Channels of distribution- 1:DIRECT SELLING, INDIRECT SELLING, TYPES OF MIDDLE...Sandeep Ambore
This document discusses channels of distribution and types of middlemen. It describes direct and indirect selling and defines wholesalers and retailers. Wholesalers purchase large quantities from manufacturers and sell smaller quantities to retailers. They provide services like warehousing, financing, and market research. Retailers sell directly to consumers and provide services like home delivery, product advice, and credit. The document outlines different types of wholesalers and retailers as well as their functions in the distribution process.
The document discusses sales and distribution strategies for several FMCG companies in India. It analyzes the chemist channel, which is growing rapidly and accounts for 11.3% of FMCG sales. It also discusses Patanjali's disruptive approach, leveraging self-select outlets called Chikatsalayas and a strong supply chain. Further, it provides insights from analyzing salesmen routes and behaviors for UniCharm and Reckitt Benckiser, noting strategies around product bundling, incentive schemes, and focus on maximum selling skus.
This document discusses distribution channels in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry in India. It begins with defining FMCG as short shelf-life, low margin, and high volume consumer packaged goods like cold drinks, soap, and processed food. It then notes that the Indian FMCG market is expected to reach $12.5 billion by 2015 and $20.6 billion by 2020, driven by urban consumers and food, personal care, and fabric care products. The document goes on to define distribution channels as the path products flow through, and explains that FMCG companies rely on strong distribution to cover large markets of daily necessities with perishable items requiring high sales volumes for profitability. It identifies three main distribution channels -
The document discusses retailing concepts and the pharmaceutical retail sector in India. It notes that retailing involves the sale of goods from a fixed location for direct consumption. There are three major types of retailing: markets, shops/stores, and virtual retail. It then discusses the introduction of organized retail in the pharmaceutical sector in India and how this poses challenges for small pharmaceutical retailers. Finally, it provides an example of the growth of Apollo Pharmacies' store additions on a year-over-year basis.
The document analyzes the unique selling propositions (USP) and primary target markets (PTM) of the Lung Center of the Philippines and two of its competitors, the Philippine Heart Center and St. Luke's Medical Center. It outlines how the Lung Center positions itself as the national apex center for lung diseases. It also discusses how the Lung Center's USP and the market changed due to it being designated as a COVID-19 referral center. The competitors' USPs and PTMs are also summarized.
ABC of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants By Allah Dad Khan Mr.Allah Dad Khan
This document provides an overview and recommendations for marketing medicinal plants in Pakistan. It begins with the current situation of medicinal plant marketing worldwide and in Pakistan. It then covers the 7 P's of marketing as they apply to medicinal plants - product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical environment. Several problems in medicinal plant marketing are identified and recommendations are provided, such as improving cultivation, harvesting, and processing practices, providing market information and access, ensuring quality standards, and developing opportunities for international export. Overall recommendations emphasize improving the entire supply chain from producers to consumers.
In this presentation, we will discuss about the concept and definition of wholesaling, characteristics of wholesaling, functions of wholesaler. We will also talk about services provide by the wholesaler to producers, retailers, consumers, growth and trend of wholesaler, types of wholesalers and wholesaler marketing decisions.
To know more about Welingkar School’s Distance Learning Program and courses offered, visit:
Hand In Version of Dissertation - FINAL COPY (1)Leon Winter
This document is a research project submitted by Leon Winter for their BA in Marketing Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. It investigates the unethical supply chain management practices of UK supermarkets. The introduction provides background on the UK supermarket industry and outlines current issues like complex global supply chains and pressures to lower costs. The research aims to examine initiatives by supermarkets to improve standards and respond to ethical consumers. It will analyze consumer perceptions of supermarket ethics and supply chain management through an online questionnaire. The literature review covers topics like supply chain management, UK supermarket chains, business ethics, ethical policies and standards, and issues in their supply chains like worker exploitation. The methodology discusses the research philosophy, approach, design, data collection and analysis. The findings
RTMNU 4th sem MBA
Subject - Retail Sales Management & Services Marketing [ Marketing ]
Module 1
BY Jayanti Pande
Free MBA notes pdf rtmnu
The document discusses marketing strategies for poultry products. It defines marketing as finding what customers want and supplying it for a profit. It outlines important marketing activities like market research, production planning, and coordinating inputs. Effective marketing is important for poultry farmers to take advantage of larger urban markets. The document also describes characteristics of poultry products and markets that should be considered when developing a marketing strategy, such as perishability, competition from other meats, and customer expectations around quality and consistency. It emphasizes the importance of thorough market research and analysis to identify a niche that can be profitably filled.
1. Walmart is the largest retailer in the world based on revenue, followed by Carrefour and Tesco.
2. India's retail market is growing rapidly and estimated to reach $865 billion by 2023, with food and grocery having the largest share.
3. Retailers add value by breaking bulk, holding inventory, providing services, setting prices, and creating an atmosphere to satisfy consumer needs.
In this presentation, we will discuss about various aspects of marketing channels, needs and importance, how physical distribution and channel decision are critical for marketing channels, how does marketing channel functions. We will also talk about the various distributions channel structures.
To know more about Welingkar School’s Distance Learning Program and courses offered, visit:
Taking the Red Pill - How Can OTC Drug Brands Penetrate More HouseholdsTwentify
A look at the Canadian OTC drugs market, and examples on how market research can help brands in this market on differentiating themselves to get ahead of the competition.
How can OTC drug brands get ahead of the competition and differentiate themselves in the market using market research?
The document analyzes the unique selling proposition (USP) and primary target market (PTM) of Lung Center and two of its competitors, Heart Center and St. Luke's Medical Center. Lung Center's USP is being the national apex center and premier institution for lung and chest diseases. Its primary target market is all patients with lung and chest diseases across all income classes. Heart Center's USP and PTM focus on being the best and leading provider of cardiovascular care and services. St. Luke's Medical Center previously emphasized patient comfort and choice but changed its USP during the pandemic to focus on safety. It targets upper-class patients. Due to COVID-19, Lung Center designated itself as a referral
Suyash Intentional Pvt. Ltd. distributes products through various trade channels including general trade, modern trade, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, malls, complexes, and franchised outlets. They analyze distribution, volume, merchandising, and initiatives to enhance sales. Trade is segmented into monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly cycles. Targets are set accordingly. Merchandising focuses on shopper-based designs with proper product placement, visibility, and availability. Per-product pointing aims to maintain 100% product visibility and availability in outlets. Filling gaps helps develop "outlet homes". Semi-life conducted products require a supply chain with limited stations for timely delivery to end users like confection
This document provides an analysis of the pressure cooker market in Surat, India for TTK Prestige Ltd. It finds that while Prestige is a market leader, its sales are decreasing due to poor after-sales service and high prices compared to competitors. The document surveys 129 dealers and finds they prefer other brands that offer better margins and service. It provides recommendations for Prestige such as improving service, offering more affordable options, and increasing promotional activities to boost sales in Surat.
1. There is widespread debate in the industry around defining shopper marketing, with various definitions focusing on different aspects such as reach, activities, and program initiator.
2. The most encompassing definition is "shopper-centric marketing," which focuses on satisfying shoppers' needs through relevant information, store experiences, and ease of purchase, regardless of the specific marketing stimulus or who funds it.
3. Shopper marketing should aim to reach shoppers through in-store and out-of-store activities designed to influence purchase decisions at any point when shoppers are considering a product category.
This document discusses marketing channels and distribution strategies. It covers types of marketing channels including one-level, two-level, and three-level channels. It also discusses intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution strategies. Additionally, it covers types of wholesalers and retailers as well as their roles in marketing channels. Specifically, it outlines full-service and limited function wholesalers and categories of retailers based on factors like sales volume, product mix, and ownership form.
While most consumers believe British dairy farmers take good care of their cows, there is still work to be done to inform the 14% who are unsure and address the concerns of the 6% who believe welfare standards are poor. Animal welfare is not a high priority factor for most consumers when purchasing milk, with freshness, pack size and price being more important. A survey found that 1 in 5 consumers would not pay more for higher welfare milk, while most would pay only a small premium of up to 5%. Given current price pressures, increasing costs to achieve only a small price increase would require careful consideration for whether it is worthwhile.
While most consumers believe British dairy farmers take good care of their cows, there is still work to be done to inform the 14% who are unsure and address the concerns of the 6% who believe welfare standards are poor. Animal welfare is not a high priority factor for most consumers when purchasing milk, with freshness, pack size and price being more important. A survey found that 1 in 5 consumers would not pay more for higher welfare milk, while most would pay only a small premium of up to 5%. Given current price pressures, increasing costs to achieve only a small price increase would require careful consideration for whether it is worthwhile.
The document discusses problems in the pharmaceutical supply chain and with doctor-patient relationships. It then introduces PillTime, a British online pharmacy service that individualizes medication doses into pouches to simplify taking multiple pills per day for older patients. As an innovative solution, PillTime faces some limitations, such as not being able to fully ensure patients take pills on time and difficulties communicating with patients as a group to understand needs. The service aims to improve medication adherence and lives while reducing medical costs through recycling and accuracy.
The Indian retail industry has more than doubled in size from 2000 to 2006, growing at an average annual rate of 13.3% and reaching $311.7 billion by 2006-2007. The sector is witnessing a shift from traditional to modern/organized retailing formats with new malls and branded outlets proliferating. However, the organized retail segment only contributes about $12.9 billion currently, though it is projected to grow to $43.8 billion by 2010-2011. Food and grocery makes up 63% of the overall $300 billion Indian retail market, though only 2% of this segment is organized.
The Indian retail industry has more than doubled in size from 2000 to 2006, growing at an average annual rate of 13.3% and reaching $311.7 billion by 2006-2007. The sector is witnessing a shift from traditional to modern organized retail formats like malls and branded outlets, with the organized retail segment contributing over $12.9 billion. The share of organized retail is projected to grow to $43.8 billion by 2010-2011 as modern outlets increase in quality and competition. Food and grocery makes up 63% of the $300 billion Indian retail market, though only 2% of this segment was organized as of 2007.
This document discusses pharmaceutical sales and marketing in Pakistan. It covers various topics such as pharmaceutical company departments, product marketing and sales, distribution channels, and the job profile of a healthcare sales executive or medical representative. Specifically, it describes the marketing and promotions strategy at different levels including the doctor level, chemist level, patient level, and internally within sales and product management teams. It also provides details on pharmaceutical product detailing and the basic structure and contents of sales presentations to doctors.
Sales Leadership is your birthright.pptxSanjay Singh
Sales Leadership is an output of your will to try, fail , learn and retry. Be the leader in your domain and exhibit sales leadership at work and beyond.
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RTMNU 4th sem MBA
Subject - Retail Sales Management & Services Marketing [ Marketing ]
Module 1
BY Jayanti Pande
Free MBA notes pdf rtmnu
The document discusses marketing strategies for poultry products. It defines marketing as finding what customers want and supplying it for a profit. It outlines important marketing activities like market research, production planning, and coordinating inputs. Effective marketing is important for poultry farmers to take advantage of larger urban markets. The document also describes characteristics of poultry products and markets that should be considered when developing a marketing strategy, such as perishability, competition from other meats, and customer expectations around quality and consistency. It emphasizes the importance of thorough market research and analysis to identify a niche that can be profitably filled.
1. Walmart is the largest retailer in the world based on revenue, followed by Carrefour and Tesco.
2. India's retail market is growing rapidly and estimated to reach $865 billion by 2023, with food and grocery having the largest share.
3. Retailers add value by breaking bulk, holding inventory, providing services, setting prices, and creating an atmosphere to satisfy consumer needs.
In this presentation, we will discuss about various aspects of marketing channels, needs and importance, how physical distribution and channel decision are critical for marketing channels, how does marketing channel functions. We will also talk about the various distributions channel structures.
To know more about Welingkar School’s Distance Learning Program and courses offered, visit:
Taking the Red Pill - How Can OTC Drug Brands Penetrate More HouseholdsTwentify
A look at the Canadian OTC drugs market, and examples on how market research can help brands in this market on differentiating themselves to get ahead of the competition.
How can OTC drug brands get ahead of the competition and differentiate themselves in the market using market research?
The document analyzes the unique selling proposition (USP) and primary target market (PTM) of Lung Center and two of its competitors, Heart Center and St. Luke's Medical Center. Lung Center's USP is being the national apex center and premier institution for lung and chest diseases. Its primary target market is all patients with lung and chest diseases across all income classes. Heart Center's USP and PTM focus on being the best and leading provider of cardiovascular care and services. St. Luke's Medical Center previously emphasized patient comfort and choice but changed its USP during the pandemic to focus on safety. It targets upper-class patients. Due to COVID-19, Lung Center designated itself as a referral
Suyash Intentional Pvt. Ltd. distributes products through various trade channels including general trade, modern trade, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, malls, complexes, and franchised outlets. They analyze distribution, volume, merchandising, and initiatives to enhance sales. Trade is segmented into monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly cycles. Targets are set accordingly. Merchandising focuses on shopper-based designs with proper product placement, visibility, and availability. Per-product pointing aims to maintain 100% product visibility and availability in outlets. Filling gaps helps develop "outlet homes". Semi-life conducted products require a supply chain with limited stations for timely delivery to end users like confection
This document provides an analysis of the pressure cooker market in Surat, India for TTK Prestige Ltd. It finds that while Prestige is a market leader, its sales are decreasing due to poor after-sales service and high prices compared to competitors. The document surveys 129 dealers and finds they prefer other brands that offer better margins and service. It provides recommendations for Prestige such as improving service, offering more affordable options, and increasing promotional activities to boost sales in Surat.
1. There is widespread debate in the industry around defining shopper marketing, with various definitions focusing on different aspects such as reach, activities, and program initiator.
2. The most encompassing definition is "shopper-centric marketing," which focuses on satisfying shoppers' needs through relevant information, store experiences, and ease of purchase, regardless of the specific marketing stimulus or who funds it.
3. Shopper marketing should aim to reach shoppers through in-store and out-of-store activities designed to influence purchase decisions at any point when shoppers are considering a product category.
This document discusses marketing channels and distribution strategies. It covers types of marketing channels including one-level, two-level, and three-level channels. It also discusses intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution strategies. Additionally, it covers types of wholesalers and retailers as well as their roles in marketing channels. Specifically, it outlines full-service and limited function wholesalers and categories of retailers based on factors like sales volume, product mix, and ownership form.
While most consumers believe British dairy farmers take good care of their cows, there is still work to be done to inform the 14% who are unsure and address the concerns of the 6% who believe welfare standards are poor. Animal welfare is not a high priority factor for most consumers when purchasing milk, with freshness, pack size and price being more important. A survey found that 1 in 5 consumers would not pay more for higher welfare milk, while most would pay only a small premium of up to 5%. Given current price pressures, increasing costs to achieve only a small price increase would require careful consideration for whether it is worthwhile.
While most consumers believe British dairy farmers take good care of their cows, there is still work to be done to inform the 14% who are unsure and address the concerns of the 6% who believe welfare standards are poor. Animal welfare is not a high priority factor for most consumers when purchasing milk, with freshness, pack size and price being more important. A survey found that 1 in 5 consumers would not pay more for higher welfare milk, while most would pay only a small premium of up to 5%. Given current price pressures, increasing costs to achieve only a small price increase would require careful consideration for whether it is worthwhile.
The document discusses problems in the pharmaceutical supply chain and with doctor-patient relationships. It then introduces PillTime, a British online pharmacy service that individualizes medication doses into pouches to simplify taking multiple pills per day for older patients. As an innovative solution, PillTime faces some limitations, such as not being able to fully ensure patients take pills on time and difficulties communicating with patients as a group to understand needs. The service aims to improve medication adherence and lives while reducing medical costs through recycling and accuracy.
The Indian retail industry has more than doubled in size from 2000 to 2006, growing at an average annual rate of 13.3% and reaching $311.7 billion by 2006-2007. The sector is witnessing a shift from traditional to modern/organized retailing formats with new malls and branded outlets proliferating. However, the organized retail segment only contributes about $12.9 billion currently, though it is projected to grow to $43.8 billion by 2010-2011. Food and grocery makes up 63% of the overall $300 billion Indian retail market, though only 2% of this segment is organized.
The Indian retail industry has more than doubled in size from 2000 to 2006, growing at an average annual rate of 13.3% and reaching $311.7 billion by 2006-2007. The sector is witnessing a shift from traditional to modern organized retail formats like malls and branded outlets, with the organized retail segment contributing over $12.9 billion. The share of organized retail is projected to grow to $43.8 billion by 2010-2011 as modern outlets increase in quality and competition. Food and grocery makes up 63% of the $300 billion Indian retail market, though only 2% of this segment was organized as of 2007.
This document discusses pharmaceutical sales and marketing in Pakistan. It covers various topics such as pharmaceutical company departments, product marketing and sales, distribution channels, and the job profile of a healthcare sales executive or medical representative. Specifically, it describes the marketing and promotions strategy at different levels including the doctor level, chemist level, patient level, and internally within sales and product management teams. It also provides details on pharmaceutical product detailing and the basic structure and contents of sales presentations to doctors.
Sales Leadership is your birthright.pptxSanjay Singh
Sales Leadership is an output of your will to try, fail , learn and retry. Be the leader in your domain and exhibit sales leadership at work and beyond.
Discover Sales before Inventing your StyleSanjay Singh
The document discusses key aspects of sales and the role of a salesperson. It defines sales as helping the customer buy and a salesperson as an "angel" who guides customers to find value. It emphasizes that salespersons should attract customers by addressing what's in it for them (WIIFM), build conversations through relevant questions, and keep engagement through dialogue rather than monologue. The responsibilities of a salesperson are to build, monitor, and monetize a sales funnel to generate new customers on an ongoing basis.
This document provides tips and strategies for effective networking. It emphasizes that visibility through networking leads to credibility and profitability. Some key points made include: do not expect to get something from others through networking but rather focus on giving; awareness through networking leads to knowledge; dress professionally and have good etiquette; be a good listener; look for opportunities to make yourself visible such as speaking, organizing, or helping others; and successful leaders have strong networks.
This document provides brief tips for salespeople, including that a rejection moves you closer to a sale, asking "why not" questions to turn no into yes, following up with customers, negotiating when a customer says an order is lost, getting references from satisfied customers, acknowledging that challenges will occur in sales, and thanking the reader with contact information.
The document discusses challenges in managing a sales boss and provides tips to do so effectively. It notes that salespeople cannot choose their boss and must learn to manage them. Common challenges include bosses holding long meetings, requesting too many reports, changing quotas and goals frequently, and not being hands-on. The tips suggest setting clear daily goals and getting boss approval, using CRM software to automate reports, inviting the boss on sales calls, making sales successes a habit to become the favorite, and standing out by being omnipresent, learning from mistakes, and consistently achieving big deals. The document encourages readers who are still unsure about managing their boss to book a free 15-minute appointment for advice.
How Salespersons should manage their time.pptxSanjay Singh
The document outlines various sales and marketing activities that require time planning for a salesperson, including lead generation, nurturing, and closure. It provides a sample daily schedule with activities like an SOD meeting, prospecting, sales follow-ups, and MIS. The document recommends planning weekends for self-introspection and the coming week. It also lists best practices of successful time managers in sales, such as starting early, prioritizing important tasks, daily reporting, and analyzing time management failures.
The document discusses strategies for market penetration, market development, and market visibility. It suggests penetrating existing markets by increasing customers per existing customer and markets per existing market. It proposes developing new markets through acquiring new customer groups, selling additional products to existing customers, and establishing new sales channels or trade routes. It also lists various means of improving market visibility, such as point of purchase displays, billboards, print, electronic, and digital media, as well as other below-the-line promotional activities.
There are 3 types of follows for a salesperson:
1. Follow up is done after the initial meeting to thank the client and provide additional information like meeting minutes, needs analysis, or product samples.
2. Follow back is done after submitting a sales proposal using value bombs to highlight the product's performance, productivity, and other benefits.
3. Follow through is done if the client says no or not now, using modes like inviting them to a social group or forum related to their interests or a customer engagement program. Doing the right type of follow with the right sales lead is important.
This document outlines systems and procedures to control finances and operations. It recommends setting up systems for finance, marketing, production, human resources, and materials. It provides details on purchase order processes, payment procedures, petty cash controls, end-of-day closing processes, sales department daily tracking, and defining key result areas and key performance indicators for employees. The overall goal is to implement systems and controls to monitor budgets, spending, and employee performance.
The document discusses strategies for market penetration, market development, and market visibility. It suggests penetrating existing markets by increasing customers per existing customer and markets per existing market. It proposes developing new markets through acquiring new customer groups, selling additional products to existing customers, and establishing new sales channels or trade routes. It also lists various means of improving market visibility, such as point of purchase displays, billboards, print/electronic/digital media, out-of-home advertising, and below-the-line promotions.
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3. Why
1. They want to fully utilise the credit cycle
of competitors.
2. Customers ask for product rather than
3. They carry non moving stocks of a
particular product or brand
4. Supplies does not reach the counter on
due dates of the counter.
5. SKU Velocity is poor in the counter due
to lack of marketing activity.
10. Telecalling Script
Wait for response.
I am <Your name> from <Your co name>. Am I talking to <Clients name>?
Wait for response.
Is this the right time to talk to you?
Wait for response.
What order can take from you for this week?
Wait for response…..
11. Field Sales Officers should
- NTC Sales
- 3A Sales
Telecallers should
- ETC Sales