70- vjetorin i lirimit t谷 Shqip谷ris谷 Sot eshte nj谷 dit谷 padyshime r谷nd谷sishme p谷r t谷 gjith谷 ne qe e ndjejm谷 veten shqip谷tar谷.Nj谷 dit谷 q谷 simbolizon lirin谷,vler谷n dhe pasurin谷 m谷 t谷 cmuar t谷 nj谷 kombi ,e cila nuk falet e as nuk dhurohet,por fitohet vet谷m me shum谷 p谷rpjekje,gjak e vuajtje brezash.Ne ishim nj谷 vend I vogel ne qend谷r t谷 rajonit dikur shum谷 problematik t谷 Ballkanit te ngjashem me nj谷 nje fuci baruti gati p谷r te shp谷thyer .Nj谷 popull me prejardhje nga lasht谷sia,autentik qe k谷rkonim te drejtat tona komb谷tare n谷 mes te nj谷 kaosi dhe etje p谷r pushtet q谷 kish pushtuar jo vet谷m Ballkanin ,por edhe mbar谷 europen e me gjer谷 ,q谷 po perhapej me shpejt谷si si nj谷 murtaj谷 shkat谷rruese e idealeve te paqes, pasojat e secil谷s do te rridhnin gjat谷 nd谷r breza. E megjithat谷 ne kurr谷 nuk u n谷nshtuan edhe pse pushtuesi lakmitar ,fliste n谷 gjuhen e urrjetjes e p谷rpiqej vazhdimish t谷 shtrinte kthetrat e tij ne trojet tona ,sepse ashtu sikurse edhe shiqponjat ne kurresei nuk mund do ta pranoni roberine por ,do te vashdonin te kerkoni qellin e kthejllet ne mes te stuhis qe sapo kishte filluar.Por as stuhia me terbuar e as ushtima me e fuqishme e termetit te luftes qe po afronte nuk mund ti te na ndalte , ashtu te vet谷m mes saj谷 e me skrifica t谷 m谷dha arrit谷m t谷 gjienim rrug谷n drejt liris谷 , drejt谷 pavarsis谷 s谷 plot谷 e t谷 shum pritur. Nuk ishin te pakte atdhtaret qe u vrane , u prene ,e u sakatuan u burgos谷n e u internuan, shum谷 prej nesh u larguan ,si ata zogjt谷 e lir谷 shteg谷tare q谷 se pranojn谷 rob谷rin , shteg谷tuan drejt viseve me t谷 ngrohta me qellimin e vet谷m p谷r tu kthyer p谷rs谷si n谷 folen谷 e tyre t谷 shtr谷njt谷 , n谷 tok谷n ton谷 te bekuar, ne m谷medhe ,per liri, p谷r nj谷 te ardhme m谷 t谷 mir谷 , p谷r endrren e ship谷ris s谷 bashkuar.Dhe ja ku jemi sot 70 vjet te ciliruar, te lire e te pa krenar谷 te mbushur me shpres谷 p谷r nje t谷 ardhme t谷 begate dhe e gjith谷 kjo n谷 saj谷 t谷 deshmorve qe n谷 menyr solemne u sakrifikuan , sy tone te mbushur me pluhur nga mjegulla e zeze qe na kish pushtuar na pastruan .Keta d谷shmor谷 q谷 ran谷 p谷r liri u b谷n谷 lule luft谷s dhe e gjakut, u b谷n谷 shkronjat e arta t谷 liris谷 t谷 ngulitura n谷 zemr谷n e cdo shqip谷tari. U b谷n谷 motivi m谷 I fort谷 I krenaris谷 dhe I lavdis谷 s谷 nj谷 kombi. Prandaj sot le ti kujtojm谷 ,le t谷 festojm谷 ,t谷 kendojm t谷 brohorasim , z谷ri yne le t谷 kumboje sic I ka hije cdo shqiptari.Flamurin kuq e zi qe valvitet n谷 kaltersi ta nderojm谷 , ta lartesojme ,vlerat tona te gjith谷 bot谷s ti tr谷gojm谷 , le t谷 na d谷gjoj谷 Europa ,le t谷 na dergjoh谷 egjith谷 bota se sot m谷 frik谷 nuk kemi , ecim krenar me kok谷n lart drejt谷 Europes se bashkuar , me gjith谷se v谷shtir谷sit谷 nuk kan谷 t谷 mbaruar . Se tashme esht谷 detyra jon谷 emrin e Shiperise ta ngem谷 lart , kudo qofshim n谷 Ship谷ri diaspor谷 e anemban谷 .Sepese edhe ne gjenerata qe po rritet mbartim ne zemre ket谷 dashuri
Este documento describe nueve rutas agrotur鱈sticas y artesanales promocionadas en la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador. Cada ruta incluye informaci坦n sobre los atractivos, actividades y gastronom鱈a t鱈picos de cada cant坦n, como museos, iglesias, senderos, cascadas, artesan鱈as, y platos como cuy, fritada y empanadas. El objetivo es promover el turismo en la regi坦n y dar a conocer las tradiciones y el trabajo de los emprendedores locales.
This document contains the resume of Abigail Asagade Abigail Omolola. It includes her personal details such as date of birth, marital status, and place of origin. It also lists her educational qualifications including a B.Sc in Political Science from Ekiti State University. Her work experience includes teaching Social Studies and Home Economics as part of her NYSC and working as an INEC Adhoc staff. She lists skills such as ability to work independently, analytical skills, and Microsoft Office proficiency. References and contact details are also provided.
El documento define el t辿rmino cultura como el cultivo del esp鱈ritu humano y las facultades intelectuales. A lo largo de la historia, la definici坦n de cultura se ha asociado con la civilizaci坦n y el progreso. Manuel de Ter叩n define una cultura como un grupo de personas que ocupan un espacio para vivir y trabajar de acuerdo con su estructura social, actividad econ坦mica y cultural. Finalmente, Funes y Monferrer definen la acci坦n colectiva como cualquier acci坦n conjunta que persigue intereses comunes a trav辿s de pr叩
This document provides strategies for teaching augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to students. It discusses traditional instruction methods like labeling and navigation practice, and their limitations. Alternative instructional strategies presented include functional communication teaching, aided language input, joint action routines, sabotage, recasting and expanding utterances, following the student's lead, prompting hierarchies, and momentum strategies. Each strategy is explained with examples and its goal. The document aims to move beyond non-communicative instruction to more functional and motivating AAC teaching.
Kamil Hassan has experience as a desktop support engineer and optical fiber network engineer. He received a Bachelor's degree in Electrical (Computer) Engineering in 2013 from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. His final year project involved modeling and autonomous control of a four-wheeled robot with obstacle avoidance. He has skills in programming, group work, communication, and circuit design software.
O documento discute a teoria do lugar do crime e a aplica巽達o da lei penal brasileira no espa巽o. A lei penal brasileira se aplica aos crimes cometidos no territ坦rio nacional e, em alguns casos, fora dele de acordo com os princ鱈pios da territorialidade e da extraterritorialidade. O documento tamb辿m define os conceitos de territ坦rio brasileiro, 叩guas mar鱈timas e territ坦rio por extens達o.
IQ4I Research & Consultancy published a New Report on Lab Automation Global ...Pranesh Sujayeendra
The global Lab automation market is valued at $3.5 billion in 2014. This report analyzes the lab automation market in terms of market revenue ($ million) for all segments. The market analysis is performed by Technique (Total Laboratory Automation & Modular Automation), Process (Hardware & Software), Applications (Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Drug Discovery & Development, Bioresearch, Forensic & Others), End-user (Academic & Research Institutes, Biotech/Pharma companies, Hospitals/Laboratory Diagnostics and Others) and Regional markets (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World).
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para realizar tareas de mantenimiento y optimizaci坦n de un equipo de c坦mputo como ejecutar Scandisk, desfragmentar el disco duro, liberar espacio en disco, formatear un disco, reiniciar en modo seguro y programar tareas. El objetivo es ense単ar a la alumna Maria Rosalva Tun Puc c坦mo preservar y dar el uso adecuado a su equipo de c坦mputo.
Adam Russell is a communication professional with nearly 20 years of experience in internal and external communication, public and media relations, and radio broadcasting. He has experience writing in many formats, planning events, managing budgets and schedules, and making presentations. His relevant job history includes roles as a media relations specialist coordinating tours for the Department of Energy, a communication specialist producing newsletters, and news director roles at radio stations. He has a bachelor's degree in communication from Washington State University.
O documento resume os principais pontos do Direito Penal brasileiro, incluindo a aplica巽達o da lei no tempo e espa巽o, os elementos constitutivos do crime, as formas de participa巽達o e as penas. descrito o que caracteriza crimes contra a pessoa como homic鱈dio, les達o corporal e seq端estro.
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory examines how different environmental systems influence an individual's development. This theory can be applied to online learning by recognizing that learners are influenced by various contextual factors prior to and during a course. These factors interact in complex ways that affect a learner's progress, similar to how physical and social environments interact to influence a child's development. The theory was revised for online learning by mapping its systems - micro, meso, exo, macro, and chrono - to the relevant online contexts that can directly or indirectly impact an online learner's experience and progression over time.
Aristidh Kola - ne librin "Rilindesit e kohes sone - njerez qe i dua" faqe 218 - 226.
E solla kete pjese te ketij libri meqe eshte 10 vj. i vdekjes se Arvanitasit te madh Aristidh Kola.
El documento define el t辿rmino cultura como el cultivo del esp鱈ritu humano y las facultades intelectuales. A lo largo de la historia, la definici坦n de cultura se ha asociado con la civilizaci坦n y el progreso. Manuel de Ter叩n define una cultura como un grupo de personas que ocupan un espacio para vivir y trabajar de acuerdo con su estructura social, actividad econ坦mica y cultural. Finalmente, Funes y Monferrer definen la acci坦n colectiva como cualquier acci坦n conjunta que persigue intereses comunes a trav辿s de pr叩
This document provides strategies for teaching augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to students. It discusses traditional instruction methods like labeling and navigation practice, and their limitations. Alternative instructional strategies presented include functional communication teaching, aided language input, joint action routines, sabotage, recasting and expanding utterances, following the student's lead, prompting hierarchies, and momentum strategies. Each strategy is explained with examples and its goal. The document aims to move beyond non-communicative instruction to more functional and motivating AAC teaching.
Kamil Hassan has experience as a desktop support engineer and optical fiber network engineer. He received a Bachelor's degree in Electrical (Computer) Engineering in 2013 from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. His final year project involved modeling and autonomous control of a four-wheeled robot with obstacle avoidance. He has skills in programming, group work, communication, and circuit design software.
O documento discute a teoria do lugar do crime e a aplica巽達o da lei penal brasileira no espa巽o. A lei penal brasileira se aplica aos crimes cometidos no territ坦rio nacional e, em alguns casos, fora dele de acordo com os princ鱈pios da territorialidade e da extraterritorialidade. O documento tamb辿m define os conceitos de territ坦rio brasileiro, 叩guas mar鱈timas e territ坦rio por extens達o.
IQ4I Research & Consultancy published a New Report on Lab Automation Global ...Pranesh Sujayeendra
The global Lab automation market is valued at $3.5 billion in 2014. This report analyzes the lab automation market in terms of market revenue ($ million) for all segments. The market analysis is performed by Technique (Total Laboratory Automation & Modular Automation), Process (Hardware & Software), Applications (Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, Drug Discovery & Development, Bioresearch, Forensic & Others), End-user (Academic & Research Institutes, Biotech/Pharma companies, Hospitals/Laboratory Diagnostics and Others) and Regional markets (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World).
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para realizar tareas de mantenimiento y optimizaci坦n de un equipo de c坦mputo como ejecutar Scandisk, desfragmentar el disco duro, liberar espacio en disco, formatear un disco, reiniciar en modo seguro y programar tareas. El objetivo es ense単ar a la alumna Maria Rosalva Tun Puc c坦mo preservar y dar el uso adecuado a su equipo de c坦mputo.
Adam Russell is a communication professional with nearly 20 years of experience in internal and external communication, public and media relations, and radio broadcasting. He has experience writing in many formats, planning events, managing budgets and schedules, and making presentations. His relevant job history includes roles as a media relations specialist coordinating tours for the Department of Energy, a communication specialist producing newsletters, and news director roles at radio stations. He has a bachelor's degree in communication from Washington State University.
O documento resume os principais pontos do Direito Penal brasileiro, incluindo a aplica巽達o da lei no tempo e espa巽o, os elementos constitutivos do crime, as formas de participa巽達o e as penas. descrito o que caracteriza crimes contra a pessoa como homic鱈dio, les達o corporal e seq端estro.
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory examines how different environmental systems influence an individual's development. This theory can be applied to online learning by recognizing that learners are influenced by various contextual factors prior to and during a course. These factors interact in complex ways that affect a learner's progress, similar to how physical and social environments interact to influence a child's development. The theory was revised for online learning by mapping its systems - micro, meso, exo, macro, and chrono - to the relevant online contexts that can directly or indirectly impact an online learner's experience and progression over time.
Aristidh Kola - ne librin "Rilindesit e kohes sone - njerez qe i dua" faqe 218 - 226.
E solla kete pjese te ketij libri meqe eshte 10 vj. i vdekjes se Arvanitasit te madh Aristidh Kola.
Bashkerendimi dhe bashkepunimi i ngushte sllavo-ortodokso-islamiste per asimi...Marjan DODAJ
Bashkerendimi dhe bashkepunimi i ngushte sllavo-ortodokso-islamiste per asimilimin dhe zhdukjen e shqiptareve, nga Qamil Zekolli (Postuar tek 際際滷share.com nga M.D)
Ai ishte njeriu I letrave shqip dhe I politikes se matur dhe u sollli Shqiperise nje fryme te moderuar respekti. Shkrimtari yne ishte personalitet I vlerave, me pergatitje te larte intelektuale , icili nga rrugetimet e jetes se tij jot e lehte, bartte mbi supet e tij te regjura, nje te kaluar me sprova te shumta nga e te ndryshmet jetesore, njeri qe ne koherat kur behej lufte per jete a vdekje, kishte pare edhe te tjera realitete me sy, te cilat I kishte mbijetuar, kush e di me sa vuajtje njerezore, ndaj ai kishte cka ti ofronte Shqiperise dhe kombit ne teresi.
26. Kush po e cenon toleranc谷n mes qytet谷rimeveLexo dhe M谷so
Libra Shqip (Mburoja E Muslimanit)
Lexo Dhe M谷so
Shpjegimi i 40 Haditheve
Mburoja e Muslimanit
40 hadithe t谷 Imam Neveviut
Kur'ani Shqip
Kopshti i t谷 men巽urve
Rregullat Islame
40 Hadithe Mbi Moralin
Akidja e Selef谷ve
Kopshti i t谷 men巽urve
Libri i Dijes
Shpjegimi i 40 Haditheve t谷 Imam Neueuiut dhe shtes谷s s谷 Ibn Rexhebit.
Shpjegimi i Tre Parimeve
Xhamia e Haxhi Ymerit
E para duhet thene se UDBja ka rreth 50 vjet qe investon per te paraqitur shqiptaret e Kosoves si musliman e
radikale muslimane. Me cfare po shikohet investimet e tyre nuk kane shkuar dem. Do doja te pyesja te tere
ata kosovare qe menojne si ky gjakshprishur se si I quajne ata shqiptare qe kane bashkepunuar me Serbine ne
50 vitet e fundit dhe me tej. A nuk ishte e njejta situate edhe me ata shqiptare me siguri fare te pakte qe
kishin filluar te nderronin fene ne kohen e Gjergj Kastriotit?
Si trajtohet tradhtaret apo ta themi me bute ata qe bashkepunojne me pushtuesin ne nje lufte clirimtare.
Ne shqiptaret duhet te jemi krenare dyfish qe Gjergj Kastrioti ka kryesuar dhe perfaqesuar Europen ne lufte
per te perballuar hordhite otomane. Kete duhet ta theksojme fort dhe me krenari.
Ti o gjak i shprishur e fyen ndjenjen tone kombetare kur permend emrin e herot tone kombetare Gjergj
Kastriotin dhe jo vetem kaq por edhe heroin e Europes e mbrojtes i saje nga hurdhite otomane te lindjes.
Ju o turq te mbetur ne trojet shqiptare qellimisht nuk e thoni se kombi shqiptar ne kohen e Gjergj Kastriotit
ishte i tere kristian dhe binomi Atdhe e Fe nuk ishte i ndare. Pra ne ate koheluftohej per atdhe e fe kunder
pushtuesit otoman pasi otomanet ne tokat e zaptuara binin edhe fene e tyre me shpate sic edhe ka ndollur
dhe jo vetem kaq por fatekeqesisht kane lene edhe kelyshet e tyre nder ne.
Na coptuan pushtuesit gjakatarne atdhe e fe dhe jemi sot ku jemi por nuk duhet te pajtohemi me kete
Une mendoj se ka ardhur koha me i bere korigjimet e nevojshme edhe ne religjon dhe per kete mendoj se
Komb Shqiptar i ka burrat e dheut qe munden me e udheheq me lavdi kombin Shqiptar ne kthimin e tije ne
identitet. Natyrisht behet fjale per ata qe e ndiejne veten per shqiptar pamvarsisht aksidenteve ne rrugen e
gjatete histories e mbijeteses.
Gjithkush qe nuk e ndien veten shqiptar eshte i lire tedeklaroje me ze te lartee publikisht se Gjergj Kastrioti
nuk eshte heroi i tije kombetar duke deklaruar po ashtu nese deshiron edhe identitetin e ije pakice.
Fundi i fundit nuk eshte tup te jeshe turk , sllav , grek etj. Shqiptaret gjithashtu jane krenar per origjinen e
tyre , per historine e tyre dhe natyrshem edhe per heroin e tyre kombetar Gjergj Kastriotin e humanisten me
fame boterore Nane Terezen , mundem lirisht te them edhe per fene e tyre pasi nuk mendoj se ka shqiptar
qe nuk e ndez qiriun e Shenkollit ne shtepi naten e Shenkollit pamvarsisht se cfare feje i kane ngjitur
formalisht ne publik pushtuesit.
Shqiptareve ju ka ardhur dita me e percaktuar qarte identitetin e tyre kombetar e fetarduke i respektuar
pakicat turke , sllave, greke e deri egjyptiane por mos me i lejua me fole ne emer te shqiptareve e aq me pak
me i mandatua qe te flasin ne emer te shqiptareve. Shqiptaret mendoj se i kane potencialet intelektuale e
njerzore qe te veteperfaqesohen pa pasur nevoje qe te mandatojme te huajt apo sherbetoret e tyre.
Ka ardhur kohe e arte per shqiptaret ne hapsirat Ballkanike pasi vendi me i fuqishem e me demokratik i botes
USA jo vetem na ka mbeshtetur e mbeshtet per vetvendosjen e shqiptareve ne tokat e tyre ne hapsirat
Bllkanike por lejon qe flamuri i Gjergj Kastriotit te valvitet krenar ne token e bekuar. Institucionet Amerikane
ne Njew York e ngrene flamurin Shqiptar per festat tona kombetare ne godinat publike krahas atij Amerikan.
2. Shqiptare ka ardhur koha ta leme te semurin e Bosforit ne fatin e tije se bashku me kopilat e tije e ne te
rrugtojme me shpirt, zemer e mendje drejt qytetrimit perendimor qe jo vetem I perkasim por ne kohen e
Heroit tone Kombetar e kemi mbuluar me lavdi kete qytetrim qe padyshim na e njohin kontributin edhe sot e
kesaje dite.
Do propozoja qe te benim nje peticion mbare kombetar Kongresit Amerikan qe te kalonte rezoluten e te
ndierit Kongresmenit Tom Lantosh Gjergj Kastrioti- Skenderbeu mbrojtes i krishterimit teEuropes kjo do
ishte kontribut konkret ne sherbim tekombit e qytetrimit tone perendimore.
Nje pjese mundet te jene edhe kopil qe nga pushtime e shumta ku megjithse nuk jane fajtor per hir te
mentalitetit te vendit ku jetojne qe nuk eshte krenari te jeshe kopil nder shqiptare e mira e te mirave ata vete
nuk duhet te flasin duke na e kursyer ne shqiptareve mundin per ti thirrur me emrin e tyre real.
Mercenaret dhe kopilat nuk mundet ta mbajne peng Kombin Shqiptar nje nder kombet me te vjetra te
Europes dhe qe lavdi Zotit ka arritur ti mbijetoje dallgeve te histories duke qene ne krye te perpjekjeve te
Europes per te ruajtur qytetrimin perendimore gjateperiulles se lavdishme te mbreterimit te heroit tone
kombetar Gjergj Kastrioti.
Lavdi teperjetshme heroit tone kombetar Gjergj Kastriotit