Am辿rica es el segundo continente m叩s grande de la Tierra, despu辿s de Asia. Ocupa gran parte del hemisferio occidental del planeta.
Continente Americano -
La equidad de g辿nero se refiere a la igualdad de oportunidades y derechos para hombres y mujeres, eliminando toda forma de discriminaci坦n. Implica que todos los seres humanos son iguales a pesar de sus diferencias de sexo, estado civil, profesi坦n u otros atributos, y que todos tienen los mismos derechos y obligaciones. La igualdad significa ser tratados de la misma manera ante la ley, poder participar con las mismas oportunidades en todos los 叩mbitos de la sociedad, y no sufrir discriminaci坦n o acoso por cuest
U.S. State and Local Indirect Tax OverviewAlex Baulf
The document provides an overview of U.S. state and local indirect tax. It discusses key concepts such as nexus, taxability, exemptions, and tax rates. It also examines the complexity of sales tax laws and how they can vary between states and local jurisdictions.
Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion across and presentation skills are required in almost every field.
This document discusses demystification for bereaved teens. It aims to explain the complex nature of adolescent grief and provide strategies to facilitate healing. Demystification involves removing mystery or confusion around a topic through education. When used for grieving teens, it encourages questioning, promotes self-discovery, and helps them incorporate helpful words and phrases to describe their experience. The document also outlines the bereavement process and common effects of grief like shock, feelings, and reconstruction of identity over the long term.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing feelings, creative outlets, and peer support groups.
3) Teens benefit from counseling that validates their experiences and helps them identify other supports besides the counselor.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. RT/RW Net merupakan jaringan komputer bersama masyarakat lingkup RT/RW untuk berbagi akses internet
2. Tujuan membangun RT/RW Net antara lain untuk menyebarkan akses internet murah dan membangun komunitas sadar teknologi
3. Infrastruktur RT/RW Net membutuhkan dukungan tetangga untuk membangun jaringan kabel atau nirkabel
This document discusses branding and self-branding. It outlines the branding process, which includes understanding, positioning, visual identity creation, developing a complete system, and ongoing updates. Self-branding is also covered, with steps like thinking of yourself as a brand, defining your unique value, online and offline presence, networking, and reinventing yourself. Contact details are provided for the presenters. The document concludes with an invitation to have fun.
Dokumen ini memberikan pengantar singkat tentang internet di Indonesia. Internet telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan di Indonesia dengan jumlah pengguna mencapai 88,1 juta pada tahun 2015. Sebagian besar pengguna berasal dari pulau Jawa dan menggunakan perangkat seluler untuk mengakses internet. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana internet telah mengubah pola komunikasi, perilaku, dan kebutuhan masyarakat serta berpotensi memberdayakan
El documento lista 3 alumnos - Cristian Leonardo Torres Trist叩n, Diana Lisbeth Nieto Linares y Michelle Pe単a Rodr鱈guez - y su maestra Margarita Romero Alvarado del CETis 109. El documento tambi辿n menciona los temas de multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n.
Integrating the Nutrition Education and Counseling (NEC) intervention into th...Florence Tushemerirwe
This document summarizes the integration of a Nutrition Education and Counseling intervention program into the Rakai Health Sciences HIV/AIDS Care program in Rakai, Uganda over seven months from July to December 2010. The goal of the program was to improve the nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and feeding practices of people living with HIV enrolled in the care program. Key activities included integrating nutrition messages into health education sessions, introducing drama and cooking demonstrations, developing nutrition education materials in local languages, and monitoring and evaluating the program. The program identified strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and gaps to help improve future integration of nutrition support into HIV care in the region.
Am辿rica es el segundo continente m叩s grande de la Tierra, despu辿s de Asia. Ocupa gran parte del hemisferio occidental del planeta.
Continente Americano -
La equidad de g辿nero se refiere a la igualdad de oportunidades y derechos para hombres y mujeres, eliminando toda forma de discriminaci坦n. Implica que todos los seres humanos son iguales a pesar de sus diferencias de sexo, estado civil, profesi坦n u otros atributos, y que todos tienen los mismos derechos y obligaciones. La igualdad significa ser tratados de la misma manera ante la ley, poder participar con las mismas oportunidades en todos los 叩mbitos de la sociedad, y no sufrir discriminaci坦n o acoso por cuest
U.S. State and Local Indirect Tax OverviewAlex Baulf
The document provides an overview of U.S. state and local indirect tax. It discusses key concepts such as nexus, taxability, exemptions, and tax rates. It also examines the complexity of sales tax laws and how they can vary between states and local jurisdictions.
Presenting information clearly and effectively is a key skill to get your message or opinion across and presentation skills are required in almost every field.
This document discusses demystification for bereaved teens. It aims to explain the complex nature of adolescent grief and provide strategies to facilitate healing. Demystification involves removing mystery or confusion around a topic through education. When used for grieving teens, it encourages questioning, promotes self-discovery, and helps them incorporate helpful words and phrases to describe their experience. The document also outlines the bereavement process and common effects of grief like shock, feelings, and reconstruction of identity over the long term.
1) Grief counseling for teens faces barriers like their developmental stage between childhood and adulthood and intense emotions.
2) Strategies for counseling grieving teens include relationship building, normalizing feelings, creative outlets, and peer support groups.
3) Teens benefit from counseling that validates their experiences and helps them identify other supports besides the counselor.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. RT/RW Net merupakan jaringan komputer bersama masyarakat lingkup RT/RW untuk berbagi akses internet
2. Tujuan membangun RT/RW Net antara lain untuk menyebarkan akses internet murah dan membangun komunitas sadar teknologi
3. Infrastruktur RT/RW Net membutuhkan dukungan tetangga untuk membangun jaringan kabel atau nirkabel
This document discusses branding and self-branding. It outlines the branding process, which includes understanding, positioning, visual identity creation, developing a complete system, and ongoing updates. Self-branding is also covered, with steps like thinking of yourself as a brand, defining your unique value, online and offline presence, networking, and reinventing yourself. Contact details are provided for the presenters. The document concludes with an invitation to have fun.
Dokumen ini memberikan pengantar singkat tentang internet di Indonesia. Internet telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan di Indonesia dengan jumlah pengguna mencapai 88,1 juta pada tahun 2015. Sebagian besar pengguna berasal dari pulau Jawa dan menggunakan perangkat seluler untuk mengakses internet. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana internet telah mengubah pola komunikasi, perilaku, dan kebutuhan masyarakat serta berpotensi memberdayakan
El documento lista 3 alumnos - Cristian Leonardo Torres Trist叩n, Diana Lisbeth Nieto Linares y Michelle Pe単a Rodr鱈guez - y su maestra Margarita Romero Alvarado del CETis 109. El documento tambi辿n menciona los temas de multiplicaci坦n y divisi坦n.
Integrating the Nutrition Education and Counseling (NEC) intervention into th...Florence Tushemerirwe
This document summarizes the integration of a Nutrition Education and Counseling intervention program into the Rakai Health Sciences HIV/AIDS Care program in Rakai, Uganda over seven months from July to December 2010. The goal of the program was to improve the nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and feeding practices of people living with HIV enrolled in the care program. Key activities included integrating nutrition messages into health education sessions, introducing drama and cooking demonstrations, developing nutrition education materials in local languages, and monitoring and evaluating the program. The program identified strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and gaps to help improve future integration of nutrition support into HIV care in the region.
The document provides details about a lesson plan on the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. The aims of the lesson are to provide students with comprehensive knowledge about Nazarbayev's contributions to society and government and his economic and political reforms. The lesson will be conducted in groups and include discussions, presentations, and visual aids like photos of the president and slides. Key facts about Nazarbayev's early life, career, accomplishments, and symbolic representations like the presidential flag and emblem will be covered.