The document provides directions for a gases trivia game that can be played by separating students into two teams. The game includes 18 multiple choice questions about gas properties and behaviors. It also includes two switch cards that allow teams to swap or earn additional points. The document credits the original designers and specifies that the game can be freely adapted by non-profit schools with attribution.
The document provides directions for a gases trivia game that can be played by separating students into two teams. The game includes 18 multiple choice questions about gas properties and behaviors. It also includes two switch cards that allow teams to swap or earn additional points. The document credits the original designers and specifies that the game can be freely adapted by non-profit schools with attribution.
Classical World ??? Klasik D¨¹nya ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The DNA of The Greek CFO - Ernst & Youngddelonas
In 2010, Ernst & Young published
The DNA of the CFO,1 a report that provided
insight into what it is to be a chief financial
officer. The report was based on our analysis
of a survey of 669 CFOs from across Europe,
the Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA), along
with a program of in-depth interviews with
leading CFOs and finance directors from
these regions.
In this country-specific report, we focus on the
changing role, responsibilities and challenges
of CFOs based in Greece. The report is based
on a survey, conducted in late 2011, of 65 CFOs
and finance directors, who are either CFOs
of companies headquartered in Greece, or of
Greek subsidiaries of major multinationals.
Almost two-thirds of respondents represent
companies with annual revenues in excess
of €50m. To supplement the survey,
Ernst & Young also conducted a number
of in-depth interviews with CFOs and finance
directors based in Greece.
Il marketing di contenuti e il consumatore socialeFabrizio Faraco
Il mondo ¨¨ cambiato e qualcuno non se ne ancora accorto. Come la rivoluzione in atto nella societ¨¤ e nel marketing rappresenta "un ritorno al futuro" dove ci¨° che ha sempre guidato l'uomo, la relazione, torna ad essere centrale. Il marketing dei contenuti per un consumatore sociale che si ritrova nelle storie e le racconta ai suoi pari.
This document is about a young mathematician from Spain who created a mathematical language to classify symmetries. It discusses how he used this language to analyze patterns on the walls of the Alhambra in Granada. Different wall patterns that appear visually distinct are shown to have the same underlying rotational symmetries when analyzed using his mathematical notation. This language allowed classification of all possible surface symmetries into 17 types. The document poses a final mystery asking which symmetry type is represented in a particular pattern image.
Introduction to Sustainable Development; Case Study: Envisioning the Future; and The Ecological Economic Problem: Matching Ultimate Means with Ultimate Ends
All Fiber Square Drums are an Alternative to the circular drums used for Bulk Drugs and Fine Chemicals.
Major Advantages of using Square Drums are - 50 to 80 % Cost Savings in Freight and Environmentally Friendly Packing.
The document provides guidance for coaches on preparing a hockey team for a game, including conducting pre-arrival activities like reviewing scenario cards and objectives, holding a game plan meeting 60 minutes before the game to go over video, systems, and plans, and conducting warmups and final preparations in the 30-45 minutes before puck drop to physically and mentally focus the players. It also notes the importance of focusing on positives after the game while reinforcing objectives.
The document discusses 18 conservation projects in California, providing photos and details about each project. The projects aim to conserve lands for wildlife and habitat and include expansions of existing conservation areas, new conservation easements, and public access improvements. Locations include counties like Riverside, San Diego, Yolo, and more.
The document presents 15 concepts for logos for the company SEN SEN Networks. The concepts explore different visual representations including dots/circles, typography, globes, infinity loops, eyes, cameras, and abstract designs. Most of the concepts are preliminary and need further graphical refinements such as improved colors, symbol integration, and execution. The top priorities for an effective logo identified are that it should be memorable through an interesting graphic form and credible by representing the company's business.
The document discusses using Facebook advertising to promote a campaign called "Spread the Net" at Brock University. Qualitative focus groups found that while Facebook is an important part of students' internet use, they do not take ads seriously and there was low awareness of "Spread the Net". A quantitative survey of 300 students examined responses by gender and year of study. The document considers whether Facebook is effective for general awareness or specific recruiting goals and mentions using click-through pricing to save money.
Emerging Paradigms in International Management EducationJeremy Williams
The document discusses emerging paradigms in international management education. It summarizes key points from a presentation by Professor Jeremy B Williams on developing world-class management education in India and bridging the gap between theory and practice. Specific topics covered include the need for additional universities and colleges in India, improving employability of MBA graduates, internationalizing management education through innovative collaborations, and moving beyond traditional pedagogy to engage 21st century learners.
Norwegian students attend 10 years of compulsory education starting at age 6. School is in session for approximately 190 days per year with students spending around 28 hours per week in class. The typical school day begins in the morning and includes several breaks. Students study multiple subjects and are in classes of around 20 pupils. Common favorite subjects include math, science, and physical education.
Sun announced an entry into the cloud computing space with a private cloud offering that allows customers to create their own on-site clouds based on Sun's technologies like Solaris and MySQL. This could appeal to organizations that cannot allow their infrastructure to be hosted elsewhere but still want the benefits of cloud computing. Sun's move to allow private clouds may tip more mainstream organizations to adopt cloud approaches by helping them share computing resources within their own networks.
1. ?K?LEMELERLE ?LG?L? NOTLAR 1.Seslenmeler ikileme say?lmaz. Anne,anne nerdesin? 2.Gelir gelmez olur olmaz ?eklinde ikilemeler vard?r. 3.?ki?er iki?er be?er be?er ikilemedir. 4.Balon da balon isterim diye tutturdu. (ikileme) 5.?kilemeyi olu?turan s?zc¨¹klerin aras?na mi girebilir. G¨¹zel mi g¨¹zel 6.Hay hay vah vah ikilemedir. 7.?kilemeler c¨¹mlede zarf,s?fat,isim,¨¹nlem olarak kullan?labilirler.
2. VEC?ZELER(?ZDEY??LER) Bilim,sanat,politika gibi alanlarda ¨¹n yapm?? ki?ilerin s?yledi?i k?sa ve anlaml? s?zlere denir. Ne mutlu T¨¹rk¨¹m diyene! M.Kem?l ATAT?RK D¨¹?¨¹n¨¹yorum ?yleyse var?m. Descartes
4. AD AKTARMASI(MECAZ-I M?RSEL) Benzetme amac? olmadan bir s?zc¨¹?¨¹n ba?ka bir s?zc¨¹k yerine kullan?lmas?d?r.birbirinin yerine kullan?lan bu s?zc¨¹kler aras?nda mutlaka anlam ili?kisi vard?r.
5. Gemi ?sk¨¹dar ¡®a yana?t?.(?sk¨¹dar Liman?) Ge? gelece?ini eve haber verdi.(evde ya?ayan insanlar) AD AKTARMALARI ?U ?EK?LLERDE OLU?TURULUR: 1)B¨¹t¨¹n-par?a ili?kisi U?ak az ?nce ?zmir¡¯e indi.(?zmir denilerek izmir¡¯de bulunan havaalan? kastedilmi?tir.)
6. Cam? a?ar m?s?n?(cam s?ylenerek pencere kastedilmi?.) 2.Yer-?nsan ili?kisi B¨¹t¨¹n il?e sabaha kadar onlar? arad?.(il?edeki insanlar) Ankara bu olaya tepkili.(Ankara¡¯daki insanlar) 3.Y?n ¨CTopluluk-K¨¹lt¨¹r ?li?kisi Kuzey do?al felaketlerle bo?u?uyor.(Kuzeyde ya?ayan insanlar)
9. DEY?M AKTARMASI 1.?nsandan Do?aya Aktarma(Ki?ile?tirme) ?nsana ait ?zelliklerin do?a varl?klar?na aktar?lmas?d?r. Deniz iyice h?r??nla?t?. H¨¹z¨¹nl¨¹ a?a?lar r¨¹zg?rla konu?uyor. Irmak ovay? kollar?yla sarm??t? . 2.Do?adan ?nsana Aktarma ?yi bir marangoz olman i?in pi?melisin. Y?llardan sonra duruldu.
10. 3. Duyular Aras? Aktarma Bir duyuya ait ?zelli?in ba?ka bir duyu taraf?ndan alg?lan?yormu? gibi verilmesine denir. Sokaktan ac? bir ses geldi. Yan?k sesiyle t¨¹rk¨¹ s?ylerdi.
11. 4.Somuttan soyuta ¨C soyuttan somuta aktarma Baz? somut anlaml? kelimeler kullan?ld?klar? c¨¹mleye g?re soyut;soyut anlaml?lar da somut anlam kazanabilirler Bu i?i yapman?n bir yolu olmal?. Kazanmak i?in y¨¹re?ini ortaya koydu. Alt? ?izili kelimeler somut olduklar? h?lde soyut anlam ta??rlar.
12. Sevgi en vef?l? dostumdur. Mutluluk hayat?m?z?n g?das? olmal?. Alt? ?izili s?zc¨¹kler bu c¨¹mlelerde somut anlam kazanarak somutla?m??lard?r.
13. D??ER MECAZLAR 1.BENZETME (TE?B?H) Aralar?nda ortak ?zellik bulunan iki varl?ktan zay?f olan?n g¨¹?l¨¹ olana benzetilmesidir. Aslan gibi cesur bir adamd?. Ali tilki gibidir. 2.istiare(e?retileme) Bir s?z¨¹n benzetme amac? ta??yarak ba?ka bir s?z¨¹n yerine kullan?lmas?d?r.istiarede benzeyen ya da benzetilen s?ylenmez. Koca ??nar aram?zdan ayr?ld?.(??nar insana benzetiliyor.) S?n?rda aslanlar?m?z bekliyor.(asker aslana benzetilmi?.)
14. 3.Dokundurma Bir s?z¨¹n birisini ele?tirmek amac?yla tersini d¨¹?¨¹nd¨¹recek ?ekilde kullan?lmas?d?r. Kitaplar? ?ok sever,zarar g?rmesinler diye kapaklar?n? bile kald?rmaz. 4-Kinaye(De?inmece) Bir s?z¨¹n hem ger?ek hem de mecaz anlama gelecek ?ekilde kullan?lmas?d?r. A?a? ya? iken e?ilir. ?rnekte de oldu?u gibi as?l vurgulanan mecaz anlamd?r. 5.G¨¹zel Adland?rma Tiksinti,korku uyand?racak kelimelerin ba?ka s?zc¨¹klerle hafifletilerek anlat?lmas?d?r. ?nce hastal?k (verem) ?lmek (vefat etmek)
15. SORULAR 1.Tertemiz s?zc¨¹?¨¹ hangisinde di?erlerinden farkl? bir anlamda kullan?lm??t?r. a.Onun tertemiz bir y¨¹re?i var. b.?ocuklar? tertemiz giydirir. c.Bu kentin sokaklar? her zaman tertemizdir. d.Evin her taraf?n? tertemiz yapm??. 2001-LGS
16. 2. A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerde alt? ?izili kelimelerden hangisi ger?ek anlam?yla kullan?lm??t?r? A.Bu i?te onun da parma?? var. B.Ocaktaki odunlar ?at?r ?at?r yan?yordu . C.Bu kitap insan? d¨¹? d¨¹nyas?na s¨¹r¨¹kl¨¹yor . D.Son g¨¹nlerde fiyatlar h?zla t?rman?yor .
17. 3.¡°A??z¡± kelimesi, a?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde deyim olu?turmam??t?r ? A.A?z?na geleni s?ylemek sana bir ?ey kazand?rmaz. B.Sak?n onlar?n yan?nda a?z?ndan bir ?ey ka??ray?m deme. C.Ben kimsenin a??z kokusunu ?ekemem. D.Barda?? a?z?na kadar su ile doldurmu?tu.
18. 4. A?a??daki kelimelerin hangisin seste?i yoktur? A) Oy B) B?l C) Koy D) Ar?
19. 5. ¡°Almak¡± kelimesi a?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¡°kabul etmek¡± anlam?yla kullan?lm??t?r? A.Arkada??ndan gelen mektubu postac?dan ald?. B.Otob¨¹s tam k?rk yolcu ald?. C.Ge? kalan yolcular? s?n?fa ald?. D.Ak?amleyin ?ocu?unu okuldan ald?.
20. 6.A?a??dakilerden hangisinde mecaz anlam?yla kullan?lm?? bir s?zc¨¹k vard?r. a.Domateslerin sert olmas?n? ?zellikle istemi?ti. b.Bah?edeki ?i?eklerin kokusu birbirine kar??m??. c.Kuru pastan?n tatl?s? da tuzlusu da vard?r. d.Bana ni?in k?r?ld???n? anlam?? de?ilim. 2003-?OS
21. 7. A?a??daki kelimelerin anlamca en geni? kapsaml? olan? hangisidir? a) G?da b) Meyve c)?z¨¹m d) Nar
22. 8.¡°Ya??n? i?ine ak?tmak¡± deyiminin anlam?n? a?a??dakilerden hangisi kar??lar? a. D???na su s?zd?rmamak b. Bir k??ede a?lamak c. Gizli i? yapmak d. Ac?s?n? sezdirmemek
23. 9.Karar vermeden ?nce, enine boyuna ?r¨¹?t¨¹ler. C¨¹mlesindeki ikilemenin katt??? anlam hangisinde vard?r? a.Kanepeye boylu boyunca uzand?. b.G?r¨¹?meseler de uzun s¨¹re ba?lar?n? koparmad?lar. c.Aralar?ndaki sorunu uzun uzad?ya anlatt?lar. d.Uzun k?sa demeden b¨¹t¨¹n ?yk¨¹leri okudu. 2003-?OS
25. 11.A?a??dakilerden hangisinde ?zelden genele do?ru bir anlat?m vard?r. a.Petrol ¨¹r¨¹nlerinden benzine zam geldi b.T¨¹rk tarihinde ?anakkale sava??¡¯n?n yeri ?nemlidir. c.Alfabenin yirmi d?rd¨¹nc¨¹ harfi t¡¯dir. d.?ocukluk g¨¹nleri ?mr¨¹m¨¹n en g¨¹zel d?nemidir. 1998- ?OS
26. 12. A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde deyim kullan?lm??t?r? a.Ak?ama kadar kadar seni bekledik b.Elimden tutmasayd?n ?ukura d¨¹?ecektim. c.Gece vakti onu asla bulamay?z. d.Elinden tutan olmay?nca okuyamad?.
27. 13) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde e? anlaml? (anlamda?) s?zc¨¹kler bir arada kullan?lm??t?r ? A) Olduk?a ne?eli ?en bir ??renciydi. B) K¨¹?¨¹k ama g¨¹zel bir evde kal?yorduk. C) Her g¨¹n bu e?ri b¨¹?r¨¹ yollardan ge?erdik. D) Arkada??ma bak?yor onun ne anlatmak istedi?ini ??zmeye ?al???yordu.
28. 14) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¡°ikileme¡± kullan?lm??t?r ? A) Annem ?ama??rlar? tertemiz y?kam??. B) ?amurlu yolda bata ??ka ilerledik. C) ?ocuklar oynarken s?r?ls?klam terlemi?ti. D) ?ocuk durmadan ¡°Anneci?im, anneci?im!¡± diye ba??r?yordu.
29. 15) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde somut bir varl?k, soyut bir anlam kazanm??t?r? A) Ellerini g??e do?ru a?m??t?. B) Bu i? i?in y¨¹rek ister. C) G?zleri o anda ya?larla doldu. D) Karde?inin y¨¹z¨¹ne bakam?yordu.
30. 16) ?nsan organ adlar?, insan d???ndaki varl?klara yak??t?r?larak kullan?labilir. A?a??dakilerden hangisinde b?yle bir kullan?m vard?r? A) B¨¹t¨¹n gece di?inin a?r?s?ndan uyuyamam??. B) Bir g?z¨¹ ne yaz?k ki art?k hi? g?rm¨¹yor. C) Ya?l? kad?n ?nce a?z?n? ?alkalad?. D) Nehir ovaya d?rt koldan a??l?yor.
31. 17) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¡°ad aktarmas?¡± vard?r? A) Faz?l H¨¹sn¨¹ Da?larca¡¯n?n ya?ad???n? bilmiyormu?. B) Nurullah Ata?¡¯? okumak, bana keyif veriyor. C) Montaigne¡¯nin yazd?klar?, ?aheserdir. D) Orhan Pamuk¡¯un Kar roman?n? okuyamad?m
32. 18) A?a??daki c¨¹mlelerin hangisinde ¡°duyu aktarmas?¡± yap?lm??t?r? A) Y?llard?r ar?yordum o g¨¹zel vadiyi. B) As?rl?k a?a?lar? y?k?verdiler. C) Senin s?cak s?zlerindi bizi ba?layan. D) Yaln?zl?k payla??lmaz...
33. 19) A?a??da ge?en deyimlerden hangisi yanl?? kullan?lm??t?r? A) S?ylediklerin kula??na giderse, k¨¹plere biner. B) S?navlar ba?lay?nca iki aya??m bir pabuca girdi. C) ?yle korkak ve g?z¨¹ karayd? ki! D) Para kazanmak zor, ekmek aslan?n a?z?nda.
34. 20.¡°G?z¨¹ kara ¡° ile ¡°g?z¨¹ pek ¡° deyimleri aras?nda bir anlam ili?kisi vard?r. A?a??dakilerin hangisinde bu ili?kinin kar??t? bir durum vard?r? a.G?ze girmek ¨C g?zden d¨¹?mek. b.Burnu s¨¹rt¨¹nmek ¨C burnunu sokmak c.Dilini tutmak ¨C dilini yutmak d.Hesap a?mak ¨C hesap sormak.