Krunal Shah is a finance professional with over 10 years of experience. He currently works as a senior associate for Mosaic Groups, an education solutions company, where he handles accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. Previously, he worked as an assistant sales manager for a renewable energy company and did clerical work for a tax consultant. Krunal has a MBA in finance and postgraduate and undergraduate degrees in accountancy. He is proficient in English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi and has strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Krunal Shah is a finance professional with over 10 years of experience. He currently works as a senior associate for Mosaic Groups, an education solutions company, where he handles accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. Previously, he worked as an assistant sales manager for a renewable energy company and did clerical work for a tax consultant. Krunal has a MBA in finance and postgraduate and undergraduate degrees in accountancy. He is proficient in English, Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi and has strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Social media is a tool that facilitates conveying messages through human interaction. It allows for sharing of ideas and experiences between people. While businesses use social media to achieve objectives like increasing awareness, interest, and purchases, it is not fully under their control and messages on social media have a short lifespan. Social media is best suited for helping people or sharing knowledge that helps people, rather than simply broadcasting messages.
Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in England to working class parents. He apprenticed for 6 years beginning at age 20 and attended lectures by Humphry Davy and John Tatum. When an assistant at the Royal Institution was fired, Faraday was asked to replace him, beginning his career there. Faraday made many scientific contributions in physics and chemistry, including discoveries related to electrochemistry, the Faraday Effect, the Faraday cage, and the Faraday cup. He is quoted as saying "Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature and in such things as these, experiment is the best test of such consistency."
This document provides an overview of SiteCatalyst, which is a web analytics tool used to collect, analyze, and report on customer clickstream data. It discusses the tool's capabilities including near real-time data, dashboards, alerts, and its ability to measure, analyze, and optimize online initiatives. The document also outlines the tool's menu orientation and various reports available to analyze metrics like visits, pages, funnels, and more. It provides guidance on report suites, definitions, and how to build custom dashboards. The goal is for users to understand SiteCatalyst, feel comfortable using it for daily work, and know where to find help.
This document provides an overview of the SEO process, including keyword generation, development, and management. It discusses identifying relevant keywords based on a website's content, expanding keywords, grouping them into ad groups, and filtering irrelevant terms. It also covers keyword match types, ad types and management on Google and MSN, and important metrics and reports for analyzing SEO campaign performance at various levels.
This document provides definitions for various terms related to web analytics and SiteCatalyst. It includes over 50 entries defining terms like account manager, acquisition, campaigns, channels, clicks-to-page, conversions, cookies, and more. Each entry is a concise definition of 1-3 sentences. The glossary is in alphabetical order and provides a helpful reference guide for understanding common analytics and SiteCatalyst terminology.
The document discusses basic formulas for pay per click (PPC) advertising. It provides formulas for calculating impressions, clicks, leads, click-through rate (CTR), lead rate, average cost per click, total cost, total revenue, margin amount in dollars, and margin percentage. For each metric, the formula is presented along with an example of how to calculate it using sample values for the variables in the formula. The document is intended as an introduction to common PPC metrics and how they are calculated using basic formulas.
5. Proteïnes Proteïnes. Realitzen moltes funcions. Les dues principals són constituir estructures (com les proteïnes actina i miosina de la musculatura i la proteïna col·lagen dels ossos, cartÃlags, tendons i lligaments) i constituir els enzims que són les molècules que regulen la digestió dels aliments i totes les reaccions quÃmiques internes de les cèl·lules. Altres funcions són constituir els anticossos, constituir algunes hormones com l'hormona del creixement i l'hormona insulina, i servir com font d'energia en cas de extrema necessitat (4kcal/g) com l'albúmina de la sang. En el transcurs de la digestió les proteïnes es descomposen en decenes d'aminoà cids per l'acció dels enzims digestius "proteases"
7. Sals minerals Substà ncies minerals. Són substà ncies inorgà niques que ocupen distintes funcions com constituir estructures esquelètiques (el fosfat de calci i el carbonat de calci dels ossos), mantenir la sanitat del mitjà intern (el clorur sòdic i el clorur potà sic de la sang) i intervenir en la constitució de substà ncies quÃmiques especÃfiques (com el ferro de l'hemoglobina i el iode de l'hormona tiroxina).