O Imp¨¦rio Bizantino foi o Imp¨¦rio Romano Oriental com capital em Constantinopla. Ele caracterizou-se por uma sociedade hierarquizada, economia baseada no com¨¦rcio e cultura ecl¨¦tica influenciada por gregos, persas e romanos. Justiniano expandiu o Imp¨¦rio no s¨¦culo VI, mas revoltas, crises religiosas e invas?es eventualmente levaram ¨¤ queda de Constantinopla para os turcos otomanos em 1453.
The Early Middle Ages in Western Europe (450-900 CE) was a difficult time of invasion and weakness. Literacy was low, confined mainly to monasteries. The Feudal system and Manorialism developed, with serfs living under difficult conditions on manors. However, starting around 900 CE, agricultural innovations increased food production and population growth. Towns and trade expanded, and a recovery was underway in Western Europe. Universities also began developing. By the High Middle Ages, Western civilization reached new heights in the 1100-1200s CE.
The document summarizes the Greek Dark Ages from approximately 1125-1000 BC. Key points include:
- Society declined from centralized palatial systems to isolated village chiefdoms with local leaders called Basileus.
- Daily life and traditions remained similar at the village and household level.
- Recovery began with permanent Greek settlements in Asia Minor and mastery of iron smelting from the East.
- Late Dark Age society was organized by village communities under Basileus with ancestral land plots and customary law.
The ancient Greeks lived in independent city-states rather than a unified nation, and identified themselves primarily based on their city-state of origin such as Athenian or Spartan. Each city-state had its own government, laws, and customs, though they shared a common language and religion. While the city-states would unite against common enemies, they also engaged in wars with each other due to the lack of a centralized Greek government.
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s and transformed its economy from agricultural to industrial. Key factors that enabled industrialization in Britain included available capital from overseas trade, population growth from the Agricultural Revolution, and deposits of coal and iron for fuel and machinery. New inventions like the steam engine powered factories and railroads, further driving industrialization. While factories increased production, workers often faced difficult and unsafe conditions, such as long hours, child labor, and workplace accidents. The Industrial Revolution spread from Britain to other parts of Europe and the United States in the 19th century.
The Qing Dynasty ruled China from 1644 to 1911. It was founded by the Manchu people, who invaded China and overthrew the Ming Dynasty. Under early Qing rulers like Kangxi, China experienced economic and technological advances. However, crisis emerged around 1800 as farmers revolted and the opium trade undermined China. This led to the First Opium War in 1840, after which Britain forced China to open new trade ports. Continued unrest and foreign incursions weakened the Qing Dynasty until it was overthrown in 1911 with the establishment of the Republic of China.
Octavian defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra to become Rome's first emperor, initiating a period of peace and prosperity known as Pax Romana. Under Octavian, renamed Augustus, Rome experienced over 200 years of stability through expanded trade, cultural blending with Greece, and engineering projects. Good emperors like Trajan and Hadrian expanded the empire's borders while others like Marcus Aurelius were philosopher-soldiers, but Commodus' disastrous rule marked the decline of the Pax Romana period.
Europe has an area of 10,180,000 km2 and a population of 710 million people. It has a long and diverse history, from prehistoric human settlements to the rise and fall of ancient empires like Rome and Byzantium. Major developments include the Renaissance, Age of Discovery, industrial revolution, and two world wars in the 20th century. Today, Europe is composed of independent nation states with close economic and political cooperation between members of the European Union.
Egypt¡¯s stability is in stark contrast to the Ancient Near East of the same period, which endured an overlapping series of cultures and upheavals with amazing regularity. The earliest royal monuments, such as the Narmer Palette carved around 3100 B.C.E., display identical royal costumes and poses as those seen on later rulers, even Ptolemaic kings on their temples 3000 years later.
Ancient China developed major civilizations along river valleys like the Yellow River and Yangtze River. Geographic isolation led the Chinese to believe they were the center of the world. Early dynasties like the Shang and Zhou established social hierarchies and developed writing. The Qin dynasty unified China and built infrastructure like the Great Wall. Subsequent dynasties like the Han expanded the empire and implemented civil service exams. The Tang and Song dynasties represented a cultural golden age with advances in technology, art, and education. China's empires were later conquered by Mongol invaders.
Ancient Egypt developed along the fertile Nile River valley. Around 3000 BCE, King Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt, establishing the first dynasty. Subsequent pharaohs and their dynasties constructed grand pyramids and other monumental structures, including the iconic Great Pyramids of Giza. The Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms rose and fell as power shifted between different ruling families and the capital moved from Memphis to Thebes. Key figures like Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Akhenaten expanded Egyptian influence while also introducing religious innovations. The New Kingdom represented a cultural and economic peak before external forces contributed to Egypt's gradual decline.
The Early Middle Ages in Western Europe (450-900 CE) was a difficult time of invasion and weakness. Literacy was low, confined mainly to monasteries. The Feudal system and Manorialism developed, with serfs living under difficult conditions on manors. However, starting around 900 CE, agricultural innovations increased food production and population growth. Towns and trade expanded, and a recovery was underway in Western Europe. Universities also began developing. By the High Middle Ages, Western civilization reached new heights in the 1100-1200s CE.
The document summarizes the Greek Dark Ages from approximately 1125-1000 BC. Key points include:
- Society declined from centralized palatial systems to isolated village chiefdoms with local leaders called Basileus.
- Daily life and traditions remained similar at the village and household level.
- Recovery began with permanent Greek settlements in Asia Minor and mastery of iron smelting from the East.
- Late Dark Age society was organized by village communities under Basileus with ancestral land plots and customary law.
The ancient Greeks lived in independent city-states rather than a unified nation, and identified themselves primarily based on their city-state of origin such as Athenian or Spartan. Each city-state had its own government, laws, and customs, though they shared a common language and religion. While the city-states would unite against common enemies, they also engaged in wars with each other due to the lack of a centralized Greek government.
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s and transformed its economy from agricultural to industrial. Key factors that enabled industrialization in Britain included available capital from overseas trade, population growth from the Agricultural Revolution, and deposits of coal and iron for fuel and machinery. New inventions like the steam engine powered factories and railroads, further driving industrialization. While factories increased production, workers often faced difficult and unsafe conditions, such as long hours, child labor, and workplace accidents. The Industrial Revolution spread from Britain to other parts of Europe and the United States in the 19th century.
The Qing Dynasty ruled China from 1644 to 1911. It was founded by the Manchu people, who invaded China and overthrew the Ming Dynasty. Under early Qing rulers like Kangxi, China experienced economic and technological advances. However, crisis emerged around 1800 as farmers revolted and the opium trade undermined China. This led to the First Opium War in 1840, after which Britain forced China to open new trade ports. Continued unrest and foreign incursions weakened the Qing Dynasty until it was overthrown in 1911 with the establishment of the Republic of China.
Octavian defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra to become Rome's first emperor, initiating a period of peace and prosperity known as Pax Romana. Under Octavian, renamed Augustus, Rome experienced over 200 years of stability through expanded trade, cultural blending with Greece, and engineering projects. Good emperors like Trajan and Hadrian expanded the empire's borders while others like Marcus Aurelius were philosopher-soldiers, but Commodus' disastrous rule marked the decline of the Pax Romana period.
Europe has an area of 10,180,000 km2 and a population of 710 million people. It has a long and diverse history, from prehistoric human settlements to the rise and fall of ancient empires like Rome and Byzantium. Major developments include the Renaissance, Age of Discovery, industrial revolution, and two world wars in the 20th century. Today, Europe is composed of independent nation states with close economic and political cooperation between members of the European Union.
Egypt¡¯s stability is in stark contrast to the Ancient Near East of the same period, which endured an overlapping series of cultures and upheavals with amazing regularity. The earliest royal monuments, such as the Narmer Palette carved around 3100 B.C.E., display identical royal costumes and poses as those seen on later rulers, even Ptolemaic kings on their temples 3000 years later.
Ancient China developed major civilizations along river valleys like the Yellow River and Yangtze River. Geographic isolation led the Chinese to believe they were the center of the world. Early dynasties like the Shang and Zhou established social hierarchies and developed writing. The Qin dynasty unified China and built infrastructure like the Great Wall. Subsequent dynasties like the Han expanded the empire and implemented civil service exams. The Tang and Song dynasties represented a cultural golden age with advances in technology, art, and education. China's empires were later conquered by Mongol invaders.
Ancient Egypt developed along the fertile Nile River valley. Around 3000 BCE, King Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt, establishing the first dynasty. Subsequent pharaohs and their dynasties constructed grand pyramids and other monumental structures, including the iconic Great Pyramids of Giza. The Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms rose and fell as power shifted between different ruling families and the capital moved from Memphis to Thebes. Key figures like Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Akhenaten expanded Egyptian influence while also introducing religious innovations. The New Kingdom represented a cultural and economic peak before external forces contributed to Egypt's gradual decline.
The document discusses absolute value, noting that absolute value represents the distance from zero regardless of direction. It provides examples of simplifying expressions involving absolute value, and explains that the absolute value of a variable depends on whether the variable is positive or negative.
Clube de parceiros da Adere. Desde 1972, a Adere promove a inclus?o de jovens e adultos com defici¨ºncia intelectual no mercado de trabalho. Atendemos pessoas com diferentes desejos, desafios e acompanhamos seus primeiros passos em um novo caminho. Mais do que conhecer cada atendido, conhecemos tamb¨¦m as suas fam¨ªlias. Mais do que trat¨¢-los como clientes, convivemos como cidad?os. Mais do que entender problemas, acreditamos no potencial de realizar sonhos.
PowerPoint presentation for the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association and Taiwan Education Research Association Conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 10 - 12 November, 2016.
Over the past year there have been some notable changes to employment law in Canada:
- The Canada Pension Plan was revamped to gradually increase worker contributions and substantially increase maximum annual benefits.
- Ontario passed new legislation expanding the definition of workplace harassment to include sexual harassment and introducing new investigation requirements for employers.
- A new liberal federal government was elected that is expected to take a more progressive approach to labour issues compared to the previous conservative administration.
This document summarizes Andrea Hewes' reflections on what she learned in her English 102 course over the fall 2011 semester. She discusses gaining confidence in her writing skills and style through assignments like analyzing poems, revising papers, and creating an annotated bibliography. Blogging for the class made it a more engaging experience. Overall, she feels the course helped improve her abilities for future college papers.
Preparing the Engineer of the Future, Part II: Projects around the GlobeRick Vaz
This describes a scalable, sustainable model for providing engineering and science students with impactful global experiences. Through the WPI Global Perspective Program, over 500 students per year complete academic projects in 25 locations around the globe.
5. ? Andlig och v?rldslig makt i samverkan: pr?sterskapet
fick spelrum om de v?lsignade kungen
? Kyrkan tog ¡±tionde¡± ¨C kungar och vasaller skatt och
? Livegenskap = slaveri? Bonden ?r bunden till sin
godsherres jord hela livet.
? B?ndernas h?rda arbete fick en mening: v?gen till gud
6. ? Jordbruk: Treskifte, hjulplog, h?sten, vattenhjul och
? Nya starka handelsregioner: Norra Italien (glas,
l?der, handsmide, slavar), Flandern (textilier) och
norra Tyskland ¨C Hansan (salt, j?rn och koppar ¨C fr?n
? St?derna v?xer fram: egna stadslagar (skr?v?sendet),
ofta byggda kring en borg (¡±borgare¡±), med ringmur,
vallgrav, kyrka och r?dhus.
? Kamp mellan andligt och v?rldsligt: kejsare och p?ve
? Riddare och korst?g
7. ? H?gmedeltidens folk?kning leder till resursbrist
? Digerd?den (b?ldpest) n?r Italien 1347 och snart g?r
1/3 av Europas befolkning ?t i fruktansv?rt lidande ¨C
men resurskrisen ?r l?st
? Guds straff eller judarna?
? Med penningekonomi och krig st?rker kungarna sin
? Hundra?rskriget 1337-1453 (Eng-Fra)
? Kyrkans kris: P?var och motp?var, handeln med
avlatsbrev ¨C ska kyrkan verkligen str?va efter makt och
8. T i d i g m e d e l t i d H ? g m e d e l t i d e n Senmedeltid
750 1000 1250 1500
Folkvandringar Jordbruksutveckling: Digerd?den
Feodalism Hjulplog Kungarnas ?terkomst
Gud Handelns ?terkomst Kyrkans kris
St?dernas ?terkomst
Andligt och v?rldsligt