This document provides an overview of several theories of learning, including behaviorism, cognitive theories, constructivism, social cognitive theory, motivation, and sociocultural theories. Behaviorism views learning as a change in observable behavior and includes classical and operant conditioning. Cognitive theories examine thinking, problem solving, and memory. Constructivism proposes that learning occurs in stages as learners build schemas and move from egocentric to social perspectives. Social cognitive theory and sociocultural theories emphasize social and cultural influences on learning. Motivation theories explore intrinsic and extrinsic factors like needs, drives, and self-efficacy that influence learning.
Planning for learning in maritime educationStein Laugerud
This document summarizes key concepts in planning for learning in maritime education. It covers learning outcomes, student activities, teaching methods, and assessment. Specifically, it discusses:
1. The Norwegian Qualification Framework's learning outcomes for higher education, including knowledge, skills, and general competence.
2. Blooms Taxonomy for cognitive learning outcomes ranging from knowledge to evaluation.
3. Factors to consider when planning student activities, such as teaching styles, sociocultural learning theory, and tools/artefacts.
4. The role of technology in transforming conceptions of learning and social memory, and how this affects formal education.
This document discusses assessment for learning. It explains that assessment should adjust teaching to enhance student understanding, motivation, and self-esteem. Formative assessment and feedback are important, including asking critical questions, giving time to answer, follow up activities, and identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Self and peer assessment encourage students to evaluate their own and others' progress. Portfolios can document learning through reflections on process and products as evidence of learning.
This document outlines a pedagogy course for maritime lecturers. It includes the following:
1. Learning outcomes which are knowledge, skills, and general competence in student learning, facilitating learning in traditional and simulator environments, standards for maritime teaching, and self-evaluation.
2. A lecturing plan for the autumn semester which covers topics like learning theory, assessing learning outcomes, planning for learning, and learning in simulated environments through lectures and group work.
3. Literature related to learning theory, computer games and simulation, and situated and cognitive apprenticeship models of learning to inform course content.
2. Aksjonslæring som mulighet Gruppearbeid: Spørsmål med bakgrunn i Halvor Bjørnsrud`s forelesning om aksjonslæring: Hvordan ser det ut på vår skole/kultur? Hvordan kan aksjonslæringen gjennomføres hos oss (må tilpasses)?
3. Tenk over…. Kontekst (som beskriver struktur/rammer): Tid/rom som er en grunnleggende faktor, deltakelse (hvem skal være med) møteplasser for erfaringsdeling og refleksjon. ITP-modellen?? Prosess: læreres oppfatning av prosjektet /eierforhold så langt….Har alle et forhold til problemstillingen? Hva legges av føringer fra ledelsen vs. Aktørenes medvirkning/ansvar? Verdi: omhandler deltakernes verdier, oppfatning og tenking rundt prosjektet, meningsfullt, nytting, krever deltakelse, bygger på erfaring
4. Litteratur Erfaring kobles mot teori ?? Tenk over lærestoff, eks 15 sider dere vil lese, artikler, bøker…
5. Praktisk informasjon Om veiledning : 4 veiledere som deler skoler mellom oss 3 t x 3 Veileder blir en kritisk venn, støtte, stille spørsmål…(som styrer prosessen) Vi ønsker å sette av en uke som den enkelte skole får veiledning innenfor, 39??
6. Samlinger Foreløpig satt tema for samlinger fremover: mer konkret etter at vi har oversikt over alle prosjektene Hver samling vil inneholde en fagdel, og en del med gruppearbeid/erfaringsdeling Foreløpig har vi laget samlinger for Øst/Vest. Hva tenker vi om dette fremover?
7. Mellom samlinger Blogg som verktøy for dialog, info, deling Brevmetoden? Hvilke skoler vi være med? På bloggen skal dere legge ut plan for aksjonslæringen på egen skole