This document proposes a social campaign for the PES Coordination Team 17 in February. The campaign aims to transmit the message that the European right is dismantling social models through austerity, link to existing national anti-austerity campaigns, promote the Warsaw Pact on employment and social progress, and build relations with unions and civil society. The campaign would feature a PES umbrella protecting Europeans from crisis effects and a destroyed umbrella image. Key dates and challenges are outlined, and evaluation of attributing austerity to the right, participation levels, activist recruitment, and strengthened alliances are discussed. Political demands center on PES alternatives to austerity. The team is asked for opinions on the concept and national campaign commitments.
A bill progresses through 3 main stages to become a law:
1. Introduction and committee review - a bill is introduced in the House or Senate, referred to committee, and reviewed.
2. Floor votes - the bill moves to the floor for debate and a majority vote in both the House and Senate.
3. Presidential review - if passed by both chambers, the bill is sent to the President to be signed into law or vetoed, which can be overridden by Congress. The whole process can take months to years.
The document summarizes discussions on the website from October 2010 to autumn 2011. It had 86 topics and 328 posts discussed. The most discussed topics included gender equality, rediscovering social democracy, and whether culture is a value. Gender equality discussions focused on women in politics, gender quotas, and reproductive rights. Rediscovering social democracy centered around building a strong PES, modernizing social democracy by redefining welfare. Discussions on culture questioned its relationship to multiculturalism and debated focusing on multiculturalism versus civic identity.
The document contains links to various images found on websites related to babies, classrooms, bullying, nurses' offices, meditation, hospitals, education blogs, stock photography sites, and lifestyle blogs. The links suggest the document is sharing images from different topics across multiple domains on the internet.
The document provides an overview of responsive web design testing. It discusses how responsive web design works through flexible grids, relative sizing, and media queries. It outlines things to keep in mind when testing such as selecting devices, handling frequent changes, and challenges with emulators. The document then introduces the Galen framework for responsive web design testing. It describes how Galen works by defining devices and layout specs, and opening browsers to specified dimensions to verify specs. Key aspects of the Galen spec language are outlined such as object definition, tagging, positions, alignment, and comparing CSS properties and images. Finally, the document advertises a question and answer period.
This talk was presented at VodQA Gurgaon 3rd edition (11 July 2013)
Talk Abstract:
Behavior driven testing is a renowned way of automation testing, which directly relates to user behavior of the applications. There are multiple open source tools available in market, which uses BDT for mobile automation testing like frank, calabash, appium, robotium etc. These tools can be used to test hybrid, native and web applications on various platforms like iOS, android. Lets review one of the commonly used tool Calabash for both iOS and Android with the help of live demo. The demo will include setup, writing tests, execution, reporting and the limitations of Calabash.
Raman Kansal: Raman is a Quality analyst in Thoughtworks Gurgaon. He has over 10 years of experience in manual and automation testing. His experience includes working in banking, finance, and insurance, publishing, and accounting domains.
Kriti Mehta: Kriti is an enthusiastic quality analyst in Thoughtworks Gurgaon & working on mobile application testing for last 1 year. She is involved in analyzing different mobile automation tools.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 224 barcos, sus números de vela, nombres, capitanes, marcas y modelos, asà como los clubes a los que pertenecen. La información se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 72 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, con su número, paÃs, nombre, patrón, modelo de barco y club al que pertenecen. La lista incluye detalles como el número de vela, marca y modelo del barco de cada participante.
5 steps to raise big money with major giftsgailperry
This document summarizes Gail Perry's webinar on fundraising strategies for major gifts. Gail is a fundraising consultant and coach with 25 years of experience. The webinar outlines a 5-step process for securing major gifts: 1) tell your organization's compelling story, 2) develop a list of qualified prospects, 3) cultivate relationships with prospects, 4) ask prospects for support, and 5) create a management system to track the process. Gail provides tips for each step, such as customizing cultivation strategies, asking for advice to identify giving capacity, and following up consistently with prospects until a gift is secured.
The document discusses developing strategies of leadership to create high-performance simulation collaborative groups. It proposes applying theories like the Affiliative Managerial style to promote friendly interactions and emphasize emotional needs. An evaluation instrument was adapted from ISBAR to assess communication between simulation lab staff and measure progress towards goals. Several strategies were used to create collaborative scenarios, including training facilitators, updating teachers' skills, and sharing information between committees.
David Guetta uses bright neon colors in his music videos and website to portray himself as a party animal who likes being the center of attention. The music video, CD packaging, and website all have a similar vivid style and are designed to make the viewer feel personally connected to the artist through close-ups. The website also allows fans to interact with Guetta by viewing his tweets, purchasing tour tickets, and reading his biography to emotionally connect with him.
This document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection vulnerabilities. It provides an example of how Samy used an XSS attack on MySpace to automatically send friend requests to over 1 million users in just 20 hours. It also discusses how SQL injection allows hackers to extract data by manipulating queries, and provides examples of how injecting code into the username, password, or ID fields can expose user data or union queries. The document aims to demonstrate how these attacks work and why they remain prevalent issues.
The document discusses how social media is impacting the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. It notes that social media has shifted how sales work, as prospects now find and engage with companies on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter before contacting them. It emphasizes that companies need a social media plan to engage audiences where they "hang out" online and measure the results of conversations to see which topics resonate most. The document provides tips on using different social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook as part of an overall social media strategy.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 78 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, incluyendo su número, paÃs, nombre, capitán y modelo de barco. La lista incluye detalles sobre cada barco como su paÃs, nombre, capitán y modelo.
Este documento proporciona información sobre 270 embarcaciones participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2012, incluyendo su número, paÃs, matrÃcula, nombre, patrón, marca y modelo del barco, puerto base y velocidad promedio en nudos. Se incluyen detalles como el nombre del barco, patrón, marca y modelo para cada embarcación.
Este documento es una lista de inscritos para la regata La Ruta de la Sal del año 2012. Contiene información sobre 75 barcos participantes como su número, paÃs, nombre, capitán, embarcación y club al que pertenecen. La lista incluye detalles como el número de vela, eslora, TRM y número de tripulantes de cada barco.
Secrets of sustainable fundraising penn nfp academygailperry
This document summarizes strategies for developing long-term donors and sustainable fundraising. It discusses giving donors social time, clearly presenting the organization's mission and impact, involving and cultivating the board, maintaining donor relationships through regular communication like thank you calls, and treating fundraising as developing friends rather than just acquiring donors. The key is focusing on relationships and keeping donors engaged over time.
This document discusses the concept of Europeanisation and its various definitions and uses. It describes Europeanisation as the impact of the EU on domestic politics and policymaking in member states. Specifically, it can refer to when EU policies drive domestic policy changes, emulation of successful models from other countries, or the adoption of new ideas and frames of reference. However, the effects of Europeanisation are complex and contingent on other factors like globalization. While some countries like Germany were well-suited to European integration, it conflicts with traditions in others like France or the UK. The impact also depends on leadership and a country's perceived role in the EU.
The document discusses Euroscepticism in several European countries from the perspective of young leaders. It begins with an introduction noting the rise of Euroscepticism across Europe and important elections and referendums coming in 2015. It then provides perspectives on Euroscepticism from young leaders in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the Netherlands. The leaders discuss the importance and context of the Euroscepticism debate in their countries and how it relates to their country's view of the EU as a global actor.
B-WCo Module 4 - Communication tools and marketing strategies.pptxAthanasiaioannidou1
The document discusses communication tools and marketing strategies for social enterprises. It covers topics like the importance of communication, communication tools used in online courses, marketing models, the marketing mix, and issues to consider when entering new markets. It provides guidance on developing effective communication and marketing strategies to support social enterprises and female entrepreneurship in the Balkan region.
This talk was presented at VodQA Gurgaon 3rd edition (11 July 2013)
Talk Abstract:
Behavior driven testing is a renowned way of automation testing, which directly relates to user behavior of the applications. There are multiple open source tools available in market, which uses BDT for mobile automation testing like frank, calabash, appium, robotium etc. These tools can be used to test hybrid, native and web applications on various platforms like iOS, android. Lets review one of the commonly used tool Calabash for both iOS and Android with the help of live demo. The demo will include setup, writing tests, execution, reporting and the limitations of Calabash.
Raman Kansal: Raman is a Quality analyst in Thoughtworks Gurgaon. He has over 10 years of experience in manual and automation testing. His experience includes working in banking, finance, and insurance, publishing, and accounting domains.
Kriti Mehta: Kriti is an enthusiastic quality analyst in Thoughtworks Gurgaon & working on mobile application testing for last 1 year. She is involved in analyzing different mobile automation tools.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 224 barcos, sus números de vela, nombres, capitanes, marcas y modelos, asà como los clubes a los que pertenecen. La información se presenta en una tabla con columnas para cada uno de estos detalles.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 72 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, con su número, paÃs, nombre, patrón, modelo de barco y club al que pertenecen. La lista incluye detalles como el número de vela, marca y modelo del barco de cada participante.
5 steps to raise big money with major giftsgailperry
This document summarizes Gail Perry's webinar on fundraising strategies for major gifts. Gail is a fundraising consultant and coach with 25 years of experience. The webinar outlines a 5-step process for securing major gifts: 1) tell your organization's compelling story, 2) develop a list of qualified prospects, 3) cultivate relationships with prospects, 4) ask prospects for support, and 5) create a management system to track the process. Gail provides tips for each step, such as customizing cultivation strategies, asking for advice to identify giving capacity, and following up consistently with prospects until a gift is secured.
The document discusses developing strategies of leadership to create high-performance simulation collaborative groups. It proposes applying theories like the Affiliative Managerial style to promote friendly interactions and emphasize emotional needs. An evaluation instrument was adapted from ISBAR to assess communication between simulation lab staff and measure progress towards goals. Several strategies were used to create collaborative scenarios, including training facilitators, updating teachers' skills, and sharing information between committees.
David Guetta uses bright neon colors in his music videos and website to portray himself as a party animal who likes being the center of attention. The music video, CD packaging, and website all have a similar vivid style and are designed to make the viewer feel personally connected to the artist through close-ups. The website also allows fans to interact with Guetta by viewing his tweets, purchasing tour tickets, and reading his biography to emotionally connect with him.
This document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection vulnerabilities. It provides an example of how Samy used an XSS attack on MySpace to automatically send friend requests to over 1 million users in just 20 hours. It also discusses how SQL injection allows hackers to extract data by manipulating queries, and provides examples of how injecting code into the username, password, or ID fields can expose user data or union queries. The document aims to demonstrate how these attacks work and why they remain prevalent issues.
The document discusses how social media is impacting the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. It notes that social media has shifted how sales work, as prospects now find and engage with companies on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter before contacting them. It emphasizes that companies need a social media plan to engage audiences where they "hang out" online and measure the results of conversations to see which topics resonate most. The document provides tips on using different social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook as part of an overall social media strategy.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 78 barcos participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2014, incluyendo su número, paÃs, nombre, capitán y modelo de barco. La lista incluye detalles sobre cada barco como su paÃs, nombre, capitán y modelo.
Este documento proporciona información sobre 270 embarcaciones participantes en la Ruta de la Sal 2012, incluyendo su número, paÃs, matrÃcula, nombre, patrón, marca y modelo del barco, puerto base y velocidad promedio en nudos. Se incluyen detalles como el nombre del barco, patrón, marca y modelo para cada embarcación.
Este documento es una lista de inscritos para la regata La Ruta de la Sal del año 2012. Contiene información sobre 75 barcos participantes como su número, paÃs, nombre, capitán, embarcación y club al que pertenecen. La lista incluye detalles como el número de vela, eslora, TRM y número de tripulantes de cada barco.
Secrets of sustainable fundraising penn nfp academygailperry
This document summarizes strategies for developing long-term donors and sustainable fundraising. It discusses giving donors social time, clearly presenting the organization's mission and impact, involving and cultivating the board, maintaining donor relationships through regular communication like thank you calls, and treating fundraising as developing friends rather than just acquiring donors. The key is focusing on relationships and keeping donors engaged over time.
This document discusses the concept of Europeanisation and its various definitions and uses. It describes Europeanisation as the impact of the EU on domestic politics and policymaking in member states. Specifically, it can refer to when EU policies drive domestic policy changes, emulation of successful models from other countries, or the adoption of new ideas and frames of reference. However, the effects of Europeanisation are complex and contingent on other factors like globalization. While some countries like Germany were well-suited to European integration, it conflicts with traditions in others like France or the UK. The impact also depends on leadership and a country's perceived role in the EU.
The document discusses Euroscepticism in several European countries from the perspective of young leaders. It begins with an introduction noting the rise of Euroscepticism across Europe and important elections and referendums coming in 2015. It then provides perspectives on Euroscepticism from young leaders in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the Netherlands. The leaders discuss the importance and context of the Euroscepticism debate in their countries and how it relates to their country's view of the EU as a global actor.
B-WCo Module 4 - Communication tools and marketing strategies.pptxAthanasiaioannidou1
The document discusses communication tools and marketing strategies for social enterprises. It covers topics like the importance of communication, communication tools used in online courses, marketing models, the marketing mix, and issues to consider when entering new markets. It provides guidance on developing effective communication and marketing strategies to support social enterprises and female entrepreneurship in the Balkan region.
Gosia Wochowska - Euroscepticism: do we need to promote Europe?Gosia Wochowska, PhD
The document summarizes an analysis on Euroscepticism from a project called ENSURE. It compares survey results from ENSURE partners to the Eurobarometer on topics like discussing politics, trust in the EU, and support for EU policies. It also provides an overview of European values discussed in workshops, including equality, inclusion, and traditional agriculture. Resources for teaching about the EU are listed, from educational booklets to teaching tools from the EU and Council of Europe.
The document discusses strategies for increasing voter turnout in the 2009 European Parliament elections. It notes that currently less than half of eligible EU citizens vote, with young and less educated citizens among those most likely to abstain. It recommends that the campaign focus on highlighting issues of direct relevance to citizens' daily lives that are within the European Parliament's powers. Specifically, it suggests focusing on topics like energy, security, the environment and consumer protection. The campaign also needs to be adapted to each country's political and cultural contexts to be most effective.
The FATIMA project aims to prevent honour-related violence against women and children through education and dialogue with immigrant NGOs. It will develop training materials on human rights conventions for NGO staff, train them in areas like project management, and provide guidelines for cooperation between NGOs and other stakeholders. An initial study surveyed over 150 NGOs across four countries to assess needs and awareness. Next steps will develop training materials, deliver training to 15 NGOs in each partner country, and organize workshops to disseminate results.
This document summarizes an ICT training session that took place on March 8, 2016. The training covered four topics: curation, collaboration, presentation, and evaluation. It promoted the use of LinoIt, an online sticky note application, to collaboratively brainstorm reasons why it is good to be European. Attendees were given a task to practice using LinoIt and contribute ideas to a shared canvas on the topic. They were also invited to have students contribute to a canvas on the average European.
The document provides information on the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, including:
- The initiative will deploy 4,000 volunteers worldwide from 2016-2020 and provide 10,000 online volunteering opportunities. It has a budget of €147.9 million.
- The initiative aims to strengthen humanitarian response capacity by providing experience and training to volunteers as well as staff of local organizations. Certified organizations can apply for funding to deploy volunteers or conduct capacity building programs.
- Examples are given of past volunteer projects involving distribution of supplies, disaster preparedness training, and capacity building of local response organizations.
B-WCo Module 2 - Understanding the social impact and social problems.pptxAthanasiaioannidou1
Key learning objectives of this module are to define, explain and understand main concepts which are baseline for social entrepreneurship. Our learning objective is to become more alert on social problems/issues/challenges/risks in our local communities, especially on those that can be addressed by social entrepreneurship.
The document outlines plans for The Walk to Stop the Silence (Europe) which will travel through 31 capital cities across Europe over 18 months to raise awareness of child sexual abuse. Matthew McVarish will walk the route while being supported by communications specialist Scott Carman. Their goal is to educate communities, support survivors, and influence policy change regarding child sexual abuse through meetings in each country. The walk is supported by Stop the Silence, an organization working to prevent child sexual abuse worldwide.
Ng environment io2 induction for pedagogy staff_-part 3EmanuelePristera
The document discusses the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It notes that NGOs work in sectors like environmental protection, human rights, and development. Their goals include supporting public welfare issues. NGOs often rely on volunteer work and donations. The document also outlines some of the benefits provided by NGOs, such as being important partners internationally and contributing over $1 trillion to the global economy in 1996.
The overall vision of the NowWeMOVEcampaign is TO GET 100 MILLION MORE EUROPEANS PHYSICALLY ACTIVE BY THE YEAR 2020.It is an ambitious vision, but we believe in it. We can reach the vision if we get Europe on the move–together.
-Raising awareness of the benefits of grassroots sport and physical activity among European citizens;
-Develop and promote opportunities to be active in grassroots sport and physical activity;
-Enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for grassroots sport and physical activity providers;
-Advocate for the societal benefits of grassroots sport and physical activity among policy makers;
find more
‘EU action against discrimination’ – Activity report 2007-08EC Equality News
The report "EU action against discrimination" presents the activities carried out by the European Commission in 2007-08 to fight discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation as regards to employment and occupation.It describes the policy and partnership aspects, the state of play in the legislation and its implementation at national level including some case law and the various activities conducted to communicate equality. This publication is available in printed format in English, French and German and in electronic format in all other EU official languages.
This document outlines an ICT training that took place on November 2, 2015. The training covered four topics: curation using Scoop it, collaboration through teamwork, presentation skills, and evaluation. It provided information on digital content curation through Pinterest, including how to choose topics, find and filter content, and share curated boards. Participants were encouraged to create Pinterest boards and share them on Twitter. The training was part of the Erasmus+ funded project Make Me A European.
The rise of populist and extremist parties in Europe can be explained by their process of normalization and institutionalization over the past 20 years. Previously marginalized parties have modernized their leadership, rhetoric, and policies to become more acceptable. They have also gained popularity by presenting themselves as entrepreneurs bringing new issues neglected by mainstream parties. Meanwhile, traditional parties have lost momentum by failing to offer meaningful programs, policies, and ways to engage and mobilize citizens. The economic crisis further fueled populist criticism of elites and the EU. However, populism is a complex phenomenon not limited to extremist fringes, but also reflecting broader anxieties in society about globalization, national identity, and the changing role of the nation-state
AGE action in 2014 focused on raising political and public awareness around the European Parliament elections. AGE campaigned for candidates and developed a manifesto calling for an age-friendly EU. AGE also prepared questions for the new European Commission to address challenges faced by older persons. AGE worked to re-establish the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in the European Parliament. Additionally, AGE strengthened its members' advocacy capacities and involvement in EU policymaking.
A presentation by Amana Ferro from the European Anti-Poverty Network at a conference on basic income in Brussels.
See the video of the speech here:
Go viral for victory II - Spread your news on social networksPes Pse
The document discusses how activists for the Party of European Socialists (PES) can use social networks to spread information and organize. It recommends using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, blogs and MyPES to share stories, keep in contact with others, advertise events, and build online communities. The key is interacting online and offline, using multimedia content, hashtags and sharing on multiple networks to maximize outreach. Social media allows PES activists to connect on both the European and local levels.
Organize your local campaign event by making a detailed plan of action, transforming political themes into engaging performances, and gaining support from your local party. Assign tasks to brief participants, take photos, and write reports. Invite local media after getting approval, and promote the event aftermath through online sharing and additional press coverage featuring politician quotes.
Politicize europe and recruit new activistsPes Pse
The document provides advice for talking to a fellow party member who is skeptical of the European Union. It suggests finding common ground by agreeing with their valid criticisms, and explaining that the EU could be improved with a socialist majority that implements better policies. The overall goal is to recruit them to campaign together to politicize Europe and elect socialists who will run the EU differently and better serve citizens' interests.
This document discusses initiatives started by activists of the PES (Party of European Socialists) political party. It provides instructions on how for PES members to start their own initiatives, including developing the initiative on a wiki page, signing the initiative to indicate their support, spreading the word to others to also sign on, viewing updated lists of signatures, and presenting the initiative. It also mentions reacting from PES leadership and getting involved with local PES city groups.
Re:new is an online platform designed to debate the future of progressive societies through forums and social media. It aims to be inclusive of activists, parties, NGOs, experts, and others. The goal is to renew the European left and reconnect with citizens so it can start winning elections again through participatory debate from October 2010 through autumn 2011.
The document describes an online platform called Re:new, which is designed to debate the future of progressive societies in Europe. It will include forums, social media tools, and discussions on six themes. It aims to renew the European left and reconnect with citizens in a participatory way. It will be promoted through connections with other social media and activist platforms, and will take place from October 2010 to June 2011.
Re:new is an online platform launched by the Party of European Socialists to debate the future of progressive societies through forums and social media. It aims to help the European left renew itself and reconnect with citizens in a participatory way in order to start winning elections again. The platform will host discussions on six themes over its launch period from October 2010 to June 2011 and promote participation from a wide range of groups.
The document describes initiatives for PES (Party of European Socialists) activists including an exchange corner forum for sharing best practices and campaigning, a wikinitiative process for developing and signing initiatives over several months to be presented to PES leadership, and the overall goal of strengthening activist input and cooperation to build a grassroots community for the 2014 EU elections.
Re:new is an online platform launched by the Party of European Socialists (PES) to debate the future of progressive societies through discussion forums and social media. It aims to help the European left renew itself and start winning elections again through an inclusive, participatory process involving activists, parties, experts and others. Over its duration from October 2010 to June 2011, Re:new will focus discussions around six themes and promote engagement through connections to social media and presence in traditional media.
12. Aim of the Campaign:
1.Transmit the message that, at European level, the
European right is systematically trying to dismantle
European Social Models.
13. Aim of the Campaign:
1.Transmit the message that, at European level, the
European right is systematically trying to dismantle
European Social Models.
2.Link with existing national campaigns against
‘austerity only’ by PES Member Parties
14. Aim of the Campaign:
1.Transmit the message that, at European level, the
European right is systematically trying to dismantle
European Social Models.
2.Link with existing national campaigns against
‘austerity only’ by PES Member Parties
3.Promote European Employment and Social
Progress Pact (Warsaw Council)
15. Aim of the Campaign:
1.Transmit the message that, at European level, the
European right is systematically trying to dismantle
European Social Models.
2.Link with existing national campaigns against
‘austerity only’ by PES Member Parties
3.Promote European Employment and Social
Progress Pact (Warsaw Council)
4.Build relations with trade unions and civil society
16. Aim of the Campaign:
1.Transmit the message that, at European level, the
European right is systematically trying to dismantle
European Social Models.
2.Link with existing national campaigns against
‘austerity only’ by PES Member Parties
3.Promote European Employment and Social
Progress Pact (Warsaw Council)
4.Build relations with trade unions and civil society
5.Recruit PES activists
25. Timetable:
a.Discussion of the campaign with member parties
(February-March 2011)
b.Recording of Leaders messages for campaign +
photo opportunity (Athens leaders meeting 4-5
March) + contrast with EPP Helsinki meeting
26. Timetable:
a.Discussion of the campaign with member parties
(February-March 2011)
b.Recording of Leaders messages for campaign +
photo opportunity (Athens leaders meeting 4-5
March) + contrast with EPP Helsinki meeting
c.Official launch of the campaign on 30 April with a
press conference and on 1 May with an Action Day
during the Belgian Socialist Party event
29. Timetable:
d.Action Days :
- 1 May
- 23 June (provisional)
- 27 September (provisional)
e.Campaign ‘Sign Up’ at ETUC Congress in Athens
16-19 May
30. Timetable:
d.Action Days :
- 1 May
- 23 June (provisional)
- 27 September (provisional)
e.Campaign ‘Sign Up’ at ETUC Congress in Athens
16-19 May
f.Campaign ends at PES Council (Convention)
November 2011
32. Campaign challenges:
Austerity (EU ‘in the wrong
Austerity (Cuts message)
hands’ message)
UK Greece
Romania Spain
Germany Portugal
Czech Republic
33. Campaign challenges:
Austerity (EU ‘in the wrong
Austerity (Cuts message)
hands’ message)
UK Greece
Romania Spain
Germany Portugal
Czech Republic
35. Campaign evaluation:
a.Measuring whether ‘ownership’ of the
coordinated approach to cuts across the EU can be
attributed to the right wing majority at EU level.
36. Campaign evaluation:
a.Measuring whether ‘ownership’ of the
coordinated approach to cuts across the EU can be
attributed to the right wing majority at EU level.
b.Measuring level of participation and action on
campaign by PES Member Parties.
37. Campaign evaluation:
a.Measuring whether ‘ownership’ of the
coordinated approach to cuts across the EU can be
attributed to the right wing majority at EU level.
b.Measuring level of participation and action on
campaign by PES Member Parties.
c.Successful recruitment of new PES activists through
the campaign.
38. Campaign evaluation:
a.Measuring whether ‘ownership’ of the
coordinated approach to cuts across the EU can be
attributed to the right wing majority at EU level.
b.Measuring level of participation and action on
campaign by PES Member Parties.
c.Successful recruitment of new PES activists through
the campaign.
d.Establishment of stronger links with Allies, such as
39. Campaign evaluation:
a.Measuring whether ‘ownership’ of the
coordinated approach to cuts across the EU can be
attributed to the right wing majority at EU level.
b.Measuring level of participation and action on
campaign by PES Member Parties.
c.Successful recruitment of new PES activists through
the campaign.
d.Establishment of stronger links with Allies, such as
e.Outline of clear, easy to understand PES Policy