Studenci 3 roku, kierunku Psychologia Kreatywnego Rozwoju w sk?adzie: Katarzyna Ostrowska, Anna Rawa, Adam Ryszewski, prezentuj? projekt pt. Narz?dzie Coachingowe - Podr?cznik, zach?camy do ciekawej lektury...
Establishing & Operating a Dispersed Law FirmCognition LLP
This document discusses establishing and operating a dispersed law firm. It notes that such a firm would behave like in-house counsel, have lawyers with strong credentials available on a flexible basis and integrated with clients' business teams. Rates at a dispersed law firm would be 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of traditional firms. The document outlines where a dispersed law firm model fits between keeping legal work in-house versus using traditional outside law firms. It also provides an overview of Cognition LLP as an example of a dispersed law firm.
Javier Rojas solicita el divorcio de Milagros Sulca alegando separación de hecho por más de 4 a?os. Rojas y Sulca se casaron en 2005 y tienen una hija de 6 a?os. Han estado separados desde 2009 según un acta de conciliación donde establecieron regímenes de tenencia y alimentos. Rojas afirma haber cumplido con el pago de la pensión alimentaria. Solicita que se declare disuelto el vínculo matrimonial.
Enterprise toronto nov 2011 - marketing in web2-0 worldCognition LLP
The document provides an overview of various legal issues related to marketing in a Web 2.0 world, including email marketing and anti-spam laws, user generated reviews, social media marketing, and trademark protection online. It notes requirements around opt-in for email marketing, potential liability for user generated content like defamatory or copyrighted material, and the importance of monitoring brands online.
The document is a summary of a business trip through Moscow by Nikolay, a professional parkour/freerun athlete. Over the course of the trip from 2pm to 6pm, Nikolay visits and trains at several parkour spots around Moscow using his Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 laptop, which has a battery runtime of up to 5 hours. The locations visited include an abandoned aqua theme park, a large abandoned business center, a spot under a bridge known for parkour, and a relaxing spot near flowing water.
The school has three sports teams - football, volleyball, and basketball. It is located at Nort 24 between orient 5 and 7, number 229 with a postal code of 94300.
The Plaza Valle is a large, beautiful shopping center covering 100,000 square meters. It has over 130 stores and 2,000 parking spaces.
The document discusses the person's family, which includes two brothers, one sister, and their parents. They express their love for their family for being united and living together.
This document appears to be a series of counting exercises for kindergarten students learning numbers in English. It presents images with different numbers of objects like pumpkins, stars, flowers, and cars and prompts the student to count and select the correct number, providing feedback when they get the answer right or wrong. The goal is to help students practice counting and recognizing numerals in English.
The document contains 4 summaries of travel data reports from July 2001 to June 2002. Summary Report #10 compares ticket costs between two airports serving the same city, with passengers paying an average of $320 from LGA and $180 from EWR. Summary Report #7 analyzes airline market share using multiple booking agencies, noting that six of the top seven airlines charge punitive fees. Summary Report #6 shows passengers paying over $400 on US Airways for a route where the negotiated Delta contract rate is $270. The same report found passengers paid between $947-1122 to fly from Cleveland to Boston while the fare from Cleveland to Providence on Southwest was $200.
Il progetto SuperMAN della Cooperativa Sociale Kara Bobowski ( tratta il tema dell'accessibilità per le persone con disabilità mentale, affette da Alzheimer o con difficoltà di comprensione, comunicazione, lettura e orientamento.
Perchè accessibilità non significa solo abbattimento di barriere architettoniche.
Visita il sito del progetto finanziato con il supporto della Commissione europea.
The document provides an overview and highlights of key legal issues to consider for businesses undergoing growth and expansion. It touches on drafting employment agreements, commercial contracts, partnerships, and intellectual property protection. Specific topics covered include setting scopes of work, payment terms, limitations of liability, termination provisions, defining the partnership relationship, and filing patents within statutory limits of one year of disclosure.