Preguntes resoltes Tema 6 El Franquisme (Català ) .
El Franquisme (1939-1975)
Conjunto de preguntas de selectividad contestadas por expertos en el tema. Estos apuntes han sido redactados para que el estudiante lo entienda todo. S ofrece apuntes de calidad a los alumnos de todo el territorio. Nuestros apuntes van dedicados a estudiantes de Bachillerato y Selectividad (EBAU, PAU).
The document discusses the political situation in Spain during the reign of Queen Isabel II from 1844 to 1854. This period was known as the "Moderate Decade" as it was dominated by the Moderate Party. The Moderate Party passed a new constitution in 1845 that restricted voting rights and increased the powers of the monarchy and the Catholic Church. However, this exclusion of other parties like the Progressives increased political tensions over the direction of the country.