The goal of the game is to Kill All Viruses that display on your computer screen before they crash it. Virus attack will increase during game play, so stay alert and manage your memory level within the game.
Surface Pro 3 is a laptop and tablet hybrid that offers better features than either device alone. It has a large high-resolution 12-inch touchscreen, runs Windows 8.1 Pro, and comes with accessories like a Surface Pen and Type Cover. The Surface Pro 3 has fast processors, all-day battery life, and ports for USB devices and HDMI output. It is lightweight and versatile for productivity, entertainment, and creativity on the go.
9 out of the top 10 Facebook games and the top iOS and Android are powered by Flash. Understand why companies like Rovio, Zynga, Amanita, Gamegoo, Unity, and others choose Flash for their casual and social games. Get inspired by visionary examples of the next generation of cross platform GPU enabled Flash experiences, and learn how to target the desktop, iOS and Android.
This document describes a custom ROM that has been optimized for multitasking and gaming. It has new notification tones, UI sounds, and compressed image files for better performance. Bloatware apps have been removed and it includes new boot up and shutdown animations. The ROM is based on Android 2.3.5 but has a fully themed Jelly Bean style interface. It also includes sound enhancements, notification tweaks, optimized performance settings, and other customizations.
Splashtop SOS (On-Demand Support) Feature MatrixSplashtop Inc
The document summarizes the features of Splashtop SOS, a remote support software. It lists features included in the SOS, SOS+10, and SOS Unlimited editions, such as the number of concurrent remote access sessions, remote access and control capabilities for Windows, Mac, and Android devices, security features like encryption, and management features like user management and activity logging. It also outlines additional unattended access features and add-ons available for purchase.
The document summarizes the key features of several mobile devices:
1) The Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini allows for control with eye movements and gestures, dual camera photos and videos, and app previews without touching the screen.
2) The BlackBerry 9720 has a touchscreen and keyboard, social sharing features, and 4G connectivity.
3) The iPad Mini is a 7.9 inch tablet for portable home entertainment with a 1024x768 display, fingerprint resistance, and iOS 6.
This document advertises multiboxing software that allows players to control multiple World of Warcraft characters simultaneously from one computer, enabling players to farm loot and gold more efficiently as well as dominate player versus player combat with an "army" of characters under their control. It claims the software empowers both novice and experienced players to multibox, and that Blizzard recognizes and endorses multiboxing as a legitimate playstyle.
Flash was created in 1996 by Jonathan Gay as Future Splash Animator. It was acquired by Macromedia in 1996 and became Macromedia Flash 1.0. Adobe later acquired Flash in 2006. Flash allows for creation of animated content like games, videos, and websites. It has been used widely due to its ability to create interactive content that can run across multiple platforms like web, mobile, desktop and more. Flash games and applications are developed using ActionScript coding along with graphics and audio assets. Various APIs have been built to enhance Flash's capabilities for game development and other uses.
Runs for Ayothaya is an infinite running game played using Kinect for exercise. The game has various stages of increasing difficulty where the player controls a character to run, dodge obstacles, and collect gems and items. A mobile app tracks real running distances and converts it to in-game points to purchase equipment upgrades. The top scores are displayed on the rankings screen. Gameplay involves navigating menus with hand gestures or buttons to select stages and control the character through running, jumping, and sliding motions.
To create a meeting in Adobe Connect, participants need a computer with speakers, microphone, and either Windows, Mac, or Linux. They should also have the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player and a supported web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. The link provided tests a computer's readiness for meetings. Once ready, participants can log into Adobe Connect at the given URL to start or join a meeting and add content.
The document presents a new gaming technology called Connect us All (CUA) that aims to connect all gamers on one system. CUA would allow players to play games from Xbox, PS3, or Wii by registering the game's barcode to their CUA account, eliminating the need to choose a single console. The technology would stream games over the internet to a user's computer from CUA's database regardless of the game's original console. CUA is compared to similar technologies like OnLive and Steam and minimum system requirements for using CUA are provided.
To use a USB drive as system RAM: insert a 1GB or larger USB drive into your computer; detect the drive in My Computer properties; go to Advanced System Properties > Performance > Advanced > Change and select the USB drive; set the drive's available space as the initial and maximum size for virtual memory; restart your computer to use the USB drive as RAM for faster performance.
This document summarizes the specifications of a tablet device. It has an Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2 operating system, 1 GHz dual core processor, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB internal storage and a 3000 mAh battery. It has features such as a 7-inch HD touchscreen, dual SIM support, 5 MP rear camera, 0.3 MP front camera, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS. The tablet comes bundled with accessories like the charger, USB cable, headset and user manual. It is produced by the company Swipe which is headquartered in India and the USA.
The document provides details on the specifications and features announced for the upcoming PS4 console at its launch event. The PS4 will include an 8-core AMD processor, 8GB of DDR5 RAM, a custom Radeon graphics card, PlayStation Eye camera, updated DualShock 4 controller with touch pad and share button, and an improved PlayStation Network that recommends future game purchases. While the console design was not shown, the announcements increased the author's interest in the new system.
The document discusses the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the implications of being alive in Christ. It examines five common theories for what happened after Jesus' death and argues that the resurrection was caused by the power of God. It then lists five results of the resurrection, including believers being able to preach and have hope. The document concludes by outlining five signs that one is alive in Christ, such as loving God and obeying righteousness, and encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith.
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
Mitch Blaser is the COO of global operations and CEO of the Bermuda platform for Ironshore, Inc., a worldwide specialty insurance company. He oversees Ironshore's rapid growth since 2006, opening numerous international offices. In 2009, Ironshore partnered with CV Starr & Co. to form IronStarr Excess for excess liability, financial, and healthcare lines. By 2013, Ironshore had 24 offices worldwide and was looking to expand its Bermuda business through additional syndication arrangements like the one with CV Starr, which Blaser notes the Bermuda market supports well. Syndicating with Ironshore is attractive due to its strong balance sheet as a privately held company able to maintain excess capital for growth conducive to
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD Editor
This study investigated native and non-native English speakers' acceptance of different types of multiple WH-questions in English and Persian. It administered grammar and multiple WH-question tests to 30 Iranian English learners and 10 native English speakers. The results showed that native English speakers significantly discriminated between question types, rating 'what' highest and 'how' and 'why' lowest. Native Persian speakers rated all question types similarly high. Both learner groups rated English questions lower than natives and their own Persian ratings, with advanced learners performing better. The study suggests non-native speakers do not fully accept all English question types.
Kelompok tersebut menjelaskan pendekatan terapi berpusat pada klien (client-centered) yang dikembangkan oleh Carl Rogers, termasuk asumsi dasarnya bahwa setiap individu memiliki kapasitas untuk mengatur dirinya sendiri dan menemukan solusi atas masalahnya, serta peran konselor untuk menciptakan suasana yang kondusif agar klien dapat bergerak ke arah pemahaman diri.
Marco Milan (1984) vive a Losanna (Svizzera) dove ¨¦ giunto per completare gli studi in ingegneria meccanica incominciati al Politecnico di Torino. Appassionato di sport acquatici e amante della montagna, durante il dottorato di ricerca svolto presso l¡¯?cole Polytechnique F¨¦d¨¦rale de Lausanne (EPFL), ¨¦ stato presidente dell¡¯associazione velica Voile EPFL. Ha vinto diverse medaglie a campionati europei e mondiali in barca a vela e ha partecipato a competizioni alpinistiche quali la Patrouille de Glaciers.
The document outlines an IT skills development project consisting of 5 units:
1) Introduction to the Internet and search engines
2) Using email to communicate effectively and work with attachments
3) Working with spreadsheets to perform calculations, format cells, and analyze data
4) Using the Internet safely and social networking sites like Facebook and blogs
5) Enabling Malayalam language support on computers for typing, documents, email and chat.
EU-enhedspatentet og EU-patentdomstolen vil g?re det lettere at opn? patentbeskyttelse og h?ndh?ve patentrettigheder, men det betyder samtidig, at der vil blive flere gyldige patentrettigheder i Danmark, og risikoen for at blive sags?gt for at kr?nke andres patenter stiger, og det vil v?re en udfordring for is?r sm? og mellemstore virksomheder.
Increased Protection for Animals in Danger in MassachusettsLois Pope
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled that law enforcement can enter private property without a warrant if they believe an animal's life is in danger, similar to the exception for human life in emergency aid situations. This precedent was set in Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan, where police found two dogs dead and a third emaciated after receiving a call about dogs left outside in poor weather without a warrant. The ruling encourages other states to allow warrantless entry in suspected animal abuse cases.
Runs for Ayothaya is an infinite running game played using Kinect for exercise. The game has various stages of increasing difficulty where the player controls a character to run, dodge obstacles, and collect gems and items. A mobile app tracks real running distances and converts it to in-game points to purchase equipment upgrades. The top scores are displayed on the rankings screen. Gameplay involves navigating menus with hand gestures or buttons to select stages and control the character through running, jumping, and sliding motions.
To create a meeting in Adobe Connect, participants need a computer with speakers, microphone, and either Windows, Mac, or Linux. They should also have the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player and a supported web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. The link provided tests a computer's readiness for meetings. Once ready, participants can log into Adobe Connect at the given URL to start or join a meeting and add content.
The document presents a new gaming technology called Connect us All (CUA) that aims to connect all gamers on one system. CUA would allow players to play games from Xbox, PS3, or Wii by registering the game's barcode to their CUA account, eliminating the need to choose a single console. The technology would stream games over the internet to a user's computer from CUA's database regardless of the game's original console. CUA is compared to similar technologies like OnLive and Steam and minimum system requirements for using CUA are provided.
To use a USB drive as system RAM: insert a 1GB or larger USB drive into your computer; detect the drive in My Computer properties; go to Advanced System Properties > Performance > Advanced > Change and select the USB drive; set the drive's available space as the initial and maximum size for virtual memory; restart your computer to use the USB drive as RAM for faster performance.
This document summarizes the specifications of a tablet device. It has an Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2 operating system, 1 GHz dual core processor, 1 GB RAM, 4 GB internal storage and a 3000 mAh battery. It has features such as a 7-inch HD touchscreen, dual SIM support, 5 MP rear camera, 0.3 MP front camera, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS. The tablet comes bundled with accessories like the charger, USB cable, headset and user manual. It is produced by the company Swipe which is headquartered in India and the USA.
The document provides details on the specifications and features announced for the upcoming PS4 console at its launch event. The PS4 will include an 8-core AMD processor, 8GB of DDR5 RAM, a custom Radeon graphics card, PlayStation Eye camera, updated DualShock 4 controller with touch pad and share button, and an improved PlayStation Network that recommends future game purchases. While the console design was not shown, the announcements increased the author's interest in the new system.
The document discusses the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the implications of being alive in Christ. It examines five common theories for what happened after Jesus' death and argues that the resurrection was caused by the power of God. It then lists five results of the resurrection, including believers being able to preach and have hope. The document concludes by outlining five signs that one is alive in Christ, such as loving God and obeying righteousness, and encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith.
Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
Mitch Blaser is the COO of global operations and CEO of the Bermuda platform for Ironshore, Inc., a worldwide specialty insurance company. He oversees Ironshore's rapid growth since 2006, opening numerous international offices. In 2009, Ironshore partnered with CV Starr & Co. to form IronStarr Excess for excess liability, financial, and healthcare lines. By 2013, Ironshore had 24 offices worldwide and was looking to expand its Bermuda business through additional syndication arrangements like the one with CV Starr, which Blaser notes the Bermuda market supports well. Syndicating with Ironshore is attractive due to its strong balance sheet as a privately held company able to maintain excess capital for growth conducive to
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD Editor
This study investigated native and non-native English speakers' acceptance of different types of multiple WH-questions in English and Persian. It administered grammar and multiple WH-question tests to 30 Iranian English learners and 10 native English speakers. The results showed that native English speakers significantly discriminated between question types, rating 'what' highest and 'how' and 'why' lowest. Native Persian speakers rated all question types similarly high. Both learner groups rated English questions lower than natives and their own Persian ratings, with advanced learners performing better. The study suggests non-native speakers do not fully accept all English question types.
Kelompok tersebut menjelaskan pendekatan terapi berpusat pada klien (client-centered) yang dikembangkan oleh Carl Rogers, termasuk asumsi dasarnya bahwa setiap individu memiliki kapasitas untuk mengatur dirinya sendiri dan menemukan solusi atas masalahnya, serta peran konselor untuk menciptakan suasana yang kondusif agar klien dapat bergerak ke arah pemahaman diri.
Marco Milan (1984) vive a Losanna (Svizzera) dove ¨¦ giunto per completare gli studi in ingegneria meccanica incominciati al Politecnico di Torino. Appassionato di sport acquatici e amante della montagna, durante il dottorato di ricerca svolto presso l¡¯?cole Polytechnique F¨¦d¨¦rale de Lausanne (EPFL), ¨¦ stato presidente dell¡¯associazione velica Voile EPFL. Ha vinto diverse medaglie a campionati europei e mondiali in barca a vela e ha partecipato a competizioni alpinistiche quali la Patrouille de Glaciers.
The document outlines an IT skills development project consisting of 5 units:
1) Introduction to the Internet and search engines
2) Using email to communicate effectively and work with attachments
3) Working with spreadsheets to perform calculations, format cells, and analyze data
4) Using the Internet safely and social networking sites like Facebook and blogs
5) Enabling Malayalam language support on computers for typing, documents, email and chat.
EU-enhedspatentet og EU-patentdomstolen vil g?re det lettere at opn? patentbeskyttelse og h?ndh?ve patentrettigheder, men det betyder samtidig, at der vil blive flere gyldige patentrettigheder i Danmark, og risikoen for at blive sags?gt for at kr?nke andres patenter stiger, og det vil v?re en udfordring for is?r sm? og mellemstore virksomheder.
Increased Protection for Animals in Danger in MassachusettsLois Pope
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled that law enforcement can enter private property without a warrant if they believe an animal's life is in danger, similar to the exception for human life in emergency aid situations. This precedent was set in Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan, where police found two dogs dead and a third emaciated after receiving a call about dogs left outside in poor weather without a warrant. The ruling encourages other states to allow warrantless entry in suspected animal abuse cases.
This document provides instructions for making conditional sentences based on photos using different conditional types. Learners are asked to make 3 conditional sentences for each photo using a different conditional type (Type I, II, or III) in each sentence. An example is given using a Type I conditional ("If it's a boy, we'll call it John"), Type II conditional ("If my mom knew about this, she would kill me"), and Type III conditional ("If I hadn't got you pregnant, I wouldn't have married you").
- French travelers typically take local and overseas holidays of one or two weeks duration. They travel within their country more often than global averages.
- Traditional travel agents and online travel websites are critical information sources for older French travelers when deciding on holidays, while younger travelers rely more on friends and family recommendations.
- Value for money is the most important factor when choosing a location or activity for French travelers, while relaxation is less important compared to global averages. Historical sites are the most common interest.
This document provides summaries of free and open source software for various purposes including web browsing, video playback, DVD ripping, sound recording, photo editing, graphics, geographic information systems, web browsing, email, video conversion, 3D animation, CAD, music syncing, video editing, word processing and office suites. It lists popular applications such as Firefox, VLC, Audacity, GIMP, Inkscape, Google Earth, Thunderbird, Format Factory, Blender, SketchUp, OpenOffice and Picasa and provides brief descriptions of their core functions.
This document provides specifications for the fusion smartphone. It has a quad-core 1.2GHz processor, 4GB of storage with 512MB RAM, a 12.7cm IPS touchscreen display, 8MP rear camera and 2MP front camera. It also describes some of its key features like different home screen locks, HD video playback, photo editing capabilities, panorama shots, call management tools and included apps like WhatsApp, Facebook and more. The fusion is certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards.
The document discusses several items:
1) A Polariod microphone that is powered by a single battery and picks up sound from in front of it while reducing background noise. It has an on/off switch and angle selection for groups.
2) An extendable camera tripod that attaches to cameras to steady shots and can adjust height and pivot 360 degrees.
3) Final Cut Pro X video editing software, highlighting its "Magnetic Timeline" and "Compound Clips" features which allow flexible editing and combining of multiple clips.
Windows 7 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows produced by Microsoft Corporation. The beta version was released in July 2009 and the general retail version was set to be released in October 2009. Windows 7 is a refined version of Windows Vista that offers improved performance, reliability, security and compatibility compared to previous versions. It includes new features like enhanced taskbar functionality, jump lists, touch support and Internet Explorer 8.
Windows 7 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows. It was released in October 2009 as an improved version of Windows Vista. Windows 7 offers performance improvements, enhanced security features, a more user-friendly interface, and improved compatibility with older hardware and applications. It also introduces new innovations like jump lists, thumbnail previews on the taskbar, and touchscreen support.
This document provides information about various hardware, software, and electronic devices. It lists specific models of laptops, tablets, smartphones, cameras, and other devices, and provides brief descriptions and specifications for each one. It also outlines several software programs for media, security, development, and other purposes, describing their basic functions. The document appears to be an inventory or catalog of different technology products and applications.
iTop Screen Recorder Pro PC Software ¨C WhizzNews.pdfEman Nisar
Title: Unleashing the Power of iTop Screen Recorder Pro A Comprehensive Review
Software for screen recording, which was before seen as a tool for gaming, is now becoming a must-have for professionals, teachers, gamers, IT professionals, and any other kind of digital content creators, standing on the shores of digital imaging. It comes as the more versatile and feature-packed solution for easily capturing, editing, and sharing screen recordings.
iTop Screen Recorder Pro is considered as premium screen recording software made for all classes of users, whether they are novices or professionals, in need of a smooth and efficient solution to capturing activities on their screen. This improved and better quality version is brought to you by iTop, a recognized software company of high-quality products with innovations that promise you better performance, updated features, and an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface.
At its core, iTop Screen Recorder Pro is built to deliver high-quality screen recordings with utmost ease. Whether you make tutorials, capture the gameplay of your favorite game, give a presentation, or record video calls, this software has got what you look for. Users are free to choose between full-screen and selected region recording, because both are supported.
Software Features
Multiple Recording Modes:
This offers different recording modes to be applied in varying situations. Users can record full screen, custom region recording, specific window applications, and others of their choice to bring out a flexible approach to operation.
Audio Recording Options:
This software also captures audio, whereby users can record the system sound and microphone or both at the same time. You can make a certain tutorial with voice-over, comment on your gameplay video, or conduct an interview over the Internet.
Advanced Editing Tools:
It comes with many editing tools you will need to ensure that your recorded videos are like a professional. You will be able to cut, merge, or even add annotations, meaning that you don¡¯t require any additional editing software.
Scheduled Recording:
With a scheduled recording, you can even set, with time, the screen record will be set to record without your manual involvement, pretty much hands-free and convenient. This eases the recording process, especially for those live streaming activities, webinars, or online meetings that would otherwise be done with manual intervention.
Output flexibility:
After recording, it has the function of allowing the output of the video file in many formats, such as MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, among others, so that the video file can play with most devices or be posted on platforms. It has settings which are adjustable in the video quality, frame rate, and bitrate so that personal preference is met.
Easy Sharing and Publishing:
It offers users simple ways to share and publish their recordings. The features apply direct integr
The document describes innovations in the design and features of the new iMac computer. Key points include:
- The iMac features a thinner design while retaining powerful performance through new processors, graphics, and storage options.
- Display innovations include a 75% reduction in reflectiveness and moving the LCD closer to the glass for better image quality.
- Configurations provide fast solid state drives or Fusion Drives that intelligently manage storage for optimal performance.
- Connectivity includes Thunderbolt ports, USB 3.0, and WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.
The document discusses tips for public speaking and presentations. It recommends that preparation is the best way to speak well publicly. Visual aids can help support presentations, but should not be shown without explanation. When using visual aids, it is important to highlight the most important information and synchronize the visuals with the speaking points. The document also provides an example of using visuals to break down technical information about operating systems in a presentation.
The document discusses tips for public speaking and presentations. It recommends that preparation is the best way to speak well publicly. Visual aids can help support presentations, but should not be shown without explanation. When using visual aids, it is important to highlight the most important information and synchronize the visuals with the speaking points. The document also provides an example of using visuals to break down technical information about operating systems in a presentation.
The document summarizes the key features and specifications of the new Mac mini. The Mac mini now has up to twice the speed of previous models thanks to new quad-core processors. It features Thunderbolt ports for connecting high-speed peripherals and displays, and comes with OS X Mountain Lion, the world's most advanced desktop operating system. The Mac mini has a compact aluminum design, includes various connectivity options like USB 3 and HDMI, and allows users to add their own keyboard, mouse and display.
The St. Charles Chambers of Commerce Technology Committee presentation on Tech Toys for the November 2011 meeting. Presentation includes new Facebook Features kike frictionless sharing, social apps and the Facebook Timeline,tech toys, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, Magic Cube, Online Postage solutions.
Using Your Mobile Device to Create Amazing Content ATDTK19Nick Floro
Are you looking for amazing ways to use your mobile device to create content? In this session, you will learn how to use your phone or tablet to brainstorm, sketch, take notes, collaborate, create audio- and video-based media, and animate using several mind-blowing apps. You'll leave the session feeling inspired and have the practical information to apply one or more apps when you get back on the job.
- Explore several apps to enhance creativity on your mobile device.
- Discover several free and inexpensive apps to improve brainstorming, productivity, and collaboration.
- Apply these apps immediately on your next project.
Experience the trills of More performance and more memory.
Brace yourself for more with the new Lava 3G 402+ with a powerful processor and a bigger RAM for a smooth, fast performance.
Windows Movie Maker is a basic video editing software included in Microsoft Windows that allows users to add effects, transitions, titles, audio tracks, and create movies. It also functions as a basic audio editing program. WinRAR is a file compression utility that can create and extract various archive file formats like RAR, ZIP, and 7z. It includes features like encryption, file recovery, and support for modern file systems. Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program and industry standard for image manipulation that allows complex photo editing and compositing.
Photoshop was created by Thomas Knoll in 1987 and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for image manipulation software. Photoshop allows users to brighten images, enhance photos, and add special effects. Photo Pos Pro is also image editing software that is now free. It offers step-by-step help for beginners. GIMP was created by Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis as a free image editor for Linux/Unix. It has a customizable interface and supports photo enhancement, retouching, and file formats.
This document lists over 200 software programs across various categories like data recovery, antivirus, office suites, graphics and design, media players, remote access, web browsers and more. It includes both commercial and free/open source software options and provides direct links to download pages for some.
The document discusses the history and key releases of the Microsoft Windows operating system from 1985 to 2013. It describes early versions like Windows 1.0, 3.0, and NT 3.1. Major releases are covered such as Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1. Each new version brought performance improvements, expanded features, and support for newer hardware. The document provides an overview of the evolution of Windows over time from its early graphical beginnings to its modern incarnations.
The document discusses open source software, operating systems, applications, and the latest developments in information and communication technology (ICT).
It provides examples of open source operating systems like Haiku and Syllable, and applications like GNOME and NeoOffice. It also discusses the latest versions of VLC media player and Canon printers, comparing their features to previous models.
The document concludes that open source allows anyone to use, change, and improve software freely. It also discusses how pervasive computing aims to make interactions with computers easier through connected devices.
9. Android Jelly Bean 4.2
Dive into an incredible Android experience with the slick
and responsive interface on the Android Jelly Bean 4.2 OS
11. Turbocharge your app performance with the 1.3 GHz Quad Core
processor on the Micromax Canvas Turbo Mini! Get the action going
with its 1 GB RAM that powers up applications, games and processes.
12. Preloaded Apps
The Canvas Turbo Mini is pre-loaded with Opera Mini, Hike
Messenger, Spuul and Kingsoft Office! Take control of your web
browsing with Opera and stay connected to your world with Hike!
13. M! Live
For Fun-On-the-Go, Click the icon on your Micromax Canvas Turbo
Mini and access Premium Games, Videos, Music and Wallpapers!
Stream Latest songs, Play Online Games and Rule the Leader-boards!
Carry your world of entertainment with you.