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Lessons are boooring
Lets play a game
ONE     Huston, we have got a problem!

        What is a Startup

        1. Find problems
        2. Create teams
        3. Teams design solutions
        4. Teams explain their solutions
        Quest #1

        Competitive analysis

ONE                 Huston, we have got a problem!
TWO     I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
Quest #1 valuation

        Teams present competitive analysis

        Business Model Canvas

        Teams design their canvas
        Quest #2

        Business Model validation

TWO                    I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
THREE   It! Could! Work!
Quest #2 valuation

        Teams present BM validation

        Customer development

        Teams work on their canvas
        Quest #3

        Prepare and rehearse your pitch

THREE                  I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
FOUR    When the Going Gets Tough...
Quest #3 valuation

        Teams pitch their projects
        Teams talk about lesson learned

        A story by an Entrepreneur

FOUR                   When the Going Gets Tough...
During the lessons, you can get

      10 POINTS
for every meaninful contribution
Quests are the ultimate opportunity to win

          500 POINTS
          if you comple a quest

              + 200 POINTS
       if you present in 5 minutes

              + 100 POINTS
     if you are the best at presenting
Testimonial bonus

1.000 POINTS

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Gamified lessons about Business Model Canvas

  • 2. Lets play a game
  • 4. LEVEL ONE Huston, we have got a problem!
  • 5. Lecture What is a Startup Workgroup 1. Find problems 2. Create teams 3. Teams design solutions 4. Teams explain their solutions Quest #1 Competitive analysis LEVEL ONE Huston, we have got a problem!
  • 7. LEVEL TWO I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
  • 8. Quest #1 valuation Teams present competitive analysis Lecture Business Model Canvas Workgroup Teams design their canvas Quest #2 Business Model validation LEVEL TWO I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
  • 10. LEVEL THREE It! Could! Work!
  • 11. Quest #2 valuation Teams present BM validation Lecture Customer development Workgroup Teams work on their canvas Quest #3 Prepare and rehearse your pitch LEVEL THREE I'm Mr. Wolf. I solve problems!
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