13. Liten sk辰rm?
Jag gillar n辰stan appen b辰ttre
辰n hemsidan. Det 辰r liksom det
som beh旦vs, den har blivit mer
Inte lika r旦rigt som hemsidan,
jag tycker det 辰r ett 鍖nt uppl辰gg
Snyggt! Det var inte n奪t r旦rigt,
utan det var r辰tt enkelt, liksom.
18. Tillr辰ckligt bra
It is somewhat slow but it
de鍖nitely works, in fact my
teen daughter uses hers
constantly online. Among other
things she uses it to keep in
touch with her friends.
27. Folk orkar l辰sa i mobilen
I love it! Nice and clean look,
easy to navigate and easy to
read. Well done! But... can you
put a bit more news on there?
...the Sorry, this article isnt yet
available on the mobile site
message was bloody annoying.
Ended up having to install a
browser that spoofs the user
agent and renders the full
desktop site.
29. TV-kompis
86% av de mobila
Internetanv辰ndarna (och 92% i
奪ldersgruppen 1324 奪r)
anv辰nder sina mobiler medan
de tittar p奪 TV
Yahoo!/Nielsen Mobile Shopping
Framework, nov 2010
31. Shoppingkompis
90% av mobilanv辰ndarna har
surfat med sina mobiler i
butiken n辰r de shoppar, och
h辰lften av aktiviteten 辰r
relaterad till shoppingen
Yahoo!/Nielsen Mobile Shopping
Framework, nov 2010
37. Inte bara Google
We're just now starting to think
about mobile 鍖rst and desktop
second for a lot of our
Kate Aronowitz, Design Director p奪
My goal was initially just to
make a mobile companion, but
I became convinced it was
possible to create a version of
Facebook that was actually
better than the website.
Joe Hewitt, utvecklade Facebook-
appen p奪 iPhone
We really need to shift now to
start thinking about building
mobile 鍖rst. This is an even
bigger shift than the PC
Kevin Lynch, CTO p奪 Adobe
39. Recept p奪 lyckad mobilsatsning
犢 Ha en genomt辰nkt upplevelsestrategi hur passar
mobilen in i helheten?
犢 N辰r projektet p奪b旦rjas, anv辰nd m奪lstyrning f旦r att se till
att de funktioner som byggs verkligen svarar mot
aff辰rsm奪len och skapar v辰rde f旦r anv辰ndarna
犢 Prioritera h奪rt, var inte r辰dd att offra funktioner
犢 Utnyttja mobilens unika m旦jligheter
犢 Fundera ordentligt p奪 valet mellan app och webb
42. Upplevelsekarta
-$7$+%(> ?6:)8&(@$8 =')8%+&' ;/78)8%+2$.A8)8>$)78+8&/'
?/+%0&'C A%%&2+.
Close to the city
Special offfer
Other passangers
Too long
No queues
Sleep / Read
/ Relax
Stations in
Fear of being late
buy ticket
No influence on
Potential chaos
(popular trips /
time period)
Find cheap tickets
Campaign price
at train station
Find train track
in mobile app Seat number
mobile ticket
Find a place to sit
Easy to compare options
Easy to access
Conductor checks if I
if delayed
Helpful staff around
Friendly conductor
Conductor confirm
ticket is ok
Seat next to
me is empty
booked seat
Lots of space
in entrance / exit
there to meet me
Conductor announces
my track for change
of trains
Easy access to
form for compensation
Time-consuming to
Timetable does
not suite me
my phone number,
e-mail etc.
Hard to book seat next to
friend unless booking at
the same time
depature time.
Need to make changes in
Realize too late
I forgot to log in
Forgot my
login details
Hard to hear
messages from
Complicated to look
up delays online
in confirmation step
carrige nr 3?
I hope the ticket
Will the train
depart in time?
Changed track
Repeated delays
train is cancelled
my track
Bumping in to
people on train
Realise there is no
dining carriage
Fear of missing
my stop
Bad connection for
phone calls
train and the conductor
- Untidy, no soap
- No car number inside
train, hard to find my seat
Will I be able
to pick up my
bag in time?
number to fill in form
for compensation
Bonus members
Collect bonus
43. Upplevelsekarta
-$7$+%(> ?6:)8&(@$8 =')8%+&'A8)8>$)78+8&/'
Close to the city
Special offfer
No queues
Sleep / Read
/ Relax
Stations in
buy ticket
Find cheap tickets
Campaign price
at train station
Find train track
in mobile app Seat number
mobile ticket
Find a place to sit
Easy to compare options
Easy to access
Conductor chec
if delayed
Helpful staff around
Friendly conduc
Conductor conf
ticket is ok
Seat next to
me is empty
booked seat
Conductor anno
my track for cha
of trains
Time-consuming to
Timetable does
not suite me
Hard to book seat next to
friend unless booking at
the same time
depature time.
Forgot my
login details
carrige nr 3?
I hope the ticket
Bumping in to
people on train
Realise there is
dining carriage
Fear of missing
my stop
Bad connection
phone calls
Collect bonus
44. M奪lstyrning
Varf旦r bygger vi detta?
Vilka realiserar aff辰rsm奪len?
Anv辰ndningsm奪l och scenarier
Vad 辰r anv辰ndarnas syfte och m奪l?
Hur beter de sig p奪 aktuell plattform?
Hur kommer det att anv辰ndas?
Tj辰nster, funktioner
Vilka tj辰nster erbjuder vi?
Vilka funktioner beh旦vs?
Vilka aktiviteter ska vi g旦ra?
52. App eller webb?
犢 Webb 辰r bra om:
- Alla m奪ste kunna komma 奪t tj辰nsten, oberoende
av telefontyp
- Er tj辰nst inte 辰r beroende av avancerad
犢 Appar 辰r bra om:
- Prestanda 辰r viktigt
- Er tj辰nst kr辰ver integration med annat i telefonen
(h奪rdvara som kamera eller gyro, men 辰ven
mjukvara som adressbok eller kalender)
- Ni vill ta betalt
- Tj辰nsten ska funka off-line (辰ven om detta delvis
kan g旦ras 辰ven p奪 webben)
55. Kom ih奪g
犢 Begr辰nsningar 辰r en styrka
犢 Den hemliga formeln 辰r Value > Pain
犢 Mobilen 辰r ofta ett perfekt komplement till andra kanaler
se till att inte behandla den som ett isolerat stupr旦r
犢 T辰nk p奪 80/20-regeln och utnyttja mobilens unika