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8 September 2021
Lajos 皆看馨看乙霞厩叩姻庄
 Research in progress
 Waves of computerization
- First period until 1980s: experiments and establishment of the field
- Computerization of the schools (1980s)
- Implementing curricula (1990s)
 The status of art  international context
 Decades of school reforms  my starting and finishing point
- History of Education
- History of Computing
 The corpus
- Personal dimension:
pioneers and networks
- Economical-political context
- Available technologies
- Transnational dimension: UNESCO, Soviet Union
The Hungarian School Computer, 1983
Csongr叩d Megyei H鱈rlap, 1983. 叩prilis 16. 6.
The first Hungarian computer, 1959
 Unexplored field - puzzle
Some characteristics:
 The feeling of delay and lagging behind
 Stop and go mechanism
(reforms and counter-reforms)
 Influence of economical thinking:
- Distribution
- Planning
- Efficiency and optimization
 Science and academy
- Cybernetics, learning machines,
- New Mathematics
- University training
1982, Videoton (BFL, XXXV. 1.a.4)
 1957-1965: random experiments
Gyz Kov叩cs, Mih叩ly Kov叩cs and
L叩szl坦 Kalm叩r
 1965-1975: International opening
1968  New Economic Mechanism,
big changes in the Hungarian IT sector
1972  university reform (informatics)
 1975-1985: Computerization of Hungary
1983  school computer program
Mih叩ly Kov叩cs, pioneer of
informatics in the
secondary school
K旦znevel辿s, 1965/18. 702.
 1968  1969
The John von Neumann Computer Society: Joining
international organizations, e.g. IFIP
 Purchase of Western licenses
VIDEOTON joins computer manufacturing
 Support of UNESCO/UNDP
National Leadership Centre
National Educational Technology Centre
seminars, trainings, conferences (dissemination & funding)
 TV Basic and school-computers
The new school computer 
 Focused on programming
(lack of software)
 1985 Educational Act
 A fashionable movement
 Continuity in the generations
 Multimedia nature
(connected devices)
- TV
- Tape recorder
- Projector
A flagship journal from the 80s Videoton factory
Computers in the secondary schools
 How can we define?
 Before the transformation
Radical decentralisation
from 1985
Relatively autonomous and
influential educational
research and development
community, Western
 New ideas: market,
innovation, financing,
Debates and new conceptions
Western support (UNESCO, EC)
Ideology vs. rationality
Changing geopolitical and economical environment: adaptation and modernisation
N辿pszava, 1993.
febru叩r 11. 7. o.
 Parties, conflicts and interests (e.g. the case of denominational schools)
 Balance between centralisation and decentralisation
 Curricular policy (1995, 1999)
A new subject and knowledge field
- Computer technology
- Informatics
5-6th Class  2-4%
7-8th Class  4-7%
Secondary school  4-7%
 Possible questions emerging:
- Dependence on politics
- Needs of the economy
- Needs of the society
- Trans/supranational organizations (UN, EU)
- School-types and specifics
- Computerization and digitalization
How the Computers Arrived in the Hungarian Schools

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How the Computers Arrived in the Hungarian Schools

  • 1. ICOLLE 8 September 2021 Lajos 皆看馨看乙霞厩叩姻庄
  • 2. Research in progress Waves of computerization - First period until 1980s: experiments and establishment of the field - Computerization of the schools (1980s) - Implementing curricula (1990s) The status of art international context Decades of school reforms my starting and finishing point
  • 3. Cooperation: - History of Education - History of Computing The corpus Framework - Personal dimension: pioneers and networks - Economical-political context - Available technologies - Transnational dimension: UNESCO, Soviet Union
  • 4. The Hungarian School Computer, 1983 Csongr叩d Megyei H鱈rlap, 1983. 叩prilis 16. 6. The first Hungarian computer, 1959
  • 5. Unexplored field - puzzle Some characteristics: The feeling of delay and lagging behind Stop and go mechanism (reforms and counter-reforms) Influence of economical thinking: - Distribution - Planning - Efficiency and optimization Science and academy - Cybernetics, learning machines, behaviourism - New Mathematics - University training 1982, Videoton (BFL, XXXV. 1.a.4)
  • 6. 1957-1965: random experiments Gyz Kov叩cs, Mih叩ly Kov叩cs and L叩szl坦 Kalm叩r 1965-1975: International opening 1968 New Economic Mechanism, big changes in the Hungarian IT sector 1972 university reform (informatics) 1975-1985: Computerization of Hungary 1983 school computer program Mih叩ly Kov叩cs, pioneer of informatics in the secondary school K旦znevel辿s, 1965/18. 702.
  • 7. 1968 1969 The John von Neumann Computer Society: Joining international organizations, e.g. IFIP Purchase of Western licenses VIDEOTON joins computer manufacturing Support of UNESCO/UNDP National Leadership Centre National Educational Technology Centre seminars, trainings, conferences (dissemination & funding) TV Basic and school-computers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJHbRufug8o&list=PL- OpjJt-qI2sFdfvGG3Ge72akGr1jyplM The new school computer HT3080C
  • 8. Focused on programming (lack of software) 1985 Educational Act A fashionable movement Continuity in the generations Multimedia nature (connected devices) - TV - Tape recorder - Projector A flagship journal from the 80s Videoton factory
  • 10. How can we define? Before the transformation process/collapse Radical decentralisation from 1985 Relatively autonomous and influential educational research and development community, Western connections New ideas: market, innovation, financing, self-governance
  • 11. Debates and new conceptions Western support (UNESCO, EC) Ideology vs. rationality Changing geopolitical and economical environment: adaptation and modernisation N辿pszava, 1993. febru叩r 11. 7. o.
  • 12. Parties, conflicts and interests (e.g. the case of denominational schools) Balance between centralisation and decentralisation
  • 13. Curricular policy (1995, 1999) A new subject and knowledge field - Computer technology - Informatics (terminology) 5-6th Class 2-4% 7-8th Class 4-7% Secondary school 4-7%
  • 14. Possible questions emerging: - Dependence on politics - Needs of the economy - Needs of the society - Trans/supranational organizations (UN, EU) - School-types and specifics - Computerization and digitalization