Este documento describe los principales tipos de contaminaci坦n del agua y el aire, incluyendo las fuentes y los efectos en la salud. La contaminaci坦n del agua se debe principalmente a actividades humanas y puede incluir microorganismos, desechos org叩nicos, sustancias qu鱈micas y nutrientes. La contaminaci坦n del aire incluye contaminantes f鱈sicos, qu鱈micos y biol坦gicos de origen natural y antr坦pico. Ambos tipos de contaminaci坦n pueden causar enfermedades como c坦lera, hepatitis y gastroenteritis.
Este documento resume las actividades de un taller de escritores sobre la diferencia entre "decir" y "mostrar" en la literatura. El taller analizar叩 textos sobre este tema y sobre la creaci坦n de personajes inolvidables. Tambi辿n incluir叩 ejercicios pr叩cticos para mejorar la capacidad de los escritores de mostrar en lugar de decir en sus obras y de usar la descripci坦n y la narraci坦n de manera efectiva. El objetivo final es ense単ar a los participantes a contar historias de una manera que transmita ilusiones de realidad y autonom
Molecular and cytogenetic phylogeography of h. malabaricuscmvolcker
Claudio Michael V旦lcker
Jorge A. Dergam
Molecular and karyotypic phylogeography in the Neotropical Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae) fish in eastern Brazil
Este documento presenta una propuesta did叩ctica para una sesi坦n de poes鱈a con ni単os con necesidades educativas especiales. La sesi坦n se centra en el tema de los gestos y comienza con la lectura de poemas sobre gestos f叩ciles y dif鱈ciles. Luego, los estudiantes trabajan en grupos para crear frases sobre el amor y la amistad y comparten sus trabajos. La sesi坦n concluye con la creaci坦n colectiva de un poema.
Mingle Case-study with Minnesotta State Colleges and UniversitiesThoughtWorks Studios
While adopting Agile processes for their state-wide
development teams at Minnesota State Colleges & Universities (MNSCU), the
Enterprise Software Development division sought to develop more mature
Agile processes among their teams, and to find a tool that would facilitate
those Agile ideas in a distributed team culture. By using Mingle, they can
customize the tool to mirror and support their development, collaboration and
reporting needs. They also now deliver software products that are more timely
and well tested and better meet the needs of their customers, the students and
staff at MNSCU.
Este documento presenta la emisora Eclipse 7 de Hitec, una emisora vers叩til para modelos con motor, planeadores y helic坦pteros. Puede almacenar datos para 7 modelos diferentes y cuenta con caracter鱈sticas como trims electr坦nicos, inversi坦n de giro, ajuste de recorrido de servos y mezclas programables. Incluye programaci坦n para aviones, veleros y helic坦pteros, as鱈 como consejos de seguridad para el uso de la emisora.
Este documento presenta la propuesta para el evento "Belly Beach" que se realizar叩 del 4 al 6 de octubre en las Caba単as Unilever en Isla Negra. El programa incluye check in el viernes a las 17:00, fiestas los viernes y s叩bados hasta las 5:30 AM, y check out el domingo a las 14:00. Se ofrecer叩 barra libre, comidas, juegos en la playa, y fiestas con DJs, iluminaci坦n y cotill坦n.
Este documento describe un viaje de una semana a Punta Cana, Rep炭blica Dominicana. Incluye detalles sobre los vuelos y transporte desde Espa単a, el hotel Bavaro Princess All Suites Resort, y una variedad de excursiones diarias como Isla Saona, Altos de Chav坦n, Seaquarium, Saman叩 Haitises y Cayo Levantado, Jeep Safari, Cachondeo Caribe単o, y Marinarium Marine Park. Tambi辿n recomienda varios restaurantes populares en la zona de Punta Cana.
The document outlines a proposed distribution agency project located in a densely populated city. It will distribute fast moving consumer goods like tea, powdered milk, biscuits and chocolate to retailers. The project will have a capacity to distribute 50 tons of products per month and initially utilize 56% of capacity. Key factors for success include selecting the right products/brands, negotiation skills, and credit recovery. The total estimated cost of the project is 1.249 million rupees.
This document summarizes the FY 2013-2014 operating budget for Montgomery County Public Schools that was approved by the School Board on May 7, 2013. It includes an introduction from the Superintendent highlighting the division's accomplishments and commitment to excellence. The budget request section provides an expenditure summary and breakdown of revenues from state, federal, county and local sources. Details are also provided on compensation plans, student membership numbers, health insurance costs, personnel levels, and textbook adoption plans. School and department profiles give overviews of funding for elementary schools, middle/high schools, instructional programs, instructional support, non-instructional areas, administration, transportation, and operations/maintenance.
matig-a reunion-minutes of meeting aug12, 2009polikarpo2002
The minutes summarize a meeting of the Servando Monungolh Matig-a clan heirs held on August 12, 2009 to plan their first grand reunion in July 2010. A steering committee was formed with members assigned roles. The reunion activities were outlined over five days and include a mass, motorcade, parties, medical mission, and birthday celebration. Colored t-shirts with family identifiers will be worn. Contact persons were assigned for each family in the Philippines and US/Canada. The meeting concluded with requests for suggestions, family trees, and coordination through committee members.
Este documento presenta las novedades de c坦mics y mangas de julio de 2012 de una editorial. Entre las nuevas publicaciones se encuentran dos n炭meros de la serie "Nuevas Haza単as B辿licas", una novela gr叩fica sobre la movida barcelonesa de los 80, una adaptaci坦n al c坦mic de la pel鱈cula "Lobos de Arga" y nuevos tomos de las series "Ranma 1/2" y "Berserk". La editorial tambi辿n anuncia la reedici坦n de cl叩sicos espa単oles y la incorporaci坦n de nuevos autores al cat叩logo.
El documento resume el avance de las obras de construcci坦n de las troncales NQS y Suba del Sistema Transmilenio de Bogot叩. Reporta que mientras los tramos norte de la NQS ya est叩n operando, los tramos sur de la NQS y la troncal de la Avenida Suba se retrasaron y solo estar叩n listos para diciembre de 2005 o marzo de 2006. Explica que los mayores atrasos se presentan en la intervenci坦n del espacio p炭blico debido a problemas para la entrega de predios y conflictos con redes de servicios p炭blic
El documento presenta varias actividades para estudiantes de primer ciclo relacionadas con el 9 de julio, D鱈a de la Declaraci坦n de la Independencia Argentina. Propone entrevistar a miembros de la comunidad educativa para definir libertad e independencia, editar un video con las respuestas. Tambi辿n sugiere representar un acto inspirado en un cuento donde los personajes est叩n unidos por sogas invisibles que les impiden moverse libremente.
Presentaci坦 del Pla de riscos del terme municipal de Tortosa, per a l'assignatura "plans d'emerg竪ncies i dispositius de risc previsibles" del CFGM T竪cnic en Emerg竪ncies Sanitries
Industrial Space Solutions by Space Studio Chennai Shashi Rekha
Space Studio Chennai is an architecture and interior design firm based in Chennai, India. They have completed over 0.5 million square feet of projects across various typologies including residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. The document provides an overview of the firm's vision, values, experience, services offered, and features testimonials from satisfied clients praising the firm's designs, timely execution, and professionalism. It also showcases images of completed projects including apartments, villas, offices, and retail spaces.
This document provides information about a terrazzo flooring continuing education course. It discusses the history and types of terrazzo flooring, design considerations, surface preparation, moisture vapor transmission, sustainability through LEED, and other resinous flooring options. The course is intended to help participants understand how to specify terrazzo flooring and its various applications. It is registered with the AIA for continuing education credit.
This document provides a summary of an exegetical study on John 2:1-12, the account of Jesus' first sign at the wedding in Cana. The study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter does a literary and textual analysis of the passage. It examines aspects like the Greek text, textual variants, and performs a linguistic analysis. The second chapter does a narratological analysis to understand the narrative elements. The third chapter examines the function and meaning of the passage in the gospel of John and interprets it from different perspectives. The overall scope is to deepen the understanding of how this passage functions in the gospel and its theological meaning through analytical exegesis.
Este documento resume la situaci坦n actual de la Corporaci坦n Hotelera Nacional (CHN). CHN ha experimentado una reducci坦n del 40% en ingresos y del 30% en hoteles miembros. Para contrarrestar esto, CHN planea reestructurar su departamento de atenci坦n al cliente, crear un nuevo departamento de marketing, y desarrollar un nuevo sitio web para mejorar los servicios. El an叩lisis tambi辿n identifica oportunidades como ofrecer nuevos servicios como gu鱈as tur鱈sticos y transporte.
This document provides a summary of an article on reinventing marketing. It discusses shifting from product marketing to understanding customer needs and how those needs evolve. It recommends cultivating customers through understanding their behaviors and building relationships. It also discusses organizing marketing departments around customers, using new customer-centric metrics, avoiding marketing myopia by understanding the purpose of the business and customer jobs to be done. The brand report card and customer value proposition are introduced as tools to assess brands and define unique customer benefits that justify premium prices.
Ibn Battuta fue un importante viajero y explorador musulm叩n del siglo XIV. Naci坦 en T叩nger, Marruecos en 1304 y viaj坦 por m叩s de 40 pa鱈ses durante 30 a単os, recorriendo m叩s de 120.000 km. Document坦 sus viajes en un libro llamado Rihala. Visit坦 el norte de frica, el Medio Oriente, el sur y este de Europa, la India, el sureste asi叩tico y China, convirti辿ndose en uno de los mayores viajeros de la Edad Media.
Este documento describe una sesi坦n de capacitaci坦n sobre el uso de herramientas de Google para la educaci坦n. La sesi坦n cubrir叩 temas como el uso de Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs y Google Classroom para mejorar la comunicaci坦n, organizaci坦n y colaboraci坦n. El objetivo es mostrar c坦mo estas herramientas pueden reemplazar el uso de papel y optimizar los procesos educativos.
What is Programmatic Advertising and how does it work? This talk by Webrepublic's Tech Lead Dorian Kind explains the basic principles and discusses the importance of creatives, media buying and tracking in a shifting advertising world.
The talk was given at the University of Zurich on November 4, 2016.
The document outlines a proposed distribution agency project located in a densely populated city. It will distribute fast moving consumer goods like tea, powdered milk, biscuits and chocolate to retailers. The project will have a capacity to distribute 50 tons of products per month and initially utilize 56% of capacity. Key factors for success include selecting the right products/brands, negotiation skills, and credit recovery. The total estimated cost of the project is 1.249 million rupees.
This document summarizes the FY 2013-2014 operating budget for Montgomery County Public Schools that was approved by the School Board on May 7, 2013. It includes an introduction from the Superintendent highlighting the division's accomplishments and commitment to excellence. The budget request section provides an expenditure summary and breakdown of revenues from state, federal, county and local sources. Details are also provided on compensation plans, student membership numbers, health insurance costs, personnel levels, and textbook adoption plans. School and department profiles give overviews of funding for elementary schools, middle/high schools, instructional programs, instructional support, non-instructional areas, administration, transportation, and operations/maintenance.
matig-a reunion-minutes of meeting aug12, 2009polikarpo2002
The minutes summarize a meeting of the Servando Monungolh Matig-a clan heirs held on August 12, 2009 to plan their first grand reunion in July 2010. A steering committee was formed with members assigned roles. The reunion activities were outlined over five days and include a mass, motorcade, parties, medical mission, and birthday celebration. Colored t-shirts with family identifiers will be worn. Contact persons were assigned for each family in the Philippines and US/Canada. The meeting concluded with requests for suggestions, family trees, and coordination through committee members.
Este documento presenta las novedades de c坦mics y mangas de julio de 2012 de una editorial. Entre las nuevas publicaciones se encuentran dos n炭meros de la serie "Nuevas Haza単as B辿licas", una novela gr叩fica sobre la movida barcelonesa de los 80, una adaptaci坦n al c坦mic de la pel鱈cula "Lobos de Arga" y nuevos tomos de las series "Ranma 1/2" y "Berserk". La editorial tambi辿n anuncia la reedici坦n de cl叩sicos espa単oles y la incorporaci坦n de nuevos autores al cat叩logo.
El documento resume el avance de las obras de construcci坦n de las troncales NQS y Suba del Sistema Transmilenio de Bogot叩. Reporta que mientras los tramos norte de la NQS ya est叩n operando, los tramos sur de la NQS y la troncal de la Avenida Suba se retrasaron y solo estar叩n listos para diciembre de 2005 o marzo de 2006. Explica que los mayores atrasos se presentan en la intervenci坦n del espacio p炭blico debido a problemas para la entrega de predios y conflictos con redes de servicios p炭blic
El documento presenta varias actividades para estudiantes de primer ciclo relacionadas con el 9 de julio, D鱈a de la Declaraci坦n de la Independencia Argentina. Propone entrevistar a miembros de la comunidad educativa para definir libertad e independencia, editar un video con las respuestas. Tambi辿n sugiere representar un acto inspirado en un cuento donde los personajes est叩n unidos por sogas invisibles que les impiden moverse libremente.
Presentaci坦 del Pla de riscos del terme municipal de Tortosa, per a l'assignatura "plans d'emerg竪ncies i dispositius de risc previsibles" del CFGM T竪cnic en Emerg竪ncies Sanitries
Industrial Space Solutions by Space Studio Chennai Shashi Rekha
Space Studio Chennai is an architecture and interior design firm based in Chennai, India. They have completed over 0.5 million square feet of projects across various typologies including residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. The document provides an overview of the firm's vision, values, experience, services offered, and features testimonials from satisfied clients praising the firm's designs, timely execution, and professionalism. It also showcases images of completed projects including apartments, villas, offices, and retail spaces.
This document provides information about a terrazzo flooring continuing education course. It discusses the history and types of terrazzo flooring, design considerations, surface preparation, moisture vapor transmission, sustainability through LEED, and other resinous flooring options. The course is intended to help participants understand how to specify terrazzo flooring and its various applications. It is registered with the AIA for continuing education credit.
This document provides a summary of an exegetical study on John 2:1-12, the account of Jesus' first sign at the wedding in Cana. The study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter does a literary and textual analysis of the passage. It examines aspects like the Greek text, textual variants, and performs a linguistic analysis. The second chapter does a narratological analysis to understand the narrative elements. The third chapter examines the function and meaning of the passage in the gospel of John and interprets it from different perspectives. The overall scope is to deepen the understanding of how this passage functions in the gospel and its theological meaning through analytical exegesis.
Este documento resume la situaci坦n actual de la Corporaci坦n Hotelera Nacional (CHN). CHN ha experimentado una reducci坦n del 40% en ingresos y del 30% en hoteles miembros. Para contrarrestar esto, CHN planea reestructurar su departamento de atenci坦n al cliente, crear un nuevo departamento de marketing, y desarrollar un nuevo sitio web para mejorar los servicios. El an叩lisis tambi辿n identifica oportunidades como ofrecer nuevos servicios como gu鱈as tur鱈sticos y transporte.
This document provides a summary of an article on reinventing marketing. It discusses shifting from product marketing to understanding customer needs and how those needs evolve. It recommends cultivating customers through understanding their behaviors and building relationships. It also discusses organizing marketing departments around customers, using new customer-centric metrics, avoiding marketing myopia by understanding the purpose of the business and customer jobs to be done. The brand report card and customer value proposition are introduced as tools to assess brands and define unique customer benefits that justify premium prices.
Ibn Battuta fue un importante viajero y explorador musulm叩n del siglo XIV. Naci坦 en T叩nger, Marruecos en 1304 y viaj坦 por m叩s de 40 pa鱈ses durante 30 a単os, recorriendo m叩s de 120.000 km. Document坦 sus viajes en un libro llamado Rihala. Visit坦 el norte de frica, el Medio Oriente, el sur y este de Europa, la India, el sureste asi叩tico y China, convirti辿ndose en uno de los mayores viajeros de la Edad Media.
Este documento describe una sesi坦n de capacitaci坦n sobre el uso de herramientas de Google para la educaci坦n. La sesi坦n cubrir叩 temas como el uso de Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs y Google Classroom para mejorar la comunicaci坦n, organizaci坦n y colaboraci坦n. El objetivo es mostrar c坦mo estas herramientas pueden reemplazar el uso de papel y optimizar los procesos educativos.
What is Programmatic Advertising and how does it work? This talk by Webrepublic's Tech Lead Dorian Kind explains the basic principles and discusses the importance of creatives, media buying and tracking in a shifting advertising world.
The talk was given at the University of Zurich on November 4, 2016.
8 tips f旦r 旦kad konvertering i Multiv辰rldenMartin Sangell
S奪 旦kar du konverteringen i mobilen - ocks奪. Och hur sp奪rar du dina bes旦kare cross-device? H辰r f奪r du 8 konkreta tips p奪 hur du kan 旦ka din konvertering i en den multiv辰rld vi lever i.
際際滷s fr奪n Patriks frukostseminarium om responsive design.
L辰r dig mer om vilka f旦rdelar du f奪r med responsive design. Presentationen tar upp den mobila revolutionen, Strategi och angrepps辰tt, V辰rdet av att mobilanpassa din webbplats med "responsive design".
Hur konverterar man mobila bes旦kare? r det som "vanlig" konverteringsoptimering, eller 辰ndras allt och vi m奪ste l辰ra oss p奪 nytt?
Vi g奪r igenom de 6 viktigaste punkterna f旦r mobil konvertering och g旦r en djupdykning i data fr奪n stora E-handlare f旦r att se vad de f奪r f旦r resultat.
Mobil Strategi Mobila mediadagen juni 2012 DeasignAnnaGullstrand
Anna Gullstrand, vice VD p奪 digitala byr奪n Deasign, h旦ll denna presentation om Mobil strategi p奪 Mobila Mediedagen anordnad av Dagens Media & Talentum 13 juni 2012.
This document discusses concepts from cognitive psychology and anthropology that are relevant to user experience (UX) design. It notes that people only pay attention to less than 20% of the content on a webpage. It also discusses research showing that people have little awareness of their own choices and actions. The document provides links to research studies on choice blindness, speech errors, and how we use auditory feedback to understand what we say. It concludes by thanking the audience and providing contact information for the speaker, Daniel Anundi.
We have worked with a design challenge that aims to create a more humanized legislation for the Swedish health care. We have worked from a patient perspective to design the health care service for them. This work will be used to review the liability law that regulates parts of the health care.
E handel: En sp辰nnande kundresa Frukostseminarium 131008Antrop
En presentation fr奪n v奪rt frukostseminarium om E-handel och framg奪ngsfaktorer, som h旦lls den 8 oktober 2013. I seminariet utg奪r vi fr奪n en fiktiv kundresa och dyker ner i framg奪ngsfaktorer och kundbeteende f旦re, under och efter k旦p. Vi h奪ller g辰rna detta seminarium vid fler tillf辰llen p奪 f旦rfr奪gan, kontakta oss p奪!
Gr辰nssnittsdesign, en trendspaning - Antrop frukostseminarie 121206Antrop
Cecilia Mella, AD Antrop och Daniel Anundi, interaktionsdesigner Antrop, ber辰ttade om trender och skiften nu och fram奪t inom gr辰nssnittsdesign, vikten av prioriteringar och inte minst, att inneh奪llet 辰ger!
Kundens verklighet nyckeln till framg奪ngsrik tj辰nstedesignAntrop
Alltf旦r ofta anv辰nds kundinsikter i f旦rsta hand f旦r kravst辰llning och design i avgr辰nsade projekt. Tj辰nster 辰gs och utvecklas ofta i stupr旦r, som inte alltid har en gemensam strategi. Erik Markensten, interaktionsdesigner och en av Antrops grundare och Henrik Eneroth, interaktionsdesigner ber辰ttar hur m奪lgruppsstudier 旦ver situationer och kanaler skapar grund f旦r l奪ngsiktig innovation och tj辰nsteutveckling. De visar ocks奪 metoder och verktyg f旦r att omvandla dina kunders behov till framg奪ngsrik tj辰nstedesign.
Framtidens ux research - erik markensten wud 2011Antrop
This presentation is in swedish. In this presentation i look back to when we founded Antrop and the challenges we faced then. From there I look forward and talk about where I believe we in the UX-community should be heading in order to have a real impact on the design of products and services.
Frukostseminarium i Link旦ping, 12 nov & Stockholm 26 nov: Webbtrender av Anna...Antrop
H旦stens frukostseminarium hos Antrop i Link旦ping & Stockholm som handlar om webtrender och sociala media. Anna Lundmark & Cecilia Mella fr奪n Antrop gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb och vi vill tacka alla som kom till oss, minglade, lyssnade och st辰llde fr奪gor.
SL - Frukostseminarie SL:s Reseplanerare Nov 2009 av Elias ArnestrandAntrop
H旦stens f旦rsta frukostseminarium hos Antrop i Stockholm handlade om Antrops arbete med SL:s reseplanerare. Mattias M奪rtensson fr奪n Antrop och Elias Arnestrand fr奪n SL gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb och vi vill tacka alla som kom till oss, minglade, lyssnade och st辰llde fr奪gor.
Antrop - Frukostseminarie SL:s Reseplanerare Nov 2009 av Mattias M奪rtenssonAntrop
H旦stens f旦rsta frukostseminarium hos Antrop i Stockholm handlade om Antrops arbete med SL:s reseplanerare. Mattias M奪rtensson fr奪n Antrop och Elias Arnestrand fr奪n SL gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb och vi vill tacka alla som kom till oss, minglade, lyssnade och st辰llde fr奪gor.
M辰t dina webbsatsningar, 13 oktober av Jens WedinAntrop
En presentation om att "M辰ta sina webbsatsningar" f旦r b奪de externa webbplatser och intran辰t, presenterad 13 oktober 2009 av Jens Wedin, Antrop. Presentationen tar upp trender inom webbanalys och hur du kan f旦lja upp vad som h辰nder i sociala media. Presentationen tar 辰ven upp hur du arbetar med trafikanalys, enk辰ter och intervjuer i projekt och underh奪ll av webbplatser.
13. Liten sk辰rm?
Jag gillar n辰stan appen b辰ttre
辰n hemsidan. Det 辰r liksom det
som beh旦vs, den har blivit mer
Inte lika r旦rigt som hemsidan,
jag tycker det 辰r ett 鍖nt uppl辰gg
Snyggt! Det var inte n奪t r旦rigt,
utan det var r辰tt enkelt, liksom.
18. Tillr辰ckligt bra
It is somewhat slow but it
de鍖nitely works, in fact my
teen daughter uses hers
constantly online. Among other
things she uses it to keep in
touch with her friends.
27. Folk orkar l辰sa i mobilen
I love it! Nice and clean look,
easy to navigate and easy to
read. Well done! But... can you
put a bit more news on there?
...the Sorry, this article isnt yet
available on the mobile site
message was bloody annoying.
Ended up having to install a
browser that spoofs the user
agent and renders the full
desktop site.
29. TV-kompis
86% av de mobila
Internetanv辰ndarna (och 92% i
奪ldersgruppen 1324 奪r)
anv辰nder sina mobiler medan
de tittar p奪 TV
Yahoo!/Nielsen Mobile Shopping
Framework, nov 2010
31. Shoppingkompis
90% av mobilanv辰ndarna har
surfat med sina mobiler i
butiken n辰r de shoppar, och
h辰lften av aktiviteten 辰r
relaterad till shoppingen
Yahoo!/Nielsen Mobile Shopping
Framework, nov 2010
37. Inte bara Google
We're just now starting to think
about mobile 鍖rst and desktop
second for a lot of our
Kate Aronowitz, Design Director p奪
My goal was initially just to
make a mobile companion, but
I became convinced it was
possible to create a version of
Facebook that was actually
better than the website.
Joe Hewitt, utvecklade Facebook-
appen p奪 iPhone
We really need to shift now to
start thinking about building
mobile 鍖rst. This is an even
bigger shift than the PC
Kevin Lynch, CTO p奪 Adobe
39. Recept p奪 lyckad mobilsatsning
犢 Ha en genomt辰nkt upplevelsestrategi hur passar
mobilen in i helheten?
犢 N辰r projektet p奪b旦rjas, anv辰nd m奪lstyrning f旦r att se till
att de funktioner som byggs verkligen svarar mot
aff辰rsm奪len och skapar v辰rde f旦r anv辰ndarna
犢 Prioritera h奪rt, var inte r辰dd att offra funktioner
犢 Utnyttja mobilens unika m旦jligheter
犢 Fundera ordentligt p奪 valet mellan app och webb
42. Upplevelsekarta
-$7$+%(> ?6:)8&(@$8 =')8%+&' ;/78)8%+2$.A8)8>$)78+8&/'
?/+%0&'C A%%&2+.
Close to the city
Special offfer
Other passangers
Too long
No queues
Sleep / Read
/ Relax
Stations in
Fear of being late
buy ticket
No influence on
Potential chaos
(popular trips /
time period)
Find cheap tickets
Campaign price
at train station
Find train track
in mobile app Seat number
mobile ticket
Find a place to sit
Easy to compare options
Easy to access
Conductor checks if I
if delayed
Helpful staff around
Friendly conductor
Conductor confirm
ticket is ok
Seat next to
me is empty
booked seat
Lots of space
in entrance / exit
there to meet me
Conductor announces
my track for change
of trains
Easy access to
form for compensation
Time-consuming to
Timetable does
not suite me
my phone number,
e-mail etc.
Hard to book seat next to
friend unless booking at
the same time
depature time.
Need to make changes in
Realize too late
I forgot to log in
Forgot my
login details
Hard to hear
messages from
Complicated to look
up delays online
in confirmation step
carrige nr 3?
I hope the ticket
Will the train
depart in time?
Changed track
Repeated delays
train is cancelled
my track
Bumping in to
people on train
Realise there is no
dining carriage
Fear of missing
my stop
Bad connection for
phone calls
train and the conductor
- Untidy, no soap
- No car number inside
train, hard to find my seat
Will I be able
to pick up my
bag in time?
number to fill in form
for compensation
Bonus members
Collect bonus
43. Upplevelsekarta
-$7$+%(> ?6:)8&(@$8 =')8%+&'A8)8>$)78+8&/'
Close to the city
Special offfer
No queues
Sleep / Read
/ Relax
Stations in
buy ticket
Find cheap tickets
Campaign price
at train station
Find train track
in mobile app Seat number
mobile ticket
Find a place to sit
Easy to compare options
Easy to access
Conductor chec
if delayed
Helpful staff around
Friendly conduc
Conductor conf
ticket is ok
Seat next to
me is empty
booked seat
Conductor anno
my track for cha
of trains
Time-consuming to
Timetable does
not suite me
Hard to book seat next to
friend unless booking at
the same time
depature time.
Forgot my
login details
carrige nr 3?
I hope the ticket
Bumping in to
people on train
Realise there is
dining carriage
Fear of missing
my stop
Bad connection
phone calls
Collect bonus
44. M奪lstyrning
Varf旦r bygger vi detta?
Vilka realiserar aff辰rsm奪len?
Anv辰ndningsm奪l och scenarier
Vad 辰r anv辰ndarnas syfte och m奪l?
Hur beter de sig p奪 aktuell plattform?
Hur kommer det att anv辰ndas?
Tj辰nster, funktioner
Vilka tj辰nster erbjuder vi?
Vilka funktioner beh旦vs?
Vilka aktiviteter ska vi g旦ra?
52. App eller webb?
犢 Webb 辰r bra om:
- Alla m奪ste kunna komma 奪t tj辰nsten, oberoende
av telefontyp
- Er tj辰nst inte 辰r beroende av avancerad
犢 Appar 辰r bra om:
- Prestanda 辰r viktigt
- Er tj辰nst kr辰ver integration med annat i telefonen
(h奪rdvara som kamera eller gyro, men 辰ven
mjukvara som adressbok eller kalender)
- Ni vill ta betalt
- Tj辰nsten ska funka off-line (辰ven om detta delvis
kan g旦ras 辰ven p奪 webben)
55. Kom ih奪g
犢 Begr辰nsningar 辰r en styrka
犢 Den hemliga formeln 辰r Value > Pain
犢 Mobilen 辰r ofta ett perfekt komplement till andra kanaler
se till att inte behandla den som ett isolerat stupr旦r
犢 T辰nk p奪 80/20-regeln och utnyttja mobilens unika