Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS) was established in 1993 in Rohini, Delhi. It provides high quality professional education in management and information technology at the graduate and post-graduate levels. JIMS has affiliations with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and the Computer Society of India (CSI). It organizes an annual IT Symposium focusing on emerging and commercialized technologies of interest to industry.
This document discusses the history and evolution of online educational communities for art teachers. It begins by outlining early forms of online communication like email listservs and internet chatboards in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It then describes how the community has changed in recent years through the rise of blogs, social networking, wikis, and other user-generated content sites that allow for more interactive sharing and collaboration. The document provides an overview of various blogs, file sharing sites, and educational tools that art teachers can use to participate in and create an online presence. It concludes with brief discussions of etiquette and the potential applications of highlighted programs and websites.
This certificate was presented to Amogh Sharma on August 24, 2016 for successfully completing certification requirements. It was issued on that date and the certification number is 9569826.
La gerencia integral es un enfoque que integra todas las facetas de una empresa para hacerla m叩s competitiva. Para ser competitiva, una empresa debe tener una excelente gerencia estrat辿gica que optimice los procesos de producci坦n, venta y recursos humanos. A trav辿s de los a単os, los paradigmas dominantes sobre la acci坦n empresarial han sido la organizaci坦n, la estrategia, la calidad total, el empoderamiento y la reingenier鱈a.
The document discusses online resources that can support open drug discovery systems. It outlines how pharmaceutical companies spend billions annually on R&D and how public domain data from sources like literature, patents and databases could provide high value. However, such data is difficult to integrate and navigate due to a lack of standards and interoperability between sources. The Open PHACTS project aims to address this by developing standards to semantically integrate drug discovery data from public and private sources.
Globalisasi terjadi karena revolusi elektronik dan runtuhnya negara-negara komunis, yang memungkinkan kapitalisme Barat menjadi kekuatan dominan secara global. Globalisasi nampak dalam bentuk kapitalisme global yang diimplementasikan oleh lembaga-lembaga seperti IMF, Bank Dunia, dan WTO, namun program-program tersebut justru menyebabkan penderitaan di negara-negara miskin akibat ketidakadilan perdagangan dan akumulasi kek
El documento presenta argumentos de diferentes partidos pol鱈ticos en M辿xico a trav辿s del uso de ethos, pathos y logos. Usa ethos para enfatizar la confianza y credibilidad de cada partido, pathos para apelar a las emociones de los votantes, y logos para presentar razones y datos sobre las pol鱈ticas y logros de cada partido. El resumen resume de manera concisa los principales puntos y estrategias de cada partido sin incluir detalles espec鱈ficos.
The document provides information about Mousetrap Mobile, a full service marketing and mobile solutions company. It discusses their services such as mobile applications, communications, and turn-key mobile solutions. Examples of solutions discussed include mobile apps, text communication services, text marketing campaigns, and education mobile programs. Case studies are presented showing successful implementations of their services for clients.
Groups 2010.01: Software-Freiheit vs. Verbot (Digital Sustainability)Marcus Dapp
Software-Freiheit vs. Verbotene Software
Vortrag von Urs F辰ssler und Bastian Wohlfender
Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS) was established in 1993 in Rohini, Delhi. It provides high quality professional education in management and information technology at the graduate and post-graduate levels. JIMS has affiliations with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and the Computer Society of India (CSI). It organizes an annual IT Symposium focusing on emerging and commercialized technologies of interest to industry.
This document discusses the history and evolution of online educational communities for art teachers. It begins by outlining early forms of online communication like email listservs and internet chatboards in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It then describes how the community has changed in recent years through the rise of blogs, social networking, wikis, and other user-generated content sites that allow for more interactive sharing and collaboration. The document provides an overview of various blogs, file sharing sites, and educational tools that art teachers can use to participate in and create an online presence. It concludes with brief discussions of etiquette and the potential applications of highlighted programs and websites.
This certificate was presented to Amogh Sharma on August 24, 2016 for successfully completing certification requirements. It was issued on that date and the certification number is 9569826.
La gerencia integral es un enfoque que integra todas las facetas de una empresa para hacerla m叩s competitiva. Para ser competitiva, una empresa debe tener una excelente gerencia estrat辿gica que optimice los procesos de producci坦n, venta y recursos humanos. A trav辿s de los a単os, los paradigmas dominantes sobre la acci坦n empresarial han sido la organizaci坦n, la estrategia, la calidad total, el empoderamiento y la reingenier鱈a.
The document discusses online resources that can support open drug discovery systems. It outlines how pharmaceutical companies spend billions annually on R&D and how public domain data from sources like literature, patents and databases could provide high value. However, such data is difficult to integrate and navigate due to a lack of standards and interoperability between sources. The Open PHACTS project aims to address this by developing standards to semantically integrate drug discovery data from public and private sources.
Globalisasi terjadi karena revolusi elektronik dan runtuhnya negara-negara komunis, yang memungkinkan kapitalisme Barat menjadi kekuatan dominan secara global. Globalisasi nampak dalam bentuk kapitalisme global yang diimplementasikan oleh lembaga-lembaga seperti IMF, Bank Dunia, dan WTO, namun program-program tersebut justru menyebabkan penderitaan di negara-negara miskin akibat ketidakadilan perdagangan dan akumulasi kek
El documento presenta argumentos de diferentes partidos pol鱈ticos en M辿xico a trav辿s del uso de ethos, pathos y logos. Usa ethos para enfatizar la confianza y credibilidad de cada partido, pathos para apelar a las emociones de los votantes, y logos para presentar razones y datos sobre las pol鱈ticas y logros de cada partido. El resumen resume de manera concisa los principales puntos y estrategias de cada partido sin incluir detalles espec鱈ficos.
The document provides information about Mousetrap Mobile, a full service marketing and mobile solutions company. It discusses their services such as mobile applications, communications, and turn-key mobile solutions. Examples of solutions discussed include mobile apps, text communication services, text marketing campaigns, and education mobile programs. Case studies are presented showing successful implementations of their services for clients.
Groups 2010.01: Software-Freiheit vs. Verbot (Digital Sustainability)Marcus Dapp
Software-Freiheit vs. Verbotene Software
Vortrag von Urs F辰ssler und Bastian Wohlfender
Horizonworks is a strategic marketing company that provides a range of services including strategy, management, communications, branding, and campaign management. They help businesses raise their profile, engage customers, and attract new business. Client testimonials praise Horizonworks' expertise, ability to understand clients' work, deliver results exceeding expectations, and provide a measurable increase in key metrics like industry engagement.
Happiness is not a destination but rather a state of being. People often believe they will be happy once they achieve certain life goals like getting married, having children, or retiring, but true happiness comes from appreciating each present moment. Rather than waiting for some future time or event to experience joy, one should decide to be happy now and find meaning in overcoming daily challenges along the way. What really matters are the people in one's life who provide care, support and meaningful connections, not superficial measures of success, fame or wealth that are soon forgotten. True happiness is found in living fully in each day.
1. Care este rezultatul execu釘iei subprogramului de mai jos:
function verif (n:integer): integer; int verif (int n)
begin {
if n>1 then if (n>0)
if v[n]<verific (n-1) then if (v[n-1]<verif (n-2))
verif:=verif (n-1) return verif (n-2);
else else return v[n-1];
verif:= v[n] else return v[0];
else verific:= v[1] }
a) Determin c但te elemente din vector sunt mai mari dec但t n
b) Verific dac toate elementele din vector sun mai mici sau egale cu n
c) Calculeaz maximul elementelor vectorului v
d) Calculeaz minimul elementelor vectorului v
R: c)
2. Fie subprogramul de tip func釘ie, recursiv:
function verific (n :integer) : boolean; int verific ( int n)
begin {if (n<=1) if (v[1]>=0) return 1
if n<=1 then verific:=(v[1]>=0) else return 0
else verific:=(v[n]>0)or verific (n-1) else if (v[n]>=0)||(verific (n-1)= =1) return 1
end; else return 0;
a) Determin c但te elemente din vectorul v sunt strict pozitive
b) Verific dac vectorul v cu n componente au numai elemente strict pozitive
c) Verific dac vectorul v cu n componente are cel pu釘in un element pozitiv
d) Determin c但te elemente din vectorul v sunt negative
R: c)
3. Fie subprogramele
procedure inv (n:byte);
begin void inv (char n)
write (n); { printf (%d,n)
if n>1 then inv (n-1) if (n>1) inv (n-1);
end; }
procedure direct (n:byte); void direct (char n)
begin {if (n>1) direct(n-1);
if n>1 then direct (n-1); printf (%d,n);
write (n); }
2. Preciza釘i ce se va tipri dac n=4 ?
a) 4 3 2 1 2 3 4
b) 4 3 2 2 3 4
c) 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
d) 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4
R : c)
4. Fie subprogramul de mai jos :
function test (k :integer) : integer; int test (int k)
begin {
if k<3 then test:=1 if (k<3) return 1;
else test:= test (k-1)+test (k-2)+1; else return test (k-1)+ test (k-2)+1;
Ce valoare are test (test (4)) ?
a) 1
b) 5
c) 4
d) 9
R: d)
6. Completa釘i func釘ia de mai jos cu instruc釘iunile necesare pentru a calcula numrul apari釘iilor
unui element X 樽ntr-un vector v cu n componente:
function ap (x,k :integer): integer; int ap (int x, int k)
begin { if (k = =0) return f)
if k=0 then ap:= f) else { if (v[k]= =x) return d)
else if v[k]=x then ap:= d) else return a)
else ap:=a) }
a) ap (x, k-1)
b) ap (x,k-2)+ ap (x,k-1)
c) ap (x,k)
d) 1+ ap (x,k-1)
e) 1
f) 0
3. 7. Fie func釘ia recursiv:
function test (n:integer):integer; int test (int n)
begin {
if n>=12 then test:=n-1 if (n>=12) return n-1
else test:=test(test(n+2)) else return test (test(n+2))
end; }
Ce valoare au test(8) ?
a) 13
b) 8
c) 11
d) niciuna din a,b,c nu e variata corecta
R: c)
8. Fie func釘ia recursiv:
function ael (n,k : integer):integer; int ael ( int n, int k)
begin {
if k>(n div 2) then ael:= 0 if (k>n/2) return 0
else if n mod k=0 then ael:=1 else if (n%k= =0) return 1
else else return ael (n, k+1);
ael:=ael(n,k+1); }
Ce valoare are func釘ia ael (10,3) ?
a) 1
b) 0
c) programul cicleaz
d) exist erori de compilare
R: a)
9. Se consider func釘ia recursiv:
function ael2 (n:integer): integer; int ael2 (int n)
begin { if (!(n%2)) return n/2;
if n mod 2=0 then ael2= n div 2 else return ael2 (ael2 (3*n+1))
else ael2:= ael2 (ael2 (3*n+1)) }
1. Care este valoarea func釘iei ael2 (7) ?
a) 1
b) 11
c) 13
4. d) programul se blocheaz
R: c)
2. De c但te ori este apelat func釘ia ael2 (7) ?
a) 17
b) 7
c) 13
d) nu intr 樽n execu釘ie
R: b)