This document discusses Metro Cash & Carry Russia's shift from product marketing to customer marketing. It outlines Metro's target group management strategy of creating individual business solutions for key customer groups like HoReCa, retail stores, offices, and services. The key components of these business solutions include customer segmentation and priorities, assortment building, pricing policies, and additional services. Communication approaches like mailings, catalogs, expos, and customer centers are also mentioned.
The document discusses why innovation has become a buzzword and how understanding cultural and social trends can help with innovation efforts. It argues that observing behaviors across different aspects of life can reveal patterns and opportunities for new products, services, and ideas. Understanding emerging behaviors like increased femininity among women has implications for many industries and can help companies better meet customer needs if interpreted correctly. The document encourages looking for signals in culture rather than relying solely on focus groups or existing product categories when developing innovative concepts.
Marketing Proposal for the event TEDxBITSGoa 2012. The presentation gives a detailed idea about the kinds of associations a company can expect with the event.
El documento proporciona informaci車n sobre c車mo llegar al IES Santander, incluyendo las opciones de llegar a pie, en coche, en bicicleta, autob迆s o tren, as赤 como invita a estudiar en este centro.
El documento proporciona informaci車n sobre c車mo llegar al IES Santander, incluyendo las opciones de llegar a pie, en coche, en bicicleta, en autob迆s o en tren, adem芍s de invitar a estudiar en este centro.
El documento proporciona informaci車n sobre el centro educativo IES Santander, incluyendo detalles sobre sus instalaciones y c車mo llegar al centro caminando, en coche, bicicleta, autob迆s o tren.
Wacklin marketing trends and digital marketingJulia Argunova
This document discusses digital marketing and provides recommendations for developing a digital marketing strategy. It covers trends in declining traditional media spending and growth in digital spending. The document also provides advice on developing strategies for owned, bought, and earned media and integrating digital marketing tactics like search, social media, and analytics into the planning, execution, and optimization of digital campaigns.