Utvikling av vurderingskompetanse gjennom skriftleg refleksjon og målretta øving i klasserommet
Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund
Stord kommune
Universitetet i Bergen
Lærarutdanninga ved HSH, forutan
to barneskular på Stord,
4. til og med 7. klassesteg
Til saman 9 lærarar, 90 elevar
Fra Hattie til handling. læring og ledelse i effektstudienes tid nettpubliseringHenning FjørtoftMitt foredrag om skoleforskning, John Hattie og hvordan vi skal forstå effektstudier ved Confex Skolelederforum mars 2012
Klasseledelse i det digitale nettsamfunnetArne KrokanForedrag holdt på Kongsbergkonferansen, i regi av Buskerud fylkeskommune 3. februar 2010. Utfordringen er klasseledelse i det digitale nettsamfunnet.
Workshop omvendt undervisningTom Erik HoltengPresentasjon brukt i forbindelse med workshop om omvendt undervisning/flipped classroom for ansatte på UiN, studiested Vesterålen
Klasseledelse i det digitale nettsamfunnetArne KrokanForedrag holdt på Kongsbergkonferansen, i regi av Buskerud fylkeskommune 3. februar 2010. Utfordringen er klasseledelse i det digitale nettsamfunnet.
Workshop omvendt undervisningTom Erik HoltengPresentasjon brukt i forbindelse med workshop om omvendt undervisning/flipped classroom for ansatte på UiN, studiested Vesterålen
Læring og utvikling av jimmy strøm[5016]viken fylkeskommuneEt veldig godt stykke arbeid av viken har blitt et veldig godt rammeverk for den videregående skolen.
Vurdering for læring i trondheim kommuneHenning FjortoftEt hefte med prinsipper og metoder for vurdering for læring. Heftet er distribuert blant lærere i grunnskolen i Trondheim kommune som del av den store satsingen på formativ vurdering.
Omdømmeundersøkelse Utdanningsdirektoratet PederTellefsdalOmdømmeundersøkelse for Utdanningsdirektoratet, i samarbeid med Norstat. Vår leveranse: Planlegging og gjennomføring av surveyundersøkelser, intervjuundersøkelser blant respondenter i alle ledd av direktoratets ansvarsområder, analyse av data og rapport med anbefalinger til tiltak.
Rapporten ble presentert for ledergruppa, i allmøte for alle ansatte og ble en del av det strategiske beslutningsgrunnlaget for ledergruppa i etterkant.
160427 Romerike nettverkLars Arild MyhrForelesning 26. april om
- elevers mestring og motivasjon i skolen
- skoleledelsens arbeid med oppfølging av kvalitet
Digitale mapper og tilpasset opplæringkongsberg2007Hvordan imøtekomme Kunnskapsløftets krav om tilpasset opplæring ved bruk av digitale mapper? Stikkord i denne sammenheng er IKT, digitale mapper, formativ vurdering, tilpasset opplæring og digital kompetanse.
K4 Elevvurdering Torill RøEggenguest48a882Hvordan få til en fornuftig balanse mellom
elevvurdering og undervisning som er
gjennomførbar både for elever og lærere?
Torill Røeggen og Per Bjarne Elle, rektorer ved
hhv Kastellet skole og Oslos nye 8-13 skole
Anne Liveng. community health promotion in welfare institutions samletHøgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)Community health promotion in welfare institutions addresses the challenges faced by staff and users in these settings. The researchers aim to open a space for articulating holistic views of work and everyday life through sharing experiences from practice. Their work focuses on building community among staff and users. One project examined home-based care for vulnerable elderly citizens with complex needs. Through relationship-building, respecting citizens' competence and lives, and building community among care staff, the project was able to see users as individuals rather than cases and support them in a more health-promoting way.
Osman aytar nhprc 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)The document presents the program theory for evaluating a Swedish national project called "Learning Project - Care on Equal Conditions". The project aims to identify and develop methods to facilitate more equitable care across nine primary care units. The program theory outlines the activities, outputs, and outcomes of the project, and will guide a three-part evaluation: process evaluation, performance evaluation, and health economic evaluation. It provides a framework for understanding how the project is intended to work and will allow evaluation of the project's implementation and impacts.
OSMAN AYTAR NHCRP2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document presents the program theory for evaluating a Swedish national project called "Learning Project - Care on Equal Conditions". The project aims to identify and develop methods to facilitate more equitable care in primary care units. The evaluation will assess the process, outcomes and health economics of the project from the perspectives of patients, caregivers and healthcare payers. It will examine activities, outputs, and short and long-term outcomes. The program theory provides a framework for the different types of evaluations and can be used as inspiration for the participating care units.
Torill bull NHPRC 2013.3Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document discusses positive health indicators and lists several examples of measures that have been used to quantify positive aspects of health, including the getting out of bed scale, the military social health index, a life satisfaction questionnaire for Chinese women with schizophrenia, and a measure of contentment used in Arab Muslim countries. However, the document notes that there is still no consensus on standardized positive health indicators.
Torill bull NHPRC 2013.2Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document discusses women, families, and well-being in rural areas of the Global South from a salutogenic perspective. It identifies key life stressors for women like nature as a threat, lack of infrastructure, food insecurity, and illness/death. However, it also discusses protective factors called general resistance resources that can promote well-being, such as health, social support, skills, and empowering group memberships. Considerate husband behavior, including practical and emotional support, is highlighted as an important factor for women's well-being and sense of coherence.
Torill bull NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document discusses the need for an ethical framework to guide health promotion work. It defines ethics and lists several ethical principles like doing good, doing no harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. It also discusses instrumental values like respect, participation, collaboration and holism. The document advocates for using ethical questioning approaches like Socratic questioning to challenge thinking and move people towards equitable solutions. It provides several references to support the development of an ethical framework and code of ethics for health promotion.
Jane South NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)1) Communities play a central role in health promotion through social ties and networks that influence health. However, persistent health inequalities remain a challenge.
2) Community-based interventions show promise but it is unclear if their local impacts can address population-level inequalities. Developing an evidence base to support this work is important.
3) Effective community participation in health policy and implementation requires designing health systems that facilitate involvement and connect community voices to decision-making.
Penni Cushman NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)Teachers in New Zealand schools were surveyed about health issues affecting student learning. Mental health issues, food choices, and lack of physical activity were most commonly reported as impacting learning. Schools implemented strategies like behavior support programs, healthy eating initiatives, and physical activity to address these issues. While most teachers saw their school as health-promoting, over a third lacked a formal health promoting team. However, teachers widely recognized the relationship between student health and academic outcomes. Further research is still needed on best practices for schools to effectively function as health promoting environments.
Betina Dybroe NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)Health promoting teams, relational work and individual strategies of how to survive in Danish psychiatric work-places
Andrea Eriksson NHPRC 2013 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document discusses health-promoting leadership and management's role in facilitating sustainable workplaces. It defines health-promoting leadership as a style concerned with creating a healthy workplace culture. Research shows managers in healthcare spend most of their time on staffing, scheduling, and development rather than health issues. New public management models in healthcare focus more on efficiency than quality of care, increasing pressure on managers. For workplaces to be truly sustainable, organizations must prioritize health and quality of care over short-term goals like efficiency. Effective leadership is key to developing an organization's capacity for health promotion.
Pwc presentasjon NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)The document is an agenda for the 7th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference being held on June 18th, 2013. It provides details about the conference location and speakers. PwC, the professional services network hosting the event, has over 178,000 staff working in over 750 cities across 158 countries, with over 1,600 staff working at 36 offices in Norway. The conference will feature speakers discussing topics related to health promotion in cities, NGOs, and demography.
Alex Murdock NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)The role of Non Government Organisations (NGO’s) and especially social enterprise in Health Promotion
Rene van Kujik NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)The document discusses the transition from a welfare state model to a participatory society model in the Netherlands due to population aging pressures. It outlines how the population is aging rapidly, increasing costs on the welfare system. The Netherlands implemented a Social Support Act to promote individual participation and responsibility over welfare and healthcare. The Act aims to shift responsibilities from the government to individuals, families, and communities through tailored support services. Lessons from implementing the Act show it requires a new balance of roles between individuals, society, and government.
Helle Søholt NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)The document discusses how urban design and public spaces can impact public health and quality of life. It notes that while we understand habitats for animals, we do not always design cities in a way that supports human needs. Cities are often designed primarily around traffic and economic growth rather than social and physical needs of residents. However, design elements like pedestrian infrastructure, public transportation, parks and open spaces can encourage walking and cycling, which are beneficial to both physical and mental health. When cities prioritize people and public life over traffic, it can create a more livable environment and tap into the "urban health resource" of public spaces.
Helene Hjalmarson NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document summarizes a study exploring the development of interprofessional collaboration over 4 years to improve secondary prevention of osteoporosis. The study found that balancing bottom-up and top-down structures improved interprofessional collaboration and increased detection of osteoporosis from less than 30% to 83%. Through collaborative practices like shared experiences, communication guides, and feedback, outcomes like follow-up care, lifestyle changes, and a stronger care chain were realized. The findings demonstrate that interprofessional collaboration can facilitate innovations to reduce care gaps and improve health outcomes.
Robert Larsson NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document summarizes a study that explored how workplace health promotion is managed within municipal organizations from the perspective of senior managers. Interviews were conducted with senior managers from two municipalities. The findings suggest that workplace health promotion activities are dominated by wellness programs, but only partially integrated into the overall management system. Improving leadership training and integrating workplace health promotion practices more fully could help improve employee health in these organizations.
Marit Andersen NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)A student’s perspective
How can the learning environment contribute to students’ sense of coping?
Mark Dooris NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)Place, People, Planet:
The Settings Approach to Health
Promotion: Lessons Learned and
Perspectives for the Future
Margaret Hodgins NHPRC 2013Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document discusses taking a settings approach to addressing workplace bullying. It argues that interventions should target the organizational system rather than individuals, focus on contextual knowledge and relationships, accept that organizations react unpredictably to change, and develop multi-level interventions. Workplace bullying negatively impacts health and organizations often respond inadequately by focusing on individual behaviors rather than the culture and power structures that enable bullying. A settings approach considers the full organizational context and promotes respectful communication and practices throughout the system.
Margaretha Strandmark NHPRC 2013.Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)This document summarizes a research project developing an intervention program to prevent and combat bullying. A research group from Karlstad University collaborated with workplaces. Through focus groups and interviews, they identified key factors for preventing bullying, including establishing a zero-tolerance policy, promoting humanistic values, raising awareness, encouraging an open atmosphere, collaborating in groups, and resolving conflicts. An intervention program was developed including training, role-playing exercises, and an action plan. The plan focused on values, recognizing bullying, building trust, managing conflicts, and defining roles. Workplaces will sign the plan and mentors will support new employees to implement and maintain the strategies.
6. Utgangspunktet: Norwegian schools are characterized by ”the predominance of a culture of which children are underchallenged” (OECD – Equity in education 2005) Er ”Kjempebra” godt nok?
25. Ulike tiltak si innverknad på læring: Gå opp igjen eitt år Skifte skule Effekt av testing Lekser Foreldre-involvering Sjølv-vurdering Nivåinndeling Åpne vs lukka romløysing God feedback praksis Vise eksempel på gode prestasjonar Etterutdanning av lærarar (professional development Gi elevar ros Summegruppe: Rangèr tiltaka etter kva de trur har mest effekt
26. Ulike tiltak si innverknad på læring: Sjølv-vurdering > 1.44 God feedback praksis > 0.72 Etterutdanning av lærarar (professional development) > 0.64 Vise eksempel på gode prestasjonar > 0.57 Foreldre-involvering > 0.51 Effekt av testing > 0.46 Lekser > 0.30 Gi elevar ros > 0.14 Nivåinndeling > 0.10 Åpne vs lukka romløysing > 0.00 Gå opp igjen eitt år > -0.16 Skifte skule >-0,34 Typisk snitteffekt 0.40
28. Effektiv feedback “… bør vere spesifikk og knytt opp i mot behov Ros bør kun nyttast unntaksvis og alltid vere spesifisert opp imot oppgåva Kritikk (anna enn det som påpeikar manglar) er som oftast kontraproduktivt (Crooks, 1988 p 469) (J. Gardner 09)
29. Effektive feedback Gir informasjon til eleven om kva som skal til for å betre prestasjonane til ønska nivå Er mest effektiv når: Tilbakemeldinga er klart linka til læringsmålet Eleven skjønar suksesskriteriene og aktuell standard Tilbakemeldinga fokuserer på oppgåva og ikkje på eleven sjølv Tilbakemeldinga gir konkrete tips om korleis prestasjonen kan forbetrast Tilbakemeldinga er utfordrande, krev handling frå eleven si side og set oppnåelege krav (J. Gardner 09)
36. Klare og forståelige mål WALT: We are learning to… Målet / emnet for undervisnningen Wilf: What I’m looking for Suksesskriterier / delmål
37. To stjerner og et ønske Feed back – tilbakemelding: 2 stjerner: ” Dette er rett fordi…” / ”Her har du …”(med ref. til mål) Feed forward – forovermelding: 1 ønske: ” Jeg vil gjerne at du …
38. Feedback – selvregulering (i trafikken) Rødt lys Eg forstår ikkje … Gult lys Eg forstår det kanskje, men er ikkje sikker… Grønt lys Eg forstår det!
39. Feedback – selvregulering Her: evne til å søke og motta hjelp Eg treng hjelp til dette Eg greier det sjølv