Hvað er Samspil 2018?menntamidjaUpplýsingar um markmið og fræðsluskipulag í Samspili 2018 - Fræðsluátaki um starfsþróun í þágu menntunar fyrir alla (sjá hér: http://samspil2018.menntamidja.is).
MA Professional Development Final PresentationjsawardThe document outlines an individual's professional development plan involving several video and film-related projects. It discusses plans to curate a film festival, lecture on film courses, create corporate videos for clients, and develop their own video production company called Brain Tree Films. The individual conducted research on logo design, website design, and social media marketing to help promote Brain Tree Films and attract new clients. The goal of these projects is to develop new skills, promote themselves professionally, and generate new revenue streams in the film industry.
#ISSS2015 Berlin - Gilbert et al - Understanding Systems Engineering Project ...International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS)http://www.isss2015berlin.com. The 59th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Berlin, Germany (2nd Aug - 7th Aug 2015)
Music ancillaryMorganbullockThe document discusses and compares the album covers, website designs, and promotional posters of four musical artists: Sara Bareilles, Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs, and Ella Henderson. It analyzes the color schemes, imagery, and styles used to create synergy across each artist's various marketing materials and establish a consistent house style. Elements like bright colors, symbolic images, and the artists' appearances are discussed in terms of how they might engage audiences and sell albums.
Amnis menu engEvgeniy IsaevThis document provides a treatment menu for Amnis SPA in Moscow, Russia. It lists various massage treatments ranging from 55-85 minutes and costing 11,500-16,500 RUB, including deep tissue, Swedish, pressure point, and hot stone massages. Facial treatments are also described from 55-85 minutes and costing 13,000-20,500 RUB, focusing on anti-aging, brightening, hydrating, and illuminating facials. Body treatments include scrubs from 55 minutes and costing 14,500 RUB to exfoliate and soften the skin. Multi-day and weekly anti-aging "cures" using various facial treatments are also outlined, costing 95
Litigation and Settlement Analytics - A Game Theoretic PerspectiveٳٱԳٴԲپ™SettlementAnalytics is a firm that uses quantitative economic models and game theory to provide litigation analytics and software to corporations involved in high-value legal disputes. Their models aim to address limitations of conventional decision theory approaches, which focus too heavily on trial outcomes and ignore the bilateral complexity of legal disputes. Game theory is better suited as it considers settlement bargaining as a two-person game. SettlementAnalytics has developed fully specified game theoretic models and automated software to extract more insight from litigation analysis while leveraging existing expert systems, with the goal of helping litigants make better settlement and risk assessment decisions.
Brisbane airport link & Canada LineAudrey MwalaThe document summarizes two case studies of public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects: the Brisbane Airport Link Tunnel in Australia and the Canada Line rapid transit project in Vancouver, Canada. The Brisbane project ran into financial difficulties due to overestimated traffic and high construction costs. The Canada Line was completed on time and within budget, with private financing and operation transferring construction and ridership risks from the public sector. Both projects demonstrate the potential benefits and challenges of the PPP model for major transportation infrastructure.
Reactive programming with cycle.jsluca mezzaliraThis document provides an overview of reactive programming and Cycle.js. It discusses reactive programming concepts like streams, cold and hot observables, and operators. It also covers architectural patterns like MVC, MVVM, Flux and MVI. Finally, it explains the core concepts and drivers of Cycle.js, which implements the MVI pattern and uses functional reactive programming principles for building user interfaces.
Bob Johnson: Change in the Resource Industry - An Opportunity for Innovation Melanie InnesPioneering the use of computer software for modelling resources in the mid-1970s began a journey of an innovation for Bob Johnson, who has continued to be at the forefront of extending unique solutions for the mining industry throughout his career. Founding Maptek in 1981 and continuing to provide highly regarded software and services across the mining execution value chain today, Bob shares his experience and views on innovation in a changing industry.
View video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgzq_I7aM4Q
Impact of quality human resource on health care providing industries-organiza...Muhammad Asif Khan AwanA comprehensive research report which has been prepared and submitted at Department of Public Administration on the partial fulfillment of MAS degree program. It describes that how the quality human resource put an impact of organization's overall performance and contribute for the attainment of organizational goals specifically in Health Care providing industries / organizations.
AMUL CASE STUDYChetankumar BanakarThis document provides an overview of Amul, an Indian dairy cooperative. It discusses Amul's business model of collecting milk from farmers and converting it into branded dairy products. Amul uses a low pricing strategy and distributes products across rural and urban India as well as internationally. It promotes its brands through advertisements and billboards. While Amul faces competition from companies like Britannia and Nestle in various dairy segments, it has grown to become the world's largest vegetarian cheese brand based on the cooperative business model developed in Anand, Gujarat.
Terminal 4, Changi airport SingaporeIMM Graduate School- Terminal 4 is a new terminal under construction at Changi International Airport in Singapore, with an expected completion date of 2017. It is expected to handle 16 million passengers annually and increase the airport's total capacity to 82 million passengers.
- The terminal is being built at a cost of $1.28 billion and will feature automated services, a central galleria, retail space, and transport links to connect to other terminals and parking areas. It is designed to process a large volume of passengers efficiently.
- Construction is led by a consortium of firms and is ongoing, with the terminal expected to be operational in 2017 to accommodate future growth in passenger traffic at Changi Airport.
Cybersecurity concepts & Defense best practisesWAJAHAT IQBALThis presentation is an attempt to present the complex Subject of Cybersecurity in a concise format with main focus to present the core of Cybersecurity and best practises and standards to protect an enterprise Network.Comments of readers welcomed.Thank You (Wajahat Iqbal)
Email: Wajahat_Iqbal@yahoo.com
Tom wrightVipin KaundalThis document provides biographical and professional information about British architect Tom Wright. It discusses that Wright was born in 1957 in London and studied architecture at Kingston University. His most notable design is the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, which he spent five years leading the design team to create. The document also lists and provides brief details about several other major projects Wright has worked on, including developments in Dubai, Bahrain, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Georgia, South Korea, and Cyprus.
Lifelong learningNicolle Ayala MercadoLifelong learning involves learning throughout one's life rather than limiting education to childhood or schooling. It began being promoted in the 1990s to help individuals adapt to rapid social changes. Lifelong learning can take various forms, including formal education through classes as well as informal learning from daily work and self-study. The benefits of lifelong learning include improving one's mind and self-esteem, creating better job opportunities, and allowing one to keep up with a constantly changing world. Techniques for becoming a lifelong learner include making a list of topics to learn about, spending time with intellectual people, dedicating time each day to learning new skills, and always carrying reading material.
Cyber Security: Protecting Today's Mission Critical Public Safety NetworksLRKimballL.R. Kimball public safety expert Kevin McGeary presented this presentation at the Western APCO Conference in Ontario, CA.
This presentation defines cyber security and protecting mission critical public safety systems with security assessments and developing a cyber security plan.
Veldisvaxandi tæknibreytingar og þekkingarþarfir kennara:Hvað þurfa kennarar...Tryggvi ThayerErindi flutt á Vorráðstefnu MSHA 2016: Snjallari saman.
Hvaða framtíð sjáum við fyrir skóla og skólastarf með tilliti til tækniþróunar? Hvernig geta/ættu kennarar og skólastjórnendur að bregðast við?
Hvernig nýtist Facebook í kennslu?Svava PétursdóttirSmiðja 13. september 2013 á Ráðstefnu um notkun upplýsingatækni í fullorðinsfræðslu http://namfullordinna.is/2013-radstefna-um-notkun-upplysingataekni-i-fullordinsfraedslu/
Torg sem vettvangur símenntunarSvava PétursdóttirTorg sem vettvangur símenntunar: Menntamiðja og torgin. Kynning á Lærdómssamfélagið, Samstarf og samræða allra skólastiga, Ráðstefna um menntavísindi, Akureyri 4. Október 2013 Svava Pétursdóttir
Nýdoktor Menntavísindasvið HÍ
verkefnastjóri Náttúrutorgs
Tryggvi Thayer, Þorbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir og Hanna Rún Eiríksdóttir
Torg sem vettvangur símenntunarSvava PétursdóttirTorg sem vettvangur símenntunar MenntaMiðja og Torgin
Erindi á: LÆRDÓMSSAMFÉLAGIÐ Samstarf og samræða allra skólastiga, Ráðstefna um menntavísindi - Akureyri, 4. október 2013
Meðhöfundar: Tryggvi Thayer, Þorbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir og Hanna Rún Eiríksdóttir
2013.11.08 samfelagsmidlar tungumalanamiSvava PétursdóttirSamfélagsmiðlar í kennslu- nokkrir möguleikar í tungumálanámi
Fræðslufundur Félags dönskukennara
8. nóvember 2013 í Háskólanum í Reykjavík
Viljum við stofna íslensk samtök á sviði fjarnáms og stafræns náms?University of IcelandErindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 29. september 2023.
Hér er verið að segja frá niðurstöðum úr fimm viðtölum við fjóra aðila á norðurlöndunum sem standa að samtökum um fjarnám og/eða stafræna kennslu og ein samtök á Íslandi sem hafa gengið vel.
Einnig sagt frá hugmyndafundi sem var í júní 2023 og niðurstöðum tveggja spurningakannana sem þátttakendur svöruðu og greiningu á hópavinnu í Mural um tilgang, áherslur og markhópa, einnig er mynd af orðaskýi þar sem þátttakendur nefndu þau lykilhugtök sem þeir vilja að komi fram í heiti samtakanna.
Niðurstaðan er að það er vilji til að stofna samtök um fjarnám og stafrænt nám á Íslandi, sem yrði vettvangur miðlunar og samstarfs.
Höfundar: Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir, Sólveig Jakobsdóttir og Hróbjartur Árnason
Litigation and Settlement Analytics - A Game Theoretic PerspectiveٳٱԳٴԲپ™SettlementAnalytics is a firm that uses quantitative economic models and game theory to provide litigation analytics and software to corporations involved in high-value legal disputes. Their models aim to address limitations of conventional decision theory approaches, which focus too heavily on trial outcomes and ignore the bilateral complexity of legal disputes. Game theory is better suited as it considers settlement bargaining as a two-person game. SettlementAnalytics has developed fully specified game theoretic models and automated software to extract more insight from litigation analysis while leveraging existing expert systems, with the goal of helping litigants make better settlement and risk assessment decisions.
Brisbane airport link & Canada LineAudrey MwalaThe document summarizes two case studies of public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects: the Brisbane Airport Link Tunnel in Australia and the Canada Line rapid transit project in Vancouver, Canada. The Brisbane project ran into financial difficulties due to overestimated traffic and high construction costs. The Canada Line was completed on time and within budget, with private financing and operation transferring construction and ridership risks from the public sector. Both projects demonstrate the potential benefits and challenges of the PPP model for major transportation infrastructure.
Reactive programming with cycle.jsluca mezzaliraThis document provides an overview of reactive programming and Cycle.js. It discusses reactive programming concepts like streams, cold and hot observables, and operators. It also covers architectural patterns like MVC, MVVM, Flux and MVI. Finally, it explains the core concepts and drivers of Cycle.js, which implements the MVI pattern and uses functional reactive programming principles for building user interfaces.
Bob Johnson: Change in the Resource Industry - An Opportunity for Innovation Melanie InnesPioneering the use of computer software for modelling resources in the mid-1970s began a journey of an innovation for Bob Johnson, who has continued to be at the forefront of extending unique solutions for the mining industry throughout his career. Founding Maptek in 1981 and continuing to provide highly regarded software and services across the mining execution value chain today, Bob shares his experience and views on innovation in a changing industry.
View video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgzq_I7aM4Q
Impact of quality human resource on health care providing industries-organiza...Muhammad Asif Khan AwanA comprehensive research report which has been prepared and submitted at Department of Public Administration on the partial fulfillment of MAS degree program. It describes that how the quality human resource put an impact of organization's overall performance and contribute for the attainment of organizational goals specifically in Health Care providing industries / organizations.
AMUL CASE STUDYChetankumar BanakarThis document provides an overview of Amul, an Indian dairy cooperative. It discusses Amul's business model of collecting milk from farmers and converting it into branded dairy products. Amul uses a low pricing strategy and distributes products across rural and urban India as well as internationally. It promotes its brands through advertisements and billboards. While Amul faces competition from companies like Britannia and Nestle in various dairy segments, it has grown to become the world's largest vegetarian cheese brand based on the cooperative business model developed in Anand, Gujarat.
Terminal 4, Changi airport SingaporeIMM Graduate School- Terminal 4 is a new terminal under construction at Changi International Airport in Singapore, with an expected completion date of 2017. It is expected to handle 16 million passengers annually and increase the airport's total capacity to 82 million passengers.
- The terminal is being built at a cost of $1.28 billion and will feature automated services, a central galleria, retail space, and transport links to connect to other terminals and parking areas. It is designed to process a large volume of passengers efficiently.
- Construction is led by a consortium of firms and is ongoing, with the terminal expected to be operational in 2017 to accommodate future growth in passenger traffic at Changi Airport.
Cybersecurity concepts & Defense best practisesWAJAHAT IQBALThis presentation is an attempt to present the complex Subject of Cybersecurity in a concise format with main focus to present the core of Cybersecurity and best practises and standards to protect an enterprise Network.Comments of readers welcomed.Thank You (Wajahat Iqbal)
Email: Wajahat_Iqbal@yahoo.com
Tom wrightVipin KaundalThis document provides biographical and professional information about British architect Tom Wright. It discusses that Wright was born in 1957 in London and studied architecture at Kingston University. His most notable design is the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, which he spent five years leading the design team to create. The document also lists and provides brief details about several other major projects Wright has worked on, including developments in Dubai, Bahrain, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Georgia, South Korea, and Cyprus.
Lifelong learningNicolle Ayala MercadoLifelong learning involves learning throughout one's life rather than limiting education to childhood or schooling. It began being promoted in the 1990s to help individuals adapt to rapid social changes. Lifelong learning can take various forms, including formal education through classes as well as informal learning from daily work and self-study. The benefits of lifelong learning include improving one's mind and self-esteem, creating better job opportunities, and allowing one to keep up with a constantly changing world. Techniques for becoming a lifelong learner include making a list of topics to learn about, spending time with intellectual people, dedicating time each day to learning new skills, and always carrying reading material.
Cyber Security: Protecting Today's Mission Critical Public Safety NetworksLRKimballL.R. Kimball public safety expert Kevin McGeary presented this presentation at the Western APCO Conference in Ontario, CA.
This presentation defines cyber security and protecting mission critical public safety systems with security assessments and developing a cyber security plan.
Veldisvaxandi tæknibreytingar og þekkingarþarfir kennara:Hvað þurfa kennarar...Tryggvi ThayerErindi flutt á Vorráðstefnu MSHA 2016: Snjallari saman.
Hvaða framtíð sjáum við fyrir skóla og skólastarf með tilliti til tækniþróunar? Hvernig geta/ættu kennarar og skólastjórnendur að bregðast við?
Hvernig nýtist Facebook í kennslu?Svava PétursdóttirSmiðja 13. september 2013 á Ráðstefnu um notkun upplýsingatækni í fullorðinsfræðslu http://namfullordinna.is/2013-radstefna-um-notkun-upplysingataekni-i-fullordinsfraedslu/
Torg sem vettvangur símenntunarSvava PétursdóttirTorg sem vettvangur símenntunar: Menntamiðja og torgin. Kynning á Lærdómssamfélagið, Samstarf og samræða allra skólastiga, Ráðstefna um menntavísindi, Akureyri 4. Október 2013 Svava Pétursdóttir
Nýdoktor Menntavísindasvið HÍ
verkefnastjóri Náttúrutorgs
Tryggvi Thayer, Þorbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir og Hanna Rún Eiríksdóttir
Torg sem vettvangur símenntunarSvava PétursdóttirTorg sem vettvangur símenntunar MenntaMiðja og Torgin
Erindi á: LÆRDÓMSSAMFÉLAGIÐ Samstarf og samræða allra skólastiga, Ráðstefna um menntavísindi - Akureyri, 4. október 2013
Meðhöfundar: Tryggvi Thayer, Þorbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir og Hanna Rún Eiríksdóttir
2013.11.08 samfelagsmidlar tungumalanamiSvava PétursdóttirSamfélagsmiðlar í kennslu- nokkrir möguleikar í tungumálanámi
Fræðslufundur Félags dönskukennara
8. nóvember 2013 í Háskólanum í Reykjavík
Viljum við stofna íslensk samtök á sviði fjarnáms og stafræns náms?University of IcelandErindi á ráðstefnunni Menntakvika 29. september 2023.
Hér er verið að segja frá niðurstöðum úr fimm viðtölum við fjóra aðila á norðurlöndunum sem standa að samtökum um fjarnám og/eða stafræna kennslu og ein samtök á Íslandi sem hafa gengið vel.
Einnig sagt frá hugmyndafundi sem var í júní 2023 og niðurstöðum tveggja spurningakannana sem þátttakendur svöruðu og greiningu á hópavinnu í Mural um tilgang, áherslur og markhópa, einnig er mynd af orðaskýi þar sem þátttakendur nefndu þau lykilhugtök sem þeir vilja að komi fram í heiti samtakanna.
Niðurstaðan er að það er vilji til að stofna samtök um fjarnám og stafrænt nám á Íslandi, sem yrði vettvangur miðlunar og samstarfs.
Höfundar: Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir, Sólveig Jakobsdóttir og Hróbjartur Árnason
Ný MenntagáttUniversity of IcelandNý Menntagátt.
Námskeið fyrir vefstjóra framhaldsskóla og háskóla 11 október 2012.
Höfundur: Sigurbjörg Jóhannesdóttir
Ipad – og hvað svo.Svava PétursdóttirGlærur (1) frá námskeiði fyrir skóla í Reykjanesbæ þar sem nemendur voru að fá iPad. Fjallað var um hvaða hlutverki tæknin gæti gegnt í námi og kennslu út frá ýmsum sjónarhornum.
#menntaspjall: Hópumræður á Twitter til að styðja við starfsþróun og símenntu...Tryggvi ThayerErindi flutt á vorráðstefnu Miðstöðvar skólaþróunar við HA apríl, 2014. Lýsing á rannsókn byggð á tilfallandi gögnum sem verða til í #menntaspjall, umræðuvettvangur skólafólks á Twitter.
Tryggvi Thayer - Framtíðafræði: Hvað og til hvers?Tryggvi ThayerGlærur sem ég nota í almenna umfjöllun um hvað framtíðafræði eru og til hvers þau eru.
Educational innovation at the School of EducationTryggvi ThayerPresentation about some of the ways that the University of Iceland's School of Education is addressing needs for educational innovation.
Menntarannsóknir og framtíð menntunar:Framsýni og framtíðalæsi ímenntasamfé...Tryggvi ThayerErindi flutt á afmælismálþingi Félags um menntarannsóknir. Fjallað er um framtíðalæsi í tengslum við menntarannsóknir.
Learning spaces and the future of learningTryggvi ThayerThis document discusses how learning spaces are changing due to the blurring line between the physical and digital. It introduces the concepts of "striated space" which is structured and limited, versus "smooth space" which is open and allows free movement, perception and action. Modern technology has a smoothing effect by allowing connectivity and access to vast resources. The document argues learning spaces should be designed to accommodate multiple overlapping smooth spaces by providing ubiquitous technology and maintaining connectivity to facilitate flexible functional realities that are conducive to learning.
Snillismiðjur og makerý:Að skapa framtíðTryggvi ThayerGlærur fyrir kennslu í LVG206M "Að vera í takt við tímann…” Snjalltækni í skapandi námi, Mars 2020.
Citizenship, democracy and educationTryggvi ThayerDelivered at eTwinning Nordic Seminar on democratic participation and education in Iceland, November 2019.
Framtíð Menntunar - Kennslustund í MEN501G H2019Tryggvi ThayerGlærur með kennslustund Tryggva Thayer um framtíð menntunar fyrir námskeiðið Rannsóknir og vettvangur í uppeldis- og menntunarfræðum.
Skólar og skólahald í vísindaskáldskapTryggvi ThayerErindi á nýnemakynningu á menntavísindasviði HÍ. Umfjöllun um birtingamyndir skóla í vísindaskáldskap byggt á nokkrum af dæmum sem ég hef safnað síðustu 15 ár.
Samspil2018: Samfélagsleg nýsköpun í skólastarfiTryggvi ThayerStutt innlegg um samfélagslega nýsköpun til að undirbúa þátttakendur í Samspili 2018 fyrir vefmálstofu.
Tækniþróun og framtíð menntunar: Hvað er að gerast, hvernig vitum við og hvað...Tryggvi ThayerGlærur úr tíma í UT í menntun, Menntavísindasvið HÍ, 29. okt, 2018
International Comparative AssessmentsTryggvi ThayerThis document discusses international comparative surveys (ICS) of education systems. ICS projects aim to provide comparable data on education across countries to encourage reflection and improvement. They are used to gauge national education systems and identify best practices. However, some argue ICS have led countries to adopt standardized testing and corporate management models through the global education reform movement. While ICS increase awareness of other systems, they may also disrupt efforts to develop education that cultivates creativity and well-being.
Samnor - Starfsmenntun framhaldsskóla á NorðurlandiTryggvi ThayerGlærur með innleggi mínu fyrir vinnustofu með Ingva Hrannari Ómarssyni á Akureyri apríl 2018.
Megatrends and the forward-looking leaderTryggvi ThayerThis document summarizes a presentation about megatrends, forward-looking leadership, and futures thinking. It discusses analyzing forces driving change through lenses like technology, social trends, and environment. It also covers identifying megatrends, using tools like futures wheels and scenarios to explore impacts and possibilities. The presentation aims to provide an overview of futures methodologies and leadership strategies for addressing long-term needs.
2. Samspil 2015
Markmið verkefnisins er að stuðla að aukinni þekkingu, umræðu og
notkun á UT í námi og kennslu með námskeiðahaldi og eflingu
starfssamfélaga á netinu sem vettvang fyrir áframhaldandi samskipti,
samstarf og starfsþróun skólafólks. Þátttakendur kynnast
tækninýjungum og kennsluaðferðum, læra að nota vefmiðla til
eigin starfsþróunnar, t.d. vefsvæði torga, Facebook-hópa,
#menntaspjall á Twitter, YouTube og fleira.
3. Markhópur
Kennarar á öllum skólastigum á öllu landinu:
Jafnt reyndir sem óreyndir
Reynsluboltar efla starfssamfélög
4. Sambland af MOOC & CoP
MOOC (massive open online course):
Ótakmarkaður fjöldi þátttakenda
Hver sem er getur verið með/hefur aðgang að námsefni
Fer fram alfarið á netinu
CoP (community of practice):
Tengt raunverulegu starfsumhverfi þátttakenda
Hlutverk einstaklinga í samfélaginu í sviðsljósinu
Nám fer fram á neti og í raunheimum
5. En hvað eigum við að kenna?
•Horfum til framtíðar:
– Óvissa einkennandi fyrir framtíðina
– Þekking og hæfni úreldist fljótar en við getum kennt
– Örar breytingar kalla á örari viðbrögð
– Hvernig náum við til þeirra sem þurfa fræðslu þar sem
þeir eru?
– Hvernig komumst við framfyrir breytingarnar?
6. Nám til framtíðar
• Starfssamfélög:
– Nám fer fram með miðlun reynslu og upplýsinga milli starfsfélaga (í víðum skilningi).
• Starfssamfélög á netinu:
– Miðlun þekkingar og reynslu á samfélagsmiðlum.
– Dýnamískar upplýsingaveitur.
– Netaðgengi að gagnabönkum með efni sem nýtist til náms.
• Skapandi starfssamfélög á netinu:
– Starfssamfélög mótar skapandi sýn fyrir næstu skref.
–Starfssamfélög virk í mótun tækniveruleika nemenda, kennara og annars skólafólks.
9. Mánaðarleg þemu
Hver mánuður tengdur einu þema:
1. Febrúar: Góðar fyrirmyndir
2. Mars: Samvinna í skýjum
3. Apríl: Samfélagsmiðlar
4. Maí: Námsumsjón og námsmat
5. Ágúst: Sköpun, tjáning, miðlun, læsi, upptökur og
6. September: Rafrænt samstarf, eTwinning
7. Október: Forritun og leikjafræði
8. Nóvember: Sköpun, tjáning, miðlun, læsi í námssviðum
9. Desember: Námsefnisgerð, opið menntaefni og höfundaleyfi
10.Janúar: Framtíðin
11. Dæmi um viðbótarefni/viðburði
#menntaspjall á Twitter
˗ Annan hvern sunnudag
˗ Fjölbreytt umræðuefni
˗ Stýrt af sérfræðingum
˗ Ca. 3-4 á hverju misseri
˗ Þemabundin (samræmt við Samspil)
˗ Menntabúðir í nærumhverfi þátttakenda
12. Útkomur
Öflugt starfssamfélag kennara.
Vefurinn http://samspil.menntamidja.is.
Þekktir “hugsanaleiðtogar” í samfélaginu.
Aukin þekking á hegðun íslenskra
starfssamfélaga á samfélagsmiðlum.