Interessantissima presentazione della dottoressa Erica Corbellini della Bocconi School of Management per Confindustria Prato. "Empowering lives through knowledge and imagination"
Satyam Computers was founded in 1987 by B. Ramalinga Raju and initially had 20 employees. It grew significantly over the years and was listed on the Indian stock exchanges in 1991 and the New York Stock Exchange in 2001. However, in 2009 it was discovered that Raju had committed accounting fraud, overstating profits and cash balances by more than $1 billion. This scam had severe negative impacts, losing investors 14,162 crores and damaging relationships with employees, management, bankers, and the government. It highlighted the need for stronger corporate governance regulations and whistleblower protections.
The path of the creation of Social Business Capabilities in Philips ItaliaOpenKnowledge srl
1. Philips Italia is developing new social business capabilities as part of Philips' international digital transformation to reshape its organization and develop new collaborative ways of working across business units.
2. Philips is a global company with over 115,000 employees operating in healthcare, lighting, and consumer lifestyle sectors. In 2013, Philips had 23.3 billion in sales.
3. Philips Italia's social media strategy will be based on three pillars - a multi-layer architecture to integrate social across channels, synergistic governance to overcome silos, and a data-driven approach.
Analisi quali-quantitativa sul consumo di prodotti sport-fashion in ItaliaValentina Durante
Presentazione realizzata per Assosport nel febbraio 2007.
Unanalisi sviluppata con Sita Ricerca utilizzando lapproccio generazionale di Strauss e Howe. Perch辿 le Baby Boomer sono cos狸 attente alla pratica sportiva, assai pi湛 dei coetanei maschi? Come ha vissuto la Generazione X il processo di ibridazione tra sport e moda iniziato negli anni 80? Che conseguenze avr sul mercato dellarticolo sportivo la naturalezza con cui i Millennials indossano le sneaker tutto il giorno e tutti i giorni? Lo sportswear si 竪 in parte affrancato dalla matrice che lha generato, la pratica sportiva, e pu嘆 vivere oggi di luce propria. Questo significa che le componenti immateriali ed emozionali del prodotto faranno sempre pi湛 la differenza. Se un paio di scarpe mi serve per correre, mi limiter嘆 a considerare il fatto che mi faccia correre bene; ma se deve invece dichiarare appartenenza, identit, aspirazione allora la faccenda si fa un po pi湛 complicata.
I Millennials italiani e il rapporto con risparmio e investimenti - Generazio...Diego Martone
la prima ricerca sulla Generazione Y (i Millennials) italiana e il loro rapporto con il risparmio, gli investimenti e la domanda di un grande progetto di avvicinamento ed educazione economico e finanziaria. Presentata al Salone del Risparmio 2015 organizzato da Assogestioni
Facebook Generation. I "nativi digitali" tra linguaggi del consumo, mondi di ...Gabriele Qualizza
Always connected... I percorsi di senso e le strategie comunicative dei "nativi digitali": media, relazioni, cantanti, fiction TV, marche di abbigliamento preferite. E molto altro ancora...
Presentazione della ricerca "Facebook Generation":
Acquista online:
This document discusses the emergence of masstige marketing in India. Masstige refers to brands that occupy the space between mass and luxury markets by offering premium quality products at affordable prices. Some key points:
1) Luxury brands are extending into the masstige market by producing more affordable product lines under their existing brand names to attract newer customers from the middle class.
2) Tommy Hilfiger was an early adopter of this strategy in India through a joint venture launching watches, apparel and accessories.
3) The masstige approach allows brands to gain new customers without compromising their luxury image by offering value-conscious consumers aspirational products at reasonable prices.
Nasz pogld czyli The Brand Marriage Company na marketing marek i produkt坦w luksusowych a w szczeg坦lnoci ich strategi i budow pod ktem segmentacji konsument坦w d坦br luksusowych.
Our (The Brand Marriage Company) view on luxury marketing.especially luxury brand strategy and brand building in regards to luxury consumers segmentation.
Kijamii - Philips 2015 - Case Study PresentationKijamii
Philips is considered one of our key accounts we work with. Our partnership extends to the time Kijamii was established, and as we grew more mature our partnership continued to evolve over the time until we became responsible for Philips Egypts social media assets for almost all their sub categories available on Social Media.
The document summarizes restructuring efforts at Philips from the 1990s onwards. Major initiatives included Operation Centurion in 1990 to address financial losses, which included job cuts and business sales. In the late 1990s, Cor Boonstra's restructuring closed manufacturing facilities and shifted marketing focus. In 2001, Gerard Kleisterlee launched Towards One Philips to foster collaboration and cut costs across divisions through shared services and strategic conversations. The initiatives improved collaboration, knowledge sharing, time-to-market, and reduced costs, transforming Philips to be more market-driven and customer-focused.
Philips is a Dutch multinational conglomerate founded in 1891 headquartered in Amsterdam. In 2011, Philips reported sales of 22.6 billion and employed 122,000 people worldwide across its three main divisions of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle, and Lighting. Philips' mission is to improve people's lives through meaningful innovation in health technology and sustainable solutions.
Royal Philips Electronics is a Dutch diversified technology company founded in 1891. It has major divisions in consumer electronics, medical systems, lighting, and domestic appliances. Philips aims to be a global leader in health and well-being through meaningful innovations that simplify people's lives. Some of its iconic products include light bulbs, electric razors, and flat screen TVs. Philips spends heavily on R&D and aims to strengthen its brand through initiatives like its "Sense and Simplicity" tagline and Green Product certification. It faces opportunities from trends like sustainability but also threats from intense competition and economic challenges.
How to Make Awesome 際際滷Shares: Tips & Tricks際際滷Share
Turbocharge your online presence with 際際滷Share. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on 際際滷Share. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert. es una gran marca cl叩sica de alpinismo. aqu鱈 su cat叩logo 2011 鱈ntegro. Pruebas de materiales de monta単ismo y carreras por monta単a en
Video marketing - palestra delle professioni digitaliPlacido Losacco
Quali accorgimenti bisogna adottare pre creare contenuti video di qualit utili ai fini di marketing?
Il mio intervento all'ultima edizione della Palestra delle Professioni Digitali. Cliente Accenture / Samsung
Siamo unagenzia di comunicazione digitale con sede a Roma e specializzata nello sviluppo di applicazioni interattive, con particolare attenzione al mondo web e mobile.
Kijamii - Philips 2015 - Case Study PresentationKijamii
Philips is considered one of our key accounts we work with. Our partnership extends to the time Kijamii was established, and as we grew more mature our partnership continued to evolve over the time until we became responsible for Philips Egypts social media assets for almost all their sub categories available on Social Media.
The document summarizes restructuring efforts at Philips from the 1990s onwards. Major initiatives included Operation Centurion in 1990 to address financial losses, which included job cuts and business sales. In the late 1990s, Cor Boonstra's restructuring closed manufacturing facilities and shifted marketing focus. In 2001, Gerard Kleisterlee launched Towards One Philips to foster collaboration and cut costs across divisions through shared services and strategic conversations. The initiatives improved collaboration, knowledge sharing, time-to-market, and reduced costs, transforming Philips to be more market-driven and customer-focused.
Philips is a Dutch multinational conglomerate founded in 1891 headquartered in Amsterdam. In 2011, Philips reported sales of 22.6 billion and employed 122,000 people worldwide across its three main divisions of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle, and Lighting. Philips' mission is to improve people's lives through meaningful innovation in health technology and sustainable solutions.
Royal Philips Electronics is a Dutch diversified technology company founded in 1891. It has major divisions in consumer electronics, medical systems, lighting, and domestic appliances. Philips aims to be a global leader in health and well-being through meaningful innovations that simplify people's lives. Some of its iconic products include light bulbs, electric razors, and flat screen TVs. Philips spends heavily on R&D and aims to strengthen its brand through initiatives like its "Sense and Simplicity" tagline and Green Product certification. It faces opportunities from trends like sustainability but also threats from intense competition and economic challenges.
How to Make Awesome 際際滷Shares: Tips & Tricks際際滷Share
Turbocharge your online presence with 際際滷Share. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on 際際滷Share. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert. es una gran marca cl叩sica de alpinismo. aqu鱈 su cat叩logo 2011 鱈ntegro. Pruebas de materiales de monta単ismo y carreras por monta単a en
Video marketing - palestra delle professioni digitaliPlacido Losacco
Quali accorgimenti bisogna adottare pre creare contenuti video di qualit utili ai fini di marketing?
Il mio intervento all'ultima edizione della Palestra delle Professioni Digitali. Cliente Accenture / Samsung
Siamo unagenzia di comunicazione digitale con sede a Roma e specializzata nello sviluppo di applicazioni interattive, con particolare attenzione al mondo web e mobile.
Chiara Evangelista - L'accessibilit nei social network: il caso Viadeo - Tes...tesicamp
The document analyzes the accessibility of social networks, specifically examining Viadeo based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. It finds that while Viadeo meets more guidelines than not, improvements can still be made. The author proposes continuing research on accessibility and acting as an accessibility consultant to help companies design inclusive digital experiences.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnstonpplqadiri
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahmewoadetozito
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manningjelieltoinks
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. ...osanoarak
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Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition:...orrahnaf
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
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Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manualidderkribo
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manualidderkribo
Viviana Cummaudo - Il riposizionamento del brand Philips - Tesicamp
1. Il riposizionamento del brand Philips
Viviana Cummaudo Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Laurea specialistica in Comunicazione dimpresa 21 febbraio 2008
Relatore: Professor Edoardo Teodoro Brioschi
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
2. Quattro anni dopo
Viviamo in un mondo in cui subiamo continuamente le
forze del cambiamento e dobbiamo gestire una crescente
complessit, ma il nostro desiderio pi湛 intimo 竪 la ricerca
della semplicit
La gente 竪 sempre pi湛 stanca di tecnologie che complicano
le cose
ora che qualcuno si prenda la responsabilit di usare la
tecnologia per migliorare davvero la qualit della vita
Ecco limpegno che Philips si 竪 presa con la promessa
sense and simplicity
Sergio Tonfi - Convegno Tecnologia e Innovazione IAA - 10 novembre 2005
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
3. La politica di comunicazione totale
La sua metodologia di applicazione:
prende lavvio dallIDENTIT dellazienda
individua i PUBBLICI da elevare a obiettivo (TARGET GROUP)
valuta presso tali pubblici lIMMAGINE dellazienda
risale dallimmagine agli ELEMENTI che vi sono confluiti
stimola lintervento dellazienda sugli ELEMENTI governabili e in grado di
influire positivamente sia sullidentit, sia sullimmagine dellazienda
programma le FORME e i MEZZI DI COMUNICAZIONE pi湛 opportuni per
trasmettere tale rinnovata identit al target group
REALIZZA quanto programmato
controlla che lIDENTIT e lIMMAGINE si siano modificate nel senso
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
4. Philips = Innovazione = Semplicit
La promessa digitale di portare a tutti una
migliore qualit della vita non 竪 stata ancora
Ecco perch辿 Philips ha scelto la semplicit
come obiettivo della tecnologia, limperativo che
orienta tutta la sua ricerca sullinnovazione di
prodotto e di processo.
Fondata nel 1891 dai fratelli Philips
Sede centrale: Amsterdam
Leader nei settori healthcare, lifestyle e
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
5. Philips milestones
1940 1963
1983 1995 1999
Il marchio Philips nel tempo
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
6. Philips oggi
Candle light
CT Scanner
Open MRI
Energy saving
Portable LED light
Living Colours
Active Crystals ALU Juicer Philips -
Philips - Nivea
Swarovsky Arcitec
DVDRecorder VOIP Wake up
phone light
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
7. Anni 90
Valutazione della brand image
tradizionale, non
Azienda storica, innovativo, la
importante, marca dei
affidabile, capace genitori
di grandi
Maturo, poco
invenzioni innovativo e
poco visibile,
Qualit, affidabilit, di
low-tech famiglia, un pioniere.
Soffre per嘆 di prezzi
troppo alti
Manca unimmagine e un posizionamento coerente
a livello globale
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
8. 2000
Limportanza del Brand Positioning
Il brand positioning influisce su questi elementi
Un brand positioning 竪 davvero efficace quando
lo si utilizza come filtro per tutto ci嘆 che si fa
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
9. I tre pilastri del Brand Positioning
Simplicity Lidea che la gente deve avere di Philips
Designed Easy to
Easy to I concetti che devono
around You experience
Around you Experience Advance
Advanced guidare tutto ci嘆 che
d facciamo
Andrea Ragnetti
Executive Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer Philips Consumer Lifestyle
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
10. Il riposizionamento di brand
13 settembre 2004
Offriamo benefit ricchi di Garantiamo un accesso
senso (meaningful and semplificato ai benefit dei
exciting) a tutti i nostri nostri prodotti, pi湛 di
clienti e consumatori! qualsiasi concorrente:
questo 竪 il nostro modo
distintivo di fare le cose, il
nostro vantaggio
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
13. sbarca sul web
Festival della Semplicit 3 giorni a Milano
5.000 persone
Forum dedicato alla semplicit
Sezione SimpliCity dedicata alla citt di Milano
Nasce il Manifesto della Semplicit
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
14. corporate
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
15. green
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
16. 2.0
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp
17. Risultati 5 anni dopo
E migliorata la conoscenza di Philips e
lassociazione di nuovi settori di
prodotto al brand
E aumentata la preferenza per il
brand (Net Promoter Score)
Aumento delle vendite dei key product
42属 posto nella classifica dei marchi
pi湛 importanti (Interbrand)
38属 posto nella classifica delle aziende
pi湛 innovative (Business Week)
Milano, 9 ottobre 2009 TesiCamp