The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing. Created by Jim Gilbert, CEO of Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc.
This presentation was created in order to help set the proper expectations of what Social Media Marketing can do for a given company.
For more information on implementing a social media strategy for your company, email Jim Gilbert at:
The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing. Created by Jim Gilbert, CEO of Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc.
This presentation was created in order to help set the proper expectations of what Social Media Marketing can do for a given company.
For more information on implementing a social media strategy for your company, email Jim Gilbert at:
This mystery document is about identifying the subject of photos from a French town called Chenove. The photos are of the Chenove culture centre, which is located adjacent to the southwest side of Dijon, France and is the most populous suburb of that city. The culture centre in Chenove is the solution to the mystery presented in the document and photos.
How Social Media took on Big Meat and changed the Meat system forever.
I recently was asked to head a panel discussion for the Good Festival in March. The panel was suppose to be titled "Sustainable Meat" I am big believer in sustainability and its fundamental definition of a system that ^meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." However, Local meat has taken a much more aggressive posture in the last 5 years and evolved well beyond the simple title of sustainable meat. simply put, I believe the local meat system has tipped and gone mainstream. What once was called Sustainable local meat, I now call Meat 2.0. Therefore, I called the panel Local Meat 2.0. To understand 2.0 lets take a look at 1.0.
Meat 1.0 started roughly in 1993 when certain farmers and localvore leaders at the time (although they didn't know it) felt that "Good Meat" was raised primarily on grass and solely on grass in lush green pastures under blue skies. Unlike "Feedlot Cattle" they were not fed grain or antibiotics or hormones or steroids to accelerate their growth but to just feed the animals what they are suppose to eat all their lives - Grass! Turned out the meat actually tastes better, its more healthy, its more humane to the animals and supports a sustainable environment. An industry was born.
From 1993 to roughly 2006, this notion of Grass-Fed meats grew rapidly within the bohemian and localvore communities. The American Grass-fed Association was started by Dr Patty Whisnant who later grew her Rain Crow ranch Grass-Fed Beef business to a multi-million dollar powerhouse in the midwest. In Local Meat 1.0 buying decision were simple and composed of local meat lovers whose buying decisions were based on several simple factors:
"Meet the Farmer "
1.Buy direct From Farm by going to the Farm
3.Goodness - Tastes Great!
4.Humane Treatment of the animals
5.Trust the Farmer
6.You get to pet a pony
In 2006 two things happened: Michael Pollens book, the Ominores delima became a best seller, changing the intellectuals in the countries notion of just what kind of meat we might be eating and what it is doing to the environment. This spurred the USDA to recognize local sustainable meat, specifically Grass-Fed as a bonifide product and thus labeled it such.
March 8th, 2008 was the year I feel, Local Meat Tipped! You will see by the slide presentation the factors that led up to this Big Meat disrupting tipping point moment. The final deadly blow, that shock the nation, was Diane Sawyers ABC expose on the now famous "Pink Slime" The headlines that appeared in the media was, I believe" Pink Slime Found In 70% Of Supermarket Ground Beef In ABC Investigation." Ouch.
The Digitally Connected Worker: Developing and Supporting Social Learning in...Jeremy Williams
The document discusses developing social learning in the workplace. It argues that integrating professional and personal learning networks can support workers' digital connectivity. Segregating these networks may be a personal choice, while integrating them allows for crowdsourcing knowledge and collaboration to address challenges like job losses. The author is Professor Jeremy B Williams from Griffith Business School who studies digitally connected workers and social learning.
Site-ul implineste doi ani de cand a fost lansat oficial. Cu aceasta ocazie am creat fisierul acesta in care iti reamintim cum te poate ajuta
Then our buildings shape us 10 minutesTim Berglund
The document discusses how the forms and structures we use to create and communicate shape both the creation process and how the ideas are received. It explores how buildings, creative works, software, and technologies all have inherent forms that impose constraints but also facilitate creation. The document argues we must be aware of how the forms we choose shape not only what we build but also how we think.
As a former marketing professor and current direct, social media and digital marketing consultant, I am often asked about old school direct marketing and its rules, terms and analytics.
I created this simple direct marketing primer for a client who was looking to enter the direct mail space.
About the author:
Jim Gilbert, is the CEO of Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc, and President of The non-profit networking and education organization - The Florida Direct Marketing Association.
Jim is a former adjunct Professor of Marketing teaching at Miami International University.
He can be reached at, or follow him on twitter: @gilbertdirect. or Linkedin:
On October 16th 2014, Jim Gilbert, President of Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc and the Author of The 9 Immutable Laws of Social Media Marketing, unveiled a new presentation exclusively for Catalog University.
This presentation focuses on how to use videos to drive social media engagement and sales.
Writing presentation bob wilson - dec 2010Ed Ingman
The document discusses strategies for helping students improve their writing skills. It includes perspectives from a Writing Across the Curriculum initiative discussion group on making students more comfortable expressing themselves through writing. Group members emphasize the importance of students being able to articulate thoughts in an academic context, using analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The document also outlines objectives for exposing students to writing as a way to communicate and develop their learning, as well as activities like group discussions and projects to help students improve their writing and thinking skills.
Classical World ??? Klasik D┨nya
The document provides recommendations to improve the Pakistan Technology Board by modeling it after the United Kingdom's Technology Strategy Board. It recommends that the board forecast world market and technology trends to guide analysis of relevant technology areas, identify and select key technologies important for industry growth and competitive advantage, and propose incentives for developing and growing key technologies. It also recommends setting up joint ventures for knowledge sharing and manufacturing, providing special investment incentives, maximizing local engineering design, and promoting quality assurance systems and standards.
The Indian International University 2017: A RetrospectiveJeremy Williams
The Indian International University has been ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. This is a retrospective on how it achieved this ranking. Key developments include the passage of the Foreign Educational Institutions Act in 2012, which allowed for innovative collaborations with international institutions. The university also implemented a new pedagogy focused on critical thinking, problem solving and flexible delivery rather than just content consumption. Its green management program and faculty development initiatives also contributed to its success.
2. Hangi c┨mlenin y┨klemi isim tamlamas?d?r? A) Su testisi su yolunda k?r?l?r. B) Kom?unun tavu?u kom?uya kaz g?r┨n┨r. C) B┨t┨n dertler, y?llar?n birikimidir. D) D┨?ler, beynimi kemiren bir kurt?uktur.
3. 2. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde, tamlayan? zamir olan belirtili isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) Sokaklar?n ?amurundan b?kt?k. B) Uzaktan d┨d┨k sesleri duyuluyordu. C) ??rencilerin hepsi konferansa kat?ld?. D) Kimsenin i?ine kar??mazd?.
4. 3. ^Bu s?z kula??na alt?n k┨pe olsun. ̄ c┨mlesinde ge?en tamlaman?n ?e?idi a?a??dakilerden hangisidir? A) Belirtili ?sim Tamlamas? B) Zincirleme ?sim Tamlamas? C) Tak?s?z ?sim Tamlamas? D) Belirtisiz ?sim Tamlamas?
5. 4. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde belirtili isim tamlamas? kullan?lm??t?r? A) ?htiyar ku??u, d┨kk?n?n ?n┨n┨ s┨p┨r┨yordu. B) Dersane ??rencisi olmak ayr?cal?kt?r. C) Kanarya, telden bir kafeste ya??yordu. D) Ormanl?k bir arazide y┨r┨yorduk.
6. ^ Bir s?zc┨k bir varl???n neyden yap?ld???n? ya da neye benzedi?ini belirtiyorsa tak?s?z isim tamlamas?, varl???n herhangi bir niteli?ini belirtiyorsa s?fat tamlamas? olur. ̄ 5. A??klamaya g?re a?a??daki c┨mlelerden hangisinde tak?s?z isim tamlamas? yoktur ? A) Deri ceketini herkese g?sterdi. B) Tilki adam herkesi doland?rd?. C) ?pek g?mlek sana ?ok yak??m??. D) Uzun s┨re konu?madan y┨r┨d┨.
7. 6. A?a??dakilerin hangisinde tamlama niteleme s?fat?yla yap?lm??t?r? A) ?htiyar adam kap? kap? dola??yordu. B) Bu sorunu yine ben ??zece?im. C) ?ki bal?k?? bal?k a?? yap?yordu. D) Bir gemi yelken a?t? hayal iklimlerine.
8. 7. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde isim tamlamas? s?fat g?revinde kullan?lm??t?r? A) B┨t┨n g?k, pas rengi bir bulutla kapl?yd?. B) Duyulur mu g┨l bah?esinde b┨lb┨l sesi? C) ?lk m┨jdeyi sar? sa?l?, k┨?┨k bir ?ocuk verdi. D) Dald?m co?up giden denizin mavili?ine.
9. A?k oduyla yand? g?n┨l Hak dostuna kand? g?n┨l. 8. Yukar?daki m?sralarda yer alan tamlaman?n ?e?idi nedir? A) Belirtisiz isim tamlamas? B) Belirtili isim tamlamas? C) S?fat tamlamas? D) Tak?s?z isim tamlamas?
10. 9. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde tamlayan? d┨?m┨? isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) ?ocu?u okula g?t┨rmek istiyor. B) Kitaplar? ciltlemek gerekiyor. C) sesi uzaklardan duyuluyordu. D) Buras?n? daha ?nce hi? g?rmedim.
11. 10. Hangi c┨mlenin y┨klemi s?fat tamlamas?d?r? A) Giydi?i kazak mavi renkliydi. B) G┨r┨lt┨y┨ yapan, Ay?e¨nin karde?iydi. C) Bu b?lge piknik alan?d?r. D) Camlar? tutu?turan ak?am g┨ne?iydi.
12. 11. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde kullan?lan tamlamalarda tamlayan?n t┨r┨ farkl?d?r? A) Soka??n sesi ak?ama do?ru kesildi. B) Sokak lambas? sabaha do?ru s?nd┨. C) Onun ba?ar?s? hepimizi sevindirecek. D) Yolun sonunda bizi ne bekliyor?
13. 12. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde ^nereye ̄ sorusunun cevab? isim tamlamas?d?r? A) Yar?n h?r??n kayal?klara gidelim. B) Tabaktaki yeme?e manal? manal? bakt?. C) Onlar, bu soka?a iki y?l ?nce ta??nd?lar. D) Korkuyla, ma?aran?n i?ine bakt?lar.
14. 13. A?a??dakilerin hangisinde belirtisiz isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) Durgun suda bal?k avlamak ?ok kolayd?r. B)Polis d┨nk┨ olayla ilgili olarak su? duyurusu yapt?. C) G┨ne?i b?l┨?m┨?ler k?rlang?? benzeri ku?lar. D) Ben bu kald?r?mlar?n emzirdi?i ?ocu?um.
15. ?sim tamlamalar?nda zamirler de tamlayan olur. Bazen tamlayan durumundaki ?ah?s zamiri de d┨?ebilir. 14. Bu tan?ma ?rnek bir kullan?m a?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde yoktur ? A) Durdum g?lgesinde ?air g?nl┨mce. B) R┨zg?rlar?n anam?n duas? kadar serin. C) Bir s?cak selamla gelir uzaktan D) Ve bir eski t┨rk┨yle al?p gider g?nl┨m┨.
16. 15. ^ Kiraz a?ac?n?n k?r?k dallar?, ya?maland???n?n i?aretiydi. ̄ c┨mlesinde ge?en isim tamlamas? ile ?zde? bir tamlama a?a??dakilerin hangisinde vard?r? A) Kafesi a??lan ku? u?up gitti. B) Van G?l┨, canavar? ile ┨n yapt?. C) Y?llar?n yorgunlu?u ┨zerine ??km┨?t┨. D) ?ocuklar?n d┨?┨ncelerinin temizli?i, beyaz bir g┨vercin gibidir.
17. 16. A?a??dakilerin hangisinde isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) Bulut haberi g?t┨rmedi mi daha. B) Nisan ya?murunu bekliyor toprak C) Ortal?k eri?medi mi sabaha D) Neden ┨zg┨n b?yle a?a?ta yaprak?
18. 17. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde tamlayan? ile tamlanan? yer de?i?tirmi? isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) Kenti ba?tan ba?a gezdik yar?m saatte. B) Ya?mur, tad?n? ka??rd? ak?am?n. C) Tren gece yar?s?na do?ru kalkacak. D) Kolay kolay unutulmaz b?yle dostluk geceleri.
19. 18. A?a??daki c┨mlelerde ge?en alt? ?izili tamlamalardan hangisi farkl?d?r ? A) Pazardan ucuz meyve ald?k. B) Alt?n bilezik tak?yormu?. C) Etraf? ta? duvarlarla ?evirdiler. D) ?u s?cakta y┨n kazak giyilir mi?
20. 19. A?a??dakilerin hangisinde, tamlanan? s?fat tamlamas? olan bir isim tamlamas? vard?r? A) Mavi okul ?nl┨kleri pek g┨zelmi?. B) ?o?u zarar, az? karar. C) Ya?murda, ?ocu?un k?rm?z? ceketi ?sland?. D) Yery┨z┨ ka??yor insanlar?n avu?lar?ndan.
21. ^ Zamirlerle isim tamlamas? kurulur. ̄ 20. A?a??daki c┨mlelerde ge?en isim tamlamalar?ndan hangisinde tamlayan zamir de?ildir? A) Onun ?iirleri okunmaya de?er. B) Bu kimin d┨?┨ncesi dersin? C) Baz?lar?n?n ailesi burada. D) Kitaplar?n ?o?u ?slanm??.
22. 21. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde ^u?a??n sol kanad? ̄ tamlamas?na benzer bir tamlama yoktur ? A) Bu konuda senin tutumunu be?enmiyorum. B) ?ehrin ??kmaz sokaklar?nda dola?t?k. C) Annemin k?rm?z? elbisesi ?ok g┨zel. D) Sevginin s?cak ikliminde bulu?al?m.
23. I. ?u bak?r zirvelerin ard?ndan II. Bir s┨vari geliyor kan rengi III. Ba?l?yor ?imdi mel?l ak?amla IV. Son ???kla bulutlar cengi Belirtili isim tamlamalar?nda tamlayandan ?nce tamlayan?n s?fat? kullan?labilir. 22. Yukar?daki a??klamay? destekleyen ?rnek, d?rtl┨?┨n ka??nc? dizesinde vard?r? A) I B) II C) III D) IV
24. 23. ^ ??retmenin bitmeyen sevgisi, toprak ana gibi ba?r?nda g┨ller bitiriyordu. ̄ c┨mlesinde a?a??daki tamlamalardan hangisi yoktur? A) S?fat tamlamas? B) Belirtili isim tamlamas? C) Tak?s?z isim tamlamas? D) Zincirleme isim tamlamas?
25. 24. A?a??daki c┨mlelerin hangisinde isim tamlamas? yoktur? A) Sakla saman? kuzular yesin. B) Kan?m?n hareketi damarda g?r┨l┨r. C) B┨y┨k da??n duman? b┨y┨k olur. D) ?ocu?un huyu d┨zelmi?.