2009ko otsailaren 4an Kike Amonarrizek hitzaldi bat egin zuen Euskal Kulturgintzaren Transmisioa aditu tituluan, Mondragon Unibertsitatearen Huhezi fakultatean, Eskoriatzan. Hitzaldi hartan aurkezpen hau erabili zuen.
Living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)OMD EMEA
A presentation given to clients of Lynton Lasers. The talk focused on what it's like to live with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), particularly as it relates to excess hair and acne and how laser clinicians can help with PCOS clients
This document provides an overview of crowdfunding and the JOBS Act through a case study presentation. It discusses the different crowdfunding models including rewards, equity, lending, and donations. It also outlines how much individuals can invest through crowdfunding under the JOBS Act and highlights some popular crowdfunding platforms. The presentation profiles three successful crowdfunded projects and offers considerations and lessons learned for running a crowdfunding campaign.
The document discusses the radio broadcasting industry and opportunities for a new radio station called Fdub 99.9. It notes how online streaming and web 2.0 have influenced radio. The new station would target listeners aged 16-40 in the DFW area by playing a diverse mix of genres, promoting local events and artists, and providing relevant community information. Competitors are not meeting listener desires. Fdub 99.9 aims to fill this need and be successful through an interactive website and attentiveness to its target audience.
2009ko otsailaren 4an Kike Amonarrizek hitzaldi bat egin zuen Euskal Kulturgintzaren Transmisioa aditu tituluan, Mondragon Unibertsitatearen Huhezi fakultatean, Eskoriatzan. Hitzaldi hartan aurkezpen hau erabili zuen.
Living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)OMD EMEA
A presentation given to clients of Lynton Lasers. The talk focused on what it's like to live with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), particularly as it relates to excess hair and acne and how laser clinicians can help with PCOS clients
This document provides an overview of crowdfunding and the JOBS Act through a case study presentation. It discusses the different crowdfunding models including rewards, equity, lending, and donations. It also outlines how much individuals can invest through crowdfunding under the JOBS Act and highlights some popular crowdfunding platforms. The presentation profiles three successful crowdfunded projects and offers considerations and lessons learned for running a crowdfunding campaign.
The document discusses the radio broadcasting industry and opportunities for a new radio station called Fdub 99.9. It notes how online streaming and web 2.0 have influenced radio. The new station would target listeners aged 16-40 in the DFW area by playing a diverse mix of genres, promoting local events and artists, and providing relevant community information. Competitors are not meeting listener desires. Fdub 99.9 aims to fill this need and be successful through an interactive website and attentiveness to its target audience.
This document provides contact information for Recharge Studio, including their address in Indore, India, phone numbers, email address, and website. It also lists a contact person, Girish Kataria, and his mobile number and email for queries related to mobile content.
This document provides an overview of digital trends in Thailand for 2014. It notes that digital spending is increasing significantly each year and internet penetration is growing rapidly. Key trends discussed include the rise of social media and user-generated content, the shift to mobile platforms, growing importance of influencers and celebrities online, emphasis on health and fitness sharing, and Thais using social networks to contribute to social issues. The document also highlights expanding access to high-speed internet and the transition to new forms of communication like messaging apps replacing SMS.
The document provides an overview of how non-profits can use LinkedIn as a social media platform. It discusses LinkedIn's large professional user base and how non-profits can connect with potential experts, volunteers, donors, and younger audiences. It reviews LinkedIn basics like connections and profiles, terms of use, etiquette, applications, and mobile/web tools. The document also briefly discusses LinkedIn Pro features and concludes by emphasizing listening to audiences and learning through practice on social media.
Tweet, retweet, trending topic, hashtag, @mention Does this sound like a foreign language to you? Join Julia Campbell of J Campbell Social Marketing as she walks you through starting an account on Twitter and using the second most popular social network to grow your business and your network. She will cover the basics What is a follower? what is a hashtag? Who should you follow? What should you tweet? What is Twitter Etiquette? as well as detail the 10 things you need to do to succeed on Twitter. Social media management tools will also be discussed. Bring your questions!
The document provides information about director liability for non-profit corporations. It discusses the protections directors have, including limitations on personal liability for actions taken in good faith. However, directors are not protected for breaches of loyalty or intentional misconduct. The document also outlines the duties and responsibilities of nonprofit boards, including oversight of management, strategic planning, and compliance with legal obligations.
Living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)OMD EMEA
A presentation given to clients of Lynton Lasers. Presentation focused on what it's like to live with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), particularly with excess hair and acne and how laser clinicians can assist their PCOS patients
I単aki Iurrebaso Biteri EHU irakasleak ELA sindikatuak eta Manu Robles-Arangiz fundazioak 2023ko apirilaren 22an Bilbon antolatu zuen "Hezkuntza eta hizkuntza" jardunaldian eman zuen hitzaldian erabili zuen diapo aurkezpena.
Sei ardatz nagusi hizkuntzen osasun-egoera neurtzeko:
1.Testuinguru demolinguistikoakHizkuntza-gaitasuna, ahulgune garrantzitsu
2.Asko erabiltzen da euskara, dagoen hizkuntza-gaitasunerako
3.Hizkuntzarekiko jarrera eta motibazioa da gure indargune nagusia
4.Transmisio- eta sozializazio-prozesuek euskalduntzearen alde eragin dute azken hamarkadotan
5.Indartsuagoa da erdalduntzea euskalduntzea baino: Euskal Herrian bizitzeak batez beste erdaldundu egiten du
6.10 hiztunetatik 9 berezko dinamikak erdalduntzea indartzen duten testuinguruetan bizi dira. Eta arnasguneak ahultzen ari dira.
Euskara lehentasunetara ekarri beharra
Eskolaren ekarpena indartze bidean sei gogoeta:
1.Murgiltze eredua oinarri
2.Taldeen osaketa-irizpideak ikertu eta birplanteatu beharra
3.Erronka handi bat: ahozkotasuna eta adierazkortasuna gehiago lantzea
4.Soziolinguistikazko formazioa irakasleei eta ikasleei
5.Hizkuntzaz gain euskal kulturaren transmisioa landu. Euskara ezin da erakutsi atzerriko hizkuntza balitz bezala.
6.Eskolak bakarrik ezin du. Jauzi orokorrago baten baitan egin behar da aurrera.
2. SARRERA + KASUAHELBURUA:Euskara batuaren inguruan egindako lanaren helburua: Euskal Herrian euskara batuaren egoera ezagutu eta irakasle izango garenean gainditu beharko ditugun oztopoak aurreikusi.KASUA: Jokin aguraindarra da, 18 urterekin euskaltegian euskara ikasi zuen eta unibertsitatean euskaldundu da guztiz, hala ere, badu kezkatxo bat: ez dauka euskalkirik. Karrera bukatu duenean Baionako ikastolatik deitu diote 0-3 zikloan lan egiteko. Hara iritsi denean konturatu da umeetako askok ez dutela ongi ulertzen.
3. Euskararen bilakaera historian zehar eta gaur egun duen egoeraEuskara Batuaren sorrera Euskara Batuaren funtzioakEuskara batua eta euskalkien eremuakArabako euskaraLapurteraMARKO TEORIKOA
4. Koldo Zuazo idazleak sei esparru bereizten ditu:AISIALDIA:Eskola orduetatik kanpo euskalkia erabili daiteke.IRAKASKUNTZA:Koldo Zuazoren esanetan, garbi dago Euskara Batua eta euskara jasoa ikasteko dela eskola. LAN ARLOA:Kanpora begira egiten diren idazkietan: aurrekontuak, ordain agiriak, etab. , euskara jasoan egin behar dira, euskara batuan.HERRI HEDABIDEAK:Ahozko hedabideetan euskalki jasoa edo eskualdeko batua erabili beharko litzateke. Idatzizko hedabideetan ere biak erabili daitezke.ADMINISTRAZIOA:Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoko eta Nafarroako Foru Erkidegoko agirietan ezin da euskalkirik erabili. Herri administrazioan lanean jarduten dutenek eta herritarrekin ahozko harremana badute, adituak dio bertako edo herriko hizkera erabiltzea dela egokiena. Horrez gain, herriko agiriak bertako hizkera jasoan egitea izango litzateke komenigarria.LITERATURA:Ezin da muga handirik jarri; berdin erabili daiteke euskalkia zein euskara batua.EUSKARA BATUA ETA EUSKALKIEN EREMUAK
5. IKASLE-IRAKASLEEN ARTEAN: Helburua: Elkar ondo ulertzea, eroso eta gustura sentitzea.ONDORIOA:Haurrak haur hezkuntzatik hasi, euskara batuaren nozio batzuk jasotzen.
7. Ikasleek ez dute euskara batuaren ezagutzarik, Jokin irakaslea, egokitu behar da haurren euskalkira, lapurterara.
8. Jokinek tokian tokiko euskara batuko lexikoa ezagutu beharko luke, kasu honetan iparraldekoa(erran-esan, kantina-jantokia).MARKO PRAKTIKOA: EBAZPENA