Ammescafrancesca d'ammere con traduzione dal napoletano all'italianoTurismoanapoli
Prima ricetta inserita sul sito di Tutti i diritti di Antonio Florino che ringraziamo per aver permesso di utilizzare il suo materiale multimediale
This article provides 10 tips for things to try with the Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system, including setting up a trusted Bluetooth device, using the improved face lock feature, taking advantage of the always-listening voice commands, interacting with notifications on the lock screen, setting up priority notifications, customizing app notifications, preparing for guest access, pinning items to the screen, and beaming items to other devices. It also lists the top 10 best selling laptop models.
This article provides 10 tips for things to try with the Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system, including setting up a trusted Bluetooth device, using the improved face lock feature, taking advantage of the always-listening voice commands, interacting with notifications on the lock screen, setting up priority notifications, customizing app notifications, preparing for guest access, pinning items to the screen, and beaming items to other devices. It also lists the top 10 best selling laptop models.
It takes a campus: Embracing veterans through common reading programsJennifer Resor-Whicker
This document discusses a common reading program called "The Big Read" that was conducted across multiple campuses to discuss the issues faced by Vietnam veterans and current veterans. The program aimed to start a dialogue between veterans and civilians through readings, panels, films, and art exhibits focused on works like The Things They Carried. Several professors and students shared how engaging with veterans and the literature helped them better understand veterans' experiences and perspectives. The program organizers encountered obstacles like scheduling conflicts but found that partnerships across campus and the community helped connect students to veterans and their stories in meaningful ways. Data Science Meetup #2: Elasticsearch w
? Data Science Meetup #2:
Elasticsearch w ekosystemie Allegro
Andrzej Wis?owski, Pawe? Bobruk
Wyst?pienie z meetupu:
This document provides an overview of how to get started in data science from scratch. It introduces the OSEMN process for obtaining, scrubbing, exploring, modeling, and interpreting data. It discusses the types of machine learning problems including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. It also distinguishes between regression and classification problems in supervised learning, where regression predicts continuous values and classification predicts categorical labels. The document promotes using applied statistics and computation to automate data analysis.
El documento presenta 10 actividades sobre listas para la asignatura de Programaci¨®n Multimedia y Dispositivos M¨®viles. Cada actividad incluye instrucciones sobre el uso de listas y est¨¢ dise?ada para que los estudiantes practiquen y mejoren sus habilidades con este tipo de datos.
Implementing Archivematica, research data networkJisc RDM
This presentation discusses implementing Archivematica for preserving research data at the University of York and Hull. It covers background on the project, challenges implementing Archivematica, issues with identifying unknown file formats in research data, and future plans to move from proof of concept to production. The project tested pulling metadata from systems into Archivematica for ingest and explored packaging data for long-term preservation and access. A major challenge was the large number of unidentified file formats, which the project is addressing by developing new file format signatures.
Building a collaborative RDM community, research data networkJisc RDM
This document summarizes Dr. Marta Teperek's presentation on building a collaborative research data management (RDM) community. The presentation covered how not to start RDM services by mandating data sharing, and instead focusing on the benefits of sharing. It discussed Cambridge University's democratic approach to developing RDM services by empowering researchers, and the positive feedback received. Collaboration, open communication, and shaping services and policies with researchers were emphasized as key to success.
El documento trata sobre programaci¨®n multimedia y dispositivos m¨®viles. Consta de numerosas secciones tituladas "Actividad" seguidas de un n¨²mero, que van desde la 116 a la 143. Cada secci¨®n presenta el mismo encabezado repetido con informaci¨®n sobre el autor J.D. Cabrera.
10. ¡ adesso i gamberi sono privati dei ²µ³Ü²õ³¦¾±¡sono splendidi
11. ¡ credo che gli ingredienti siano molto semplici : 250 gr di panna,un barattolo di mayonese due cucchiaini di mostarda, uno schizzo di Worcester sauce ed un bicchiere da Kat Soup
24. ¡ mangiatene a piacimento,a riempirle penser¨¤ Tina(cuoca rifinita) ovviamente mia moglie¡ma sempre alla faccia di chi sappiamo noi¡
25. avrei voluto usare i gamberoni rossi ma mia moglie mi avrebbe ucciso dato l¡¯altissimo costo¡ ¡ provate anche voi,occorrono solo un po¡¯ di paziena e amore per i partecipanti al convivio¡ pignattara Tina elaborazione by Aflo [email_address]