El documento describe el proceso de traducci坦n de ARNm a prote鱈nas. Explica que el ADN se divide en genes que contienen instrucciones para formar prote鱈nas. El proceso de traducci坦n implica que tres bases de ARN (codones) codifican para un amino叩cido espec鱈fico. Niremberg y Matthaei descifraron que codones como UUU codifican fenilalanina y AAA codifican lisina. El c坦digo gen辿tico est叩 organizado en tripletes de bases y es universal entre organismos.
18 ge gene expression lecture presentationmahmood jassim
1. Gene expression in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is precisely regulated in response to environmental conditions through various mechanisms.
2. In bacteria, gene expression is often regulated at the level of transcription through operons. The trp and lac operons are examples of repressible and inducible operons, respectively.
3. In eukaryotes, gene expression is regulated at multiple stages including transcription, RNA processing, translation and protein degradation. Differential gene expression allows cells with identical genomes to have different phenotypes and is essential for cell specialization in multicellular organisms.
This document discusses the chromosomal basis of inheritance and genetic linkage. It begins by explaining how Mendel's theories of heredity were later connected to chromosomes and genes having specific loci. It then discusses several of Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies that provided evidence linking genes to chromosomes, including his discovery of sex-linked inheritance. The document outlines different systems of sex determination and inheritance patterns of sex-linked genes. It also explains how linkage affects inheritance and how genetic recombination through crossing over can produce new combinations of traits not seen in the parents.
Fine Structure of Gene- Biotechnology, Microbiology PPT DownloadEducation Bhaskar
Fine Structure of Gene- Biotechnology, Microbiology PPT, PDF
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History of gene
Definition of gene
Gene structure
Prokaryote gene
Eukaryote gene
Significance of introns.
Genetic variation occurs due to three processes during meiosis: 1) Independent assortment of chromosomes, which randomly distributes maternal and paternal chromosomes to gametes, resulting in 16 possible combinations. 2) Crossing over allows exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, generating recombinant chromosomes. 3) Random fertilization, where a single egg is fertilized by one of millions of possible sperm, combining the genetic variation from both parents. Together, these three sources maximize genetic diversity.
1. El genoma humano est叩 compuesto por aproximadamente 3200 millones de pares de bases de ADN organizados en 24 cromosomas que contienen entre 20,000 y 25,000 genes.
2. El ADN contiene la informaci坦n gen辿tica necesaria para la expresi坦n y regulaci坦n del proteoma humano a trav辿s de procesos como la transcripci坦n, traducci坦n y replicaci坦n del ADN.
3. Aproximadamente el 75% del genoma humano est叩 compuesto de ADN de copia 炭nica que contiene genes y regiones reguladoras, mientras que el 25
The document summarizes key concepts about gene expression and the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein. It discusses how genes specify proteins through transcription and translation. Transcription involves RNA polymerase making an RNA copy of a gene's sequence, while translation involves ribosomes using that RNA to assemble amino acids in the correct order to make a protein. The genetic code was cracked in the 1960s, revealing that codons of 3 nucleotide bases specify each amino acid. Gene expression is highly regulated and involves initiation, elongation, and termination of transcription by RNA polymerase.
Chromosomes contain an organism's genetic material in the form of DNA. DNA sequences store the information needed to produce proteins, segregate chromosomes during cell division, replicate chromosomes, and compact chromosomes to fit inside cells. Viruses contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, which varies in size and structure between viruses. Bacterial chromosomes are typically circular DNA molecules containing several thousand genes, while eukaryotic chromosomes are linear and contain more DNA organized into nucleosomes and higher-order structures to fit inside the cell nucleus.
Ch 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance veneethmathew
DNA is the genetic material that is faithfully replicated and passed from parents to offspring. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, which explained how DNA could store and replicate the instructions for making organisms. Their model showed that DNA consists of two strands coiled around each other, with nucleotides on the strands bonded together through base pairing with adenine bonding only to thymine and guanine only to cytosine. This allows each strand to serve as a template for duplicating the other, explaining DNA's role in inheritance and allowing organisms to pass genetic information between generations.
El documento describe el proceso de traducci坦n de ARNm a prote鱈nas. Explica que el ADN se divide en genes que contienen instrucciones para formar prote鱈nas. El proceso de traducci坦n implica que tres bases de ARN (codones) codifican para un amino叩cido espec鱈fico. Niremberg y Matthaei descifraron que codones como UUU codifican fenilalanina y AAA codifican lisina. El c坦digo gen辿tico est叩 organizado en tripletes de bases y es universal entre organismos.
18 ge gene expression lecture presentationmahmood jassim
1. Gene expression in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is precisely regulated in response to environmental conditions through various mechanisms.
2. In bacteria, gene expression is often regulated at the level of transcription through operons. The trp and lac operons are examples of repressible and inducible operons, respectively.
3. In eukaryotes, gene expression is regulated at multiple stages including transcription, RNA processing, translation and protein degradation. Differential gene expression allows cells with identical genomes to have different phenotypes and is essential for cell specialization in multicellular organisms.
This document discusses the chromosomal basis of inheritance and genetic linkage. It begins by explaining how Mendel's theories of heredity were later connected to chromosomes and genes having specific loci. It then discusses several of Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies that provided evidence linking genes to chromosomes, including his discovery of sex-linked inheritance. The document outlines different systems of sex determination and inheritance patterns of sex-linked genes. It also explains how linkage affects inheritance and how genetic recombination through crossing over can produce new combinations of traits not seen in the parents.
Fine Structure of Gene- Biotechnology, Microbiology PPT DownloadEducation Bhaskar
Fine Structure of Gene- Biotechnology, Microbiology PPT, PDF
Download the presentation
History of gene
Definition of gene
Gene structure
Prokaryote gene
Eukaryote gene
Significance of introns.
Genetic variation occurs due to three processes during meiosis: 1) Independent assortment of chromosomes, which randomly distributes maternal and paternal chromosomes to gametes, resulting in 16 possible combinations. 2) Crossing over allows exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, generating recombinant chromosomes. 3) Random fertilization, where a single egg is fertilized by one of millions of possible sperm, combining the genetic variation from both parents. Together, these three sources maximize genetic diversity.
1. El genoma humano est叩 compuesto por aproximadamente 3200 millones de pares de bases de ADN organizados en 24 cromosomas que contienen entre 20,000 y 25,000 genes.
2. El ADN contiene la informaci坦n gen辿tica necesaria para la expresi坦n y regulaci坦n del proteoma humano a trav辿s de procesos como la transcripci坦n, traducci坦n y replicaci坦n del ADN.
3. Aproximadamente el 75% del genoma humano est叩 compuesto de ADN de copia 炭nica que contiene genes y regiones reguladoras, mientras que el 25
The document summarizes key concepts about gene expression and the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein. It discusses how genes specify proteins through transcription and translation. Transcription involves RNA polymerase making an RNA copy of a gene's sequence, while translation involves ribosomes using that RNA to assemble amino acids in the correct order to make a protein. The genetic code was cracked in the 1960s, revealing that codons of 3 nucleotide bases specify each amino acid. Gene expression is highly regulated and involves initiation, elongation, and termination of transcription by RNA polymerase.
Chromosomes contain an organism's genetic material in the form of DNA. DNA sequences store the information needed to produce proteins, segregate chromosomes during cell division, replicate chromosomes, and compact chromosomes to fit inside cells. Viruses contain either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, which varies in size and structure between viruses. Bacterial chromosomes are typically circular DNA molecules containing several thousand genes, while eukaryotic chromosomes are linear and contain more DNA organized into nucleosomes and higher-order structures to fit inside the cell nucleus.
Ch 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance veneethmathew
DNA is the genetic material that is faithfully replicated and passed from parents to offspring. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, which explained how DNA could store and replicate the instructions for making organisms. Their model showed that DNA consists of two strands coiled around each other, with nucleotides on the strands bonded together through base pairing with adenine bonding only to thymine and guanine only to cytosine. This allows each strand to serve as a template for duplicating the other, explaining DNA's role in inheritance and allowing organisms to pass genetic information between generations.
1. The document compares genetic and linguistic diversity in Europe and finds some correlations between the two.
2. Structural features of languages may provide a better basis for comparison than vocabulary. Principal component analysis of genetic and linguistic data show some similarities in clustering.
3. Recent population mixing can account for some inconsistencies between the genetic and linguistic patterns. Overall, geography, genetics, and language are interrelated but influenced by separate evolutionary processes over long time periods.
1. The document discusses three main questions regarding human evolutionary genetics: the debate between hybridization models vs. the Southern dispersal route out of Africa, the coevolution of cultural and biological diversity, and challenges to the persistence of racial paradigms given genomic data.
2. Regarding the first question, the author notes several problems with hybridization hypotheses and presents evidence supporting an earlier dispersal of modern humans out of Africa via a Southern route, avoiding contact with Neanderthals.
3. For the second question, the author reviews evidence that increases in brain size did not necessarily correlate with genes associated with cognitive functions, and that cultural and linguistic changes likely evolved in parallel with biological changes.
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15 mappe genetiche procarioti
1. Capitolo 15 La genetica dei batteri e dei batteriofagi Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A http://web.unife.it/progetti/genetica/Guido/index.php?lng=it&p=4
2. Domande 14 In che modo si 竪 dimostrato che nei procarioti avviene ricombinazione? In che modo i procarioti possono scambiarsi materiale genetico? Com竪 fatta una mappa genetica in un procariote? Cosa determina la polarit sessuale nei batteri? Come intervengono i fagi nella ricombinazione batterica?
3. Figura 15.1 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Dove sta la variabilit intraspecifica necessaria per studiare la genetica dei batteri?
4. Mutanti nutrizionali Terreno minimo: una fonte di C organico, sali minerali Terreno completo: terreno minimo + vitamine, tutti i nucleotidi e tutti gli amminoacidi Prototrofo: ceppo capace di crescere su terreno minimo Auxotrofo: ceppo che per crescere richiede uno o pi湛 amminoacidi e proteine, in aggiunta al terreno minimo Es. di genotipo: gly + gua + ile - ade - Non ha bisogno di glicina e guanina, ma cresce solo in presenza di isoleucina e adenina
5. Conosciamo una forma di scambio genetico (sessualit) nei batteri: trasformazione Ceppi di pneumococco IIS trasformano ceppi IIIR
6. Figura 15.9 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Meccanismo della trasformazione (avviene naturalmente in Bacillus subtilis ) Formazione di un tratto di DNA eteroduplex
7. Figura 15.2 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Unaltra forma di sessualit nei batteri: coniugazione . Dimostrazione della ricombinazione in E. coli. Lederberg e Tatum (1946)
8. Figura 15.3 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Non compaiono cellule prototrofe: perch辿 avvenga la coniugazione 竪 necessario il contatto fisico fra i due ceppi
9. Fattore F, ceppi F + ed F - Un ceppo pu嘆 trasferire parte del suo DNA (ceppo donatore, F + ) se 竪 dotato di un plasmide: fattore F . I ceppi che ne sono privi sono ceppi accettori, F - .
10. Il fattore F contiene i geni per la formazione di un pilo . F + F -
15. Alcuni ceppi F + trasferiscono, insieme al fattore di sessualit, uno o pochi geni che possono dare luogo a ricombinazione F + lac + F + lac + F + lac + F - lac - F + lac + F - lac -
16. Figura 15.5 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Come viene trasferito il materiale genetico durante la coniugazione in E. coli I ceppi F + contengono un fattore F in forma di plasimidio, gli Hfr lo portano integrato nel cromosoma
17. Figura 15.6 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A La ricombinazione avviene se, occasionalmente, il fattore F ha incorporato per crossing-over alcuni dei geni del cromosoma del ceppo donatore: ceppi lfr , low frequency of recombination Qui: F(lac)
18. Altri ceppi F + trasferiscono molti geni che danno luogo a ricombinazione, generalmente senza che venga trasferito il fattore di sessualit F + trp + lac + F - trp - lac - F + trp + lac + F - trp - lac - F + trp + lac + F - trp + lac + Ceppi Hfr : High Frequency of Recombination
19. Ceppi in cui il fattore F 竪 integrato nel cromosoma sono ceppi Hfr (high frequency of recombination) Segue ricombinazione fra il cromosoma Hfr e quello F -
21. Nella coniugazione fra Hfr ed F-, il fattore F 竪 trasferito per ultimo Si pu嘆 utilizzare questa particolarit per la mappatura genetica
22. Ricapitolando: F - x F - Non c竪 coniugazione F + x F + Non c竪 coniugazione F + x F - Coniugazione, F - F + , ricombinazione rara Hfr x F - Coniugazione, a volte F - Hfr, ricombinazione frequente
23. Figura 15.7 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Mappatura del genoma procariote per mezzo di esperimenti di coniugazione interrotta Hfr u + y + z + Ab R x F - u - y - z - Ab S
24. Figura 15.8 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Costruzione della mappa (lunghezza totale in E. coli : 100 minuti) Secondo me, tutte queste frecce sono invertite
25. Figura 15.10 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Per costruire mappe genetiche si pu嘆 sfruttare anche la trasformazione, stimando le distanze fra loci dalle frequenze di cotrasformazione.
26. Ciclo dei batteriofagi o fagi I ceppi batterici sono soggetti a infezione da parte di specifici fagi: Per Escherichia coli : T2, T4, T6 e 了
32. Mappatura di geni in E. coli sulla base della frequenza di cotrasduzione Due loci vengono trasdotti insieme solo se sono molto vicini leu + thr + azi R leu thr azi S azi R , azi S = resistente o sensibile al sodio azide Selezione per Frequenza di cotrasduzione leu + thr + 0.02 azi R 0.50 thr + leu + 0.03 azi R 0.00 azi R leu + 0.48 thr + 0.00 thr leu azi
36. Mappe genetiche nei batteriofagi Il prato batterico lisi batterica strato batterico continuo
37. Figura 15.17 Peter J Russell, Genetica 息 2010 Pearson Italia S.p.A Fenotipi fagici: lisi rapida, lisi lenta r II r + Placca limpida, placca torbida h h + In un prato batterico con cellule di E. coli dei ceppi B e B/2, solo i virus di ceppo h riescono a lisarle entrambe, mentre gli h + possono infettare solo cellule di ceppo B
40. Stima della distanza fra due loci in fago T2: Doppia infezione di E. coli con diversi ceppi fagici Distanza fra loci = NR / (NR + NP) = N ( h + r + ) + N ( h r ) N ( h + r + ) + N ( h r ) + N ( h + r ) + N ( h r + )
41. Riassunto I batteri possono scambiarsi tratti di DNA tramite trasformazione, coniugazione e trasduzione Trasformazione e trasduzione non richiedono un contatto fra ceppi batterici vivi, la coniugazione s狸 La sessualit nella coniugazione 竪 determinata dalla presenza e dalla localizzazione di un fattore F Esperimenti di interruzione della coniugazione permettono di mappare genomi batterici La ricombinazione batterica pu嘆 anche essere mediata da batteriofagi: trasduzione generalizzata e specializzata Esperimenti in cui si infettano cellule batteriche con pi湛 ceppi di fago permettono di mappare genomi fagici