Montage is a filmmaking technique that uses rapid editing, effects, and music to efficiently convey narrative information. It originated from the French word for "putting together" and can refer to collage techniques in photography, sound, and film where various elements are assembled into a new work. The document provides examples of influential photomontage artists from the late 19th century like Oscar Rejlander to punk artists like Winston Smith and the Sex Pistols in the late 20th century.
Test First Refresh Second: Test-Driven Development in GrailsTim Berglund
Grails provides solid support for unit testing of parts of your application that are usually very difficult to test. Learn how to enable test-first development practices using the Grails framework.
This document provides information about a school exchange program between students in Spain. It includes videos from Spanish students introducing themselves and their school in Guadix, Spain. They describe features of Acci Secondary School like the front yard, hall, and library. They also highlight important landmarks in Guadix like the cathedral, parks, and squares to provide visiting students a tour of their town.
Montage is a filmmaking technique that uses rapid editing, effects, and music to efficiently convey narrative information. It originated from the French word for "putting together" and can refer to collage techniques in photography, sound, and film where various elements are assembled into a new work. The document provides examples of influential photomontage artists from the late 19th century like Oscar Rejlander to punk artists like Winston Smith and the Sex Pistols in the late 20th century.
Test First Refresh Second: Test-Driven Development in GrailsTim Berglund
Grails provides solid support for unit testing of parts of your application that are usually very difficult to test. Learn how to enable test-first development practices using the Grails framework.
This document provides information about a school exchange program between students in Spain. It includes videos from Spanish students introducing themselves and their school in Guadix, Spain. They describe features of Acci Secondary School like the front yard, hall, and library. They also highlight important landmarks in Guadix like the cathedral, parks, and squares to provide visiting students a tour of their town.
The document discusses green job initiatives that can help refugees find employment. It profiles several programs:
1) The Green Jobs Corps in Oakland provides job training in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green construction, with paid internships.
2) The New American Sustainable Agriculture Project in Maine helps refugee and immigrant farmers access land and marketing assistance to grow organic vegetables and flowers.
3) Richmond, California's BUILD program provides construction skills training and solar installation training, placing 90% of graduates in high-wage green jobs averaging $18.33/hour.
4) Massachusetts' Green Industry Career Development program partners refugees with nurseries and landscaping companies, providing training and paid
The document presents 15 concepts for logos for the company SEN SEN Networks. The concepts explore different visual representations including dots/circles, typography, globes, infinity loops, eyes, cameras, and abstract designs. Most of the concepts are preliminary and need further graphical refinements such as improved colors, symbol integration, and execution. The top priorities for an effective logo identified are that it should be memorable through an interesting graphic form and credible by representing the company's business.
Here is a potential 10-minute presentation to the Chinese Environment Minister on solutions to China's ecological challenges from rapid economic growth:
"Mr. Minister, thank you for the opportunity to present some solutions. China's economic growth has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty but put immense pressure on natural systems. If left unaddressed, continued degradation risks undermining long-term prosperity. We propose a three-pronged approach:
1. Implement an ecological tax reform. Shift taxes off business and labor and onto resource use and pollution. This creates incentives for efficiency and innovation while raising funds for environmental protection.
2. Establish an accurate national ecological footprint accounting system and set targets to reduce China's footprint to within global bioc
Mainstreaming the Disruption: Up-skilling for Online LearningJeremy Williams
The document summarizes a presentation by Professor Jeremy Williams on upskilling for online learning. [1] It discusses integrating digital learning technologies across curricula and redefining roles and workload. [2] It also covers moving from a virtual learning environment to a personal learning environment and connectivism as a learning theory for the digital age where building, tinkering, learning and sharing lead to more building. [3] The presentation advocates for learner-centric and participatory education with authentic and flexible assessments that last beyond tests.
This document provides illustrations and notes for the design of a set for a touring production called "Africa's Heartbeat". It includes elevation drawings labeled "Africa Ground Row & Border Elevation" and ""Sun" Rear Projection Surface" showing the design of a circular rear projection screen surrounded by a black velour frame, as well as design details for hanging the screen and attaching it to the frame. Notes specify that the set must be easy to assemble and take down for touring and that hardware should be small and black.
The Navy¡¯s GeoReadiness Repository builds on a Web services, using ArcObjects 9 and open
standards, and provides the Navy with the following:
? Authoritative source of geospatial data for Navy Real Property in support of Critical
Infrastructure and Force Protection, Shore Installation Management, and
Environmental Protection
? Baseline architecture for a network of Regional Repositories
? Portal that integrates functional applications and databases
? Security controls limiting access to specific data layers
? Quality control by automating the SDSFIE Standards and IVT Quality Assurance
Plan compliance check function, and
? Access between authoritative geospatial databases
This document provides information about using the KROHNE online learning platform, including:
1. It describes the user's personal "My Area" dashboard and how to access available courses.
2. Courses can be started from the "My Area" tab or "All Courses" tab by joining the course and clicking on links to access learning modules and questionnaires.
3. To complete a course, users must successfully finish all questionnaires in the assigned order, at which point the certificate will be made available for download.
The document discusses Syndcom Ltd., a Canadian radio syndication company, and its decision about whether to integrate distribution in-house rather than using an external distributor. It analyzes the financials of in-house distribution, noting that it could eliminate a 30% distribution fee and be cost-neutral in the first year. It recommends beginning in-house distribution while focusing on pay-per-day stations and generating more feedback from radio stations through personal visits.
The DNA of The Greek CFO - Ernst & Youngddelonas
In 2010, Ernst & Young published
The DNA of the CFO,1 a report that provided
insight into what it is to be a chief financial
officer. The report was based on our analysis
of a survey of 669 CFOs from across Europe,
the Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA), along
with a program of in-depth interviews with
leading CFOs and finance directors from
these regions.
In this country-specific report, we focus on the
changing role, responsibilities and challenges
of CFOs based in Greece. The report is based
on a survey, conducted in late 2011, of 65 CFOs
and finance directors, who are either CFOs
of companies headquartered in Greece, or of
Greek subsidiaries of major multinationals.
Almost two-thirds of respondents represent
companies with annual revenues in excess
of €50m. To supplement the survey,
Ernst & Young also conducted a number
of in-depth interviews with CFOs and finance
directors based in Greece.
1. 1) ¡°Hareket¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ hangi c¨¹mlede ¡°davran??¡± anlam?nda kullan?lm??t?r? A) ?nsan toplum i?inde hareketlerine dikkat etmelidir. B) G¨¹re??i, k?vrak hareketlerle puan ald?. C) Sporcular, ?s?nma hareketlerine ba?lad?. D) U?a??m?z?n hareket saati gelmi?tir.
2. 2) Alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹klerin hangisi ger?ek anlam?nda kullan?lm??t?r? A) Bana kar?? hareketleri olduk?a so?uktu. B) Ceyhan¡¯?n tatl? suyu, Akdeniz¡¯in tuzlu sular?na kar???r. C) Tatl? bir g¨¹l¨¹mseme g?n¨¹l kazand?r?r. D) Yaln?z kal?nca gurbet ac? geldi.
3. 3) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¡°renkli¡± s?zc¨¹?¨¹ somut bir kavram? nitelemektedir? A) Renkli ki?ili?e sahip insanlarla kar??la?t?k. B) Karde?im ?ok renkli d¨¹?¨¹ncelere sahiptir. C) Bah?e renkli ampullerle ayd?nlat?lm??t?. D) Bu insanlar?n hepsinin ya?ant?lar? ?ok renkli.
4. Y¨¹re?ime kor d¨¹?t¨¹ Gece g¨¹nd¨¹z yer beni Ben bu dertten ?l¨¹rsem Kabul etmez yer beni D?rtl¨¹kte a?a??dakilerden hangisi yoktur? A) E? sesli kelime B) E? anlaml? kelime C) Z?t anlaml? kelime D) Mecaz anlaml? kelime
5. 5) ¡° S?z verdiyse mutlaka gelir¡± c¨¹mlesinde alt? ?izili s?z¨¹n katt??? anlam a?a??dakilerden hangisinde vard?r? A) Doktorun hemen gelmesi istendi. B) Bu ilac? kesinlikle kullanmal?s?n. C) Hasta gelir gelmez ameliyata al?nd?. D) Buradaki i?imiz ?abuk biter.
6. 6) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde eylemin ger?ekle?mesi ko?ula ba?lanm??t?r? A) Yaz gelince tatil haz?rl?klar?na ba?lan?r. B) ?yle yorgunmu? ki yat?nca uyuyakald?. C) Kafeste ya?ayan kanarya ?tm¨¹yor. D) ?yi d¨¹?¨¹n¨¹nce nerede yan?ld???n? anlars?n.
7. 7) Hangi c¨¹mlede neden-sonu? ili?kisi vard?r? A) Harman yerinde do?mu?, ?ocuklu?u da k?yde ge?mi?tir. B) ?st ge?itten ge?mi?, trafik kurallar?na uymu?tu. C) G¨¹r¨¹lt¨¹den ?ok korkmu?, y¨¹z¨¹ sapsar? kesilmi?ti. D) Dura?a zaman?nda varm??, otob¨¹s de zaman?nda gelmi?ti.
8. 8) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde, bir kavram ve a??klamas? birlikte verilmi?tir? (1) Uygar ve k¨¹lt¨¹rl¨¹ bir insan olmak i?in ?ok okumal?, ders kitaplar? ile yetinmemeliyiz. (2) Uygarl?k, bizden ?nceki ku?aklar?n biriktirdi?i bilgi ve an?lar?n bir toplam?d?r. (3) Biz, uygarl??a o ku?aklar?n kitaplar?n? okumakla kat?labiliriz. (4) Uygar bir insan olman?n biricik yolu okumakt?r. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
9. 9) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ?zelden genele do?ru bir anlat?m vard?r? A) Petrol ¨¹r¨¹nlerinden benzine zam geldi. B) T¨¹rk tarihinde, ?anakkale Sava??¡¯n?n yeri ?nemlidir. C) Alfabenin yirmi d?rd¨¹nc¨¹ harfi t ¡¯ dir. D) ?ocukluk g¨¹nlerim ?mr¨¹m¨¹n en g¨¹zel d?nemidir.
10. 10) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ki?isel g?r¨¹? s?z konusudur? A) Roman, edebiyat?m?za Bat?¡¯dan gelmi? bir t¨¹rd¨¹r. B) ¡°Yaban¡± roman? Yakup Kadri¡¯nin bir eseridir. C) ¡°Eyl¨¹l¡± psikolojik roman t¨¹r¨¹ne girer. D) ¡°9. Hariciye Ko?u?u¡± Peyami Safa¡¯n?n en g¨¹zel eseridir.
11. 11) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerle bir paragraf olu?turuldu?unda hangisi ilk c¨¹mle olur? A) Hatta halk aras?nda hikaye denilince masal akla gelir. B) Halk hikayeleri ile masal aras?nda benzerlikler vard?r. C) Masallar genellikle d¨¹z yaz? bi?imindedir. D) Halk hikayelerinde ise naz?m ve nesir i? i?edir.
12. 12) ¡°Kar?? duvardaki tahtalara ok talimlerinin ?e?itli ni?angahlar? ?izilmi?, k??edeki ??nar?n dallar?na k?l?? e?itiminde kullan?lan inceli kal?nl? tellere sar?lm?? kar ke?eleri, urganlar, i?i yapa?? dolu torbalar as?lm??t?r.¡± Paragrafla ilgili olarak a?a??dakilerden hangisi s?ylenir? A) A??klama yap?ld??? B) Benzetme yap?ld??? C) Betimleme yap?ld??? D) ?vg¨¹ye yer verildi?i
13. 13) ¡°Bug¨¹n i?inde bulundu?umuz bo?luk maziyi iyi tan?yamay???m?zdan kaynaklanmaktad?r. Bu itibarla bizden ?ncekilerin neler d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹klerini, neler tavsiye ettiklerini bilmek, yazd?klar?n? okumak, okutmak, tart??mak zorunday?z.Neden bu ?ekilde d¨¹?¨¹n¨¹yorlard?, nerelerde hata yapm??lard?? ?are? Zindan?m?z? y?kmak, mimar? ve i??isi cehaletimiz olan zindan?. ?nce kendimize vurdu?umuz zincirleri k?rmal?y?z.¡± Paragraftan a?a??dakilerden hangisi ??kar?lamaz? A) Mazinin tecr¨¹belerinden faydalan?lmal?d?r. B) Geli?mek isteyen toplumlar ?ncelikle cehaletten kurtulmal?d?r. C) Tart??ma, toplumun geli?mesine yard?m eder. D) D¨¹?¨¹nce ve inan?lara sayg? g?sterilmelidir.
14. 14) Gencin ayakta kalabilmesinin ve kendini idrak ederek yar?n?n? g?rebilmesinin s?rr?, ??retmenlerin ilim irfanla m¨¹h¨¹rl¨¹ olmas? gereken dual? dudaklar?nda gizli gibidir. Paragraf?n konusu nedir? A) E?itimde ??retmenlerin ?nemi B) Bilginin ?nemi C) Gen?lerin olgunlu?u D) Gen?lerde aranan nitelikler
15. 15) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerden hangisi, ?zne ve y¨¹klemden meydana gelmi?tir? A) Bu sat?rlarda yeni bir aray?? var. B) Sanat, mazi ile ba?lar? koparmamal?d?r. C) Onlar Milli M¨¹cadele¡¯nin isimsiz kahramanlar?yd?. D) Ge?mi?i yeniden yorumlayan h¨¹r kafalara ihtiya? var.
16. 16 ) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerden hangisinde, isim tamlamas? ?zne g?revindedir? A) Sonunda o?lunun ba?ar?s?n? g?rd¨¹. B) Arkada??n?n s?zlerinden ?ok etkilenmi?ti. C) Kedinin bak??lar? ?ok sevimliydi. D) Kuma??n rengini be?enmemi?ti.
17. 17) Hangi c¨¹mlenin y¨¹klemi s?fat tamlamas?d?r? A) ?iir okuyan ?ocuk Ali¡¯nin karde?idir. B) Kar??daki meydan, top sahas?d?r. C) Bindi?imiz ara?, ?ift katl? otob¨¹st¨¹. D) K?hne gibi evleri saray gibi g?steren, ak?am g¨¹ne?iydi.
18. 18) Hangi c¨¹mlede ikileme s?fat g?revindedir? A) Okurken tatl? tatl? kendinden ge?ersin. B) Okulun ?n¨¹nde boy boy s?ra olmu?lar. C) ?z¨¹m ¨¹z¨¹me baka baka karar?r. D) Renk renk ?i?ekler duruyordu saks?da.
19. 19) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde zamir farkl? g?revde kullan?lm??t?r? A) Ders notlar?n? benden ald?. B) Ba?kan sizi toplant?ya ?a??rd?. C) Anne sevgisini onda buldu. D) ??retmen kitaplar?n? bize verdi.
20. 20) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde yaz?m yanl??? vard?r? A) Bilgi yar??mas?nda bizim okulda dereceye girdi. B) Toplant? da ??retmenler odas?nda yap?lacak. C) Havuzda y¨¹zerken de dikkatli olmal?y?z. D) ?niversite e?itimini yurt d???nda m? yapt??
21. 21) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ??eleri ay?rmada yanl??l?k yap?lm??t?r? A) ?ki saat ?nce / gelen araba / h?l? / buradayd?. B) Seni g?rd¨¹?¨¹m g¨¹n / surat?n / as?kt?. C) K?ye onlardan ?nce gitti?imi / bilmiyorlar. D) ?nsanlar? b?ylesine sevmek / elbette / kolay de?il.
22. 22) Sa?l?kl? ya?aman?n s?rlar? ?unlard?r( ) Dengeli beslenme ( ) spor yapma ( ) d¨¹zenli ya?ama ( ) Yukar?daki c¨¹mlede bo? b?rak?lan yerlere s?ras?yla hangi noktalama i?aretleri getirilmelidir? A) (:) (,) (,) (.) B) (;) (,) (,) (.) C) (:) (,) (,) (¡) D) (.) (,) (,) (¡)
23. 23) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerden hangisinde ¡° ger?ekte var olmay?p ?yle san?lan bir durum¡± s?z konusudur? A) Bizimle birlikte olursan bu i? daha ?abuk biter. B) S?ylediklerimiz yanl?? de?ildir. C) B¨¹t¨¹n su? bendeymi? gibi davran?yor. D ) O, oturu?u ve duru?uyla bana benziyordu.
24. 24) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerden hangisinde kar??la?t?rma yap?lmam??t?r? A) K¨¹?¨¹k k?z ablas?ndan daha ak?l?yd?. B) ?lkenin g¨¹neyindeki adalar daha s?cakt?r. C) Baz?lar? onu sever baz?lar? da sevmez. D) Bu yemek f?r?nda biraz daha pi?meliydi.
25. 25) Ya?am?m?zda ?ok ?nemli bir yeri olan ekmek s?zc¨¹?¨¹ pek ?ok deyimde kullan?lmaktad?r. ?rne?in, ge?im sa?layacak bir i? bulman?n zorlu?unu anlatmak i?in " ekmek aslan?n a?z?nda "( I ), kendisi ?al??may?p ba?kas?n?n kazanc?yla ge?inme durumu i?in " ekmek elden su g?lden"( II ) deriz. Ge?imini sa?lamada ?ok becerikli olmay? " ekmek kap?s? "( III ) deyimiyle kar??lar?z. ¡° ekme?ine g?z dikmek ¡° ( IV ) deyimiyle, birinin ge?imini sa?layan i?i elinden almaya ?al??may? anlatmak isteriz. Bu par?ada numaralanm?? deyimlerden hangisi yanl?? a??klanm??t?r? A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV.
26. "Eski" s?zc¨¹?¨¹ a?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde isim olarak kullan?lm??t?r? A) Salonun perdeleri ?ok eskimi?. B) Eski arkada?lar?mla g?r¨¹?¨¹yorum. C) Eski, zamanla unutturuyor kendini. D) Eskiyor her ?ey hat?ralar?m?zda.
27. 27) ¡°Bo?¡± kelimesi hangi c¨¹mlede zarf g?revindedir? A) Bo? sokaklardan ge?erek eve girdi. B) ?ocuklar bo? arsada oynuyorlar. C) Yeni evimiz iki ayd?r bo? duruyor. D) Hayret, bu ev daha d¨¹n bo?tu.
28. 28) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde, isim tamlamas? ?zne g?revindedir ? A) Sonunda o?lunun ba?ar?s?n? g?rd¨¹. B) Arkada??n?n s?zlerinden ?ok etkilenmi?ti. C) Kedinin bak??lar? pek sevimliydi. D) Kuma??n rengini be?enmemi?ti.
29. 29) ¡°D¨¹n ate?ler i?inde yatt?m.¡± C¨¹mlesine ¡°-ler¡± ekinin katt??? anlam benzeri a?a??dakilerin hangisinde vard?r? A) Ak?am yedi sular?nda g?r¨¹?¨¹r¨¹z. B) Buralar?n havas? yaz?n g¨¹zel olur. C) Bug¨¹n d¨¹nyalar kadar sevdi?im arkada??m? g?rd¨¹m. D) Day?mlar bize gelece?ini s?yledi.
30. 30) Yazar?n, duygu ve d¨¹?¨¹ncelerini, okuyucuyla konu?ur gibi samimi, i?ten, do?al bir dille anlatt??? d¨¹?¨¹nce yaz?lar?na¡¡¡¡denir. Yukar?da bo? b?rak?lan yere a?a??dakilerden hangisi getirilmelidir? A) Sohbet (s?yle?i) B) An? (Hat?ra) C) Roman D) ?yk¨¹ (hikaye)
31. 31) "Tatbikatta s?n?f bo?ald?."c¨¹mlesinde alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹?¨¹n kullan?m?na benzer bir kullan?m a?a??dakilerin hangisinde vard?r? A) U?ak ?stanbul'a indi. B) Kalorifer kazan? bozulunca apartman aya?a kalkt?. C) ?? g¨¹nd¨¹r ?ehre elektrik verilemiyor. D) Bat?, G¨¹ney Asya depremine ?ok duyars?z.
32. 32) A?a??dakilerden hangisinde a?amal? bir durum yoktur ? A) ?ki ¨¹lke aras?ndaki ili?ki gitgide sertle?iyor. B) S?caklar g¨¹nden g¨¹ne art?yor. C) Konular giderek a??rla??yor. D) Bunlar? g?rd¨¹k?e hep o g¨¹nler akl?ma geliyor.
33. 33) "Oturmak" s?zc¨¹?¨¹ a?a??dakilerden hangisinde ¡® benimsenmek , yerle?mek , k?kle?mek¡¯ anlam?nda kullan?lm??t?r? A) Bu ev bize pahal?ya oturdu. B) S?ylenenler i?ime oturdu. C) Gemi karaya oturdu. D) Bu ?det iyice oturdu.
34. 34) Par?al?yor zaman? bir huysuz gemi, Yok ki ?tesi ?a?k?nl???n, gideyim biraz daha ileri. Bu dizeler i?in a?a??dakilerden hangisi s?ylenemez? A) ?nl¨¹ daralmas? oldu?u B) "Zaman" s?zc¨¹?¨¹ndeki ¨¹nl¨¹n¨¹n d¨¹z-geni? oldu?u C) ?ns¨¹z yumu?amas? oldu?u D) "Gemi" s?zc¨¹?¨¹n¨¹n b¨¹y¨¹k ¨¹nl¨¹ uyumu kural?na uymad???
35. 35) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¨¹ns¨¹z d¨¹?mesi g?r¨¹l¨¹r? A) S?cac?k elleriyle y¨¹re?imi ok?ad?. B) Ay g¨¹ne?i k?skan?yor geceden. C) Y?ld?zlar?m? getirin yolumun karanl???na. D) Unut gitsin her ?eyi, yak kalmas?n.
36. 36) A?a??daki dizelerden hangisi, y¨¹klemine g?re di?erlerinden farkl?d?r? A) A??lan bir g¨¹ls¨¹n sen yaprak yaprak B) Ye?il pencerenden bir g¨¹l at bana C) Bir alev ya?murudur g?zlerinin her bak??? D) G?nl¨¹m, yaz oldu?unda Bebek bah?esindedir