Hiv mapoLearn EnglishHIV is a virus that causes AIDS by weakening a person's immune system. It is transmitted via bodily fluids from sexual contact, contaminated needles, or from mother to child. While some people show no early symptoms, others experience a brief flu-like illness within weeks. Over time, HIV destroys immune cells called CD4 cells, leaving the body vulnerable to infections and cancers that define AIDS. Antiretroviral treatment can suppress HIV and prolong life, but does not cure it. Risk is reduced by condom use, treatment of STDs, male circumcision, and use of sterile needles by drug users.
Countries and regions of the world m A to ZLearn EnglishThis document provides an alphabetical list of countries and territories of the world. It includes the official English and French names, as well as local names, and regions for each entry. Additional information is provided for each country profile including geography, maps, flags, history, culture, tourism, population, languages, capital and major cities, education, economy and more. The list spans from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and includes internationally recognized states as well as some dependent areas and disputed territories.
Personal branding Advisory-AnaMariaGavrila_2016Ana-Maria GavrilaThis document provides information about personal branding advisory services offered by Ana-Maria Gavrilă. She has 14 years of experience in public relations working for big consulting firms. Her services include personal branding audits, communication strategies, branding positioning, media relations, training in branding fundamentals, communication skills, and networking. She contributes articles to top business publications in Romania and provides personal branding advisory and training to corporate and entrepreneur communities.
Energy efficiencyMadhavi MahajanEnergy efficiency refers to reducing the amount of energy required to provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows it to use less energy for heating and cooling while maintaining a comfortable temperature. Using fluorescent or LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs reduces the energy needed for the same level of illumination. Modern appliances like refrigerators and washing machines also use significantly less energy than older models. Individual actions such as switching off unused lights and appliances, closing doors and windows while using AC, and choosing more efficient products can all help conserve electricity.
Holy river gangaMadhavi MahajanThe Ganges River originates in the Himalayas and flows south through India and into Bangladesh before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. It is over 2,500 km long, making it the longest river in India and second longest in the world. The Ganges basin supports a large population and highly productive agriculture. Over 400 million people depend on the Ganges for drinking water, bathing, irrigation, industry, and other needs. However, the river is also severely polluted from sewage and industrial waste from the many cities and towns along its banks.
We Can't Delay!boisejimThe document discusses the increasing pace of technological change and the need to integrate technology into classroom instruction. It argues that technology needs to be incorporated in a varied, frequent and relevant manner to match specific teaching and learning methods. While old integration strategies may not be bad, new strategies are also not necessarily good. The best approach is a combination of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. If engagement with technology starts today, it can help drive change in both learning and teaching practices.
World war IMadhavi MahajanWorld War I began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918. It resulted in almost 8 million deaths, with Russia experiencing the most at 1.7 million. Militarism, imperialism, nationalism, and alliances between European powers all contributed to the outbreak of the war. The war was the first to utilize advanced weapons and tactics on a massive scale across trenches along the Western Front. It ultimately redrew the map of Europe following hostilities.
Human systemMadhavi MahajanOur body contains many internal organs that work together in organ systems to carry out vital functions. There are two main types of organs - external organs that can be seen, and internal organs that cannot be seen and are protected by bones. The internal organs are grouped into organ systems like the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems to perform functions such as transporting blood, supplying oxygen, and breaking down food.