O documento discute os conceitos de realidade virtual, realidade aumentada e realidade mista. Apresenta as defini??es dessas tecnologias e descreve os principais dispositivos e produtos relacionados a cada uma delas. Também traz entrevistas com especialistas sobre as defini??es de realidade mista.
The document discusses key aspects of company law in India according to the Companies Act of 1956 including:
1) Types of companies such as public, private, government, holding, subsidiary and foreign companies.
2) Characteristics and legal requirements of forming different types of companies including minimum capital requirements, number of members, and reporting obligations.
3) Provisions around incorporation, conversion between public and private companies, and reporting obligations for government and foreign companies.
The document discusses the rights of shareholders in corporate governance. It outlines several key rights including:
- The right to attend annual general meetings and vote on major issues affecting the company.
- The right to transfer ownership of shares to other parties.
- The entitlement to receive dividends from company profits.
- The opportunity to inspect corporate books and records.
- The ability to sue directors for wrongful acts through shareholder class action or derivative lawsuits.
- Statutory rights provided under the Companies Act and OECD principles to protect shareholder interests and promote transparency and equitable treatment.
1. The document discusses various regulations under the SEBI Takeover Code regarding disclosure requirements and compliance obligations when acquiring shares or voting rights in an Indian listed company beyond certain thresholds.
2. It compares key terms and explains regulations around continual disclosures, event-based disclosures, and the requirement to make a public announcement when acquiring shares or voting rights beyond certain levels.
3. It addresses issues around claiming exemptions under the Takeover Code regulations, applicability of regulations to indirect acquisitions such as those through a scheme of arrangement, and factors to consider for investment decisions that may invoke the Takeover Code.
The document discusses the key characteristics and types of companies according to the Companies Act of 1956 in India. It defines a company as an association formed to carry out business with transferable shares owned by members. The key characteristics mentioned are that a company is an incorporated legal entity separate from its members, has perpetual existence, uses a common seal, and has delegated management. The types of companies are classified based on mode of incorporation, number of members, ownership, control and nationality.
Communication Devices, Inc.
Direct "console access" to network routers, firewalls, servers and other systems infrastructure. Connection OUTSIDE the main network bandwidth – via traditional phone circuits, cellular wireless services or secondary private/public IP networks. Power control as necessary to restart or reboot attached components. Security restrictions to prevent outsiders from entering network via an out-of-band connection
This document provides an overview of company law in Bangladesh, including a history of company acts, definitions, types of companies, and the process for forming and dissolving companies. It summarizes the key sections and schedules of the Companies Act of Bangladesh 1994, which governs companies. The document outlines the roles and powers of liquidators in winding up dissolved companies according to the Act. Recent amendments to the Act in 2020 are also briefly noted.
The document discusses the rights of shareholders in corporate governance. It outlines several key rights including:
- The right to attend annual general meetings and vote on major issues affecting the company.
- The right to transfer ownership of shares to other parties.
- The entitlement to receive dividends from company profits.
- The opportunity to inspect corporate books and records.
- The ability to sue directors for wrongful acts through shareholder class action or derivative lawsuits.
- Statutory rights provided under the Companies Act and OECD principles to protect shareholder interests and promote transparency and equitable treatment.
1. The document discusses various regulations under the SEBI Takeover Code regarding disclosure requirements and compliance obligations when acquiring shares or voting rights in an Indian listed company beyond certain thresholds.
2. It compares key terms and explains regulations around continual disclosures, event-based disclosures, and the requirement to make a public announcement when acquiring shares or voting rights beyond certain levels.
3. It addresses issues around claiming exemptions under the Takeover Code regulations, applicability of regulations to indirect acquisitions such as those through a scheme of arrangement, and factors to consider for investment decisions that may invoke the Takeover Code.
The document discusses the key characteristics and types of companies according to the Companies Act of 1956 in India. It defines a company as an association formed to carry out business with transferable shares owned by members. The key characteristics mentioned are that a company is an incorporated legal entity separate from its members, has perpetual existence, uses a common seal, and has delegated management. The types of companies are classified based on mode of incorporation, number of members, ownership, control and nationality.
Communication Devices, Inc.
Direct "console access" to network routers, firewalls, servers and other systems infrastructure. Connection OUTSIDE the main network bandwidth – via traditional phone circuits, cellular wireless services or secondary private/public IP networks. Power control as necessary to restart or reboot attached components. Security restrictions to prevent outsiders from entering network via an out-of-band connection
This document provides an overview of company law in Bangladesh, including a history of company acts, definitions, types of companies, and the process for forming and dissolving companies. It summarizes the key sections and schedules of the Companies Act of Bangladesh 1994, which governs companies. The document outlines the roles and powers of liquidators in winding up dissolved companies according to the Act. Recent amendments to the Act in 2020 are also briefly noted.
1) Affective computing aims to expand human emotional intelligence to machines by creating socially intelligent machines that can respond appropriately according to the situation and interlocutor.
2) There are two main approaches to modeling emotions in affective computing: discrete theories that identify basic emotions like Ekman's six emotions, and continuous theories that describe emotions along dimensions of arousal and valence.
3) Empath's goal is to recognize emotions from speech regardless of language, which presents challenges of combining speech processing with emotion recognition from voice cues alone. Empath is developing methods to extract pitch, intensity, and speech rate from voice samples to train models to classify emotions.
1. DMM uses Apache Spark for its recommendation system, analyzing user behavior data to provide personalized recommendations.
2. Spark enables real-time analysis through APIs while leveraging machine learning libraries like MLlib and tools like GraphX.
3. DMM discusses how it leverages various Spark features including Spark SQL, MLlib, GraphX, and integration with other technologies like Hive, Sqoop and databases.
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