Prevenzione del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) in medicina internaPlinio Fabiani
The majority of hospitalized patients have risk factors for VTE.
DVT is common in many groups of hospitalized patients.
DVT and PE acquired in hospital are often clinically silent.
DVT and symptomatic PE fatal PE.
Costs of exams in symptomatic patients.
Risks and costs of the treatment of VTE is not prevented, eg .: bleeding.
The future increase in risk of VTE recurrence.
Thromboprophylaxis is highly effective in the prevention of DVT and proximal DVT.
The Cost/Effectiveness of prophylaxis has been repeatedly demonstrated.
Prevenzione del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) in medicina internaPlinio Fabiani
The majority of hospitalized patients have risk factors for VTE.
DVT is common in many groups of hospitalized patients.
DVT and PE acquired in hospital are often clinically silent.
DVT and symptomatic PE fatal PE.
Costs of exams in symptomatic patients.
Risks and costs of the treatment of VTE is not prevented, eg .: bleeding.
The future increase in risk of VTE recurrence.
Thromboprophylaxis is highly effective in the prevention of DVT and proximal DVT.
The Cost/Effectiveness of prophylaxis has been repeatedly demonstrated.
Come curare le emorroidi in modo naturale e permanente. Ecco Un semplice e sicuro metodo per curare le emorroidi in 48 ore, gi testato da migliaia di persone che hanno eliminato per sempre dolore e imbarazzo.
El documento proporciona una gu鱈a sobre la utilidad de la ecograf鱈a en el tercer trimestre del embarazo. Detalla la evaluaci坦n de la posici坦n fetal, anatom鱈a, placenta, cord坦n umbilical, liquido amni坦tico y biometr鱈a para estimar la edad gestacional. Tambi辿n describe hallazgos patol坦gicos comunes y proporciona pautas para la sistem叩tica de la exploraci坦n ecogr叩fica.
Fetal MRI can provide additional useful information when evaluating congenital heart disease (CHD) prenatally. It may help characterize complex CHD and detect associated extracardiac abnormalities when ultrasound is inconclusive. Fetal MRI is particularly helpful in the late second and third trimesters as ultrasound can be limited by decreasing amniotic fluid and ossifying ribs. It allows assessment of organs like the lungs, thymus and brain that may be involved with certain CHD or genetic syndromes.
Fetal echocardiography provides several advantages for diagnosing and managing congenital heart disease:
1) It allows for counseling of parents on prognosis and treatment options, including the possibility of termination of pregnancy for major defects or chromosomal anomalies.
2) In some cases, it enables life-saving procedures to be performed on the mother or fetus before or during pregnancy.
3) It facilitates delivery planning at a specialized medical center near pediatric cardiac surgery.
This document summarizes a presentation about the 5D Heart ultrasound solution for fetal echocardiography. It discusses how 5D Heart uses intelligent navigation technology to automatically display nine standard fetal echocardiography views from a STIC volume dataset. It can generate the views consistently regardless of operator skill and works well for different fetal ages, sizes, and positions. The views include labels for main anatomical structures.
This document discusses the diagnosis and management of fetal tachyarrhythmias. It begins by outlining the mechanisms, risks, and history of recognizing and treating fetal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and atrial flutter. It then poses 4 questions to guide the safest and most effective management: 1) What is the mechanism?; 2) What is the fetal tolerance?; 3) Who to treat?; and 4) How to treat? It discusses using echocardiography, Doppler, tissue velocity imaging, and magnetocardiography to determine the mechanism. It outlines signs of heart failure and hydrops as indicators of risk. It recommends treating fetuses with hydrops or high risk of hydrops
21 s placid diagnosi e terapia delle bradiaritmie fetaliPiccoloGrandeCuore
This document summarizes the diagnosis and treatment of fetal bradyarrhythmias. It discusses that fetal bradycardias can be caused by blocked atrial bigeminy, sinus bradycardia, fetal distress, congenital heart disease, long QT syndrome, or atrioventricular block. Atrioventricular block occurs in 70% of cases and can be associated with congenital heart disease, isolated and immune-mediated, or functional 2:1 AV block in long QT syndrome. For isolated congenital AV block that is antibody-mediated, treatment with corticosteroids may help but outcomes depend on gestational age and heart rate at diagnosis. Postnatal pacemaker implantation is often needed, especially if risk factors like
This document summarizes a presentation on the fetal diagnosis of complete vascular rings caused by right aortic arch and left ductus arteriosus. It discusses the anatomy, embryology, and patterns seen in this condition. Out of 19 patients studied, 7 were prenatally diagnosed between 26-28 weeks gestation. For the fetal population, all were asymptomatic and 2 required surgery. The postnatal population was more commonly symptomatic, with 9 of 12 requiring surgery. Surgical resection of the left ligamentum was performed in 11 of the 19 patients. The presentation concludes that fetal diagnosis of this condition is easier than postnatal diagnosis, and recommends CT/MRI imaging and long-term follow up.
This document proposes a new international project called "Heaven Can Wait" to address critical congenital heart disease in developing countries. It involves establishing prenatal cardiac screening programs and transferring high-risk fetal-maternal pairs to centers in Europe for delivery and cardiac surgery. This aims to give neonates the best chance for treatment and survival, while also improving the efficacy of humanitarian cardiac organizations by providing them with prenatally detected cases. Though large-scale implementation faces challenges, the project envisions adding a new dimension to fetal and perinatal cardiology to help address the stark contrast in outcomes between developed and developing world contexts.
This document provides guidelines for fetal aortic valvuloplasty procedures. It describes the selection criteria for the procedure, which aims to promote ventricular growth and function in fetuses with evolving hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). The guidelines specify that the dominant cardiac anomaly must be aortic stenosis, with signs of evolving HLHS and potential for a technically successful procedure and biventricular outcome. The procedure involves accessing the fetal heart through needle puncture under ultrasound guidance and using catheters to dilate the stenotic aortic valve.
04 b marino malattie cardiache congenite e sindromi genetiche PiccoloGrandeCuore
This document discusses congenital heart diseases and genetic syndromes. It provides an overview of epidemiological studies on non-cardiac malformations associated with congenital heart diseases. It also discusses the embryology of the heart. The document outlines new clinical roles for genetics, including reverse medicine using new diagnostic criteria, predictive medicine correlating genes to prognosis, and potential future applications of gene therapy and stem cell therapy. Specific genetic syndromes are examined in depth, including their cardiac defects, surgical outcomes, post-operative complications, and prognosis. These include Down syndrome, del22q11 syndrome, Noonan syndrome, and LEOPARD syndrome. The document emphasizes the importance of predictive medicine in correlating a patient's genetic syndrome to clinical prognosis
2. Definizione: analisi ultrasonografica cardiaca fetale effettuata entro la 16属 settimana
(rispetto alle 18-22 usuali)
Raramente indicata nella diagnostica precoce routinaria
Indicazioni: aumento Translucenza Nucale (NT) e/o di altri markers per aneuploidie,
presenza di fattori di rischio per CHD o di anomalie fetali extra-cardiache.
Approccio combinato EFP-NT (11属-13属 settimana): aumenta la frequenza diagnostica per CDH
fino al 60-80%
Lanalisi combinata EFP-NT 竪 giustificata anche per:
alta frequenza delle CHD nelle sindromi genetiche,
relazioni anatomiche tra le strutture cardiache a 11-13 settimane analoghe a quelle nel 2o
valutazione precoce = migliore capacit decisionale
Premessa importante 竪 che le CHD di pi炭 grave entit叩 non evolvono da un cuore
apparentemente normale in epoca precoce e si sviluppano con immagini simili nel I, II, III
trimestre (d/l-TGA, HLHS, AVSD, DORV, TA, MA, PA, TAPVR, ampi VSD)
4. Incremento della translucenza
Positivit altri markers per
aneuploidie (anomalie
velocimetriche del DV, rigurgito TR,
art. ombelicale singola)
Presenza di malformazioni
Storia familiare positiva per
cardiopatie congenite
Sospetto di cardiopatia congenita
allo screening ostetrico
Patologie materne (bassa incidenza)
- CRL < 50 mm
- Aumento della BMI materno
- Posizione fetale sfavorevole
- La possibile progressione della
patologia cardiaca soprattutto nelle
ostruzione agli efflussi 竪 una
limitazione riguardo allaccuratezza
Necessario informare la gestante sulle
limitazioni dellesame precoce
Raccomandare ripetizione esame dalle
18 settimane per:
- confermare normalit del cuore
- monitorizzare le anomalie del
primo trimestre
- identificare patologie non
visualizzate precocemente
5. Protocollo cardiologico in accordo lAmerican
Society of Echocardiography: guidelines for
fetal Echocardiography
Visualizzazione 2D e CD e PW:
4 camere
tratti di efflusso del ventricolo destro e
sinistro e il loro incrocio
Identificazione degli archi aortico e duttale
Sweep dalla 4 camere alla proiezione dei 3
Valutazione funzione ventricolare e ritmo
cardiaco intervallo PR
Sensibilit 100% Specificit 97.3% valore
positivo predittivo 84,2% valore predittivo
negativo 100% per CHD maggiori
Jodi I.Pike Prenatal Diagnosis
Situs addominale e posizione del cuore
nel torace
Scansione 4 camere:
- piano atrio ventricolare
- riempimento del ventricoli al Color
Incrocio aorta-arteria polmonare: segno
della X al CD
Presenza di flusso anterogrado e di
uguale misura alla confluenza (segno
della V) dellarco aortico e dotto
Trasduttore lineare ad alta frequenza
(alta risoluzione a profondit di circa 8 cm)
Approccio transaddominale, ev. transvaginale
Possibile identificazione del 90% delle
N. Persico - Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
Difetti interventricolari
Non specifico pu嘆 essere associato
ad anomalie cromosomiche, difetti
cardiaci maggiori, outcome
sfavorevole della gravidanza o
rappresentare un evidenza
temporanea in un cuore per altro
Canale atrioventricolare
Trasposizione dei grossi vasi
Tetralogia di Fallot
Cuore sn ipoplasicio
Atresia Polmonare
Cardiopatie complesse
Prenatal Diagnosis
Volume 34, Issue
8, pages 790-796,
25 APR 2014 DOI:
7. Zidere V, 2013 束Comparison of echocardiographic findings in fetuses at less than
15 weeks gestation with later cardiac evaluation損
8. U.O.C. di Cardiologia Pediatrica -Servizio di Ecocardiografia Fetale del Policlinico
Umberto I "Sapienza"
U.O.S. di Diagnosi Prenatale Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza,
U.O.C. di Patologia Ostetrica Policlinico Umberto I "Sapienza",
U.O.C. di Radiologia A Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza",
U.O.C. di Genetica Medica del Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza
U.O.C. Laboratorio di Genetica Medica dell'Ospedale San Camillo Sapienza
LOspedale Fatebenefratelli San Giovanni Calibita - Isola Tiberina Roma
Sta conducendo un protocollo di ricerca multidisciplinare per individuare
PRECOCEMENTE i feti con sospetta CC singola o associata con
malformazioni extracardiache, l associazione con anomalie genetiche e la
ricerca di biomarkers precoci di CC ( miRNA)
10. Informatizzazione dei dati clinico-strumentali mediante creazione di una
cartella elettronica condivisa tra i centri coinvolti nella gestione della
gravidanza, i dati anamnestici, strumentali (ultrasonografico e RMN) e
biochimici-molecolari (fenotipo molecolare e chimico-clinico) dellunit
materno-fetale saranno disponibili in tempo reale per consentire a tutti gli
operatori lottimizzazione della gestione della gravidanza e della cardiopatia
23. Sui 60 pz selezionati e studiati si 竪 evidenziato che:
una anamnesi accurata ed uno screening ostetrico
ecografico accurato del primo trimestre pu嘆 farci
individuare quelle gravidanze a rischio che necessitano di
una valutazione ecocardiografica essendo potenzialmente
a rischio di cardiopatia congenita.
gli screening sulla popolazione normale non sembrano al
momento essere utili.
24. Utilit dello screening ecografico/ecocardiografico precoce:
Valutazione delle gravidanze ad alto rischio per CHD
Individuare dei markers ecografici precoci di CC
Identificare ecocardiograficamente il pi湛
precocemente possibile le CC
Valutarne pi湛 accuratamente la progressione
durante la vita fetale (interventi in utero)
Rassicurare le famiglie con storia familiare per CHD
Effettuare precocemente counselling alla coppia sulla
cardiopatia e sulla sua gestione
Inquadrare e seguire in follow up la gravidanza