This document discusses how the internet and emerging technologies are changing the entertainment industry. It covers topics like how the web allows for new forms of online entertainment like streaming media and video on demand. It also explores how technologies like MP3 and file transfer have made it easier to distribute music and other media online. The document examines various entertainment genres from music and online radio to sports, games, and online Hollywood opportunities for talent scouting, screenwriting, and film distribution. It concludes by predicting further changes like more personalized entertainment delivered to wireless devices.
Steve Jobs helped create several pioneering products over the course of his career at Apple, including the Apple I and II personal computers, the Lisa and Macintosh which introduced the graphical user interface, the iMac which helped revive Apple's fortunes, and the iPod, iTunes Store, iPhone and iPad which established Apple as a leader in portable consumer electronics. These products transformed their respective industries and set the standard for personal computing and mobile devices.
This document discusses the ride-sharing service Uber and how it disrupted the taxi industry. It provides facts about Uber's origins in San Francisco and expansion internationally. It describes how Uber impacted the taxi market by outcompeting traditional taxis and lowering their profits. The document argues that Uber is a disruptive technology due to how it intruded on the taxi industry and outperformed competitors. Former transportation officials are cited saying Uber has caused one of the most profound revolutions since Henry Ford's Model T.
The 20th Century was the century of broadcasting. In this century we as films, books, TV, long play records, cassettes, CDs, DVD etc. The all had few things in common: they were one-way medium, a broadcast from one to many. Producers were limited and became gatekeepers of content. Somebody selected the films to show in theaters, movies to watch on TV etc. The 20th century was the time of movie stars and pop stars.
It turns out all these mediums have one other thing in common: they are based on a model of scarcity, i.e. program directors have to choose the program for you, since there are only finite number of channels and screens. There are only finite space of shelfs for CDs in store. So we needed pop starts. The many consumers had to listen to the same few albums.
With the Internet in the 21st century this model breaks down. We move from the economic model of scarcity to the economic model of abundance. This changes the game completely. In this lecture we will explore this transformation.
This document discusses innovation and disruption in higher education. It notes that technological change is exponential, and trends like mobile devices, cloud computing, and big data will impact higher education. MOOCs represent a disruptive innovation that could challenge traditional universities by offering a leaner choice for students. Key challenges include developing sustainable business models, addressing demographic shifts in lifelong learning, and dealing with issues around big data and privacy. The document also examines potential new careers that may emerge and skills shortages in Europe. It discusses different types of MOOC learners and platforms. Finally, it argues that universities should control disruptive innovations like MOOCs through strategic partnerships and developing a technological lead in areas like adaptive learning and authentication.
This document provides instructions for setting up Android development tools on a computer without Eclipse. It outlines downloading and installing the Android SDK from the Android repository in Eclipse and installing additional IA32 libraries on Linux systems to allow Android tools to run properly without Eclipse. The steps include adding the Android repository URL in Eclipse, selecting all available packages to download, continuing the installation, and restarting Eclipse if any security warnings appear.
The document outlines 10 tips for preventing the spread of infection, as presented by Dr. Gamal Soliman of the Silver Crescent Dispensary in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. The tips include washing hands frequently, insisting healthcare providers wash hands and use gloves, not demanding antibiotics without need, taking antibiotics as prescribed, keeping immunizations up to date, not sending sick children to school, avoiding shared needles or personal items, cleaning kitchen surfaces, and keeping foods at proper temperatures. The document emphasizes controlling diseases and preventing infection spread is crucial as some diseases have become resistant to antibiotics.
The document provides tips for various aspects of writing a research paper, including developing a thesis, incorporating sources, crafting an introduction and conclusion, and choosing an appropriate structure. It recommends framing the topic in a way that establishes relevance for readers. When including sources, it advises blending quotes into your own writing and citing borrowed material. The document stresses allowing room for surprises from research and focusing on the research question.
The collection contains approximately 25,000 objects largely focusing on Buddhist material from across Asia, including Japan, China, India, Thailand, and Tibet. It has especially large holdings of textiles, prints, paintings, sculptures, and coins from these regions, as well as representative collections of everyday life. The collection also features over 800 musical instruments from Asian countries.
Employee benefits can be complicated but are important protections. This document provides an overview of health insurance basics and terminology. It explains that health insurance spreads costs among groups and improves access to care. There are different types of plans including group insurance through employers and individual plans. Key terms are defined, such as premiums, deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums. Understanding these concepts makes health insurance easier to navigate.
This breakfast includes fruit such as apples and grapes, fat from walnuts, protein from yogurt, and starch from oats in granola. A balanced breakfast is presented containing fruit, fat, protein, and starch. The document lists the key food groups - fruit, fat, protein, and starch - contained in a balanced breakfast.
This document discusses upcoming tech meetup events and sessions in London focused on mobile and web technologies including iOS, Android, web apps, and big data analysis. Introductory lectures and workshops will provide opportunities to build small apps for each platform and learn frameworks like Node.js. The next session details are also requested about potential topics like iOS, web apps, or Android.
Git is a system for distributed version control and code management, while GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git projects. This document provides instructions for configuring Git by setting a username and email through the command line interface, in order to set up a user's first GitHub project. It recommends checking more in-depth documentation if any problems are encountered in the setup process.
This document provides instructions for using Git for version control and collaboration. It begins with downloading and installing Git, then configuring basic user settings. It describes initializing and cloning repositories, checking the status of files, and viewing commit logs. The document outlines the basic Git workflow including making changes to files, staging files, and committing changes to the local repository. It also covers pushing and pulling changes to and from remote repositories. Finally, it discusses resolving merge conflicts that can occur when merging branches.
This document provides an overview of construction risk management and insurance solutions. It discusses risk management definitions and processes, commercial insurance types like workers' compensation and general liability, and key considerations for construction contracts. Commercial insurance helps contractors transfer risks like property damage, injuries, and legal liabilities. Construction contracts specify legal obligations and address important insurance issues to protect all parties involved in a project.
See how a status quo challenging approached improved oil exploration can help your SCRUM team improve quality, reduce cost, and meet functional deliverable expectations using TREDD
Imbracaminte copii,hainute copii,hainute botez.
trusou botez,trusouri botez,trusou,hainute botez,accesorii botez,pardesiu botez,nou nascuti,compleu botez,rochite botez,fetite,baieti,bebelusi.
Si pentru ca alaturi de noi au crescut multi copii ne-am diversificat productia realizand si hainute pentru botez,rochite botez,compleuri botez ,paltonase botez pentru fetite daR si costume botez pentru baieti si bineinteles trusouri de botez atat pentru fetite cat si pentru baieti.
Bebelusii dvs vor arata minunat in hainutele JOHNNY iar timpul dvs pretios va fi salvat prin elementele ce le contin trusourile complete.
Flexibilitatea este una din caracteristicile unei companii mici de aceea si noi ne dorim sa ne adaptam intentiilor si necesitatilor fiecarui copil si sa ne orientam produsele astfel incat evenimentele din familia dumneavoastra sa prinda culoare.
Realizate din materiale naturale,precum poplin bumbac,catifea bumbac,in,stofe de lana sau viscoza produsele noastre fac deliciul unui eveniment precum botezul
This document provides information about new health insurance options through the Health Insurance Marketplace beginning in 2014. It summarizes that the Marketplace allows people to compare and purchase private health insurance, and may offer premium tax credits. While the Marketplace is an option, employer-provided health coverage could affect eligibility for savings. Contact information is provided to learn more about options through the Marketplace or employer plan.
The document discusses the effects of the Internet on various forms of media. It describes how the Internet has impacted the music industry through file sharing services and online stores like iTunes, leading record companies to change their business model. It also discusses how the Internet has affected television, radio, news, and marketing through new online streaming and social media platforms. Finally, it outlines how the mobile Internet is driving new forms of entertainment like mobile gaming and video as people access content on smartphones and tablets.
Industry Conditions that Led to the Revolution in Audio Distribution which De...reeza fazily
The document discusses the digital revolution in music distribution. It describes key developments like the MP3 format, Napster, and iTunes. These technologies made it possible to easily share and download music files over the internet. This revolutionized how people access and consume music. It benefited many stakeholders like customers who could access more music options and artists who gained more control and revenue streams. However, major record labels and retail stores were negatively impacted as demand shifted to online distribution models.
The document provides tips for various aspects of writing a research paper, including developing a thesis, incorporating sources, crafting an introduction and conclusion, and choosing an appropriate structure. It recommends framing the topic in a way that establishes relevance for readers. When including sources, it advises blending quotes into your own writing and citing borrowed material. The document stresses allowing room for surprises from research and focusing on the research question.
The collection contains approximately 25,000 objects largely focusing on Buddhist material from across Asia, including Japan, China, India, Thailand, and Tibet. It has especially large holdings of textiles, prints, paintings, sculptures, and coins from these regions, as well as representative collections of everyday life. The collection also features over 800 musical instruments from Asian countries.
Employee benefits can be complicated but are important protections. This document provides an overview of health insurance basics and terminology. It explains that health insurance spreads costs among groups and improves access to care. There are different types of plans including group insurance through employers and individual plans. Key terms are defined, such as premiums, deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums. Understanding these concepts makes health insurance easier to navigate.
This breakfast includes fruit such as apples and grapes, fat from walnuts, protein from yogurt, and starch from oats in granola. A balanced breakfast is presented containing fruit, fat, protein, and starch. The document lists the key food groups - fruit, fat, protein, and starch - contained in a balanced breakfast.
This document discusses upcoming tech meetup events and sessions in London focused on mobile and web technologies including iOS, Android, web apps, and big data analysis. Introductory lectures and workshops will provide opportunities to build small apps for each platform and learn frameworks like Node.js. The next session details are also requested about potential topics like iOS, web apps, or Android.
Git is a system for distributed version control and code management, while GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git projects. This document provides instructions for configuring Git by setting a username and email through the command line interface, in order to set up a user's first GitHub project. It recommends checking more in-depth documentation if any problems are encountered in the setup process.
This document provides instructions for using Git for version control and collaboration. It begins with downloading and installing Git, then configuring basic user settings. It describes initializing and cloning repositories, checking the status of files, and viewing commit logs. The document outlines the basic Git workflow including making changes to files, staging files, and committing changes to the local repository. It also covers pushing and pulling changes to and from remote repositories. Finally, it discusses resolving merge conflicts that can occur when merging branches.
This document provides an overview of construction risk management and insurance solutions. It discusses risk management definitions and processes, commercial insurance types like workers' compensation and general liability, and key considerations for construction contracts. Commercial insurance helps contractors transfer risks like property damage, injuries, and legal liabilities. Construction contracts specify legal obligations and address important insurance issues to protect all parties involved in a project.
See how a status quo challenging approached improved oil exploration can help your SCRUM team improve quality, reduce cost, and meet functional deliverable expectations using TREDD
Imbracaminte copii,hainute copii,hainute botez.
trusou botez,trusouri botez,trusou,hainute botez,accesorii botez,pardesiu botez,nou nascuti,compleu botez,rochite botez,fetite,baieti,bebelusi.
Si pentru ca alaturi de noi au crescut multi copii ne-am diversificat productia realizand si hainute pentru botez,rochite botez,compleuri botez ,paltonase botez pentru fetite daR si costume botez pentru baieti si bineinteles trusouri de botez atat pentru fetite cat si pentru baieti.
Bebelusii dvs vor arata minunat in hainutele JOHNNY iar timpul dvs pretios va fi salvat prin elementele ce le contin trusourile complete.
Flexibilitatea este una din caracteristicile unei companii mici de aceea si noi ne dorim sa ne adaptam intentiilor si necesitatilor fiecarui copil si sa ne orientam produsele astfel incat evenimentele din familia dumneavoastra sa prinda culoare.
Realizate din materiale naturale,precum poplin bumbac,catifea bumbac,in,stofe de lana sau viscoza produsele noastre fac deliciul unui eveniment precum botezul
This document provides information about new health insurance options through the Health Insurance Marketplace beginning in 2014. It summarizes that the Marketplace allows people to compare and purchase private health insurance, and may offer premium tax credits. While the Marketplace is an option, employer-provided health coverage could affect eligibility for savings. Contact information is provided to learn more about options through the Marketplace or employer plan.
The document discusses the effects of the Internet on various forms of media. It describes how the Internet has impacted the music industry through file sharing services and online stores like iTunes, leading record companies to change their business model. It also discusses how the Internet has affected television, radio, news, and marketing through new online streaming and social media platforms. Finally, it outlines how the mobile Internet is driving new forms of entertainment like mobile gaming and video as people access content on smartphones and tablets.
Industry Conditions that Led to the Revolution in Audio Distribution which De...reeza fazily
The document discusses the digital revolution in music distribution. It describes key developments like the MP3 format, Napster, and iTunes. These technologies made it possible to easily share and download music files over the internet. This revolutionized how people access and consume music. It benefited many stakeholders like customers who could access more music options and artists who gained more control and revenue streams. However, major record labels and retail stores were negatively impacted as demand shifted to online distribution models.
This presentation is meant to cover the basis of what streaming media is. There is a definition given, a history, and how streaming media is used today, along with a video example.
Vinylmint is a non-union, freelance marketplace of voice actors, sound designers, and translators. Getting variety and quality in freelance sound talent is tough to find at an affordable rate. Vinylmint simplifies the search, transaction, and rights transfer for sounds.
New and digital media refers to digital devices, citizen journalism, social networking, digital natives, time-shift viewing, the internet, web 2.0, apps, and blogs. Contemporary media issues related to new digital media include privacy concerns from hacking incidents and leaked photos, regulation of new technologies, and the use of social media and online videos in spreading propaganda or recording incidents like police interactions. New terminology includes hardware, software, media technology developments that have impacted industries like film, music, television, radio, and online platforms. Web 1.0 allowed only reading information while web 2.0 enables contributing and changing content. Digital natives are comfortable with technology while digital immigrants had to adapt to changing media.
This document discusses various forms of internet communication and multimedia. It describes instant messaging, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), weblogs, podcasts, webcasts, wikis and other methods. It also discusses internet-based entertainment like streaming audio/video and plug-ins, as well as social networking sites. The document is divided into sections covering topics like internet communications, e-mail, chat rooms, and multimedia.
This document discusses various forms of internet communication and multimedia. It describes instant messaging, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), weblogs, podcasts, webcasts, wikis and other methods. It also discusses internet-based entertainment like streaming audio/video and plug-ins, as well as social networking sites. The document is divided into sections covering these various internet topics.
Strategy and Innovation - Audiovisual Market, The Digital RevolutionSabrina Alves
The document discusses the audiovisual market and how it has changed with the digital revolution. It describes the key players in the film industry at the end of the 20th century, including film stock producers, movie theater operators, retailers, and consumers. It then summarizes the main changes in the audiovisual ecosystem that have occurred, such as the digitization of content and the rise of streaming videos and online services. Finally, it considers different scenarios for how audiovisual content may be consumed in the future.
The document summarizes how the music industry has changed from physical to digital distribution due to changes in buyer behavior and technology. It traces the timeline from vinyl records to CDs to digital downloads and streaming. This has led to a decline in traditional revenue streams for labels and artists. The document also discusses how the independent label Nettwerk adapted by focusing on digital promotion and new revenue sources like tours, advertisements, and licensing. It recommends that individual artists and the industry focus more on social media promotion, live events, advertising syncs, and developing digital platforms to generate revenue in the new environment.
This document discusses the impact of digital radio and the evolving radio audience. It notes that while broadcast radio is still widely used, new platforms and devices are expanding where and how people can access radio. This includes in cars, on mobile devices, and online. It also profiles some of the major players in digital radio distribution, like Pandora and TuneIn, and discusses new models like personalized internet radio and radio aggregated across multiple terrestrial stations. Representatives from these companies were asked for their thoughts on these trends.
DRM, Digital Content, and the Consumer Experience: More Lessons Learned from ...Kirk Biglione
As the market for e-books and mobile content grows, publishers are turning to DRM to protect content without fully contemplating the impact these DRM decisions have on their customers and the marketplace for digital content.
This session will examine the mistakes made by the music industry and lessons that publishers can learn from those mistakes.
This document provides information for an advertisement performance series for the Apple iPhone7 release in 2015-2016. It includes details on target demographics, Apple as a company, production needs, legal considerations, estimated costs, and goals for the campaign. The document contains various links and images.
Web 2.0 describes websites that use more advanced technology than early static websites, allowing users to interact with and share information on the web. Pop-ups originated as small advertising windows that opened automatically on web pages in the 1990s as a way to advertise products online, and major browsers began allowing pop-up blocking in the early 2000s. The first sponsorship video aired in 1946 as commercial television licenses were granted, and long-running UK soap opera Coronation Street has had notable sponsors such as Cadbury's and Harvey's over the years.
Music And Radio On The Internet Whats NextNico Perez
The document discusses the history and future of the music and radio industries online. It provides context on the major players in the recorded music and radio industries historically and today. It then discusses Mixcloud, an online platform for radio shows, podcasts, and DJ mixes. Finally, it outlines some key trends for the future of online music and radio, including a shift to more social, democratic, and personalized experiences, and challenges around business models, new devices and formats, and determining what types of content consumers will pay for.
This document discusses innovations driving the future of entertainment. It outlines how electricity and technologies like film, television, and digital video discs revolutionized entertainment by making it faster, better, and more accessible. Today, virtual bands and games are becoming popular forms of entertainment. The document suggests entertainment will continue improving in quality and speed due to advances like faster processors and networks. It will also expand through socialization and new modes of interaction across mobile devices and virtual worlds. The future may include holograms, alternate realities involving large portions of the population, and new storytelling forms where playing is creating. The document encourages leveraging technologies to create better content more quickly and broadly through innovative distribution methods.
This document provides an overview of a chapter that discusses intellectual property. It introduces intellectual property rights, how intellectual property is protected through various means like trademarks, patents and copyrights. It also discusses limitations to intellectual property protection and the concept of fair use. New restrictions on use related to digital media are also outlined, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Aol the emergence of an internet media companyARUNKUMAR A
AOL and Time Warner announced a merger in 2000 to combine AOL's online presence with Time Warner's media assets. AOL grew rapidly in the 1990s through aggressive marketing of its easy-to-use online service. It transitioned to an unlimited usage pricing model in 1996 to compete with flat-rate ISPs. Time Warner was a large media conglomerate owning cable systems, publishing, music, and filmed entertainment. The merger aimed to leverage both companies' media properties through cross-promotion online and off. Critics argued Time Warner had not fully exploited synergies between its divisions previously.
This document discusses Apple's mission of total brand awareness and a company's mission to achieve brand awareness for the iPhone7 through lifestyle marketing. It provides information on Apple's business metrics, the artist being considered for marketing, and risks and goals of the marketing campaign, which includes higher pre-sales and gaining young consumers through live events.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
1. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 19, Online Entertainment
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Online Entertainment
19.3 Entertainment and Technology
19.4 MP3 and File-Transfer Technology
19.5 Amateur and Independent Artist Opportunities
19.6 Interactive Web TV
19.7 Music and the Web
19.8 Web Radio
19.9 Sports on the Web
19.10 Comedy on the Web
19.11 Online Games
19.12 Online Hollywood
19.12.1 Talent Scouting
19.12.2 Screen Writing
19.12.3 Distribution and Supplies
19.13 Future of Entertainment
2. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.1 Introduction
The web is changing the way entertainment is
created, purchased and distributed
A convergence of technology will create new
File-transfer technology has made distribution
simple and controversial
3. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Streaming Media
Audio and video that is heard and viewed over the Internet
A product of interactive television that allows the viewer to
choose their own programming
Media convergence
The combination of separate forms of media and technology
to form new and greater products
19.1 Introduction
4. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.2 Online Entertainment
The Web itself is a form of entertainment
Many online entertainment sites offer streaming
audio, video and related news
Movie trailers, music and books are often released
on the Internet first
Most online entertainment is free
Major studios and record companies recognize the
importance of the Internet for marketing,
advertising and promotions
5. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.3 Entertainment and
Set-top box technology
Offers Web interactivity and resources, television video
quality and access to video-on-demand in a single machine
Technology convergence will lead to greater
interactivity and instant access to entertainment
As technology advances so will special effects,
computer graphics and communications
6. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.4 MP3 and File-transfer
A compressed audio format that allows for the easy transfer
of high quality audio over the Web
File-transfer technology
Makes the transfer of compresses files possible
File transfer technology has recently become
controversial as some believe it is a violation of
7. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.5 Amateur and Independent
Artist Opportunities
The Web gives amateur talent a chance to express
Graphic designers, artist, dancers, actors and
musicians can all use the Web to introduce their
talent to the World
Many Web sites are designed to help people learn
about starting a career in the entertainment
8. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.5 Amateur and Independent
Artist Opportunities
Superhero Roommate is just one of the many original series at
(Courtesy of
9. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.6 Interactive Web TV
Interactive Web TV combines television and the
It will one day be possible to surf a catalog of
hundreds of thousands of programs
3D theater-in-the-round will also be possible
Game shows allow home viewers to compete for
Individuals will be able to broadcast their own
10. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.7 Music on the Web
Musicians around the world benefit from the Web,
MP3 and file-transfer technology
A number of record companies use the Web to
develop talent and find rising stars
11. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.8 Web Radio
Hundreds of thousands of radio stations are
broadcasting over the Web on a daily basis
After a simple set up, the average person can
begin offering their own radio broadcast
MP3 and high speed Internet make Web radio
12. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.9 Sports on the Web
Sporting news content providers use the Web to
meet their market
Athletes can showcase their accomplishments on a
personal Web site to draw attention from college
recruiters and scouts
Sporting memorabilia is often sold at auctions
13. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.9 Sports on the Web allows you to find your favorite radio station
online. (Courtesy of FNX Radio Network and Microsoft Corporation.)
14. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.10 Comedy on the Web
Humor has always been a major part of Web
The Onion
15. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.10 Comedy on the Web
You never know what to expect at the (Courtesy of Onion, Inc.)
16. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.11 Online Games
The Internet allows multiplayer gaming over the
Many online games are offered for free
17. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.11 Online Games
The Hollywood Stock Exchange. (Courtesy of Hollywood Stock
Exchange速. Copyright 息 1996-2000. All Rights Reserved.)
18. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.12 Online Hollywood
Many film makers have turned to the Web to
release their short films
A few have launched careers through the Web
Movie marketing has found success online
19. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.12 Online Hollywood
The home page. (Courtesy of Powerful Media Inc./
20. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.12.1 Talent Scouting
Opportunity for unknown artists to demonstrate
their talents
Days film from a given production
Online talent scouting sites
21. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.12.2 Screen Writing
Writer of a screenplay
Must conceptualize the settings and relationships
Give and receive advice and feedback, host chats
and participate in workshops
Screen writing Web sites
22. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.12.3 Distribution and Supplies
Internet release of films may change the strategy
of traditional film release
Intellectual property demands a high level of
The ability to order first-run films to the home
Simultaneous domestic and international release
Reduction in the cost of printing, distributing and
23. 息 2001 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
19.13 Future of Entertainment
Increase in technological capabilities
Decrease in the cost of equipment
Increased competition in the entertainment
Increased ability to personalize entertainment for
the consumer
Entertainment delivered to wireless devices
Digital theater-in-the-round