Un Seminario pratico, che si pone nell’ottica di mostrare quanti nuovi sbocchi ci siano per lo psicologo che sceglie di lavorare nel mondo dell’anziano
XXIV Congresso CSeRMEG 26-27 ottobre 2012 STORIE DI (STRA)ORDINARIA DIAGNOSI La diagnosi in Medicina Generale tra codici Bianchi, Verdi, Gialli, Rossi - www.csermeg.it
Palermo unawareness of deficits in alzheimer’s disease role of the cingulate ...Sara Palermo
Unawareness of deficits is a symptom of Alzheimer's disease that can be observed even in the early stages of the disease. The frontal hypoperfusion associated with reduced awareness of deficits has led to suggestions of the existence of a hypofunctioning prefrontal pathway involving the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal lobe, anterior cingulate gyri and limbic structures. Since this network plays an important role in response inhibition competence and patients with Alzheimer's disease who are unaware of their deficits exhibit impaired performance in response inhibition tasks, we predicted a relationship between unawareness of deficits and cingulate hypofunctionality. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of 29 patients with Alzheimer's disease (15 aware and 14 unaware of their disturbances), rating unawareness according to the Awareness of Deficit Questionnaire-Dementia scale. The cognitive domain was investigated by means of a wide battery including tests on executive functioning, memory and language. Neuropsychiatric aspects were investigated using batteries on behavioural mood changes, such as apathy and disinhibition. Cingulate functionality was assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging, while patients performed a go/no-go task. In accordance with our hypotheses, unaware patients showed reduced task-sensitive activity in the right anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 24) and in the rostral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area 10). Unaware patients also showed reduced activity in the right post-central gyrus (Brodmann area 2), in the associative cortical areas such as the right parietotemporal-occipital junction (Brodmann area 39) and the left temporal gyrus (Brodmann areas 21 and 38), in the striatum and in the cerebellum. These findings suggest that the unawareness of deficits in early Alzheimer's disease is associated with reduced functional recruitment of the cingulofrontal and parietotemporal regions. Furthermore, in line with previous findings, we also found apathy and disinhibition to be prominent features of the first behavioural changes in unaware patients.
Un Seminario pratico, che si pone nell’ottica di mostrare quanti nuovi sbocchi ci siano per lo psicologo che sceglie di lavorare nel mondo dell’anziano
XXIV Congresso CSeRMEG 26-27 ottobre 2012 STORIE DI (STRA)ORDINARIA DIAGNOSI La diagnosi in Medicina Generale tra codici Bianchi, Verdi, Gialli, Rossi - www.csermeg.it
Palermo unawareness of deficits in alzheimer’s disease role of the cingulate ...Sara Palermo
Unawareness of deficits is a symptom of Alzheimer's disease that can be observed even in the early stages of the disease. The frontal hypoperfusion associated with reduced awareness of deficits has led to suggestions of the existence of a hypofunctioning prefrontal pathway involving the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal lobe, anterior cingulate gyri and limbic structures. Since this network plays an important role in response inhibition competence and patients with Alzheimer's disease who are unaware of their deficits exhibit impaired performance in response inhibition tasks, we predicted a relationship between unawareness of deficits and cingulate hypofunctionality. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of 29 patients with Alzheimer's disease (15 aware and 14 unaware of their disturbances), rating unawareness according to the Awareness of Deficit Questionnaire-Dementia scale. The cognitive domain was investigated by means of a wide battery including tests on executive functioning, memory and language. Neuropsychiatric aspects were investigated using batteries on behavioural mood changes, such as apathy and disinhibition. Cingulate functionality was assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging, while patients performed a go/no-go task. In accordance with our hypotheses, unaware patients showed reduced task-sensitive activity in the right anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 24) and in the rostral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area 10). Unaware patients also showed reduced activity in the right post-central gyrus (Brodmann area 2), in the associative cortical areas such as the right parietotemporal-occipital junction (Brodmann area 39) and the left temporal gyrus (Brodmann areas 21 and 38), in the striatum and in the cerebellum. These findings suggest that the unawareness of deficits in early Alzheimer's disease is associated with reduced functional recruitment of the cingulofrontal and parietotemporal regions. Furthermore, in line with previous findings, we also found apathy and disinhibition to be prominent features of the first behavioural changes in unaware patients.
L'immagine corporea nei casi difficiliEmanuel Mian
Intervento del Dr.Emanuel Mian,PhD al convegno Triveneto della Società Italiana per lo Studio sui DIsturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (SISDCA). Viene discusso del disturbo dell'immagine corporea nei pazienti difficili da trattare e quali possibilità diagnostiche e di intervento sono ora disponibili. Viene illustrato il Body Image Revealer e l'utilizzo di specchi particolari per l'esposizione guidata secondo la MBCT-Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. Il Dr.Mian è psicologo e dottore di Ricerca in Neuroscienze ed opera in Friuli Venezia Giulia ed in Lombardia presso l'Istituto Nazionale di Chirurgia dell'Obesità .
1. Cognizione (funzioni strumentali e funzioni esecutive)
2. Comportamento, tono dell’umore e sintomatologia neuropsichiatrica
3. Consapevolezza di malattia
Identificare l’impairment cognitivo;
Identificare la natura modulare o non-modulare dei deficit cognitivi;
Valorizzare le funzioni preservate su cui fondare la riabilitazione.
• Rapida e agevole somministrazione (eseguibile al letto del malato);
• Non affaticante per il paziente,
• Adeguata specificità (per lato emisferico e sede lesionale);