Un'ottimo piatto unico della cucina mediterranea:pesce azzurro parente del Marlin,olio ev di oliva e pasta tipica,le linguine.Una vera squisitezza da intenditori
Limitamo la tristezza nel ricordodi Boss in una serena rassegnazione.The show must go on.Un pesce azzurro fantastico con una ricetta semplicissima e saporitissima.Da fare
Cucinare il pesce ai bambini è sempre una sfida, a loro piace quello senza spine e cucinato in modo semplice
Non sempre si riesce ad accontentare i palati dei più piccoli, diciamoci la verità , ma con qualche piccolo accorgimento, senza esagerare con i condimenti, riusciremo in questa impresa…
...o almeno proviamoci
Esecuzione facile se il pesce è fresco.Se dovesse essere surgelato suggerirei di aggiungere aromi come salvia,alloro o rosmarino oppure in alternativa gli insaporitori per pesce in vendita nei Super Market
English version of basilica di s . biagio a marateaMy own sweet home
The Basilica of San Biagio is located in the town of Maratea on the Tyrrhenian coast of Basilicata, Italy. It was originally built on the site of a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Minerva. Tradition says the church was constructed in the 8th century when the relics of Saint Blaise were received. The church has undergone several restorations and expansions over the centuries. It was elevated to the status of a minor basilica by Pope Pius XII in 1940.
Limitamo la tristezza nel ricordodi Boss in una serena rassegnazione.The show must go on.Un pesce azzurro fantastico con una ricetta semplicissima e saporitissima.Da fare
Cucinare il pesce ai bambini è sempre una sfida, a loro piace quello senza spine e cucinato in modo semplice
Non sempre si riesce ad accontentare i palati dei più piccoli, diciamoci la verità , ma con qualche piccolo accorgimento, senza esagerare con i condimenti, riusciremo in questa impresa…
...o almeno proviamoci
Esecuzione facile se il pesce è fresco.Se dovesse essere surgelato suggerirei di aggiungere aromi come salvia,alloro o rosmarino oppure in alternativa gli insaporitori per pesce in vendita nei Super Market
English version of basilica di s . biagio a marateaMy own sweet home
The Basilica of San Biagio is located in the town of Maratea on the Tyrrhenian coast of Basilicata, Italy. It was originally built on the site of a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Minerva. Tradition says the church was constructed in the 8th century when the relics of Saint Blaise were received. The church has undergone several restorations and expansions over the centuries. It was elevated to the status of a minor basilica by Pope Pius XII in 1940.
Based on archeological findings, the first settlements in the Maratea region date back to the Paleolithic era. Over time, the region grew as a small trading center under Roman rule. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the local inhabitants moved to Mount San Biagio for safety. The remains of Saint Blaise are still kept in Maratea's Basilica. The town expanded with the founding of the Borgo in the 11th-12th century for a growing population. Maratea entered a period of progress in the 18th century, though it struggled with poverty later on until investments and tourism improved its economy in the 1950s.
The document provides a review of a hotel located in an olive grove near the Gulf. It describes the hotel's beautiful surroundings and facilities that fulfilled all their needs. The hotel has wonderful trees everywhere and a fantastic view from the comfortable rooms. The staff is very professional and available, and there are many amenities like a poolside bar, dance classes, tennis, and late night entertainment. The reviewer expresses satisfaction with their short stay and plans to return after losing more weight to enjoy activities like boat tours or visiting nearby Maratea.
English version of antipasto cilentano e balli digestiviMy own sweet home
Torre Oliva organized a hors d'oeuvre event with music for guests. The young staff helped animate the environment. A belly dance teacher performed an unexpected choreography. The waiters prepared the buffet while the bathroom was located down the left hallway. Everything was ready for the pleasures of the table and crowd to begin. The splendid young entertainment from Torre Oliva started an unbridled tarantella dance with the guests. The guests were having a nice time, being helpful and conveying their youthful energy. While dance is not the author's strong point, they had fun with Torre Oliva and team.
The smiling owner of a farm in Mantova, Italy gives a tour of his farm to visitors, including a young girl named Tina who has never seen a cow up close before. They observe various animals on the farm, including calves that suckle at their mothers' breasts, and pigs that are used for sausages and salamis. While the experience was unique for the visitors, the owner's work on the farm is difficult despite economic satisfactions.
English version of dopo il sacro il profano pranzo al giardino di epicuroMy own sweet home
The author and their companion Tina visit a place called "The Garden of Epicurus" near Maratea, Italy. They are greeted by friendly animals on the property. The inn has a rustic, peaceful atmosphere. For lunch, they enjoy homemade pasta with mutton ragout and grilled beef filet that is very tender, as well as roasted mushrooms. For dessert they have a chocolate and almond cake made by the owner's wife, along with wild fennel liqueur and mirto liqueur also made on site. They purchase additional local products to take with them. That evening they will attend a gala event at the Olive Tower.
Richiudiamo nel nostro cuore il dolore per la perdita del carissimo Boss,the show must go on.Una ricetta facile e gustosissima oltre che per molti di voi un pesce forse mai visto.Da fare
3. Procuriamo circa 1 Kg di pomodorini del piennolo Una delle varietà locali più pregiata e caratteristica la troviamo nella zona del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio: si tratta dei rinomati Pomodorini Vesuviani da serbo localmente detti "del Piennolo" (ovvero "del Pendolo"). Nel comprensorio dei comuni alle pendici del Vesuvio, coltivato su piccoli appezzamenti tra i 150 e i 450 metri sul livello del mare, in assenza di irrigazione, il Pomodorino Vesuviano trae i massimi benefici dal terreno vulcanico e da un sole quanto mai generoso. Anche il suo colore "ardente" è un regalo del vulcano, tanto che secondo gli anziani le radici dei pomodorini si nutrono della lava stessa del Vesuvio.
59. Non ci resta che vogliate provare recuperando i pochi ingredienti che occorrono o abbiate la buona sorte di essere ospiti di monsù Tina e Antonio. Buona fame a tutti [email_address]