Sex determination can occur through chromosomal, genetic, environmental, or hormonal mechanisms. Chromosomal sex determination involves differences in sex chromosomes between males and females, such as XX/XY systems. Genetic sex determination is controlled by genes rather than chromosomes. Environmental sex determination involves environmental factors like temperature determining sex after fertilization. Hormonal determination refers to the role of hormones in coordinating sex differentiation. Sex is defined by differences in gamete size and type, with females producing large immobile eggs and males producing numerous small motile sperm.
This document discusses preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which involves biopsy of a single cell from each embryo followed by genetic analysis to identify normal embryos for implantation. PGD is offered to couples at risk of passing on genetic disorders, chromosomal issues, or with recurrent pregnancy loss. The process involves ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo biopsy on day 3, genetic analysis, and embryo transfer. While mistakes can occur, studies show PGD results in similar delivery outcomes and malformation rates as ICSI. PGD effectively avoids birth of children with genetic defects but requires genetic counseling given technical limitations.
The chi-square test is used to determine if experimentally observed data fits expected results based on a hypothesis, like Mendel's laws of inheritance. A researcher calculates an expected and observed count for different offspring types. The chi-square formula sums the squared differences between observed and expected counts. A larger chi-square value means a poorer fit to the hypothesis. Researchers use chi-square tables to determine if a result is statistically significant or could reasonably occur by chance less than 5% of the time, in which case the hypothesis is not rejected.
The document discusses epigenetics, which is the study of changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence. An epigenome consists of molecular "switches" that turn genes on and off in response to environmental factors like diet, stress, and lifestyle choices. Experiments have found links between early life experiences like famine or smoking and health outcomes in later generations through epigenetic mechanisms. Scientists are researching epigenetics to develop new drugs that can manipulate epigenomes to treat diseases.
La pubertad precoz ocurre cuando los caracteres sexuales secundarios se desarrollan antes de los 8 a?os. Puede ser incompleta, con solo el desarrollo de los senos o vello, o completa, con maduraci¨®n de las funciones reproductivas. Generalmente es idiop¨¢tica pero a veces se debe a tumores o problemas en el sistema nervioso central. El diagn¨®stico incluye ex¨¢menes hormonales y de imagen. El tratamiento depende de la causa subyacente.
1) The document discusses a quiz competition hosted by quizmasters Yuvraj and Divyam on March 23rd, 2023 for the season 8 episode 5 competition.
2) It provides the rules for the first round which includes 12 questions that proceed in a clockwise direction and points that can be earned for correct answers.
3) Several questions are then presented about topics like famous people, movies, and memes along with the correct answers provided. Details include identifying characters, songs, and paintings based on clues.
This is the set of a cricket quiz, conducted by myself last year on December 3rd at Agarpara, kolkata. Previously I've uploaded the preliminary/elimination round's set. Here is the set of the final!!!
The document is an announcement for a National Science Day Quiz being presented by ANVESHA. It includes several multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style quiz questions about famous scientists and their discoveries throughout history. Some of the scientists featured include Archimedes, James Clerk Maxwell, Marie Curie, John Dalton, Malpighi, and Raman.
DNA fingerprinting is a technique used for identification by extracting and analyzing the base pair pattern of an individual's DNA. It involves isolating DNA from a sample, cutting the DNA into fragments using restriction enzymes, and comparing the fragment patterns on a gel to identify individuals. The main applications of DNA fingerprinting are in solving criminal cases by matching DNA evidence to suspects, diagnosing inherited diseases, and determining biological relationships in areas like paternity testing.
Sex determination can occur through chromosomal, hormonal, or environmental means. Chromosomal sex determination involves allosomes (sex chromosomes) like X and Y that determine if an offspring is male or female. In humans and fruit flies, females are XX and males are XY. The sperm determines sex as it carries either X or Y. Some insects like grasshoppers are XO, with females XX and males XO. Birds can be ZW female and ZZ male. The egg determines sex. Honeybee sex is determined by fertilization - fertilized eggs are female, unfertilized are male.
The document appears to be a quiz with multiple choice questions about various sports and sporting events. It includes 20 questions about cricket, football/soccer, tennis, Olympics, wrestling and other sports. It also provides the answers to the questions.
Mutations due to alterations in chromosome numberAftab Badshah
The document summarizes various types of chromosomal mutations that can occur due to alterations in chromosome number, including euploidy and aneuploidy. It describes specific conditions associated with gains or losses of individual chromosomes, such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Turner syndrome (XO), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). These chromosomal abnormalities can result in medical conditions affecting physical and cognitive development.
This document provides an overview of sex determination in humans and other organisms using the XX-XY system. It discusses that:
1) Sex determination involves the factors that determine whether an individual develops as male or female, while sex differentiation is the actual developmental processes leading to sex organs and secondary sex characteristics.
2) In humans and other mammals, females have two X chromosomes (XX) and are called the homogametic sex, while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY) and are called the heterogametic sex.
3) Fertilization determines sex, with an X-bearing sperm resulting in an XX female zygote and a Y-bearing sperm resulting in an XY
Gregor Mendel conducted experiments breeding pea plants and discovered the laws of inheritance. He found that hereditary factors, now known as genes, are inherited in pairs and segregate independently during gamete formation. These genes can be dominant or recessive, and their combinations in offspring follow predictable patterns. Mendel's work disproved the blending theory of heredity and established the particulate theory that genes remain distinct during inheritance. His findings formed the foundation of classical genetics.
Management of Nonobstructive Azoospermia Before Surgical Sperm RetrievalSandro Esteves
This document summarizes the management of non-obstructive azoospermia before attempting sperm retrieval. It discusses evaluating patients for obstructive vs. non-obstructive causes, predicting success of sperm retrieval based on medical history and examination findings, and potential interventions such as varicocele repair and hormone therapy to improve sperm production and increase likelihood of finding sperm.
Sex determination and differentiation.pptSudha Sudha
The document discusses genetic, endocrine and biochemical aspects of testis and ovarian differentiation and development. It begins by explaining that chromosomal sex determination as XY or XX is the first step, followed by sex determination committing the bipotential gonad to a testis or ovary. In males, testis determination occurs around 6 weeks gestation where Sertoli and Leydig cells form and secrete anti-Mullerian hormone and testosterone respectively. In females, ovarian determination occurs around 7 weeks where follicular cells form primordial follicles. Key genes involved in each pathway are also discussed.
This document appears to be a quiz with 25 questions about various topics. It provides the rules for a preliminary round with 25 multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions worth 10 points each, with the top 6 teams advancing to the finals. The finals involve carrying half the preliminary score over and additional questions.
This document discusses preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which involves biopsy of a single cell from each embryo followed by genetic analysis to identify normal embryos for implantation. PGD is offered to couples at risk of passing on genetic disorders, chromosomal issues, or with recurrent pregnancy loss. The process involves ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo biopsy on day 3, genetic analysis, and embryo transfer. While mistakes can occur, studies show PGD results in similar delivery outcomes and malformation rates as ICSI. PGD effectively avoids birth of children with genetic defects but requires genetic counseling given technical limitations.
The chi-square test is used to determine if experimentally observed data fits expected results based on a hypothesis, like Mendel's laws of inheritance. A researcher calculates an expected and observed count for different offspring types. The chi-square formula sums the squared differences between observed and expected counts. A larger chi-square value means a poorer fit to the hypothesis. Researchers use chi-square tables to determine if a result is statistically significant or could reasonably occur by chance less than 5% of the time, in which case the hypothesis is not rejected.
The document discusses epigenetics, which is the study of changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence. An epigenome consists of molecular "switches" that turn genes on and off in response to environmental factors like diet, stress, and lifestyle choices. Experiments have found links between early life experiences like famine or smoking and health outcomes in later generations through epigenetic mechanisms. Scientists are researching epigenetics to develop new drugs that can manipulate epigenomes to treat diseases.
La pubertad precoz ocurre cuando los caracteres sexuales secundarios se desarrollan antes de los 8 a?os. Puede ser incompleta, con solo el desarrollo de los senos o vello, o completa, con maduraci¨®n de las funciones reproductivas. Generalmente es idiop¨¢tica pero a veces se debe a tumores o problemas en el sistema nervioso central. El diagn¨®stico incluye ex¨¢menes hormonales y de imagen. El tratamiento depende de la causa subyacente.
1) The document discusses a quiz competition hosted by quizmasters Yuvraj and Divyam on March 23rd, 2023 for the season 8 episode 5 competition.
2) It provides the rules for the first round which includes 12 questions that proceed in a clockwise direction and points that can be earned for correct answers.
3) Several questions are then presented about topics like famous people, movies, and memes along with the correct answers provided. Details include identifying characters, songs, and paintings based on clues.
This is the set of a cricket quiz, conducted by myself last year on December 3rd at Agarpara, kolkata. Previously I've uploaded the preliminary/elimination round's set. Here is the set of the final!!!
The document is an announcement for a National Science Day Quiz being presented by ANVESHA. It includes several multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style quiz questions about famous scientists and their discoveries throughout history. Some of the scientists featured include Archimedes, James Clerk Maxwell, Marie Curie, John Dalton, Malpighi, and Raman.
DNA fingerprinting is a technique used for identification by extracting and analyzing the base pair pattern of an individual's DNA. It involves isolating DNA from a sample, cutting the DNA into fragments using restriction enzymes, and comparing the fragment patterns on a gel to identify individuals. The main applications of DNA fingerprinting are in solving criminal cases by matching DNA evidence to suspects, diagnosing inherited diseases, and determining biological relationships in areas like paternity testing.
Sex determination can occur through chromosomal, hormonal, or environmental means. Chromosomal sex determination involves allosomes (sex chromosomes) like X and Y that determine if an offspring is male or female. In humans and fruit flies, females are XX and males are XY. The sperm determines sex as it carries either X or Y. Some insects like grasshoppers are XO, with females XX and males XO. Birds can be ZW female and ZZ male. The egg determines sex. Honeybee sex is determined by fertilization - fertilized eggs are female, unfertilized are male.
The document appears to be a quiz with multiple choice questions about various sports and sporting events. It includes 20 questions about cricket, football/soccer, tennis, Olympics, wrestling and other sports. It also provides the answers to the questions.
Mutations due to alterations in chromosome numberAftab Badshah
The document summarizes various types of chromosomal mutations that can occur due to alterations in chromosome number, including euploidy and aneuploidy. It describes specific conditions associated with gains or losses of individual chromosomes, such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Turner syndrome (XO), Klinefelter syndrome (XXY), and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). These chromosomal abnormalities can result in medical conditions affecting physical and cognitive development.
This document provides an overview of sex determination in humans and other organisms using the XX-XY system. It discusses that:
1) Sex determination involves the factors that determine whether an individual develops as male or female, while sex differentiation is the actual developmental processes leading to sex organs and secondary sex characteristics.
2) In humans and other mammals, females have two X chromosomes (XX) and are called the homogametic sex, while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY) and are called the heterogametic sex.
3) Fertilization determines sex, with an X-bearing sperm resulting in an XX female zygote and a Y-bearing sperm resulting in an XY
Gregor Mendel conducted experiments breeding pea plants and discovered the laws of inheritance. He found that hereditary factors, now known as genes, are inherited in pairs and segregate independently during gamete formation. These genes can be dominant or recessive, and their combinations in offspring follow predictable patterns. Mendel's work disproved the blending theory of heredity and established the particulate theory that genes remain distinct during inheritance. His findings formed the foundation of classical genetics.
Management of Nonobstructive Azoospermia Before Surgical Sperm RetrievalSandro Esteves
This document summarizes the management of non-obstructive azoospermia before attempting sperm retrieval. It discusses evaluating patients for obstructive vs. non-obstructive causes, predicting success of sperm retrieval based on medical history and examination findings, and potential interventions such as varicocele repair and hormone therapy to improve sperm production and increase likelihood of finding sperm.
Sex determination and differentiation.pptSudha Sudha
The document discusses genetic, endocrine and biochemical aspects of testis and ovarian differentiation and development. It begins by explaining that chromosomal sex determination as XY or XX is the first step, followed by sex determination committing the bipotential gonad to a testis or ovary. In males, testis determination occurs around 6 weeks gestation where Sertoli and Leydig cells form and secrete anti-Mullerian hormone and testosterone respectively. In females, ovarian determination occurs around 7 weeks where follicular cells form primordial follicles. Key genes involved in each pathway are also discussed.
This document appears to be a quiz with 25 questions about various topics. It provides the rules for a preliminary round with 25 multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions worth 10 points each, with the top 6 teams advancing to the finals. The finals involve carrying half the preliminary score over and additional questions.
1. The document compares genetic and linguistic diversity in Europe and finds some correlations between the two.
2. Structural features of languages may provide a better basis for comparison than vocabulary. Principal component analysis of genetic and linguistic data show some similarities in clustering.
3. Recent population mixing can account for some inconsistencies between the genetic and linguistic patterns. Overall, geography, genetics, and language are interrelated but influenced by separate evolutionary processes over long time periods.
1. The document discusses three main questions regarding human evolutionary genetics: the debate between hybridization models vs. the Southern dispersal route out of Africa, the coevolution of cultural and biological diversity, and challenges to the persistence of racial paradigms given genomic data.
2. Regarding the first question, the author notes several problems with hybridization hypotheses and presents evidence supporting an earlier dispersal of modern humans out of Africa via a Southern route, avoiding contact with Neanderthals.
3. For the second question, the author reviews evidence that increases in brain size did not necessarily correlate with genes associated with cognitive functions, and that cultural and linguistic changes likely evolved in parallel with biological changes.
Perch¨¦ alle Olimpiadi le gare di sprint le vincono sempre atleti caraibici, le maratone gli africani dell'est, che per¨° nel nuoto non combinano niente? Non sar¨¤ che ci sono differenze razziali? La risposta, ancora una volta, ¨¨ no.
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¡¯Osservatorio sull¡¯information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della ¡°Open Education Week 2025¡±, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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11 genetica mendeliana
1. Capitolo 11
La genetica mendeliana
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
2. Domande 11
? Cosa potremmo dire della trasmissione ereditaria se
non sapessimo niente del DNA?
? Quali sono le regole formali della trasmissione
? Quali sono gli esperimenti che hanno portato a
postulare l¡¯esistenza di geni?
? (Due concetti semplici semplici di statistica)
? Come possiamo capire in che modo vengono
trasmessi ereditariamente i caratteri?
3. Pur senza avere conoscenze sulle basi molecolari
dell¡¯eredit¨¤, Gregor Mendel ¨¨ riuscito a descriverne
7. Incrocio
Figura 11.3
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
8. I sette caratteri considerati negli esperimenti di Mendel
Figura 11.4
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
9. Uniformit¨¤ degli ibridi di F1
Linea pura, carattere dominante, carattere recessivo
Figura 11.5
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
10. Progenie dell¡¯incrocio fra
piante a semi lisci e piante
a semi rugosi.
Nella F2 ricompare il fenotipo
segregazione degli alleli alla
meiosi (Prima legge di Mendel)
Figura 11.6
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
11. Alleli dominanti, alleli recessivi
Figura 11.7
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
12. Figura 11.8
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
13. Figura 11.9
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
14. Figura 11.10
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
20. Come
con un
Figura 11.11
Peter J Russell, Genetica ? 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A
21. Principi di calcolo della probabilit¨¤
P= n di eventi favorevoli
n totale di eventi
Qual ¨¨ la probabilit¨¤ che girando la ruota ci si fermi su:
un numero pari
un settore bianco
un numero pari e un settore bianco
un numero pari e un settore nero
un numero pari, sapendo che si ¨¨ su un settore nero
un numero pari, sapendo che si ¨¨ su un settore bianco?
22. Principi di calcolo della probabilit¨¤
Eventi indipendenti:
P(E1, E2) = P(E1) x P(E2)
Eventi mutuamente esclusivi:
P(E1 o E2) = P(E1) + P(E2)
31. A cosa serve la statistica
A riassumere tanti numeri con pochi numeri: Statistica
A decidere se un¡¯ipotesi ¨¨ o non ¨¨ compatibile coi dati:
Statistica decisionale ? test statistici
32. Test statistici: cosa serve
1. Un¡¯ipotesi nulla
2. Dei dati
3. Un criterio per giudicare
Tre ipotesi nulle:
Solo le donne studiano biologia a Ferrara
Il 70% degli studenti di Biologia a Ferrara sono donne
Gli studenti di Biologia a Ferrara sono in prevalenza donne
33. L¡¯ipotesi nulla va quantificata: frequenze
Solo le donne studiano biologia a Ferrara
F(D) = 1, F(U) = 0
Il 70% degli studenti di Biologia a Ferrara sono donne
F(D) = 0,7, F(U) = 0,3
Gli studenti di Biologia a Ferrara sono in prevalenza donne
F(D) ¡Ý 0,5, F(U) ¡Ü 0,5
Frequenze relative, frequenze assolute
34. L¡¯ipotesi nulla va verificata: frequenze
Sesso Natt Noss1 Noss2 Noss3 Noss4
F 35 35 33 30 20
M 15 15 17 20 30
Tot. 50 50 50 50 50
D 0 0 0 0
Il 70% degli studenti di Biologia a Ferrara sono donne
F(D) = 0,7, F(U) = 0,3
35. L¡¯ipotesi nulla va verificata: frequenze
osservate e chi-quadro
Sesso Natt Noss1 Noss2 Noss3 Noss4
F 35 35 33 30 20
M 15 15 17 20 30
Tot. 50 50 50 50 50
D 0 0 0 0
D2 0 8 50 450
¦¶2 = ¦² (foss ¨C fatt)2
36. Da cosa dipende il chi-quadro?
¦¶2 = ¦² (foss ¨C fatt)2
1. Dagli scarti fra valori osservati e attesi
2. Dal numero di addendi
Gradi di libert¨¤: n-1
50. Riassunto 10
?Anche non sapendo nulla del DNA, si possono derivare le
leggi dell¡¯eredit¨¤ attraverso incroci controllati
?Mendel definisce il gene come unit¨¤ funzionale dell¡¯eredit¨¤
?I rapporti numerici fra i discendenti di incroci controllati
indicano (1) che gli ibridi fra linee pure sono fenotipicamente
identici; (2) che gli alleli segregano alla formazione dei
gameti; (3) che la segregazione di geni diversi ¨¨
?Si pu¨° verificare se i rapporti numerici osservati in un
incrocio corrispondano o meno alle attese attraverso un chi-