Gustosissima specialit di origine certamente medioorientale.Acciughe lasciate a macerare nell'aceto,volendo si pu嘆 usare il limone ma io sono per i sapori intensi.Tantissimi Omega 3
Ushahidi's First Academic Webinar was held on Friday, November 11, 2011. This presentation was by Jessica Colaco and Hilda Moraa of the Ihub Research Lab. For more details:
Haiti crowdsourced information about the crisis from local residents via text messages to be translated and mapped within 3 days, helping relief organizations respond to emergencies quickly. Over 170 volunteers and 10,000 Haitian diaspora volunteers assisted with translation, geolocation, and verifying reports which were sent to relief organizations, with one report of an orphanage being out of water getting a response within 10 minutes. The system enhanced Ushahidi's ability to filter and refine crowdsourced information to provide accurate, weighted results to relief workers in Haiti.
Ushahidi's First Academic Webinar was held on Friday, November 11, 2011. This presentation was by Jessica Colaco and Hilda Moraa of the Ihub Research Lab. For more details:
Haiti crowdsourced information about the crisis from local residents via text messages to be translated and mapped within 3 days, helping relief organizations respond to emergencies quickly. Over 170 volunteers and 10,000 Haitian diaspora volunteers assisted with translation, geolocation, and verifying reports which were sent to relief organizations, with one report of an orphanage being out of water getting a response within 10 minutes. The system enhanced Ushahidi's ability to filter and refine crowdsourced information to provide accurate, weighted results to relief workers in Haiti.
Ushahidi introduction: Re-imagining Citizen Engagement
Webinar provided to the Urban Sustainability Director's Network (USDN)
By Heather Leson
February 24, 2012
This document discusses Pivot, an African open source project for crowdsourcing information filtering. It began as Ushahidi, a tool for collecting reports during crises. Pivot aims to filter real-time information crowdsourced from social media and the web using crowd collaboration. The challenges of making sense of large amounts of real-time data are addressed through filtering by the crowd, curating information, and annotating and verifying reports. Lessons learned include solving real problems, keeping software and products separate, and involving different types of contributors.
Mesh 2012
May 23, 2012 Toronto Canada
Heather Leson
Discussion focused on maps for change with a number of Canadian examples.
Ushahidi is incorporating user feedback as we plan for our next stages of the software development.
Gabriel White of Small Surfaces has prepared these User Personas and Scenarios
Privacy, Security and Motivation of CrowdsUshahidi
Ushahidi is an open-source platform for crowdsourcing and mapping data. It was created in 2008 during unrest in Kenya to allow citizens to report incidents via SMS. Ushahidi has since been used in major crises around the world. As data collected grows, organizations face challenges in managing real-time data and discovering credible information. The SwiftRiver initiative aims to help organizations address these issues. Effective crowdsourcing relies on existing social networks and building trust through transparency, consent, and protecting privacy and identity while verifying reported data. Motivating participation includes making it easy with low risk of failure while offering social benefits.
This document lists 7 deployment partners that provide services related to civic technology and digital democracy: SODNET, Pamoja Media, Citivox, Small World News, Digital Democracy, eMoksha. The document does not provide any additional details about each partner.
The Kenya Ushahidi Evaluation Project was 9-month Ushahidi evaluation project in partnership with the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative supported by the Knight Foundation. Jennifer Chan and Melissa Tully conducted research which lead to the creation of case studies and toolboxes. (2011) This is Toolbox #1: Assessment.
Ushahidi is open source software that allows for real-time crowdsourcing and mapping of information. It was originally developed in 2008 to map reports of violence in Kenya following post-election conflicts when traditional media failed. Ushahidi means "testimony" in Swahili and allows individuals to share stories by reporting incidents on a map. It has since been used for crisis response, election monitoring, community mapping and more. The platform lowers barriers for people to share information and their stories in real-time.
This document provides tools for real-time evaluation of a project using an Ushahidi/Crowdmap platform. It includes checklists to evaluate various aspects of a project like partnerships, technology, communications, maps/visualization, information security, and teams/volunteers. Users are prompted to identify which parts are working well, which need improvement, and create an action plan to make changes based on the evaluation.
The document summarizes campaigns run by Jon Gosier and Sarah George. It shows statistics on downloads, deployments, citizen reports, and unique visitors for Ushahidi and related tools. The campaigns empowered ordinary people to participate, filled critical information gaps by drawing on local knowledge, and had real-life impacts. Examples of campaigns highlighted include Ushahidi Haiti, an oil spill crisis map, Uchaguzi, a Russian fires help map, PakReport, and others.
Volunteer Mappers: Building community resilience with citizen mediaUshahidi
Building community resilience with citizen media
Canadian Risks and Hazards Conference
October 18, 2011
Presented by Heather Leson, Director of Community Engagement, Ushahidi
Ushahidi spoke with our community about how to make Ushahidi 3.0. We are building it with their input. Here are some of the original thoughts based on Community input from June - August 2013. There are updated wireframes available.
Scraping the Social Graph with Ushahidi and SwiftRiverUshahidi
This document discusses Ushahidi, an open-source platform for crowdsourcing and visualizing data on maps. It was created in 2008 to allow Kenyans to report incidents via SMS during an election crisis. Ushahidi has since been used to monitor many global crises. The challenge is effectively managing the large amounts of real-time data. The SwiftRiver initiative aims to help discover credible information from public reports. It uses algorithms and a global trust database to augment but not define human decision making.
TedxSilkRoad presentation by Heather Leson on April 11, 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey.
This presentation featured a number of Ushahidi and Crowdmap deployments used for election monitoring, crisis response and civil society activities. The video will be available at a later date.
The document discusses using QR codes to provide information during crisis events and disaster scenarios. It proposes printing QR codes that can be scanned by smart devices to access instructions, messages, media or trigger processes related to marked-up objects and locations. The approach assumes the availability of smart devices, data connectivity, a portable printing device, and that security is not a concern. The document outlines potential uses such as coupling codes with objects to provide information, triggering remote or device processes, carrying device identification, and using codes for authentication or logistics/resource tracking.
This document discusses fieldwork on Ushahidi deployments, including background experiences, challenges, and next steps. It describes fieldwork in Cairo and Nairobi from July to November 2011, where local understanding was found to be crucial but Ushahidi was difficult for long-term strategies. The fieldwork aimed to understand how users communicate and organize online and how cyberactivism translates to on-the-ground impacts. Analysis of deployment websites, social media, and key deployers was conducted from January 2012 to March 2013 to understand patterns and create case descriptions and a best practices report.
31. Tutto pronto , tocco finale una schiocca e vasenicola ( un ciuffo di basilico)
32. Mettiamo il tutto in un piatto da portata ein tavola. A proposito questo piatto pu嘆 essere un contorno o unottimo sugo per una splendida pasta al dente. Facite vuje, limportante 竪 che apprezziate i sapori e profumi mediterranei e scusate la falsa modestia quelli Napoletani sonc e megli. Buona fame a tutti Mons湛 Tina e Aflo [email_address] Angela Luce- Nin狸 Tirabusci嘆