Railway signalkrishnendu17This presentation summarizes the Indian railway signal system. It introduces the Indian railway network as the 4th largest in the world comprising over 115,000 km of track. It then describes the key components of the railway signaling system including block signals, fixed signals, mechanical signals, color light signals and cab signals. It also discusses interlocking systems which use mechanical and electrical devices to coordinate signaling and ensure safe train movements. The presentation concludes by covering communication systems used for train traffic control such as microwave transmission and optical fiber communication.
SIP SAFEX (1)Kunjan MishraThe document summarizes the findings of a market research study on promoting the Campus2Home luggage shipping service among female occupants of paying guest (PG) accommodations and hostels in Delhi, India. Key findings include that most occupants are students or working professionals spending 8,000-15,000 rupees monthly on rent, there is currently low awareness of such shipping services, and PG/hostel owners and caretakers are open to sharing information about Campus2Home. Recommendations focus on improving awareness through promotions, offering competitive pricing, partnering with PGs/hostels, and timing promotions around student exam/moving periods.
Rails, Types, Joints, Creep, Failure of Rails and Welding of Railssrinivas2036The document discusses rails used in railway tracks. It defines different types of rails including double headed, bull headed, and flat footed rails. Flat footed rails, also called Vignoles rails, are now most commonly used. Standard rail sections used in Indian railways, such as 52kg and 60kg, are presented. Requirements of an ideal rail and factors affecting rail wear and failure are explained. Methods to reduce rail wear include use of special alloys, track maintenance, reducing expansion gaps, and lubricating rails.
central Railway project report akshay ghanwatCentral Railway Locomotive Workshop in Parel, Mumbai provides inplant training. This report details the training of Akshay Ghanwat and Satish Ghatge during the 2015-16 academic year. It describes the various shops in the workshop including the machine shop with lathes, CNC machines, and tools. It also discusses the wheel shop, welding shop, diesel locomotives, narrow gauge locomotives, and cranes.
Chapter 6 Points,crossings and yardsKHUSHBU SHAHThis document discusses various aspects of railway track components and infrastructure. It describes points and crossings which allow trains to divert from one track to another. It then discusses turnouts, their components like stock rails, crossings, and operating mechanisms. The document covers different types of stations like wayside, junction and terminal stations. It also discusses railway yards for passengers, goods, and locomotives along with their key facilities.
Rate analysis of CONCRETE Kishan NaikIn this presentation you can find-out the procedure for "rate analysis of plain cement concrete"
detailed & well explained presentation for rate analysis.
Container Handling EquipmentsAnuj GandhiThis document discusses different types of equipment used to handle containers at ports and container terminals. It describes empty container handlers, reach stackers and loaded container handlers, fork lift trucks, rubber tyred gantry cranes, straddle carriers, rail mounted gantry cranes, container cranes, and different types of container cranes classified by their lifting capacity and the size ship they can service.
RAILWAY ENGINEERINGfye7884This document summarizes the key components of a railway track system. It discusses the ballast, permanent way consisting of rails mounted on sleepers, and various types of rail fastenings. It describes the different types of rails used - double headed, flat footed, and bull headed. It also outlines the different types of sleepers that can be used, including wooden, metal, and concrete sleepers. Finally, it provides a brief overview of the construction process for a railway track.
Classification of port and harbour ppt.pptxJAYA LAKSHMI ATHRAMdefinitions,classifications and difference between port and harbours with a case study on vishakapatnam port.
Station yardsjagadish108These are the arrangements provided in a railway track to divert a train from the main line to a branch line, such as turnouts that use pairs of points and crossings. The document defines various railway track components like the tongue rail, stock rails, stretcher bar, and switch. It describes different types of turnouts like left and right hand turnouts. The document also discusses railway signaling, explaining different types of signals based on their operation, function, and location. Signaling facilitates efficient train movement, safety between trains, and maximum track utilization.
Hoisting equipments_Advanced Construction Technology (Semester-6), Civil Engi...A Makwana1. Mobile crane:
Mobile crane is used in big construction projects for lifting heavy loads.
It is used for loading and unloading of materials in coal mines.
Loading and unloading of ships.
To take the load from ground level and place it into the truck. (i.e. skimmer)
Horbour & Dock Engineerinjamalkhan619The presentation topic is harbour dock engineering. It will be presented by Kashif Ali Khan, Izhar Ahmad, and Seyed Bakth Jamal Shah. A harbour provides shelter for loading/unloading cargo vessels and for vessel building, repair, and launching. Harbours are classified as natural, semi-natural, or artificial. Requirements of a good harbour include sufficient depth, secure anchorage, breakwaters, and a wide entrance. Defects like insufficient depth or size can be avoided in planning and design. Harbour planning requires thorough site surveys and consideration of natural phenomena.
Summar tranning report of pwdAlankar jaiswalThis document summarizes a student's summer training report at Chetak Enterprises Ltd. It includes an acknowledgement, table of contents, and sections on flexible pavement design using the IRC method and construction procedures. The IRC method involves using design charts to determine total pavement thickness based on subgrade CBR and design traffic in million standard axles. Individual layer thicknesses are then designed based on recommendations.
Singapore maritime port.pptxOmarMahmoudSalahELDiThe Port of Singapore is recognized as the world's busiest transhipment hub, handling about 1,000 vessels and a ship arriving or departing every 2-3 minutes. However, it faces challenges from mega ships that are too large for it to handle, increasing competition from neighboring ports, potential alternative trade routes, and a lack of skilled executives. The port must address these issues to maintain its leading position globally.
Railway and Airport EngineeringEmaan SharmaRailway Engineering:
Permanent Way, Rail Gauge, Broad Gauge, Meter Gauge, Narrow Gauge, Choice of Gauge, Uniformity of Gauge, Rails - Double headed, Bull Headed, Flat footed Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, Formation, Types of sleepers, Merits and Demerits, Functions of sleepers, Requirements of good sleepers,Spacing of sleepers, Sleeper Density, Characteristics of good ballast, Capacity of a railway track, Track Fixtures and Fastening, Types of fixtures and fastening, Fish Plates, Dog Spikes, Rail Joints, Creep of Rails, Indication of Creep, Disadvantages of creep in rails, Remedies for prevention of creep, Theory of creep, Coning of Wheels, Theory of coning, Adzing of sleepers, Gradients, Grade compensation on curves, Radius and degree of curves, Super-elevation, Negative cant, Cant Deficiency, Equilibrium speed, Maximum permissible speed, Necessity of geometric design, Track defects, Transition curves, Vertical curves, Points and crossings, Types of crossings, Turnouts, Switches, Interlocking, Signalling, Classification and types of Signals, Semaphore type signal, Detonating signals, Dock signals, Shunting Signals, Warner Signals, Reception & Departure Signals, Railway Station, Purpose of a Railway Station, Site selection for Railway Stations, Track Drainage, Why Need of Proper Drainage.
Airport Engineering:
Basic Terms (AAI, ICAO, IATA), Airport System plan, Master plan, Airport Classification, Site Selection, Imaginary Surfaces, Aircraft Characteristics, Important components of Airport Layout, Runway, Runway Configuration, Runway Orientation, Factors affecting Runway Orientation, Wind Direction Indicator, Wind Rose Diagram - Type I & Type II, Basic Runway Length, Corrections for Elevation, Temperature & Gradient, Actual Runway Length, Runway Geometric (ICAO), Taxiways, Exit Taxiways, Location of Exit Taxiways, Holding Aprons, Hanger, Terminal Building, Aircraft Parking, Airport Marking & Lightning.
Fittings and Fastenings of Rails.pdfTVijayaGowriTrack fittings and fastenings are used to connect rails together and fix them to sleepers to maintain proper track alignment and allow for smooth train movement. Key fittings include fish plates, spikes, bolts, chairs, keys, blocks, and bearing plates. Fish plates are used to join rails and allow for thermal expansion. Spikes secure rails to wooden sleepers. Bolts connect fish plates to rails and chairs to sleepers. Chairs position double-headed rails. Blocks maintain rail spacing. Bearing plates support flat-footed rails on sleepers. These fittings serve critical functions in maintaining track geometry for safe and reliable train operations.
Presentation on Cambodia Railway Master Plan for the 36th ASEAN Railway CEO's...Sok-Tharath CHREUNGThe document outlines Cambodia's master plan for railway network development. It aims to formulate an efficient national railway network by analyzing feasibility for priority routes. This will help establish a comprehensive railway master plan to address issues like poor transportation infrastructure hindering economic growth. The plan involves developing a core network of railway lines connecting major cities and borders to neighboring countries to improve connectivity.
Railway Engineering: signaling, interlocking, train control systemBathla Tuition CentreThis Presentation Contains Railway engineering concepts. The contents covered are Railway Signaling, Interlocking & trail control system.
Feel free to write in Comment Section or drop a line in my Inbox amanbathla710@gmail.com
Internship Report on metro projectAkshathaBhandaryThis document provides an overview of Coastal Projects Limited (CPL), an infrastructure construction company, and CPL's role in the Bangalore Metro Rail Project. It discusses CPL's vision, mission, values and quality assurance policies. It then describes the Majestic Metro Station project, including station layout details. CPL is constructing the underground Majestic Metro Station, which will be an interchange station for the Purple and Green metro lines. Construction is proceeding according to a grid-wise plan from the center of Zone E outwards in all directions.
Presentation on indian railwayKhusro_khanThe document discusses the history and features of the Indian railway system, the largest in the world under one management. It describes how the first line opened in 1853 between Mumbai and Thane, and over the past 150+ years the railway has expanded to carry over 1.4 crore passengers and 16 lakh tonnes of goods daily on its 12,000 trains. The document also provides details on the types of tracks, trains, and infrastructure that make up the Indian railway system.
railway ppt for civil engg.ashrafdgrtThe branch of Civil Engineering which deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the railway tracks for safe and efficient movements of trains is called Railway Engineering
The rolled steel sections laid
end to end in two parallel lines
over sleepers to form a railway
track are known as RAILS The rails used in the construction of railway track can be divided into the following three types :
(1) Double Headed Rails (D.H. Rail)
(2) Flat Footed Rails (F.F. Rail)
(3) Bull Headed Rails (B.H. Rail)
Types of containers MAX GALARZA HERNANDEZTutory work on container types, made by university students attending Logistcs at Universidad Catolica Santiago de Guayaquil
water bound macadam roadRohan chansoriyaThis document discusses bituminous road construction. It describes the different layers of a bituminous road including the subgrade, sub-base, base, binder course, and wearing course. It outlines the steps taken in bituminous road construction, from preparing the base to rolling and quality control checks. Machineries commonly used for road pavement are also listed. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of improving road infrastructure to meet growing transportation needs while considering environmental, vehicular, and human factors.
Victorian era transportationjhill5Horse-drawn carriages were the most common mode of transportation in Victorian England. There were two types of carriages - open and closed. Earlier carriage designs from 1890 included open designs technically called coaches. One of the busiest bridges in London was crossed by 22,000 vehicles and 110,000 pedestrians daily. Carriages and bicycles were popular but carried risks, while walking was the cheapest option. The type of transportation revealed social status, as owning a carriage was initially only for the upper class due to expenses. Steam engines were beginning to be used at the end of Queen Victoria's rule.
Unit 1. introduction to Railway EngineeringnkocetThis document discusses various aspects of railway engineering including ballast, sleepers, rails, points and crossings, tractive resistance, track stresses, hauling capacity, buckling due to temperature stresses, and stresses in rails, sleepers, ballast, and formation. It covers topics such as the components that make up the track, factors that influence tractive resistance and track stresses, and how stresses are distributed throughout the track components and subsurface.
Summer Training Report on Indian Railways , C& W Workshop, NBQ, AssamDeepjyoti PatowaryThis project report is based on Indian Railways Carriage and Wagon Workshop, New Bongaigaon, Assam under North-East Frontier (NFR) Railways. Project is uploaded here only based on educational purpose which will help the students studying engineering and undergoes industrial training. It may have some doubtful information. Readers are asked to re-verify the pieces of information before use.
Classification of port and harbour ppt.pptxJAYA LAKSHMI ATHRAMdefinitions,classifications and difference between port and harbours with a case study on vishakapatnam port.
Station yardsjagadish108These are the arrangements provided in a railway track to divert a train from the main line to a branch line, such as turnouts that use pairs of points and crossings. The document defines various railway track components like the tongue rail, stock rails, stretcher bar, and switch. It describes different types of turnouts like left and right hand turnouts. The document also discusses railway signaling, explaining different types of signals based on their operation, function, and location. Signaling facilitates efficient train movement, safety between trains, and maximum track utilization.
Hoisting equipments_Advanced Construction Technology (Semester-6), Civil Engi...A Makwana1. Mobile crane:
Mobile crane is used in big construction projects for lifting heavy loads.
It is used for loading and unloading of materials in coal mines.
Loading and unloading of ships.
To take the load from ground level and place it into the truck. (i.e. skimmer)
Horbour & Dock Engineerinjamalkhan619The presentation topic is harbour dock engineering. It will be presented by Kashif Ali Khan, Izhar Ahmad, and Seyed Bakth Jamal Shah. A harbour provides shelter for loading/unloading cargo vessels and for vessel building, repair, and launching. Harbours are classified as natural, semi-natural, or artificial. Requirements of a good harbour include sufficient depth, secure anchorage, breakwaters, and a wide entrance. Defects like insufficient depth or size can be avoided in planning and design. Harbour planning requires thorough site surveys and consideration of natural phenomena.
Summar tranning report of pwdAlankar jaiswalThis document summarizes a student's summer training report at Chetak Enterprises Ltd. It includes an acknowledgement, table of contents, and sections on flexible pavement design using the IRC method and construction procedures. The IRC method involves using design charts to determine total pavement thickness based on subgrade CBR and design traffic in million standard axles. Individual layer thicknesses are then designed based on recommendations.
Singapore maritime port.pptxOmarMahmoudSalahELDiThe Port of Singapore is recognized as the world's busiest transhipment hub, handling about 1,000 vessels and a ship arriving or departing every 2-3 minutes. However, it faces challenges from mega ships that are too large for it to handle, increasing competition from neighboring ports, potential alternative trade routes, and a lack of skilled executives. The port must address these issues to maintain its leading position globally.
Railway and Airport EngineeringEmaan SharmaRailway Engineering:
Permanent Way, Rail Gauge, Broad Gauge, Meter Gauge, Narrow Gauge, Choice of Gauge, Uniformity of Gauge, Rails - Double headed, Bull Headed, Flat footed Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, Formation, Types of sleepers, Merits and Demerits, Functions of sleepers, Requirements of good sleepers,Spacing of sleepers, Sleeper Density, Characteristics of good ballast, Capacity of a railway track, Track Fixtures and Fastening, Types of fixtures and fastening, Fish Plates, Dog Spikes, Rail Joints, Creep of Rails, Indication of Creep, Disadvantages of creep in rails, Remedies for prevention of creep, Theory of creep, Coning of Wheels, Theory of coning, Adzing of sleepers, Gradients, Grade compensation on curves, Radius and degree of curves, Super-elevation, Negative cant, Cant Deficiency, Equilibrium speed, Maximum permissible speed, Necessity of geometric design, Track defects, Transition curves, Vertical curves, Points and crossings, Types of crossings, Turnouts, Switches, Interlocking, Signalling, Classification and types of Signals, Semaphore type signal, Detonating signals, Dock signals, Shunting Signals, Warner Signals, Reception & Departure Signals, Railway Station, Purpose of a Railway Station, Site selection for Railway Stations, Track Drainage, Why Need of Proper Drainage.
Airport Engineering:
Basic Terms (AAI, ICAO, IATA), Airport System plan, Master plan, Airport Classification, Site Selection, Imaginary Surfaces, Aircraft Characteristics, Important components of Airport Layout, Runway, Runway Configuration, Runway Orientation, Factors affecting Runway Orientation, Wind Direction Indicator, Wind Rose Diagram - Type I & Type II, Basic Runway Length, Corrections for Elevation, Temperature & Gradient, Actual Runway Length, Runway Geometric (ICAO), Taxiways, Exit Taxiways, Location of Exit Taxiways, Holding Aprons, Hanger, Terminal Building, Aircraft Parking, Airport Marking & Lightning.
Fittings and Fastenings of Rails.pdfTVijayaGowriTrack fittings and fastenings are used to connect rails together and fix them to sleepers to maintain proper track alignment and allow for smooth train movement. Key fittings include fish plates, spikes, bolts, chairs, keys, blocks, and bearing plates. Fish plates are used to join rails and allow for thermal expansion. Spikes secure rails to wooden sleepers. Bolts connect fish plates to rails and chairs to sleepers. Chairs position double-headed rails. Blocks maintain rail spacing. Bearing plates support flat-footed rails on sleepers. These fittings serve critical functions in maintaining track geometry for safe and reliable train operations.
Presentation on Cambodia Railway Master Plan for the 36th ASEAN Railway CEO's...Sok-Tharath CHREUNGThe document outlines Cambodia's master plan for railway network development. It aims to formulate an efficient national railway network by analyzing feasibility for priority routes. This will help establish a comprehensive railway master plan to address issues like poor transportation infrastructure hindering economic growth. The plan involves developing a core network of railway lines connecting major cities and borders to neighboring countries to improve connectivity.
Railway Engineering: signaling, interlocking, train control systemBathla Tuition CentreThis Presentation Contains Railway engineering concepts. The contents covered are Railway Signaling, Interlocking & trail control system.
Feel free to write in Comment Section or drop a line in my Inbox amanbathla710@gmail.com
Internship Report on metro projectAkshathaBhandaryThis document provides an overview of Coastal Projects Limited (CPL), an infrastructure construction company, and CPL's role in the Bangalore Metro Rail Project. It discusses CPL's vision, mission, values and quality assurance policies. It then describes the Majestic Metro Station project, including station layout details. CPL is constructing the underground Majestic Metro Station, which will be an interchange station for the Purple and Green metro lines. Construction is proceeding according to a grid-wise plan from the center of Zone E outwards in all directions.
Presentation on indian railwayKhusro_khanThe document discusses the history and features of the Indian railway system, the largest in the world under one management. It describes how the first line opened in 1853 between Mumbai and Thane, and over the past 150+ years the railway has expanded to carry over 1.4 crore passengers and 16 lakh tonnes of goods daily on its 12,000 trains. The document also provides details on the types of tracks, trains, and infrastructure that make up the Indian railway system.
railway ppt for civil engg.ashrafdgrtThe branch of Civil Engineering which deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the railway tracks for safe and efficient movements of trains is called Railway Engineering
The rolled steel sections laid
end to end in two parallel lines
over sleepers to form a railway
track are known as RAILS The rails used in the construction of railway track can be divided into the following three types :
(1) Double Headed Rails (D.H. Rail)
(2) Flat Footed Rails (F.F. Rail)
(3) Bull Headed Rails (B.H. Rail)
Types of containers MAX GALARZA HERNANDEZTutory work on container types, made by university students attending Logistcs at Universidad Catolica Santiago de Guayaquil
water bound macadam roadRohan chansoriyaThis document discusses bituminous road construction. It describes the different layers of a bituminous road including the subgrade, sub-base, base, binder course, and wearing course. It outlines the steps taken in bituminous road construction, from preparing the base to rolling and quality control checks. Machineries commonly used for road pavement are also listed. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of improving road infrastructure to meet growing transportation needs while considering environmental, vehicular, and human factors.
Victorian era transportationjhill5Horse-drawn carriages were the most common mode of transportation in Victorian England. There were two types of carriages - open and closed. Earlier carriage designs from 1890 included open designs technically called coaches. One of the busiest bridges in London was crossed by 22,000 vehicles and 110,000 pedestrians daily. Carriages and bicycles were popular but carried risks, while walking was the cheapest option. The type of transportation revealed social status, as owning a carriage was initially only for the upper class due to expenses. Steam engines were beginning to be used at the end of Queen Victoria's rule.
Unit 1. introduction to Railway EngineeringnkocetThis document discusses various aspects of railway engineering including ballast, sleepers, rails, points and crossings, tractive resistance, track stresses, hauling capacity, buckling due to temperature stresses, and stresses in rails, sleepers, ballast, and formation. It covers topics such as the components that make up the track, factors that influence tractive resistance and track stresses, and how stresses are distributed throughout the track components and subsurface.
Summer Training Report on Indian Railways , C& W Workshop, NBQ, AssamDeepjyoti PatowaryThis project report is based on Indian Railways Carriage and Wagon Workshop, New Bongaigaon, Assam under North-East Frontier (NFR) Railways. Project is uploaded here only based on educational purpose which will help the students studying engineering and undergoes industrial training. It may have some doubtful information. Readers are asked to re-verify the pieces of information before use.
Det seksualiserte språket blant barn og unge - Frode FredriksenFrode FredriksenDet seksualiserte språket blant barn og ung #IRL og på #SoME - "in real life" og på sosiale medier. Det seksualiserte språket tilhører barnets naturlige utvikling etter som det vokser. Det tilhører også den kulturen barnet vokser opp i og blir en del av. Men når skal vi bekymre oss for det seksualiserte språket?
Barns psykiske helse - noen utfordringer - Frode FredriksenFrode FredriksenBarn psykiske helse - noen utfordringer vi står overfor. Et foredrag om fysisk, psykisk og seksuell helse sett i et helhetsperspektiv og ut fra barnets behov og barnets beste. Kunnskapsbiter satt sammen fra forskning om barn og unges helse.
Borderline: MBT og DAT som behandlingsintervensjonerYousif Mahmud RazviEmbedseksamen i klinisk psykologi, grunnfag A. Omhandler en diskusjon rundt DAT og mentaliseringsbasert terapi i forhold til borderline-pasienter.
LearningStein LaugerudThis document provides an overview of several theories of learning, including behaviorism, cognitive theories, constructivism, social cognitive theory, motivation, and sociocultural theories. Behaviorism views learning as a change in observable behavior and includes classical and operant conditioning. Cognitive theories examine thinking, problem solving, and memory. Constructivism proposes that learning occurs in stages as learners build schemas and move from egocentric to social perspectives. Social cognitive theory and sociocultural theories emphasize social and cultural influences on learning. Motivation theories explore intrinsic and extrinsic factors like needs, drives, and self-efficacy that influence learning.
Planning for learning in maritime educationStein LaugerudThis document summarizes key concepts in planning for learning in maritime education. It covers learning outcomes, student activities, teaching methods, and assessment. Specifically, it discusses:
1. The Norwegian Qualification Framework's learning outcomes for higher education, including knowledge, skills, and general competence.
2. Blooms Taxonomy for cognitive learning outcomes ranging from knowledge to evaluation.
3. Factors to consider when planning student activities, such as teaching styles, sociocultural learning theory, and tools/artefacts.
4. The role of technology in transforming conceptions of learning and social memory, and how this affects formal education.
AssessmentStein LaugerudThis document discusses assessment for learning. It explains that assessment should adjust teaching to enhance student understanding, motivation, and self-esteem. Formative assessment and feedback are important, including asking critical questions, giving time to answer, follow up activities, and identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Self and peer assessment encourage students to evaluate their own and others' progress. Portfolios can document learning through reflections on process and products as evidence of learning.
Pedagogy for maritime lecturersStein LaugerudThis document outlines a pedagogy course for maritime lecturers. It includes the following:
1. Learning outcomes which are knowledge, skills, and general competence in student learning, facilitating learning in traditional and simulator environments, standards for maritime teaching, and self-evaluation.
2. A lecturing plan for the autumn semester which covers topics like learning theory, assessing learning outcomes, planning for learning, and learning in simulated environments through lectures and group work.
3. Literature related to learning theory, computer games and simulation, and situated and cognitive apprenticeship models of learning to inform course content.
2. Situert læringSosial ramme for handling – kontekstSosiale praksiserSosialisering - initiering i sosiale praksiserTaus kunnskapKlasserommets kommunikative trekk og historieKunnskap er situert – kontekstuell
3. Kognitiv- vs. sosiokulturell utviklingKognitivEgosentrisitetSpråk produkt av utviklingUniverselle stadier og helhetlig utviklingSosiokulturell Sosialt orientertSpråk drivkraft i utviklingKontekstuell og domenespesifikk utvikling
5. InnholdHumanisme i klassisk gresk filosofiNyhumanisme opplysningsfilosofiDet ubevisstePåvirkning og forming Kritisk teori og pedagogikkDen barnesentrerte pedagogikkenDialogpedagogikk og kritisk pedagogikk
6. Sokrates (470 – 399 f.kr)Stiller spørsmål til de lærde - dialogerHumanistisk filosofiTror på en absolutt moral - gode
10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)Samfunnskontrakt mellom folket og de styrendeOpplysning forutsetning for demokratis (folkestyre)Pedagogikknaturkrefter – det er menneskets (barnets) natur å lære og å strekke seg etter sitt potensial, fornuftskrefter som driver mot å forstå og begripe de ting som finnes i verden og andre mennesker (voksne) som oppragere som representerer de kulturelle/kultiverende kreftene i oppdragelsen. Oppdragelse til autonomiet paradoksFornuft og rasjonalitet skal beskytte mot uheldig samfunnspåvirkningEmile
11. KantDet kategoriske imperativ: ”Jeg skal alltid handle slik at den regelen jeg handler etter kunne gjelde som allmenn lov”Pedagogikk:Autonomi og rasjonalitet er en forutsetning for etisk refleksjonDisiplinering som handler om å tøyle ”villskapen” i mennesket. Kultivering, som handler om å oppøve dyktighet innenfor spesielle fagområder. Sivilisering som er rettet mot utvikling av mellommenneskelig klokskap og forståelse Moralsk oppdragelsesom er rettet mot utvikling av autonomi.
13. Psykoseksuell utviklingOral Stage(Birth to 18 months). During the oral stage, the child if focused on oral pleasures (sucking). Too much or too little gratification can result in an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is evidenced by a preoccupation with oral activities. This type of personality may have a stronger tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, over eat, or bite his or her nails. Personality wise, these individuals may become overly dependent upon others, gullible, and perpetual followers. On the other hand, they may also fight these urges and develop pessimism and aggression toward others.Anal Stage(18 months to three years). The child’s focus of pleasure in this stage is on eliminating and retaining feces. Through society’s pressure, mainly via parents, the child has to learn to control anal stimulation. In terms of personality, after effects of an anal fixation during this stage can result in an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control (anal retentive). On the opposite end of the spectrum, they may become messy and disorganized (anal expulsive).Phallic Stage(ages three to six). The pleasure zone switches to the genitals. Freud believed that during this stage boy develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother. Because of this, he becomes rivals with his father and sees him as competition for the mother’s affection. During this time, boys also develop a fear that their father will punish them for these feelings, such as by castrating them. This group of feelings is known as Oedipus Complex ( after the Greek Mythology figure who accidentally killed his father and married his mother).Latency Stage(age six to puberty). It’s during this stage that sexual urges remain repressed and children interact and play mostly with same sex peers.Genital Stage(puberty on). The final stage of psychosexual development begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are once again awakened. Through the lessons learned during the previous stages, adolescents direct their sexual urges onto opposite sex peers, with the primary focus of pleasure is the genitals.
14. Erik H Eriksson (1902 – 1994)Elev og krtiker av freusPsykososial utviklingUtvikling gjennom kriserStadieteori om utvikling gjennom hele livet
16. Skinner (1904 – 1990)Operant betingingMotsatt av klassisk betRespons stimulusForsterkning og straff
17. Barnesentrert/frihets pedagogikkRousseau – Emile selvreguleringPestalozzi – å følge barnets utvikling – pedagogisk metodisk kjærlighet til barnet romantsikFröbelNeill – Summerhill 1921Freire – Pedagogyoftheoppressed 1970Steiner 1861-1925 ”En helhetlig pedagogikk som ønsker å ivareta både de legemlige, sjelelige og åndelige sider ved mennesket”Montessori 1870-1952 Teosofi
19. Buber Møtet - nærhetspedagogikkJeg – du relasjonErfaring av den andreHva erfarer man altså om Du’et?Slett intet. For man erfarer det ikke.Hva vet man da om Du’et?Bare alt. For man vet ikke lenger noen enkelhet om det. (Buber 2003:10)
20. Idéhistorisk tidslinje Sosiokulturelt læringsperspektiv 1980- Lave&Wenger. O.Dysthe. S Ludvigsen. R. SeljøW. von Humboldt 1767-1835Nyhumanistisk dannelsesideal”Å bli sin egen lærer”PragmatismeDewey 1859 1952G.H. Mead 1863-1931Dion SommerParadigmeskifte:Fra barnepsykologi til barndomspsykologiRomantikken1770 -1830PositivismekritikkHans Skjervheim 1950-Kognitive TeorierPiaget 1920-(Senere også bl.a. J.Bruner og H Gardner)Industrielle revolusjonca 1800Middelalder400-1400Athen450 f.KrAugustin400 e.Kr Rennesansenca 1400 E.KOpplysningstidenca 1688 - 1789Etterkrigstid1945-Postmodernisme1980-E.Kant1724-1804John Locke1632-1704empirisme/rationalisemePositivisme/Behaviorismeca 1900BibelenOppdragelse etter Auschwitz Adorno/Horkheimer/ Arendt(Postmoderne) og Ny Marxistisk kritikkFoucault, Lyotard, Baudrillard,Derrida,BourdieuDarwin1809-82NaturalismeSokratesPlatonAristotelesK.Marx Historisk Materialisme1818-83Max WeberComenius1592-1670Humanistisk psykologi og Eksistensialisme1920- Kritisk teoriFrankfurterskolenMarcuseHabermasRousseau 1712-78HolbergMontesquieuD'AlembertVoltaire 1694-1778Vygotsky og Virksomhetsteoretisk teori (Historisk- materialistisk utv.psyk teoriF.Nietzshe1844-1900S. Freud1856-1939Politiske ideer: Konservatisme, Liberalisme og sosialismeMattias Øhra