, economists, and education scientists. Reforms aimed to strengthen ties between school and life by increasing practical and vocational skills. New forms included time spent working in agriculture/industry. Curriculum revisions allocated more hours to mathematics, sciences, and vocational subjects while decreasing hours for humanities. Implementation varied by country and faced challenges in balancing academic and vocational education.
Az Iskolakultúra Tudós tanár programjaLajos SomogyváriSzakmai fórum - Kutatóműhelyek és a Tudós tanár program
Veszprém, 2015. május 12.
(TÁMOP 4.1.2.B)
Munkára nevelés a középiskolában: Az 5+1-es képzés beindítása a Tabi Állami Á...Lajos SomogyváriHorizontok és Dialógusok konferencia, Pécs, 2015. május 7.
Munkára nevelés a középiskolában: Az 5+1-es képzés beindítása a Tabi Állami Á...Lajos Somogyvári
Szovjet oktatás az USA Külügyminisztériumának jelentéseiben (1946-1958)
1. A szovjet oktatás az USA
jelentéseiben (1946-1958)
Somogyvári Lajos
Pannon Egyetem MFTK
Tanárképző Központ
HuCER 2019
Eger, 2019. május 23.
2. Az előadás szerkezete
• A téma megindoklása, kutatói
• Források és elméleti háttér
• A jelentések diszkurzív
• Elemzések
• Következtetések
Report 3079. State Dept. Office of
Research and Intelligence
3. A téma megindoklása, kutatói előfeltevések
Feltáró kutatás kezdeti stádiuma
• USA – hidegháborús blokkszemlélet
(összehasonlító, transznacionális
• Gazdasági-technológiai-
fegyverkezési verseny mellett
kulturális hidegháború, oktatási
• Kölcsönös ismeretszerzés (Kelet-
• Konfrontáció és kompetíció
• A jelentések diszkurzív mintázata
Szovjet poszter, 1950
4. Források
intelligence reports, USSR:
- Political and social implications of recent trends in education in
the USSR, 1946
- The current status of Soviet education, 1953
- Soviet school system continues to undergo changes, 1955
- Reform and experimentation in Soviet schools, 1958
- Khrushchev proposes radical educational reforms, 1958
• Elemző értékelések
• Hozzáférhető információk és következtetések
5. Elméleti háttér
• Cél: az amerikai nézőpont
• Transznacionális
– entanglement, borrowing,
transfer (Sobe, 2013)
- kulturális kölcsönhatások
(Richmond, 2003), komparatív
szemlélet (Mitter-Major, 2003)
- USA-diplomácia
tevékenysége (Borhi, 2018)
- A hidegháború, mint
transznacionális jelenség
(Iriye-Saunier, 2009)
- 1945 utáni világpolitika (Iriye,
- Nemzetállam és globalizáció
(Cora, 2009)
- Paradigmaváltás fontossága
(Gyáni, 2018)
6. A jelentések diszkurzív mintázata
• Diszkurzív politikatudomány
(Szabó, 2004)
- Nyelvi megformáltság
- Diskurzusok és érvek
- Metaforák, kulcsszavak
- Témahálózat és narráció
Téma, narráció és diskurzus
1. Változó átalakulóban lévő rendszer (reformok)
2. Változásmenedzselés – kihívások és válaszok
3. Összehasonlító-megértő szándék, racionalizálási-fordítási folyamat (konvergencia)
4. Gyenge, sebezhető pontok feltérképezése (vö: CIA)
7. 1946: a háborús rekonstrukció
• Speciális történelmi helyzet – átmenet
• Változások:
- Társadalmi kategóriák szerepe
- Színvonal emelése
- Politikai nevelés
Report 3079. State
Dept. Office of
Research and
9. 1955: újabb változások
• Szakképzett munkaerő igénye: közép- és felsőfok fejlesztése
• Tantervi változások: munka szeretete és gyakorlata (vs. humaniórák,
„könyvszerűség” és „verbalizmus”)
• Felsőoktatásba való bejutás, vizsgák kérdése
• Fegyelmi problémák – „huliganizmus” (tanári kérdésekre nem
válaszolás, kártyázás, durvaság, mások bántalmazása, csavargás,
durvaság, támadások, egy „ túlkóros fajankó meztelenre vetkőzése” stb.)
IR 7122. State Dept. Office of Intelligence Research.
11. 1958: a politechnika bevezetése
• Argumentáció
IR 7827. State Dept. Office of Intelligence Research and Analysis.
12. 1958: a Pravda-cikk
• Fizikai munka lebecsülése
• Helytelen szülői nézetek
• A gazdaság és az ideológia igényei
• A felsőoktatásba való bejutás kérdése
• Ellenállás?
IR 7719. State Dept. Office of Intelligence Research and Analysis.
13. Összefoglalás
• Előfeltevések megkérdőjelezése?
• Új nézőpont: oktatás(történet) és hidegháború
• További kutatási irányok
- Többi blokk-ország
- Döntéshozatali mechanizmus
- Más szervek irattermelése (CIA, nagykövetség)
The Great Pretense,
1956: 84
14. IrodalomForrások:
• Political and social implications of recent trends in education in the USSR, 1946. Report 3079. State Dept.
Office of Research and Intelligence.
• The current status of Soviet education, 1953. IR 6314. State Dept. Office of Intelligence Research.
• Soviet school system continues to undergo changes, 1955. IR 7122. State Dept. Office of Intelligence
• Reform and experimentation in Soviet schools, 1958. IR 7719. State Dept. Office of Intelligence Research
and Analysis.
• Khrushchev proposes radical educational reforms, 1958. IR 7827. State Dept. Office of Intelligence
Research and Analysis.
• The Great Pretense. A Symposium on Anti-Stalinism and the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist
Party. May 19, 1956. Washington DC: Committee on Un-American Activities, U.S. House of
• Borhi, László (2018): Dealing with Dictators: The United States, Hungary, and East Central Europe,
1942-1989. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
• Cora Zoltán (2009): Mi a transznacionális történelem? Aetas, 24(2), 130-133.
• Gyáni Gábor (2018): Nemzeti vagy transznacionális történelem. Budapest: Kalligram.
• Iriye, Akira – Saunier, Pierre-Yves (2009): Tha Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
• Iriye, Akira (2014): Global Interdependence. Cambridge, MA – London: The Belknapp Press of Harvard
University Press.
• Richmond, Yale (2003): Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: Raising the Iron Curtain. University Park,
PA: Pennsylvania State University.
• Sobe, Noah (2013): Entanglement and Transnationalism in the History of American Education. In:
Popkewitz, Thomas S. (2013, ed.): Rethinking the History of Education: Transnational Perspectives on
Its Questions, Methods, and Knowledge. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 93-107.
• Szabó Márton (2004): A diszkurzív politikatudomány alapjai. L’Harmattan, Budapest.