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The future of ICT in education and
teachers' professional development
Tryggvi Thayer
Nordic/Baltic thematic
seminar on teachers training
Reykjav鱈k, IS
November, 2016
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional development
The 21st Century
What 21st century skills?
Schools and technological
Look to the now
from the past.
Look from the
now to the
The past:
Facts, history,
The future:
 Striated space
 Smooth space
Deleuze & Guattari (1987): A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia
Artwork: Marc Ngui @ www.bumblenut.com
Professional development for the future
Striated Space:
 Fixed Pathways
Smooth Space:
 No discernable pathways
 No gateways
Nomading in Smooth Space:
 Transcend knowledge structures
 Creating meaning
21st Century Skills
for Teachers
 Traversing smooth spaces
 Using social media to create optimal flows of
 Imagining/constructing new realities
 Constructing optimal futures
Thank you!
Tryggvi Thayer

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