Take a trip into the history and future of systems engineering to better understand how we can improve the discipline.
Your host, Dr. Steve Dam, discusses where systems engineering came from and where it is going. He includes discussions on how:
- complexity has changed our methodology
- systems engineering languages have evolved
- technology improvements enable better systems engineering
Lexikografie und W?rterbuchbenutzungskompetenz: Eine Einf┨hrung f┨r Germanist...Jelena Kostic-Tomovic
Lexikografie als sprachwissenschaftliche Disziplin: praktische und theoretische Lexikografie, W?rterbuchforschung, W?rterbuchbenutzung. W?rterbuchbenutzungskompetenz
Texttsorten: Definition, und Typologie. Textsorten im Wandel der Zeit. Sprach- und kulturspezifische Textsorten. Entwicklung der Textsortenkompetenz im produktiven und im rezeptiven Bereich
Marka Y?netimi Ve Marka Y?netim Stratejileri Hakk?nda Akademik Sunumdur. Marka tarihinden ba?layarak, marka konumland?rma, marka ki?ili?i olu?turma, marka y?netim s┨recini detayl?ca i?selle?tiren ve marka y?netiminin ?nemli de?i?kenleri ile beraber gelecekte bizi teknolojik olarak neler bekledi?ine dair detayl? bir ?al??ma olarak haz?rlanm??t?r.Marka y?netiminin gerek?eleri, nas?l ortaya ??kt??? ve marka y?netiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar incelenmi?tir. Alper ESK?KILI? Taraf?ndan haz?rlanm??t?r...
Texttsorten: Definition, und Typologie. Textsorten im Wandel der Zeit. Sprach- und kulturspezifische Textsorten. Entwicklung der Textsortenkompetenz im produktiven und im rezeptiven Bereich
Marka Y?netimi Ve Marka Y?netim Stratejileri Hakk?nda Akademik Sunumdur. Marka tarihinden ba?layarak, marka konumland?rma, marka ki?ili?i olu?turma, marka y?netim s┨recini detayl?ca i?selle?tiren ve marka y?netiminin ?nemli de?i?kenleri ile beraber gelecekte bizi teknolojik olarak neler bekledi?ine dair detayl? bir ?al??ma olarak haz?rlanm??t?r.Marka y?netiminin gerek?eleri, nas?l ortaya ??kt??? ve marka y?netiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar incelenmi?tir. Alper ESK?KILI? Taraf?ndan haz?rlanm??t?r...
Yeni ?? Geli?tirme K?lavuzu
Yeni ?? Geli?tirme (Y?G), kurulu?lar?n ola?an faaliyetlerinin d???nda kalan konulardaki f?rsatlar? de?erlendirmek amac? ile yap?lan ?al??malara verilen isimdir. Bu K?lavuz'da, Yeni ?? Geli?tirme s┨recinde kar??la??lan sorunlar?n ??z┨m┨nde yard?mc? olabilecek ?e?itli y?ntemlere yer verilmi?tir.
Yay?n Tarihi: Aral?k 2011
Istanbul Sanayi Odasi Kalite ve Teknoloji Ihtisas Kurulu
Sistem, aralar?nda ili?kiler bulunan ve belli bir amac? ger?ekle?tirmek ┨zere bir araya getirilmi? elemanlardan olu?an bir b┨t┨n ?eklinde tan?mlan?r. Her sistem daha b┨y┨k bir sistemin par?as?d?r. ?rne?in, bir montaj hatt? bir fabrikan?n, fabrika bir holdingin, holding bir sekt?r┨n alt sistemidir. B┨y┨kl┨?┨ ve cinsi ne olursa olsun her sistem ayn? zamanda herhangi bir ┨retim sistemi de be? temel elemandan olu?ur. Bunlar bir ┨retim sistemindeki girdiler, ┨retim prosesi, ??kt?lar, geri besleme ve ?evre elemanlar?d?r.
TUBITAK TEYDEB 1511 HIBE PROGRAM ?A?RILARI (?NCEL?KL? ALAN) 15 Eyl┨l 2014 g┨n┨, 4 sekt?r 14 konu ba?l???nda a??ld?. Hibe / Destek %60-%75, Proje B┨t?e S?n?r? 2 M - 10 M TL, Destek S┨resi: 24-48 ay
Proje B┨t?esinin %10 kadar genel gider deste?i vard?r.
Son Ba?vuru Tarihi: 19 Ocak 2015
An Assessment Model Study for Lean and Agile (Leagile) Index by Using Fuzzy AHPDr. Lutfi Apiliogullari
This document describes a study that develops an assessment model to evaluate companies on their level of implementing lean and agile principles and strategies. The study uses fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP) and decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methods to determine the important lean and agile criteria and their relationships. Lean and agile criteria are identified from literature and expert opinions. Fuzzy AHP is used to assign weights to the criteria. The model is applied to a company to calculate their initial lean/agile index. Improvements are then made and the index is recalculated to test the model. The goal is to help companies assess their situation regarding lean and agile implementation and identify areas for improvement.
The document discusses cost reduction strategies in the manufacturing industry. It identifies six main areas to focus on: marketing, new product introduction, strategic sourcing, manufacturing management, logistics network, and plan design source make deliver phases/functions. For each area, it provides actions that can be taken such as concurrent engineering, just-in-time purchasing, focusing on eliminating waste, and using lean tools like kaizen to increase productivity and quality. The overall strategies presented are aimed at reducing costs through greater efficiency, optimization of operations and processes, and strengthening supply chain relationships.
This document outlines strategies for cost reduction and an Industry 4.0 roadmap. It discusses operational excellence through techniques like Lean, Agile, and Six Sigma to improve productivity, quality, and efficiency. It also covers strategic sourcing best practices like selecting suppliers analytically rather than heuristically and adopting just-in-time purchasing. The document outlines production strategies for different product types and a hybrid model. It discusses operational efficiency methods including total productive maintenance (TPM), total quality management (TQM), standards, and skills development. Finally, it proposes a multi-phase roadmap to Industry 4.0 through standards, integration, advanced technologies, and change management.
The OpEx | Check-Up is an analysis platform developed through doctoral research that evaluates 6 factors and 21 sub-factors related to lean and agile manufacturing principles. It analyzes a company's current performance through 140 questions. The platform provides general evaluation, factor analysis, sub-factor analysis, and detailed analysis of specific areas like work place organization, JIT production, operational availability, product development, supply chain management, and management & organization.
The document outlines 7 principles for becoming a world class manufacturer: (1) each customer has different expectations, (2) forecasts are always wrong, (3) one size does not fit all, (4) supply chains compete rather than individual firms, and (5) communication is the lifeblood of organizations. It emphasizes that customers have varying expectations and that forecasts are unreliable, so manufacturers should adopt flexible strategies tailored to each customer rather than one-size-fits-all approaches.
The document discusses lean transformation and success. It outlines the goals of companies as revenue, profit, and cash flow. It then discusses lean concepts like Heijunka, Jidoka, TPM, flow, poka-yoke and various other lean tools. It shows how implementing these lean concepts through a pull system and standardization can increase profit from 3% to 10% by reducing costs like direct material costs, supply chain costs, and transformation costs. Finally, it discusses the business philosophy of continuous improvement through challenging oneself, genchi gembutsu, kaizen and teamwork to meet customer expectations.
Lean Ofis is an operational excellence solutions provider that helps clients improve productivity and flexibility in manufacturing. They offer three main services: 1) Lean transformations through implementing lean tools and creating strategic improvement plans. 2) Manufacturing system design including work stations, material handling systems, and visual management tools. 3) Lean innovative engineering such as designing poka-yoke machines, montage machines, and test machines. The goal is to help clients achieve operational excellence through lean practices and customized manufacturing solutions.
1. Tedarik Zinciri ve Sat?n Almada
Yal?n Y?netim Uygulamalar? ile
Maliyet Azalt?m?
^Firman?z de?il, tedarik zinciriniz rekabet ediyor. ̄
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar? / Y?netim Dan??man?
Nisan / 2017
We deliver result, not report!
2. 2
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
AjandaAjanda 1. OEE ve Sat?n Alma maliyetleri
2. Tedarik?inin Sat?n Alma maliyetlerine etkisi
3. Tedarik?i se?me
4. ?r┨n hayat e?risi ve tedarik?i se?imi
5. Tedarik?i geli?tirme
6. Toplam maliyet yakla??m?
7. Tam Zaman?nda Sat?n Alma
8. Erteleme stratejileri
9. Tedarik?i y?netimli envanter
10. D?? kaynak kullan?m?
11. Tedarik Zinciri Y?netiminin 7 prensibi
3. 3
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
Neyi Sat?n Al?yoruz ?
Sat?n Almaya ne kadar harc?yoruz ?
? Ham Madde
? Ta??ma / Depolama
? ???ilik / Enerji
? Amortisman
? Reklam / Promosyon
? .....
17. Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
Min LevelMin Level
Min LevelMin Level
Ham Madde
Bitmi? ?r┨n
Immediate Response
Shorter LEAD Time
Immediate Response
Shorter LEAD Time
Immediate Response
Shorter LEAD Time
Immediate Response
Shorter LEAD Time? Shortest Lead time between customer order and shipment
? Standardized stock level and increased stock turn
Tam Zaman?nda Sat?n Alma
19. 19
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
Thomas Watson,
CEO / IBM (1943)
Gordon Moore,
Co-Founder / INTEL (1965)
^D┨nya¨da ancak be? adet bilgisayar i?in pazar
olabilir. ̄
^Teknoloji her on sekiz ayda kendini ikiye
katlamaktad?r. ̄
?retim Sistemlerinin Geli?imi
20. 20
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
? End┨stri tarihi a??s?ndan ilk ?nemli mihenk
ta?? olarak buhardan g┨? ┨retimi ile ba?layan
End┨stri devrimi g?sterilmektedir.
? ?nsanl?k makinele?meyi ??renmi?, g┨n┨m┨z
end┨strisinin temelleri at?lm??t?r.
End┨stri 1.0
?lk Mihenk Ta?? / Buhar G┨c┨
21. 21
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
? Ford seri ┨rerimde konvey?rlerin
kullan?lmaya ba?lanmas?,
End┨stri 2.0
? GE¨nin farkl? modeller ile pazarda yer
? Ford¨un tek modele endeksli, toplu ┨retim
yapma felsefesinin beklentilere cevap
veremez duruma gelmesi,
? GE¨nin farkl? modeller ile pazarda yer
? Ford¨un tek modele endeksli, toplu ┨retim
yapma felsefesinin beklentilere cevap
veremez duruma gelmesi,
?kinci S??rama: Henry Ford
22. 22
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
? ?retim sistemlerinde k?smi olarak PLC,
DCS gibi sistemler kullan?lmaya
? Bilgisayar destekli / kontroll┨ ┨retim
sistemlerinin geli?imi,
? ?retim eskiye oranla daha h?zl?, daha
kaliteli yap?larak standartlar geli?tirilmesi,
End┨stri 3.0
? Bu de?i?imin m┨?teri beklentilerini ve ┨r┨n
?e?itlili?ini art?rmas?,
? Piyasalara m┨?teri taraf?ndan
y?nlendirilmeye ba?lamas?,
? Bu de?i?imin m┨?teri beklentilerini ve ┨r┨n
?e?itlili?ini art?rmas?,
? Piyasalara m┨?teri taraf?ndan
y?nlendirilmeye ba?lamas?,
Elektronik ve Otomasyonda ?lerleme
26. 26
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
?retim Stratejileri
Ham MaddeTedarik?i
Yar? Mamul Bitmi? ?r┨n
MTS : Make to Stock
5L, Sar?
Lead Time: 0
Kanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban Sinyali
?r┨n Strateji (PDP)
MTS: Make to Stock
CTO: Configure to Order
MTO: Make to Order
ETO: Engineering to Order
27. 27
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
?retim Stratejileri
Ham MaddeTedarik?i
Yar? Mamul Bitmi? ?r┨n
CTO : Configure To Order
5L, Siyah
Lead Time: 1h
Kanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban SinyaliKanban Sinyali
?r┨n Strateji (PDP)
MTS: Make to Stock
CTO: Configure to Order
MTO: Make to Order
ETO: Engineering to Order
28. 28
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
?retim Stratejileri
Ham MaddeTedarik?i
Yar? Mamul Bitmi? ?r┨n
MTO : Make To Order
10L, Siyah
Lead Time: 2h
Kanban SinyaliKanban Sinyali
?r┨n Strateji (PDP)
MTS: Make to Stock
CTO: Configure to Order
MTO: Make to Order
ETO: Engineering to Order
29. 29
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
?retim Stratejileri
Ham MaddeTedarik?i
Yar? Mamul Bitmi? ?r┨n
MTO : Engineering To Order
20L, Siyah
Lead Time: 3h
?r┨n Strateji (PDP)
MTS: Make to Stock
CTO: Configure to Order
MTO: Make to Order
ETO: Engineering to Order
30. 30
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
Hibrid ModelPlanlama
Proses_1 Proses_2
Ham Madde
Ayr???m Noktas?
(Decoupling Point)
Bitmi? ?r┨n
End┨stri 4.0
? Dinamik Tedarik Zinciri (One size does not
fit all)
? Hibrid Model (Leagile Supply Chain)
Google ?a?? ve IoT
31. 31
?retim?retim MontajMontaj ?zel ?r┨n?zel ?r┨n
Ayr???m Noktas?
(Decoupling Point)
Yal?n (Lean)Yal?n (Lean) ?evik (Agile)?evik (Agile)
Fiyat: A + N
Komponent SM
Standart ?r┨nStandart ?r┨n Fiyat: A
A Grubu ┨r┨nler
Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
Dell: Hibrid Strateji ?rne?i
33. Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
D?? Kaynak Kullan?m?
+ Uzmanl??a odaklanma.
+ Kapasite / teknoloji ve uzman i? g┨c┨ne
daha kolay eri?im.
+ Finansal riskin payla??lmas?.
+ Pazara daha h?zl? giri?.
+ ?l?ek ekonomisi ve daha ucuza mal edi? !
+ Uzmanl??a odaklanma.
+ Kapasite / teknoloji ve uzman i? g┨c┨ne
daha kolay eri?im.
+ Finansal riskin payla??lmas?.
+ Pazara daha h?zl? giri?.
+ ?l?ek ekonomisi ve daha ucuza mal edi? !
? D?? kayna?a ba??ml? olma riski !
? Kritik bilgilerin ba?kalar? taraf?ndan
kullan?lmas? riski !
? Hedeflerin ?rt┨?memesi sebebi ile esnek
olamama riski !
? D?? kayna?a ba??ml? olma riski !
? Kritik bilgilerin ba?kalar? taraf?ndan
kullan?lmas? riski !
? Hedeflerin ?rt┨?memesi sebebi ile esnek
olamama riski !
?% 30 i?eride
? ?? trim %35
? Motor blo?u %100
?%70 d?? kaynak
? Mod┨ler ve basit komponentler % 100
?% 30 i?eride
? ?? trim %35
? Motor blo?u %100
?%70 d?? kaynak
? Mod┨ler ve basit komponentler % 100
35. Dr. L┨tfi Apilio?ullar?
KaliteKalite Teslima
tMaliyetMaliyetH?zH?z EsneklikEsneklik
Tedarik?i Se?me Kriterleri
Az Say?da
Tedarik?i Park?
?ekme Sistemi
Tedarik?i Geli?tirme
Yeni ?r┨n Geli?tirme
Talep Tahminleme
Kam?? Etkisi
Stok bilgileri
Etkin ?leti?im / Network
?? planlar?
Tasar?m bilgileri
Market / Trend
Stratejik Planlar
?ekme Sistemi