解説した論文:Mustafa RA, Garcia CAC, Bhatt M, Riva JJ, Vesely S, Wiercioch W, Nieuwlaat R, Patel P, Hanson S, Newall F, Wiernikowski J, Monagle P, Schünemann HJ. GRADE notes: How to use GRADE when there is "no" evidence? A case study of the expert evidence approach. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021 Mar 3;137:231-235.
解説した論文:Mustafa RA, Garcia CAC, Bhatt M, Riva JJ, Vesely S, Wiercioch W, Nieuwlaat R, Patel P, Hanson S, Newall F, Wiernikowski J, Monagle P, Schünemann HJ. GRADE notes: How to use GRADE when there is "no" evidence? A case study of the expert evidence approach. J Clin Epidemiol. 2021 Mar 3;137:231-235.
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29. はちみつ、ベポラップの効果
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? Paul IM, Beiler JS, King TS, et al.
? Vapor rub, petrolatum, and no treatment for children with nocturnal
cough and cold symptoms.
? Pediatrics. 2010 Dec;126(6):1092-9. PMID: 21059712
? Oduwole O, Udoh EE, Oyo-Ita A, et al.
? Honey for acute cough in children.
? Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Apr 10;4:CD007094.
? PMID: 29633783.