ひとことで1 人1 台端末環境といっても、同一機種か否か、個人所有か学校所有か、各自に管理を任せるか学校側が管理するか等によって様々なバリエーションが考えられる。
海外事例で1:1(one to one)と呼ばれるものは、Nicholas
Negroponte によるOLPC(One Laptop per Child)プロジェクトを背景としており、基本的には同一機種を提供するが、学習者の日常的個人利用を前提としている。一方、家庭から学校への機材持ち込みを積極的に認めるBYOD(Bring Your Own Device)のスタイルも存在する。これら端末環境構成に関するポリシーの違いが、各国で大きく異なる事は実に興味深い。そこで主に北欧での調査をもとに我が国との環境整備と活用方法を比較考察する。
NPI publishes "Digital Technology and Economy/Finance Annual Research Report ...Yuichi (祐一) Iwata (岩田)
Launched in FY2020 under the sponsorship of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this study group is scheduled to run for three years until FY2022.
The aim of this study group is to analyze and consider the impact of the innovation and expansion of digital and other advanced technologies on the economy, finance, international relations, and international security from a global perspective in terms of both potentials and risks, and then to examine and propose issues and solutions for Japan and a direction that can be presented to the world.
Utilizing a network of experts from industry, academia, and government, we will try to clearly organize specialized concepts such as "big data," "AI," "IoT," "5G," "cyber security," "digital currency," "blockchain," and "FinTech" as implications in the context of international issues, and also pay attention to "values" and "psychology," which are important in implementing technologies.
2021年8月12日に開催されたゲーム研究の国際会議『Replaying Japan 2021』での発表資料です。
This is a document presented at Replaying Japan 2021, an international conference on games research, held on August 12, 2021.
This is the slide of the trial lesson "Sociology of Games" which was presented at Tohoku Gakuin University open campus on July 28, 2018.
Location-based games which use information technologies such as mobile device, GPS and AR attract a lot of attention in the world in 2016. In Finland, the researches about games which people play by moving in the physical world have been conducted. This presentation reports the projects of Tampere University Game Research Lab about these games based on interview and book research.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide the information about how to submit paper to call for book chapters and publish it. I introduce the actual case to stimulate the offering of Japanese game researches to the world.