The document lists common rooms found in a house and matches them with pictures, including the kitchen, bedroom, study, living room, dining room, bathroom, and balcony. It also provides a list of common furniture and items that can be found in each room, such as a television, mirror, sink, chest of drawers, speakers, bathtub, shower, wardrobe, sewing machine, radio, stereo, carpet, clock, sofa, armchair, vase, remote, bed, table, lamp, painting, window, desk, door, and chair.
The document discusses the genitive case in Finnish. It notes that the ending of the singular genitive is -n. It is used to express possession like in English. The stem form without the -n ending is needed to form other cases in Finnish. It also discusses consonant changes that occur in different cases, like t becoming d, and provides examples like katu becoming kadun in the genitive case. It includes a table showing the main consonant changes that are integral to the Finnish language.
Johan Ludvig Runeberg was a Finnish poet celebrated on Runeberg Day each February 5th by eating Runberg Cakes. The document provides a recipe for Runberg Cakes in Finnish, including instructions for making the dough, baking the muffins, and decorating them with raspberry jam and icing sugar. It notes that Runeberg apparently enjoyed these cakes, and that his wife Fredrika, herself a writer and pioneer for women in journalism, was originally known for baking the cakes that bear their name.
The document provides examples of spoken Finnish language used in various everyday situations and contexts. It includes common phrases, verbs, pronouns and questions used for introducing oneself, asking for and giving information, making requests, discussing present and past events, needs, activities, locations and travel plans. The document is intended to help learners practice and familiarize themselves with colloquial spoken Finnish.
This document provides suggestions for expressing personal opinions and general opinions. When expressing a personal opinion, use phrases like "in my opinion" or "as I see it." Provide reasons and evidence to support your personal view. When expressing a general opinion, avoid absolute statements and attribute the view to "some people" or "most people." Provide details to back up the general opinion. You can agree or disagree with others' opinions as long as you have reasons for your own view. The document encourages respectful discussion and exchange of different perspectives.
Finnish has several distinctive features that make its language and pronunciation unique:
1) Gemination, where the first consonant of the following word is doubled if it begins with a vowel.
2) Long and short vowels that impact pronunciation and meaning.
3) Consonant gradation where consonants like K, P, and T change form depending on suffixes added.
4) A complex system of stems, suffixes, endings and cases that determine verbs, nouns and their relationships in sentences.
This document provides information about Finnish housing and living customs. It describes common house types like detached houses (omakotitalo), apartments of different sizes (yksio, kaksio, kolmio), and buildings with multiple apartments. It discusses housebuilding traditions like talkoot where neighbors help each other. It also covers housewarming party etiquette like bringing salt and bread as a gift and taking shoes off inside. Overall, the document aims to teach English learners vocabulary and expressions related to Finnish homes, invitations, and social interactions.
Finns enjoy reading, using libraries, and newspapers. They also enjoy social media, television, radio, and a variety of musical genres. Popular outdoor activities include ice hockey, baseball, skiing, cycling, and visiting saunas. Open-air dances are a part of Finnish culture where people gather to socialize and experience music and potential romance. Nature is an important part of Finnish life and culture.
This document provides vocabulary and phrases for talking about food and ordering in a restaurant in Finnish. It includes words for common foods, meals, drinks and dishes. Phrases are presented for having a conversation with a waiter at a restaurant where you can ask questions about the menu options and place an order. Specific foods that are highlighted include salmon, potato mash, mineral water, ice cream and coffee.
Johan Ludvig Runeberg was a Finnish poet celebrated on Runeberg Day each February 5th by eating Runberg Cakes. The document provides a recipe for Runberg Cakes in Finnish, including instructions for making the dough, baking the muffins, and decorating them with raspberry jam and icing sugar. It notes that Runeberg apparently enjoyed these cakes, and that his wife Fredrika, herself a writer and pioneer for women in journalism, was originally known for baking the cakes that bear their name.
The document provides examples of spoken Finnish language used in various everyday situations and contexts. It includes common phrases, verbs, pronouns and questions used for introducing oneself, asking for and giving information, making requests, discussing present and past events, needs, activities, locations and travel plans. The document is intended to help learners practice and familiarize themselves with colloquial spoken Finnish.
This document provides suggestions for expressing personal opinions and general opinions. When expressing a personal opinion, use phrases like "in my opinion" or "as I see it." Provide reasons and evidence to support your personal view. When expressing a general opinion, avoid absolute statements and attribute the view to "some people" or "most people." Provide details to back up the general opinion. You can agree or disagree with others' opinions as long as you have reasons for your own view. The document encourages respectful discussion and exchange of different perspectives.
Finnish has several distinctive features that make its language and pronunciation unique:
1) Gemination, where the first consonant of the following word is doubled if it begins with a vowel.
2) Long and short vowels that impact pronunciation and meaning.
3) Consonant gradation where consonants like K, P, and T change form depending on suffixes added.
4) A complex system of stems, suffixes, endings and cases that determine verbs, nouns and their relationships in sentences.
This document provides information about Finnish housing and living customs. It describes common house types like detached houses (omakotitalo), apartments of different sizes (yksio, kaksio, kolmio), and buildings with multiple apartments. It discusses housebuilding traditions like talkoot where neighbors help each other. It also covers housewarming party etiquette like bringing salt and bread as a gift and taking shoes off inside. Overall, the document aims to teach English learners vocabulary and expressions related to Finnish homes, invitations, and social interactions.
Finns enjoy reading, using libraries, and newspapers. They also enjoy social media, television, radio, and a variety of musical genres. Popular outdoor activities include ice hockey, baseball, skiing, cycling, and visiting saunas. Open-air dances are a part of Finnish culture where people gather to socialize and experience music and potential romance. Nature is an important part of Finnish life and culture.
This document provides vocabulary and phrases for talking about food and ordering in a restaurant in Finnish. It includes words for common foods, meals, drinks and dishes. Phrases are presented for having a conversation with a waiter at a restaurant where you can ask questions about the menu options and place an order. Specific foods that are highlighted include salmon, potato mash, mineral water, ice cream and coffee.
This document provides information on various herbs and plants that can be used for food, cosmetics, and health purposes. It discusses dandelion leaves and flowers, lady's mantle, nettle, fireweed, and goutweed that can be eaten or used to make infusions, oils, soaps, and more. The document also provides tips for using herbs in the sauna and making herbal cosmetics at home using ingredients like honey, peat moss, clay, vegetable oils, and various herbs. Specific herbs and plants are mentioned for their effects on blood circulation, calming properties, reducing swelling, cleansing, and shrinking skin pores.
Midsummer, known as Juhannus in Finnish, is celebrated in Finland at the height of summer in June. It is a national holiday where Finns spend time in summer cottages or by lakes with friends, lighting bonfires, barbecuing, fishing, and boating. Traditional activities include spells for fertility and finding a spouse. Open-air dancing is also popular, with the culture of dance pavilions providing community and romance after the hardship of war.
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Pessimisti = a pessimist
Menettää hermonsa = lose one’s nerves
Eilen = yesterday
Kaupan kassajono = a queue at a store
Juhannuseväät = picnic hamper (basket)
’unohtua’ >Ovat unohtuneet = you didn’t
remember to bring them
’loppua’ > Loppuvat = run out of
Ennen puolta yötä = before midnight
’Saada’ >Olet saanut = you have
Kymmenen hyttysenpuremaa = 10 mosquito
Kasvojen alueelle = on the facial area
Räntäsade = fall of wet snow; squall of sleet
Rojahtaa = fall down heavily
Niskaan = on your neck
Sammuttaa grillin = extinguish the fire in the
Ärsyttävät mökkinaapurit = annoying
cottage neighbours
Loilottaa = sing loudly and annoyingly
Vaikea sanoa = it’s hard to tell
’Kesäillan valssi’= a Finnish waltz
Makkara putoaa = the sausage falls
Tikun nokasta = off the grill stick
Nuotioon = into the open fire
Olisi mukava = it would be nice
Käydä soutelemassa = to go rowing (on the
Mutta veneen tappia ei löydy = but you
can’t find the boat plug
Joku seurueesta mököttää = somebody has
the sulks
Ilman lämpötila laskee pakkasen puolelle =
the temperature falls below zero
Grillikyljykset = grill ribs
’palaa’ >Palavat = get burned
Eikä = and…not
Halpa = cheap
Perunasalaatinsotku = potato salad smash
’Peittää’ >peitä = cover
Hiilen makua = the taste of coal
Et saa = you don’t manage to (get)
Saunaa syttymään = to lightthe fire in the
Tai jos saat = or if you do
Se on sähkösauna = it appears to be an
electric sauna
Ainoa näkemäsi = the only one you can see
Juhannustaian tekijä = casting Midsummer
spells (you do these naked)
Mökkinaapurin lihava ukko = the old chap
from the neighbouring cottage
Laiturilla = on the swimming jetty/platform
Vesi = water
On niin kylmää = …is so cold
Ettet = ’että et’ = that you …not
Päästäisi = would let
Sinne = in there
Anoppiakaan = not even your mother-in-
Joku = someone
Laittaa = puts
TV:stä näkymään = TV on with…
Potkupalloa = jalkapalloa = football
Kokko = a bonfire
’Kaatua’ >kaatuu = falls down
Vaikka risuläjä se oli = but it was a heap of
Alunperinkin = anyhow, to start with
Olisit saanut = you would have got
Tämän täyteen = this filled in
Mutta FB ei toimi = but FB is down
Lappu hävisi = you lost the paper
Johonkin = somewhere