Lekt炭ra sa p鱈邸e sama - autorky Anna Hrkov叩 a Darina Poliakov叩 a 転iaci - siedm叩ciDarina Poljak
Pr叩ca sa dostala do B叩zy vedomost鱈 pre uite直ov a 転iakov v Srbsku, na Konkurze Kreat鱈vnej 邸koly 2013/2014. Na tomto projekte pracovali 転iaci siedmeho ron鱈ka (nar. 2000./2001. roku) Z Mlad箪ch pokolen鱈 v Kovaici. akujeme na spolupr叩ci na邸ej riadite直ke 邸koly, novin叩rom RTV OK Kovaica, hercovi Miroslavovi 貼u転iovi, prof. M叩rii Kotv叩邸ovej-Jon叩邸ovej, odborn辿mu uite直ovi Pavlovi Tom叩邸ovi, kameramanovi Vladim鱈rovi Kucharikovi, sc辿nografke Mar鱈ne B鱈re邸ovej a rodiom.
Once Upon a Time - My Learning Activity for PIL Network Darina Poljak
I have described three lessons, that are in correlation with History (The First World War), Slovak Language (Slovak literature and writers in the period of the Eirst World War and their work) and Informatics and Computing (using the ICT). This work is uploaded as a movie on YouTube. Enjoy with us!
Many people think Private Cloud is all about technology. At Harbour MSP, we have been delivering Private Cloud solutions in our Data Centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore and Shanghai for years - and we beg to differ. Its about people, process, systems and security [amongst other things!].
Healthy lifestyle vs. modern lifestyle bacon the difference presentationDarina Poljak
This Learning activity is part of application for the Microsoft Educator Network .
It is oriented to research the connection between our nutrition and diseases of the blood circulation and digestive organs. Students explored how inadequate nutrition increases the diseases in their environment, of their friends, relatives, fellow citizens.
Rowan was an outstanding mentor for a group of 12-13 year old students for a week-long project. He managed the group exceptionally well, ensuring all students contributed and supporting those struggling. His enthusiasm motivated the students even when they grew tired. He communicated effectively with students and teachers, and presented the group's work confidently to parents. Throughout, Rowan worked independently and displayed excellent organization, time management, and interpersonal skills. He offered guidance to students and found creative solutions to problems with a flexible approach. His commitment, positivity, caring nature, and ability to complete tasks were exemplary.
121116 presentatie club van 25 - workshop Us consultingVanessa Bos-Steijn
Deze slides zijn gebruikt bij een kort workshop over conversie optimalisatie - de gele banaan.
Een speciale editie van de Club van 25 bij ons op kantoor. Samen met Y-Catcher hebben we een programma verzorgd.
G端ne Yolu Diyagram脹n脹n izilmesi ve I脹n脹m Miktar脹n脹n G旦lgeli/G旦lgesiz Durum...Seyit Y脹ld脹r脹m
Yenilenebilir enerji
Porfolio del curso Artes Gr叩ficas Digitales. Primera edici坦nnoeliacampos
Este documento presenta las producciones art鱈sticas digitales de maestros y alumnos de nivel inicial a 5属 de educaci坦n primaria en el curso "Artes Gr叩ficas Digitales". Incluye trabajos en TuxPaint y fotomontajes en Etoys y TuxPaint sobre tres m坦dulos: el arte y la educaci坦n, artes gr叩ficas digitales en publicidad, y realidad aumentada en educaci坦n con c坦digos QR. Se muestran m叩s de 40 producciones individuales y grupales que exploran diferentes tem叩ticas a trav辿s de la creaci坦n digital.
This workout consists of 4 exercises done in a circuit with 5 seconds of rest between each exercise. The circuit is repeated 24 times for a total time of 12 minutes. The 4 exercises are: 1) Low Jacks, 2) Bicycle, 3) Dancing Crab, and 4) Ninja Jump Tuck.
GEC "Community development through digital literacy" by Richard Close CEO Chr...Chrysalis Campaign, Inc.
Global Education Conference presentation 11-12 Copyright Richard C Close Chrysalis Campaign, Inc for more information http://globallearningframework.ning.com
This document outlines a 12-minute hotel room workout consisting of 12 exercises, each performed for 10 seconds with a 10 second rest between exercises. The workout includes bodyweight exercises like squats, pushups, and tricep leg lifts performed while holding a sandbag for added challenge.
Rowan was an outstanding mentor for a group of 12-13 year old students for a week-long project. He managed the group exceptionally well, ensuring all students contributed and supporting those struggling. His enthusiasm motivated the students even when they grew tired. He communicated effectively with students and teachers, and presented the group's work confidently to parents. Throughout, Rowan worked independently and displayed excellent organization, time management, and interpersonal skills. He offered guidance to students and found creative solutions to problems with a flexible approach. His commitment, positivity, caring nature, and ability to complete tasks were exemplary.
121116 presentatie club van 25 - workshop Us consultingVanessa Bos-Steijn
Deze slides zijn gebruikt bij een kort workshop over conversie optimalisatie - de gele banaan.
Een speciale editie van de Club van 25 bij ons op kantoor. Samen met Y-Catcher hebben we een programma verzorgd.
G端ne Yolu Diyagram脹n脹n izilmesi ve I脹n脹m Miktar脹n脹n G旦lgeli/G旦lgesiz Durum...Seyit Y脹ld脹r脹m
Yenilenebilir enerji
Porfolio del curso Artes Gr叩ficas Digitales. Primera edici坦nnoeliacampos
Este documento presenta las producciones art鱈sticas digitales de maestros y alumnos de nivel inicial a 5属 de educaci坦n primaria en el curso "Artes Gr叩ficas Digitales". Incluye trabajos en TuxPaint y fotomontajes en Etoys y TuxPaint sobre tres m坦dulos: el arte y la educaci坦n, artes gr叩ficas digitales en publicidad, y realidad aumentada en educaci坦n con c坦digos QR. Se muestran m叩s de 40 producciones individuales y grupales que exploran diferentes tem叩ticas a trav辿s de la creaci坦n digital.
This workout consists of 4 exercises done in a circuit with 5 seconds of rest between each exercise. The circuit is repeated 24 times for a total time of 12 minutes. The 4 exercises are: 1) Low Jacks, 2) Bicycle, 3) Dancing Crab, and 4) Ninja Jump Tuck.
GEC "Community development through digital literacy" by Richard Close CEO Chr...Chrysalis Campaign, Inc.
Global Education Conference presentation 11-12 Copyright Richard C Close Chrysalis Campaign, Inc for more information http://globallearningframework.ning.com
This document outlines a 12-minute hotel room workout consisting of 12 exercises, each performed for 10 seconds with a 10 second rest between exercises. The workout includes bodyweight exercises like squats, pushups, and tricep leg lifts performed while holding a sandbag for added challenge.
The document discusses the tradition of Slovak people in Serbia. It appears to be about a teacher named Darina Poljak who teaches ICT (information and communications technology) and has screenshots from her classroom. The document is very short with little context, but seems focused on Slovak cultural traditions and an ICT teacher in Serbia.
Prezentacija o Micro:bit-u, ureaju koji e vas inspirisati da istra転ujete, programirate, komunicirate, svirate, igrate se... Programabilni ureaj za osobe sa mno邸tvom ideja, koji se mo転e u velikoj meri koristiti kao nastavni materijal za kodiranje i za razvoj algoritamskog naina razmi邸ljanja.
Autorka: Nata邸a Majstrovi, O "Zmaj Jova Jovanovi", Ruma
Koautorka: Darina Poljak, O "Mlada pokolenja" Kovaica
The document discusses the binary numeric system which uses only two digits - 0 and 1. It shows how binary numbers are represented by combinations of 0s and 1s in place values of increasing powers of two from right to left. The value of each place is multiplied by the corresponding power of two. It also illustrates how powers of two increase exponentially from 1 to 1024 as the exponent increases from 0 to 10.
Learning for Life through STEM Primary school Kovacica, SerbiaDarina Poljak
The document describes a STEM week held from April 25-28, 2017 at Primary School Mlada pokolenja in Kovaica, Serbia. Students from 5th through 8th grade participated in competitions in STEM subjects using Kahoot! quizzes. The event was organized by Darina Poljak, a Scientix Ambassador from Serbia, and aimed to promote learning and discovery in science, technology, engineering, and math fields through hands-on experiments and interactive activities for students.
Lektira se pise sama - obavezno pogledati i dokumentarni i igrani film (linko...Darina Poljak
Rad koji je u邸ao u Bazu znanja Kreativne 邸kole 2013/2014 - inae na slovakom jeziku je u originalu (ovo je prevod). Autorke su Anna Hrkova, prof. slovakog jezika i Darina Poljak, prof. informatike. Obraena je filmska umetnost kroz realan svet - uenici su u RTV OK isprobali kako je to biti novinar, kamerman, voditelj, intervjuisali na邸eg poznatog glumca Miroslava 貼u転ia, spisateljicu dejih pripovetki i autorku teksta u itanci za 7.razred Mariju Kotva邸ovu Jona邸ovu i - snimili igrani i dokumentarni film kao glumci, monta転eri, snimatelji, re転iser, kostimograf...
Obratite pa転nju na:
- slajd br. 13 (linkovi na posetu RTV OK Kavaica, razgovor sa glumcem Miroslavom 貼u転iem, poseta kostimografu, kompozitoru-na邸em kolegi, piscu pripovetke-na邸oj koleginici...),
- slajd br.19 (link na IGRANI film),
- slajd br.20 (link na DOKUMENTARNI film) i
- slajd br. 22 (link na VESTI o projektu na vi邸e jezika sa press konferencije u 邸koli)