Technology commercialization in Latin AmericaJuan Ortega
The document discusses technology commercialization challenges and strategies in Latin America, with a focus on experiences in Medellin, Colombia. Some of the key challenges include a lack of intellectual property protection, limited collaboration between research institutions, and insufficient funding for proof-of-concept and product development. The document then outlines several experiences with commercializing technologies through university spin-offs, partnerships between companies and universities, and licensing agreements. It concludes by describing Medellin's technology commercialization strategy, which focuses on training, strategic alliances, commercializing research results, and attracting investment capital.
The WIN Network is a Detroit-based organization that aims to improve health outcomes for women and families. Some key facts:
- 362 pregnant women have enrolled in WIN's programs since September 2013, and 155 babies have been born with 0 infant deaths.
- WIN has provided healthcare equity trainings to 203 professionals and engaged over 600 non-pregnant women in its programs.
- WIN connects with the community through various social media platforms and events like the Real Moms of Detroit Expo.
Technology commercialization in Latin AmericaJuan Ortega
The document discusses technology commercialization challenges and strategies in Latin America, with a focus on experiences in Medellin, Colombia. Some of the key challenges include a lack of intellectual property protection, limited collaboration between research institutions, and insufficient funding for proof-of-concept and product development. The document then outlines several experiences with commercializing technologies through university spin-offs, partnerships between companies and universities, and licensing agreements. It concludes by describing Medellin's technology commercialization strategy, which focuses on training, strategic alliances, commercializing research results, and attracting investment capital.
The WIN Network is a Detroit-based organization that aims to improve health outcomes for women and families. Some key facts:
- 362 pregnant women have enrolled in WIN's programs since September 2013, and 155 babies have been born with 0 infant deaths.
- WIN has provided healthcare equity trainings to 203 professionals and engaged over 600 non-pregnant women in its programs.
- WIN connects with the community through various social media platforms and events like the Real Moms of Detroit Expo.
The Mbororo are a semi-nomadic ethnic group living in Central African Republic and Chad with a population of 15-18 million total. They follow a mix of Islam and traditional customs, practicing Muslim rituals along with wearing fetishes and charms for protection. Family, cattle, strong morals, and cultural traditions like poetry, singing, and dancing are very important to Mbororo culture. They farm crops at homesteads while younger family members herd cattle during parts of the year.
Cipd conference 2013 presentation by Helen Askey Orange PipHelen Askey PhD
The document discusses creating a coaching culture in organizations. It describes challenges in developing coaching skills among managers and establishing a coaching approach. Two case studies are presented: one of a company that trained managers in coaching skills, and another that incorporated coaching into a two-year leadership program. Key lessons from the cases include engaging senior leaders, managing the learning curve, and evaluating coaching success through metrics like 360 reviews and goal achievement. Sustaining a coaching culture requires ongoing support like supervision and continued education.
Checkbonus 竪 unapp per smartphone che rivoluziona il modello della raccolta punti, premiando gli utenti che entrano nei punti vendita. I brands e le catene che fanno parte del circuito Checkbonus hanno la possibilit di inserire i loro punti vendita e mettere a disposizione promozioni/omaggi/deals. Gli utenti che entrano nei punti vendita convenzionati guadagnano punti con i quali possono richiedere i premi messi a disposizione dai partners nei catalogo Checkbonus.
Gli ingressi allinterno dei punti vendita vengono verificati attraverso un dispositivo fisico che attiva lo smartphone degli utenti che hanno scaricato lapp. In questo modo i brands hanno la certezza che il potenziali acquirente e realmente allinterno del punto vendita.
Proposal usaha Pembesaran bibit ikan lele unggulBung HaFied
Proposal ini mengajukan rencana usaha pembesaran bibit ikan lele unggul jenis Sangkuriang. Usaha ini akan dikelola oleh dua mahasiswa Teknik Mesin dengan modal Rp4,4 juta untuk membesarkan bibit ikan lele di dua kolam selama 2,5 bulan. Bibit ikan akan dibesarkan hingga siap panen dengan harga jual Rp18.000/kg ke konsumen seperti rumah makan dan pedagang di pasar.
La differenza di CheckBonus rispetto ai loyalty programsCheck Bonus
CheckBonus l'app che aumenta pedonalit ed engagment negli store, sfrutta le logiche di raccolta punti e richiesta premi dei loyalty programs ma si differenza da essi in quanto premia non solo l'acquisto ma anche pedonalit, scoperta e interazione con i punti vendita. L'obiettivo di CheckBonus 竪 infatti quello di portare potenziali consumatori sulle aziende del circuito invitandoli a scoprire l'offerta merceologica delle insegne
Laporan ini membahas tentang praktikum mesin CNC di laboratorium. Laporan menjelaskan tentang sejarah, komponen, dan cara kerja mesin CNC serta beberapa contoh aplikasi praktikum yang telah dilakukan."
UV-visible spectroscopy involves measuring the amount of light absorbed by a molecule at different wavelengths in the UV and visible regions. There are two main regions - the UV region from 10-380nm and the visible region from 380-780nm. The technique works by exciting electrons from occupied to unoccupied orbitals when molecules absorb radiation. There are four main types of electronic transitions that can occur. Instruments like single beam and double beam spectrophotometers are used to collect absorption spectra. Absorption maxima provide information about functional groups and can be used to determine structures and for analytical and stereochemical applications.